214 research outputs found

    VBD-MT Chinese-Vietnamese Translation Systems for VLSP 2022

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    We present our systems participated in the VLSP 2022 machine translation shared task. In the shared task this year, we participated in both translation tasks, i.e., Chinese-Vietnamese and Vietnamese-Chinese translations. We build our systems based on the neural-based Transformer model with the powerful multilingual denoising pre-trained model mBART. The systems are enhanced by a sampling method for backtranslation, which leverage large scale available monolingual data. Additionally, several other methods are applied to improve the translation quality including ensembling and postprocessing. We achieve 38.9 BLEU on ChineseVietnamese and 38.0 BLEU on VietnameseChinese on the public test sets, which outperform several strong baselines

    Information Transparency and Citizens’ Continuous Use Intention of e-Government Services

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    After more than two decades of development, e-Government services have become not only familiar to but also a significant part of citizens’ life. However, as the needs of citizens in using e-Government services changes, an improved understanding of citizen’s continuous use intention is warranted. This study therefore aims to explore the factors that influence citizens’ continuous use intention of e-Government services. Although, previous studies have identified several factors from a range of theories that explain the nature of continuous use intention of various technologies, they lack attention to factors that are specifically relevant to the e-Government context. In particular, the extant e-Government services literature highlights information transparency as an important factor for any governments but there is a lack of understanding about its impacts on citizen’s perceptions of e-Government services (i.e. trust, empowerment, and satisfaction). Thus, this study focuses on examining the role of information transparency in citizen’s continuous use intention of e-Government services by integrating DeLone and McLean’s IS Success Model with the concept of information transparency, and theories of continuous trust and empowerment


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    Cadres and civil servants who are ethnic Khmer people in the Mekong Delta have an essential position and role in implementing the Party's guidelines and guidelines, policies, and laws of the State to present with the people and directly manage society to achieve order, stability, and development. Cadres and civil servants who are ethnic Khmer people are the bridge between the Party, State, and the people, reflecting the people's legitimate thoughts and aspirations for the Party and State. Based on the method of document research, and secondary data, the paper outlines the characteristics of the Khmer people in the Mekong Delta; viewpoints and lines of the Party, policies, and laws of the State on training and retraining policies for cadres and civil servants who are ethnic Khmer people; On the basis of the actual situation of the policy, the thesis has proposed a number of solutions to improve the effectiveness of the policy on training and fostering cadres and civil servants who are ethnic Khmer people in the Mekong Delta.  Article visualizations

    Dynamic Analysis of Mindlin Plates Resting on a Viscoelastic Foundation Subjected to Moving Loads During Abrupt Braking using Moving Element Method

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    The paper proposes a new computational approach using the moving element method (MEM) for simulating the dynamic responses of Mindlin plate resting on a viscoelastic foundation subjected to moving loads during abrupt braking. In this approach, the governing equations as well as the plate element mass, damping and stiffness matrices are formulated in a convected coordinate in which the origin is attached to the applied point of the moving load. Thus, the proposed method simply treats the moving loads as ‘stationary’ at the nodes of the plate to avoid updating the locations of moving loads due to the change of the contact points on the plate. The interaction between the moving load and the plate during abrupt braking is accounted for through the vertical force and tangential wheel-pavement friction force. The effects of wheel sliding, load deceleration magnitude, friction coefficient, and plate thickness on the dynamic responses of plate are investigated

    New Blind Muti-signature Schemes based on ECDLP

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    In various types of electronic transactions, including election systems and digital cash schemes, user anonymity and authentication are always required. Blind signatures are considered the most important solutions to meeting these requirements. Many studies have focused on blind signature schemes; however, most of the studied schemes are single blind signature schemes. Although blind multi-signature schemes are available, few studies have focused on these schemes. In this article, blind multi-signature schemes are proposed based on the Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP). The proposed schemes are based on the GOST R34.10-2012 digital signature standard and the EC-Schnorr digital signature scheme, and they satisfy blind multi-signature security requirements and have better computational performance than previously proposed schemes. The proposed schemes can be applied in election systems and digital cash schemes

    M^2UNet: MetaFormer Multi-scale Upsampling Network for Polyp Segmentation

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    Polyp segmentation has recently garnered significant attention, and multiple methods have been formulated to achieve commendable outcomes. However, these techniques often confront difficulty when working with the complex polyp foreground and their surrounding regions because of the nature of convolution operation. Besides, most existing methods forget to exploit the potential information from multiple decoder stages. To address this challenge, we suggest combining MetaFormer, introduced as a baseline for integrating CNN and Transformer, with UNet framework and incorporating our Multi-scale Upsampling block (MU). This simple module makes it possible to combine multi-level information by exploring multiple receptive field paths of the shallow decoder stage and then adding with the higher stage to aggregate better feature representation, which is essential in medical image segmentation. Taken all together, we propose MetaFormer Multi-scale Upsampling Network (M2^2UNet) for the polyp segmentation task. Extensive experiments on five benchmark datasets demonstrate that our method achieved competitive performance compared with several previous methods

    Multi-layer moving plate method for dynamic analysis of pavement structures subjected to moving loads

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    This paper presents a new approach, namely multi-layer moving plate method (MMPM), for the dynamic analysis of pavement structures subjected to moving load. The pavement resting on multi-layer foundation is modeled as a two-layer plate connected by a spring-damper system resting on a viscoelastic foundation. This model gives a accurately pavement structure model so that the dynamic responses of the surface slab and the base can be obtained. The governing equations as well as the plate element mass, damping and stiffness matrices are formulated in a convected coordinate with the idea of attaching its origin to the applied point of the moving load. The proposed method simply treats the moving load as ‘stationary’ at the node of the plate to avoid the updating of the location of moving load due to change of contact points on the plate. Numerical examples related to the dynamic analysis of the pavement structure subjected to a moving load are conducted to investigate the effects of various parameters such as concrete slab thickness, base thickness, foundation stiffness and the load’s velocity on dynamic responses of the pavement structure

    Assessment of physical land suitability by GIS-based fuzzy AHP for rubber plantation at the Nam Dong district, Thua Thien Hue province

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    This research was conducted to determine the main influences and physical factors of land suitability for rubber plantation in the Nam Dong district, Thua Thien Hue province. Six factors such as soil type, soil texture, soil thickness, slope, soil pH and soil organic matter content were considered. Results indicate that soil thickness is has the highest role on the land suitability analysis while soil pH has the lowest. The physical land suitability of rubber plantation was divided into 4 levels: very suitable (10.1%), suitable (15.5%), slightly suitable (3.6%), and currently not suitable (70,8%). This research provides important information for rubber cultivation in projected agricultural land use planning of the Nam Dong district.Nghiên cứu này được thực hiện nhằm xác định sự ảnh hưởng của các yếu tố tự nhiên đến sự thích nghi đất đai của loại hình sử dụng đất trồng cây cao su trên địa bàn huyện Nam Đông, tỉnh Thừa Thiên Huế. Có 6 yếu tố được xem xét trong nghiên cứu này bao gồm: loại đất, thành phần cơ giới, tầng dày canh tác, độ dốc, độ chua và hàm lượng mùn trong đất. Kết quả nghiên cứu chỉ ra rằng tầng dày canh tác là yếu tố có ảnh hưởng lớn nhất đến việc sử dụng đất trồng cây cao su, trong khi đó độ chua là yếu tố có ảnh hưởng ít nhất. Sự thích nghi tự nhiên của loại hình sử dụng đất trồng cây cao su được chia thành 4 mức độ bao gồm rất thích nghi (10,1%), thích nghi (15,5%), tương đối thích nghi (3,6%) và hiện taị không thích nghi (70,8%). Nghiên cứu này cung cấp những thông tin cần thiết và hữu ích cho việc quy hoạch sử dụng đất trồng cây cao su trên địa bàn huyện Nam Đông