33 research outputs found

    Impact of public entrepreneurial innovation in improving the performance within Moroccan University: Case of IBN TOFAIL University

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    innovation and entrepreneurship into the managerial and digital evolution adopted by public administrations recently. The literature review presents a conceptual analysis of public entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial innovation, key concepts that are defined on both theoretical and empirical level. Through a methodology based on qualitative analysis based on the processing of interviews by experts in the field, this article draws an exclusive portrait of the integration of entrepreneurial innovation within public organizations, the case of Moroccan universities, more precisely the University IBN TOFAIL of Kenitra, through a series of semi-structured interviews with civil servants, managers and professors-researchers with more than 10 years of professional experience. The results analyzed demonstrate a typology of organizational innovation perceived by the interviewees and which plays a dual role in improving the working conditions of the public administration and its business ecosystem in question.   Keywords: public administrations, public entrepreneurship; innovation; good governance; business ecosystem; JEL classification: L26; P27; M21 Paper type: Empirical ResearchDans un contexte Ă©troitement liĂ© Ă  l’innovation et la bonne gouvernance, Les pratiques innovantes sont de plus en plus prĂ©sentes pour une meilleure gouvernance, intĂ©grant l’entrepreneuriat dans le secteur public Ă  travers les stratĂ©gies managĂ©riales et digitales adoptĂ©es par les administrations publiques rĂ©cemment. La revue de littĂ©rature prĂ©sente une analyse conceptuelle de l’innovation entrepreneuriale au sein du secteur public, ses concepts phares sont fondĂ©s aussi bien sur le plan thĂ©orique qu’empirique. DĂ©montrĂ© par une mĂ©thodologie basĂ©e sur une analyse qualitative, cet article dresse un portrait exclusif de l’intĂ©gration de l’innovation entrepreneuriale au sein des administrations publiques par le biais d’une sĂ©rie d’entretiens personnalisĂ©s adressĂ©s Ă  des fonctionnaires dont l’expĂ©rience de fonctionnariat dĂ©passe 10 ans d’expĂ©rience professionnelle. Les rĂ©sultats analysĂ©s affirment une certaine nouvelle typologie d’innovation organisationnelle perçue par les fonctionnaires et qui joue un double rĂŽle pour l’amĂ©lioration des conditions de travail de l’administration publique d’une part et d’autre part, et l’ embellissement de son Ă©cosystĂšme d’affaires . La bonne gouvernance est l’un des facteurs explicatifs des diffĂ©rences de dĂ©veloppement Ă©conomique dans tous les pays. Elle permet d'Ă©tablir la confiance et la sĂ©curitĂ© chez les citoyens aux administrations publiques, ce qui stimule Ă  la fois le dĂ©veloppement Ă©conomique et social. « Une Bonne gouvernance Â» est devenue un symbole de modernitĂ© dans les modes d’actions publiques utilisĂ©s en se basant sur l’innovation managĂ©riale pour un meilleur amĂ©nagement du territoire.   Mots-clefs: entrepreneuriat public, administrations publiques, innovation; gouvernance; Ă©cosystĂšme d’affaires; secteur public. Classification JEL: L26; P27; M21 Type de l’article: Article empirique

    Covid Prognostic Score (CoPs) to predict prognostic outcome in Patients with Severe Covid-19 Pneumonia

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    Objectives: To assess the degree of medical intervention needed for treatment and its application in areas with low resources and testing facilities. Methodology: A Retrospective Cohort study was conducted on 141 patients from June 2020 to May 2021. All PCR positive covid patients were included; excluding those who died or left within 24 hours of admission. Data was obtained from hospital record. (HIMS), incorporating sociodemographic details, history of co-morbids and presenting complaints. A Covid-Prognostic Score was developed to predict hospital outcome and severity of covid disease. It comprised of age, comorbidity (diabetes and ischemic heart disease), chest-x ray score, neutrophil- lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and ferritin score. Using SPSS version 23, descriptive means were analyzed; Chi-square test was applied along with Mann- Whitney U and linear regression. P-value less than 0.05 was considered significant. Results: A significant association was found between health status (i.e., alive or dead) and diabetes (p=0.045) and ischemic heart disease (p=0.004), which reinforced their importance in the CoPS score. Association between CoPS and gender health status was highly significant; (p=0.003) (p=0.000) respectively. A positive correlation was found between CoPS and duration of hospital stay (R = 0.495) (p=0.216). Conclusion: The continuous surge of Covid-19 is causing hospital resource and facility burn out. The CoPS score aims to pave way for triage therapy from the point of admission. A multi-center approach and scoring of “severity strata” of disease would further corroborate the relevance of the CoPS scoring system

    Relationship of spot urine oxalate to creatinine ratio and 24 hours urinary oxalate excretion in patients with urolithiasis

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    Background: The evaluation of 24 h urinary oxalate excretion is the gold standard for diagnosing hyperoxaluria in patients with recurrent urolithiasis. However, 24 h urine sample collection is cumbersome. Therefore we aim to see if oxalate to creatinine ratio in random urine sample can be used as an alternative.Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted at Section of Chemical Pathology, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Aga Khan University Karachi from 1st February to December 31, 2019. A total of 62 adult patients, 18-60 years of age with history of kidney stones presenting to the clinical laboratory for 24 h urine oxalate estimation were invited to participate in the study after informed consent. Clinical details were recorded on a structured questionnaire and patients were guided to submit 24 h urine and a random spot urine sample. Urinary oxalate was measured on Micro lab 300 using a kit based on oxalate oxidase principle by Trinity Biotech plc, Wicklow, Ireland following standard operating procedures. Urinary creatinine was measured on ADVIA 1800 by Siemens, US using kinetic Jaffe reaction according to the manufacturer\u27s instructions. The data was analyzed on SPSS.Results: In a period of ten months, a total of 62 subjects were recruited; mean age was 32.4 ± 2.6 years. Males were 49 (79.0%) and females were 13 (20.9%). Correlation was found to be (r = 0.289) by Spearman correlation (p value \u3c 0.005). Taking 24 h urinary oxalate as gold standard the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of spot oxalate to creatinine ratio was 83.3%, 17.8%, 9.8% and 90.9% respectively.Conclusion: The random spot urine test cannot replace the 24 h urinary oxalate estimation in patients with urolithiasis

    Health Informatics Tools to Improve Utilization of Laboratory Tests

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    Herein, we discuss improper test utilization practices and their implications on delivery of health care, as well as providing a brief explanation of the means to reduce such practices by improvement of personnel factors, particularly involving physicians. The article also elaborates on ways to mitigate improperly utilized test practices using appropriate health informatics technologies to their maximum possible capacities

    Impact du COVID-19 sur le secteur du tourisme au Maroc : Analyse Ă  travers le modĂšle Input-Output

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    Le prĂ©sent papier a pour objectif de mesurer l’incidence du Covid 19 sur le secteur du tourisme par le choc de la baisse de la consommation des mĂ©nages sur la branche de l’hĂŽtellerie et de la restauration. L’analyse s’est basĂ©e sur le modĂšle Input-Output en s’appuyant sur les donnĂ©es du tableau ressource-emploi relatif Ă  l’économie marocaine de 2019 (le plus rĂ©cent disponible). Les rĂ©sultats ont dĂ©montrĂ© une diminution de la consommation intĂ©rieure du tourisme rĂ©cepteur de 68% ce qui a provoquĂ© une diminution de la valeur ajoutĂ©e de 28364,87 en millions de MAD et une baisse de la production de la branche (HĂŽtels et Restaurants) de 43683 millions de MAD. Le papier a tentĂ© d’évaluer l’impact de Covid-19 sur le secteur du tourisme Ă  travers la baisse de la consommation intĂ©rieure du tourisme rĂ©cepteur en utilisant le modĂšle input output. L’article a mis en exergue le rĂŽle du tourisme rĂ©cepteur et suggĂšre que les pouvoirs publics se penchent davantage sur la promotion du tourisme national Ă  travers le soutien des initiatives du secteur privĂ© et la mise en place des programmes de fidĂ©lisation des touristes nationaux

    Antioxidant Activity Improvement of Apples Juice Supplemented with Chitosan-Galactose Maillard Reaction Products

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    Chitosan-galactose Maillard reaction (CG) were prepared by heating at 100 °C for 3 hrs in a model system containing chitosan (CH) and 1%, 1.5% and 2% (w/v) of galactose. The results showed that the absorbance at 294 and 420 nm, the fluorescence intensity and the color differences of CG Maillard reaction products (MRPs) increased significantly with the increase of galactose concentration, which indicated the development of MRPs. In addition, FT-IR analysis showed that the degree of deacetylation of CG-MRPs was reduced with the increasing galactose ratio by the schiff base (–C=N) formation, indicating that the galactose has been attached to the amino group of chitosan. Likewise, the antioxidant activities (DPPH, chelating ability and reducing power) of CG-MRPs were investigated. Notably, the effect of galactose concentration in CG-MRPs was found to enhance the antioxidant activity, indicating that CG-2% exhibited the highest antioxidant activity in the range of 0.25–2.0 mg/mL. Furthermore, the apple juice supplemented with CG-MRPs could significantly improve the antioxidant activities, and CG-2% in apple juice showed the better antioxidant capacity at the concentration of 1.0 mg/mL. Thus, we conclude that CG-MRPs addition may greatly improve the antioxidant quality of apple juice

    Electrochemical Biosensors for Detection of MicroRNA as a Cancer Biomarker: Pros and Cons

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    Cancer is the second most fatal disease in the world and an early diagnosis is important for a successful treatment. Thus, it is necessary to develop fast, sensitive, simple, and inexpensive analytical tools for cancer biomarker detection. MicroRNA (miRNA) is an RNA cancer biomarker where the expression level in body fluid is strongly correlated to cancer. Various biosensors involving the detection of miRNA for cancer diagnosis were developed. The present review offers a comprehensive overview of the recent developments in electrochemical biosensor for miRNA cancer marker detection from 2015 to 2020. The review focuses on the approaches to direct miRNA detection based on the electrochemical signal. It includes a RedOx-labeled probe with different designs, RedOx DNA-intercalating agents, various kinds of RedOx catalysts used to produce a signal response, and finally a free RedOx indicator. Furthermore, the advantages and drawbacks of these approaches are highlighted

    A case of a patient infected with a hepatitis C virus genotype 3a multidrug resistant variant in Pakistan

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    Abstract Background Approximately 10 million people in Pakistan are infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV). Most patients develop chronic hepatitis, with rare cases of spontaneous clearance. However, little is known about multidrug resistant viral variants in Pakistan. Findings This case study describes a 47-year-old male diagnosed with chronic HCV genotype 3a infection in 2003. After an initial diagnosis of viral infection, the patient remained treatment naïve for 5 years. He received two therapy cycles of interferon (IFN) plus ribavirin (RBV) in 2007 and 2010, however, he was non-responsive to the therapy. The patient then received an additional two treatment cycles of pegylated IFN α-2b plus RBV (in 2011 and 2013); he was still non-responsive. In 2016, the patient underwent sofosbuvir plus RBV combination therapy, however, the sustained virological response was still not achieved. The host genetic factor was found to be heterozygous guanine and thymine (GT) and cytosine and thymine (CT) genotypes of rs8099917 and rs12979860 polymorphism of IL28B, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that the resistant variant belong to an out-group and may require triple therapy. Conclusions This is the first case that reports on a HCV-infected individual who was a non-responder to multiple IFN therapies in Pakistan. Further studies are needed to understand multidrug-resistant HCV variants in the Pakistani population