338 research outputs found

    A manually curated network of the PML nuclear body interactome reveals an important role for PML-NBs in SUMOylation dynamics

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    Promyelocytic Leukaemia Protein nuclear bodies (PML-NBs) are dynamic nuclear protein aggregates. To gain insight in PML-NB function, reductionist and high throughput techniques have been employed to identify PML-NB proteins. Here we present a manually curated network of the PML-NB interactome based on extensive literature review including database information. By compiling 'the PML-ome', we highlighted the presence of interactors in the Small Ubiquitin Like Modifier (SUMO) conjugation pathway. Additionally, we show an enrichment of SUMOylatable proteins in the PML-NBs through an in-house prediction algorithm. Therefore, based on the PML network, we hypothesize that PML-NBs may function as a nuclear SUMOylation hotspot

    Analyzing Effects of Institutional Quality on Banking Stability: Evidence from Asean Countries

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    Purpose: The aim of this study is to examine the effect of institutional quality on bank stability using bank-level data from 2010 to 2020.   Theoretical framework: The study considers institutions from the perspective of governance institutions. Accordingly, the concept of government institutions is related to the country's organizational foundation in terms of governance, implying institutional quality.   Design/methodology/approach: The study uses GMM method and also choose the Zscore as the primary variable for bank stability.   Findings: The results show that institutional quality increases the stability of banks. Moreover, with the threshold model, the results show that countries with institutional quality above the threshold will increase the stability of banks. In addition, macroeconomic and banking characteristics variables such as total assets, income diversification, quality of control, inflation, and GDP growth rate have a high significance in the model.   Research, Practical & Social implications: The study shows The study's empirical results have specific policy implications for the Government in implementing policies related to institutional quality to improve bank stability.   Originality/value:   there are not many researches done to investigate institutional quality to improve bank stability. Moreover, from economic crisis, the matter of banking stability is among main concerns of many researches. Second, previous researches just focus on the aspect of corruption and ignore other aspects or other factors. That’s why authors conduct this research


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart

    Analyzing surface EMG signals to determine relationship between jaw imbalance and arm strength loss

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    BACKGROUND: This study investigated the relationship between dental occlusion and arm strength; in particular, the imbalance in the jaw can cause loss in arm strength phenomenon. One of the goals of this study was to record the maximum forces that the subjects can resist against the pull-down force on their hands while biting a spacer of adjustable height on the right or left side of the jaw. Then EMG measurement was used to determine the EMG-Force relationship of the jaw, neck and arms muscles. This gave us useful insights on the arms strength loss due to the biomechanical effects of the imbalance in the jaw mechanism. METHODS: In this study to determine the effects of the imbalance in the jaw to the strength of the arms, we conducted experiments with a pool of 20 healthy subjects of both genders. The subjects were asked to resist a pull down force applied on the contralateral arm while biting on a firm spacer using one side of the jaw. Four different muscles – masseter muscles, deltoid muscles, bicep muscles and trapezoid muscles – were involved. Integrated EMG (iEMG) and Higuchi fractal dimension (HFD) were used to analyze the EMG signals. RESULTS: The results showed that (1) Imbalance in the jaw causes loss of arm strength contra-laterally; (2) The loss is approximately a linear function of the height of the spacers. Moreover, the iEMG showed the intensity of muscle activities decreased when the degrees of jaw imbalance increased (spacer thickness increased). In addition, the tendency of Higuchi fractal dimension decreased for all muscles. CONCLUSIONS: This finding indicates that muscle fatigue and the decrease in muscle contraction level leads to the loss of arm strength

    Study of Melting Temperature of Metals: Pressure Dependence

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    The melting temperature of metals are studied using the statistical moment method, going the quasi-harmonic appromations. The melting temperature of metals are calculated as a function of the pressure. We discuss the pressure dependence of melting temperatures of Ce, Fe metals and compare the present results with those of the experimental results


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart
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