16 research outputs found

    Genetic Influence of Candidate Osteoporosis Genes in Saudi Arabian Population: A Pilot Study

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    Background and Objectives. The purpose of the present study is to find the genes and SNP that influence BMD and postmenopausal Saudi women. Material and Methods. Two-hundred ethnic Saudi Arabian women with a diagnosis of postmenopausal osteoporosis were the subjects of this study. Baseline blood hematology, biochemistry, and bone panel were done. Blood was collected, and three TaqMan-MGB probes were used to analyze SNP variants in ALOX15 (rs7220870), LRP5 (C 25752205 10), and TNFRSF11B (C 11869235 10). Results. The variant of ALOX15 17p13 showed that the BMD of the spine was lower in the AA allele (P value <0.002) and fractures were highest at 50% compared to CC allele. In the TNFRSF11B gene, BMD of the hip and spine was significantly higher in the GG allele and the history of fractures was significantly higher in GG group. With regard to the LRP5 (C 25752205 10) gene, there was no significant difference between allele groups. Conclusion(s). This study shows that the genetic influence of osteoporosis in the Caucasian and Saudi Arabians population is similar. We believe that the same genetic markers that influence osteoporosis in the Caucasian race could be used for further studies in the Saudi Arabian population

    Clinical Study Genetic Influence of Candidate Osteoporosis Genes in Saudi Arabian Population: A Pilot Study

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    Background and Objectives. The purpose of the present study is to find the genes and SNP that influence BMD and postmenopausal Saudi women. Material and Methods. Two-hundred ethnic Saudi Arabian women with a diagnosis of postmenopausal osteoporosis were the subjects of this study. Baseline blood hematology, biochemistry, and bone panel were done. Blood was collected, and three TaqMan-MGB probes were used to analyze SNP variants in ALOX15 (rs7220870), LRP5 (C 25752205 10), and TNFRSF11B (C 11869235 10). Results. The variant of ALOX15 17p13 showed that the BMD of the spine was lower in the AA allele (P value &lt; 0.002) and fractures were highest at 50% compared to CC allele. In the TNFRSF11B gene, BMD of the hip and spine was significantly higher in the GG allele and the history of fractures was significantly higher in GG group. With regard to the LRP5 (C 25752205 10) gene, there was no significant difference between allele groups. Conclusion(s). This study shows that the genetic influence of osteoporosis in the Caucasian and Saudi Arabians population is similar. We believe that the same genetic markers that influence osteoporosis in the Caucasian race could be used for further studies in the Saudi Arabian population

    Effect of smoking on reproductive hormones and semen parameters of infertile Saudi Arabians

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    Objective: The purpose of this retrospective study is to look into the effect of smoking on semen and hormonal profile of Saudi Arabians attending infertility clinics. Materials and Methods: Medical record numbers of patients who attended infertility clinics and who underwent full assessment were identified rom Quadramed system and out-patient log books between January 2010 and December 2012. The standard protocol of the patients include full history, age, number of years of marriage personal habits of smoking, alcohol consumption, primary or secondary infertility. Standard laboratory tests which were performed, included, complete blood picture, random blood sugar, testosterone, follicle stimulation hormone, luteinizing hormone, prolactin level and semen analysis; volume, count, progressive motility and morphology. The data was entered in the database and analyzed. Results: During the study period, 279 patients attended and infertility clinic and only 258 gave the sample for analysis. The average age of patients in the smoking group was 34.23 ± 7.66 and in the nonsmokers 34.07 ± 7.92 years. Primary infertility was more common in smokers versus nonsmokers P < 0.001 confidence interval (CI)< −44.0705, total serum testosterone level was lower 383.8 ± 239.5 versus 422.5 ± 139.2 ng/dL (0.009 CI< −9.9415), serum prolactin level was higher 18.68 ± 13.28 versus 12.85 ± 12.34 ng/mL (0.001 CI < 8.3794). The average volume of the semen among the smokers was 2.8 ± 1.35 mL and in nonsmokers it was 3.08 ± 0.76 mL (P < 0.008 CI< −0.123). The mean progressive motility in smokers was 31.5 ± 23.1 compared to nonsmokers 40.05 ± 25.43% (0.002 CI< −3.2962) and total sperm count was 119.52 ± 114.12 and 139.71 ± 104.82 million/mL (0.07 CI < 1.4657). Conclusions: This study shows that the effect of smoking is dramatic reduction in the hormonal levels and semen parameters. It is recommended that smoking men undergoing fertility treatment should stop smoking to increase their chances of having offspring

    Obstetric management after infertility treatment

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    Objective: King Fahd University Hospital, Al-Khobar is a tertiary care center without the facility for in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and embryo transfer, but ovulation induction (OI) is done routinely. The objective of this analysis was to study the obstetric outcome of patients who conceived after IVF and OI. Design: Retrospective analysis. Patients and Methods: One hundred and twenty patients were analysed within the study period of January 1996 and December 2006. Patients were divided into two groups viz; those who became pregnant after IVF and embryo transfer and those who conceived after OI. The obstetric outcome measures analysed include: antenatal and intrapartum complications, the number of babies delivered and the mode of delivery. The data was entered into the database and analysed using SPSS Inc. version 14. Results: The average age was 37.31 ± 4.1 years (range 21-43 years), primary infertility was seen in 74 women and secondary infertility in 46 patients. In 73 (60.8%) of the women, pregnancy occurred after OI and the rest of the patients underwent IVF at other centers. Sixty-nine (57.5%) of women had no previous pregnancy. Antenatal complications were similar in both groups but intrapartum complications were significantly higher in IVF group, P = 0.05. Multiple pregnancies were significantly higher in the IVF group (P = 0.001). Normal vaginal deliveries (NVD) were common in the OI group, and cesarean sections (CS) was significantly higher in IVF group (P = 0.001). Conclusion: This study shows that in pregnancy after IVF and embryo transfer, intrapartum complications were more and CS was the common mode of delivery when compared with those that had only OI.Objectif: Roi Fahd CHU, Al-Khobar est un centre de soins tertiaires sans la facilité pour la fécondation in vitro (FIV) et le transfert d’embryon, mais l’induction de l’ovulation (OI) est effectuée régulièrement. L’objectif de cette analyse était d’étudier l’obstétrique issue de patients ayant conçu après la FIV et OI. Design: Analyse rétrospective. Patients and Methods: Cent vingt patients ont été analysés dans la période d’étude de janvier 1996 et décembre 2006. Patients étaient divisés en deux groupes viz ; ceux qui devient enceinte après la FIV et d’embryons de transfert et ceux qui ont conçu après OI. Les mesures de résultat obstétriques analysés comprennent : les complications antenatal et des enfants, le nombre de bébés livrées et le mode de livraison. Les données a été entrées dans la base de données et analysés à l’aide de SPSS Inc. version 14. Résultats: L’âge moyen était ± 37.31 ans 4.1 (gamme 21–43 ans), infertilité principale a été vu dans 74 femmes et infertilité secondaire chez les 46 patients. Dans 73 (60,8%) des femmes, grossesse s’est produite après OI et le reste des patients ont subi la FIV à d’autres centres. ?Soixante-neuf (57,5%) des femmes n’avait aucune grossesse précédente. Complications prénatales étaient similaires dans les deux groupes mais complications enfants étaient considérablement plus élevées dans le groupe de FIV, P = 0,05. Grossesses multiples ont été considérablement plus élevés dans le groupe de FIV (P = 0,001). Livraisons vaginales normales (NVD) étaient courantes dans le groupe OI et sections de césarienne (CS) a été considérablement plus élevé dans le groupe de FIV (P = 0,001). Conclusion: This study shows that in pregnancy after IVF and embryo transfer, intrapartum complications were more and CS was the common mode of delivery when compared with those that had only OI

    Hormonal, metabolic and clinical profile of Saudi women with polycystic ovary syndrome

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    Objective: To establish the hormonal, metabolic and clinical profile for Saudi women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Design: This is a prospective, cross-sectional study conducted at the University Hospital. All women were seen at the gynecology clinic. One hundred women aged between 18 and 45 years were included in the study; 50 women with polycystic ovary disease (PCOS) comprised the study group and 50 women without PCOS comprised the control group. The hormonal, metabolic and clinical profiles were assessed for both groups. Results: There are significantly higher levels of luteinizing hormone, prolactin, free testosterone dehydroepianosterone sulfate, 17α-hydroxy progesterone and fasting insulin in the study group. There were no differences in the levels of total testosterone, estradiol and cortisone levels between both groups. The levels of follicular stimulating hormone and sex hormone binding globulin were significantly lower in the study group. There were no differences in the blood sugar level, cholesterol, triglycerides and low- and high-density lipoproteins. The womens′ ages, body mass index, blood pressure, uterine dimensions and endometrial thickness were similar in both groups. The size of both ovaries was significantly greater in the study group. There were more follicles in the ovaries of the study group. Conclusion: Hormonal profile of Saudi women with PCOS was similar with what is already published in the medical literature. But, despite the fact that Saudi women with and without PCOS are overweight, they do not suffer from raised blood pressure and metabolic syndrome; this may be due to the fact that women included in this study were relatively young and the sample size might be too small to draw effective conclusions

    Burnout syndrome among multinational nurses working in Saudi Arabia

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    Background : Nursing Staff is reported to be under extreme state of stress, leading to burnout syndrome (BS). Most of the studies have been conducted among the nurses working in their home countries. This study was conducted to assess the prevalence of BS among a multinational nursing workforce in Saudi Arabia. Materials and Methods : King Fahd University Hospital, AlKhobar, Saudi Arabia, is a tertiary care hospital employing 510 nurses of multinational workforce. Two hundred and fifty Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) individual-based questionnaires were distributed after modification to include the age, sex, marital status, nationality, unit working and number of years on the job. The data were entered in the database and analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), version 14.0. A P value of &lt;0.05 was considered statistically significant . Results : One hundred and ninety-eight nurses (77.2%) completed the questionnaire. Their average age was 34.46 \ub1 5.36 years. Forty-five percent (89) had high emotional exhaustion (EE) and 28.9% (57) had moderate suffering with EE. Staffs who were on the job for longer duration had a lesser frequency of EE (P 64 0.001). The frequency of depersonalization (DP) was 83 (42%) and was graded as high and 61 (30.8%) were moderately affected. Personal accomplishment (PA) was moderate to low in the majority of the nurses (71.5%). Married nurses were prone to EE (28.17 \ub1 12.1 versus 22.3 \ub1 9.6) than unmarried nurses (P = 0.003, CI 95% and OR 2.4). The nurses in the patients\u2032 wards and clinics were more emotionally exhausted with higher DP compared to nurses in the high stress and high activity areas (P &lt; 0.001, OR 1211.1; and P &lt; 0.001, CI 95% and OR 9.65). Non-Saudi nurses were significantly more prone to EE (27.3 \ub1 12.1 versus 21.6 \ub1 2.9) than Saudi nurses (P = 0.004; 95% CI: &lt;9.64). Conclusion : We found that majority of the nursing staff at our hospital were in a state of burnout with high frequency of EE and DP. Only a quarter of the surveyed staff felt that they had some level of PA. Age and working away from their home countries were the important predictors in the development of BS in nurses. We believe that working conditions have to be improved to develop strategies to cope and alleviate stressful situations.Arri\ue8re-plan: Du personnel infirmier est d\ue9clar\ue9 sous \ue9tat extr\ueame du stress, conduisant \ue0 un syndrome d\u2019\ue9puisement professionnel (BS). La plupart des \ue9tudes ont \ue9t\ue9 men\ue9e entre les infirmi\ue8res travaillant dans leur pays d\u2019origine. Cette \ue9tude a \ue9t\ue9 men\ue9e afin d\u2019\ue9valuer la pr\ue9valence d\u2019IP entre une main-d\u2019oeuvre infirmi\ue8re multinationales en Arabie saoudite. Mat\ue9riel et m\ue9thodes: Roi Fahd CHU, AlKhobar, Arabie saoudite, est un h\uf4pital de soins tertiaires employant 510 infirmi\ue8res de main-d\u2019oeuvre multinational. Deux cent cinquante Maslach Burnout inventaire (MBI) bas\ue9 sur l\u2019individu questionnaires ont \ue9t\ue9 distribu\ue9s apr\ue8s modification pour inclure l\u2019\ue2ge, sexe, l\u2019\ue9tat matrimonial, nationalit\ue9, unit\ue9 de travail et nombre d\u2019ann\ue9es sur la t\ue2che. Les donn\ue9es ont \ue9t\ue9 entr\ue9es dans la base de donn\ue9es et analys\ue9es \ue0 l\u2019aide du progiciel de statistiques pour les sciences sociales (SPSS), version 14.0. Une valeur de P de &lt; 0,05 \ue9tait consid\ue9r\ue9e comme statistiquement significative. R\ue9sultats: Un cent quatre-vingt-dix-huit infirmi\ue8res (77,2%) rempli le questionnaire. Leur \ue2ge moyen \ue9tait \ue0 \ub1 34,46 ans 5.36. Quarante-cinq pour cent (89) avait \ue9puisement \ue9motionnel haute (EE) et 28,9% (57) souffrance mod\ue9r\ue9e avec \ue9quit\ue9 en emploi. Les \ue9quipes qui \ue9taient au travail pour une dur\ue9e plus longue avaient une moindre fr\ue9quence d\u2019\ue9quit\ue9 en emploi (P &lt; 0,001). La fr\ue9quence de d\ue9personnalisation (DP) \ue9tait 83 (42%) et a \ue9t\ue9 class\ue9e comme \ue9lev\ue9 et 61 (30,8%) \ue9taient mod\ue9r\ue9ment affect\ue9s. R\ue9alisation personnelle (PA) a \ue9t\ue9 mod\ue9r\ue9e \ue0 faible dans la plupart des infirmi\ue8res (71,5%). Infirmi\ue8res mari\ue9s \ue9taient sujettes \ue0 EEPSEA (28.17 \ub1 12.1 versus 22,3 \ub1 9.6) que les infirmi\ue8res non mari\ue9s (P = 0,003, CI 95\uba et ou 2.4). Les infirmi\ue8res dans les quartiers et les cliniques des patients \ue9taient plus \ue9motionnellement \ue9puis\ue9s avec DP plus \ue9lev\ue9 par rapport aux infirmi\ue8res dans les zones de haute activit\ue9 et de stress \ue9lev\ue9 (P &lt; 0.001, OR 1211.1 ; et &lt; 0.001, CI 95\uba et 9,65 OR). Non-Arabie infirmi\ue8res ont\ue9t\ue9 consid\ue9rablement plus enclins \ue0 EEPSEA (27,3 \ub1 12.1 versus 21,6 \ub1 2,9) que les infirmi\ue8res de l\u2019Arabie saoudite (P = 0,004; 95\uba CI: &lt; 9.64). Conclusion: Nous avons trouv\ue9 cette majorit\ue9 de l\u2019infirmi\ue8re personnel \ue0 notre h\uf4pital \ue9tait dans un \ue9tat de burnout avec haute fr\ue9quence d\u2019\ue9quit\ue9 en emploi et DP. Seulement un quart du personnel interrog\ue9 estime qu\u2019ils avaient certaine PA. \uc2ge et travailler loin de leur pays d\u2019origine ont \ue9t\ue9 les indicateurs importants dans le d\ue9veloppement d\u2019IP infirmi\ue8res. Nous pensons que des conditions de travail doivent \ueatre am\ue9lior\ue9es pour \ue9laborer des strat\ue9gies pour faire face et de soulager des situations stressantes

    Burnout syndrome among multinational nurses working in Saudi Arabia

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    Background : Nursing Staff is reported to be under extreme state of stress, leading to burnout syndrome (BS). Most of the studies have been conducted among the nurses working in their home countries. This study was conducted to assess the prevalence of BS among a multinational nursing workforce in Saudi Arabia. Materials and Methods : King Fahd University Hospital, AlKhobar, Saudi Arabia, is a tertiary care hospital employing 510 nurses of multinational workforce. Two hundred and fifty Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) individual-based questionnaires were distributed after modification to include the age, sex, marital status, nationality, unit working and number of years on the job. The data were entered in the database and analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), version 14.0. A P value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant . Results : One hundred and ninety-eight nurses (77.2%) completed the questionnaire. Their average age was 34.46 ± 5.36 years. Forty-five percent (89) had high emotional exhaustion (EE) and 28.9% (57) had moderate suffering with EE. Staffs who were on the job for longer duration had a lesser frequency of EE (P ≤ 0.001). The frequency of depersonalization (DP) was 83 (42%) and was graded as high and 61 (30.8%) were moderately affected. Personal accomplishment (PA) was moderate to low in the majority of the nurses (71.5%). Married nurses were prone to EE (28.17 ± 12.1 versus 22.3 ± 9.6) than unmarried nurses (P = 0.003, CI 95% and OR 2.4). The nurses in the patients′ wards and clinics were more emotionally exhausted with higher DP compared to nurses in the high stress and high activity areas (P < 0.001, OR −11.1; and P < 0.001, CI 95% and OR 9.65). Non-Saudi nurses were significantly more prone to EE (27.3 ± 12.1 versus 21.6 ± 2.9) than Saudi nurses (P = 0.004; 95% CI: <9.64). Conclusion : We found that majority of the nursing staff at our hospital were in a state of burnout with high frequency of EE and DP. Only a quarter of the surveyed staff felt that they had some level of PA. Age and working away from their home countries were the important predictors in the development of BS in nurses. We believe that working conditions have to be improved to develop strategies to cope and alleviate stressful situations.Arrière-plan: Du personnel infirmier est déclaré sous état extrême du stress, conduisant à un syndrome d’épuisement professionnel (BS). La plupart des études ont été menée entre les infirmières travaillant dans leur pays d’origine. Cette étude a été menée afin d’évaluer la prévalence d’IP entre une main-d’oeuvre infirmière multinationales en Arabie saoudite. Matériel et méthodes: Roi Fahd CHU, AlKhobar, Arabie saoudite, est un hôpital de soins tertiaires employant 510 infirmières de main-d’oeuvre multinational. Deux cent cinquante Maslach Burnout inventaire (MBI) basé sur l’individu questionnaires ont été distribués après modification pour inclure l’âge, sexe, l’état matrimonial, nationalité, unité de travail et nombre d’années sur la tâche. Les données ont été entrées dans la base de données et analysées à l’aide du progiciel de statistiques pour les sciences sociales (SPSS), version 14.0. Une valeur de P de < 0,05 était considérée comme statistiquement significative. Résultats: Un cent quatre-vingt-dix-huit infirmières (77,2%) rempli le questionnaire. Leur âge moyen était à ± 34,46 ans 5.36. Quarante-cinq pour cent (89) avait épuisement émotionnel haute (EE) et 28,9% (57) souffrance modérée avec équité en emploi. Les équipes qui étaient au travail pour une durée plus longue avaient une moindre fréquence d’équité en emploi (P < 0,001). La fréquence de dépersonnalisation (DP) était 83 (42%) et a été classée comme élevé et 61 (30,8%) étaient modérément affectés. Réalisation personnelle (PA) a été modérée à faible dans la plupart des infirmières (71,5%). Infirmières mariés étaient sujettes à EEPSEA (28.17 ± 12.1 versus 22,3 ± 9.6) que les infirmières non mariés (P = 0,003, CI 95º et ou 2.4). Les infirmières dans les quartiers et les cliniques des patients étaient plus émotionnellement épuisés avec DP plus élevé par rapport aux infirmières dans les zones de haute activité et de stress élevé (P < 0.001, OR −11.1 ; et < 0.001, CI 95º et 9,65 OR). Non-Arabie infirmières ontété considérablement plus enclins à EEPSEA (27,3 ± 12.1 versus 21,6 ± 2,9) que les infirmières de l’Arabie saoudite (P = 0,004; 95º CI: < 9.64). Conclusion: Nous avons trouvé cette majorité de l’infirmière personnel à notre hôpital était dans un état de burnout avec haute fréquence d’équité en emploi et DP. Seulement un quart du personnel interrogé estime qu’ils avaient certaine PA. Âge et travailler loin de leur pays d’origine ont été les indicateurs importants dans le développement d’IP infirmières. Nous pensons que des conditions de travail doivent être améliorées pour élaborer des stratégies pour faire face et de soulager des situations stressantes

    Vitamin D deficiency in Saudi Arabians: A reality or simply hype: A meta-analysis (2008-2015)

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The objective of this systematic review was to determine from published data the prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency in the Saudi population. METHODS: An extensive and meticulous search was conducted for studies published in MEDLINE, EMBASE the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials and Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (2008”2015), and the Science Citation Index published data from the Annals of Saudi Medicine and Saudi Medical Journal with the key words: Vitamin D deficiency, insufficiency, and Saudi Arabians. The inclusion criterion was studies published during 2008 to 2015, and studies involving healthy individuals between the age of 18 and 80 years. Binary random- effect model was used to estimate pooled Vitamin D deficiency. Prevalence rates along with overall estimate were presented by forest plot. Heterogeneity test was used to assess the significance of heterogeneity among studies. RESULTS: The authors identified 26 potentially relevant articles, 16 of which met the inclusion criteria. A total of 20,787 patients were analyzed. Sixty-two percent (12,959) were females, and the rest were males. The overall Vitamin D deficiency was 63.5% (95% CI: 53.3, 73.7). CONCLUSIONS: The currently available literature on the Saudi Arabian population suggests that the Vitamin D deficiency is around 60% and not 100% as indicated in some studies. The relatively small number of studies on the population and the different modes of diagnostic methodology used make the issue of correct figures of Vitamin D deficiency contentious