779 research outputs found

    Enhanced light collection from a gallium nitride color center using a near index-matched solid immersion lens

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    Among the wide-bandgap compound semiconductors, gallium nitride is the most widely available material due to its prevalence in the solid state lighting and high-speed/high-power electronics industries. It is now known that GaN is one of only a handful of materials to host color centers that emit quantum light at room temperature. In this paper, we report on a bright color center in a semi-polar gallium nitride substrate, emitting at room temperature in the near-infrared. We show that a hemispherical solid immersion lens, near index matched to the semiconductor, can be used to enhance the photon collection efficiency by a factor of 4.3±0.14.3\pm0.1, whilst improving the lateral resolution by a factor equal to the refractive index of the lens

    Methods for identifying surgical wound infection after discharge from hospital: a systematic review.

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    Background: Wound infections are a common complication of surgery that add significantly to the morbidity of patients and costs of treatment. The global trend towards reducing length of hospital stay post-surgery and the increase in day case surgery means that surgical site infections (SSI) will increasingly occur after hospital discharge. Surveillance of SSIs is important because rates of SSI are viewed as a measure of hospital performance, however accurate detection of SSIs post-hospital discharge is not straightforward. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of methods of post discharge surveillance for surgical wound infection and undertook a national audit of methods of post-discharge surveillance for surgical site infection currently used within United Kingdom NHS Trusts. Results: Seven reports of six comparative studies which examined the validity of post-discharge surveillance methods were located; these involved different comparisons and some had methodological limitations, making it difficult to identify an optimal method. Several studies evaluated automated screening of electronic records and found this to be a useful strategy for the identification of SSIs that occurred post discharge. The audit identified a wide range of relevant post-discharge surveillance programmes in England, Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland; however, these programmes used varying approaches for which there is little supporting evidence of validity and/or reliability. Conclusion: In order to establish robust methods of surveillance for those surgical site infections that occur post discharge, there is a need to develop a method of case ascertainment that is valid and reliable post discharge. Existing research has not identified a valid and reliable method. A standardised definition of wound infection ( e. g. that of the Centres for Disease Control) should be used as a basis for developing a feasible, valid and reliable approach to defining post discharge SSI. At a local level, the method used to ascertain post discharge SSI will depend upon the purpose of the surveillance, the nature of available routine data and the resources available

    Adamantyl Retinoid-Related Molecules Induce Apoptosis in Pancreatic Cancer Cells by Inhibiting IGF-1R and Wnt/β-Catenin Pathways

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    Pancreatic carcinoma has a dismal prognosis as it often presents as locally advanced or metastatic. We have found that exposure to adamantyl-substituted retinoid-related (ARR) compounds 3-Cl-AHPC and AHP3 resulted in growth inhibition and apoptosis induction in PANC-1, Capan-2, and MiaPaCa-2 pancreatic cancer cell lines. In addition, AHP3 and 3-Cl-AHPC inhibited growth and induced apoptosis in spheres derived from the CD44+/CD24+ (CD133+/EpCAM+) stem-like cell population isolated from the pancreatic cancer cell lines. 3-Cl-AHPC-induced apoptosis was preceded by decreasing expression of IGF-1R, cyclin D1, β-catenin, and activated Notch-1 in the pancreatic cancer cell lines. Decreased IGF-1R expression inhibited PANC-1 proliferation, enhanced 3-Cl-AHPC-mediated apoptosis, and significantly decreased sphere formation. 3-Cl-AHPC inhibited the Wnt/β-catenin pathway as indicated by decreased β-catenin nuclear localization and inhibited Wnt/β-catenin activation of transcription factor TCF/LEF. Knockdown of β-catenin using sh-RNA also induced apoptosis and inhibited growth in pancreatic cancer cells. Thus, 3-Cl-AHPC and AHP3 induce apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cells and cancer stem-like cells and may serve as an important potential therapeutic agent in the treatment of pancreatic cancer

    Fabrication of quantum emitters in aluminium nitride by Al-ion implantation and thermal annealing

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    Single-photon emitters (SPEs) within wide-bandgap materials represent an appealing platform for the development of single-photon sources operating at room temperatures. Group III- nitrides have previously been shown to host efficient SPEs which are attributed to deep energy levels within the large bandgap of the material, in a way that is similar to extensively investigated colour centres in diamond. Anti-bunched emission from defect centres within gallium nitride (GaN) and aluminium nitride (AlN) have been recently demonstrated. While such emitters are particularly interesting due to the compatibility of III-nitrides with cleanroom processes, the nature of such defects and the optimal conditions for forming them are not fully understood. Here, we investigate Al implantation on a commercial AlN epilayer through subsequent steps of thermal annealing and confocal microscopy measurements. We observe a fluence-dependent increase in the density of the emitters, resulting in creation of ensembles at the maximum implantation fluence. Annealing at 600 {\deg}C results in the optimal yield in SPEs formation at the maximum fluence, while a significant reduction in SPE density is observed at lower fluences. These findings suggest that the mechanism of vacancy formation plays a key role in the creation of the emitters, and open new perspectives in the defect engineering of SPEs in solid state.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Polarization study of single color centers in aluminum nitride

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    Color centers in wide-bandgap semiconductors are a promising class of solid-state quantum light source, many of which operate at room temperature. We examine a family of color centers in aluminum nitride, which emits close to 620 nm. We present a technique to rapidly map an ensemble of these single photon emitters, identifying all emitters, not just those with absorption dipole parallel to the laser polarization. We demonstrate a fast technique to determine their absorption polarization orientation in the c-plane, finding they are uniformly distributed in orientation, in contrast to many other emitters in crystalline materials


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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of quadriceps cross-sectional area (CSA) of the dominant quadriceps muscle in the assessment of the physical working capacity at the fatigue threshold (PWCFT) during incremental cycle ergometry. Methods: Eighteen adults (9 men and 9 women; mean age ± SD = 20.5 ± 1.04 yr; mean body weight ± SD = 73.9 ± 18.2 kg; mean height ± SD = 172.3 ± 11.5 cm; mean dominant quadriceps CSA ± SD = 68.7 ± 14.5 cm2) performed an incremental cycle ergometry test to exhaustion while the electromyographic (EMG) signals were recorded from the vastus lateralis (VL) muscles. Fatiguing and non-fatiguing power outputs were differentiated by examining the slope coefficients for the EMG amplitude versus time relationship at each power output throughout the incremental cycle ergometry test. Quadriceps CSA was estimated from an equation. Subjects were divided into groups of small quadriceps CSA (57.3 ± 10.0 cm2) and large quadriceps CSA (80.0 ± 7.6 cm2). Results: Independent t-test results indicated no significant mean differences between the PWCFT for the large and small quadriceps CSA groups (p=0.456). Conclusion: The findings of the study suggest that muscle CSA may not have a significant effect on the assessment of the PWCFT, and therefore that PWCFT may be a determinant of neuromuscular fatigue independent of muscle CSA. Future research could explore the contributions of muscle fibertype predominance to CSA and PWCFT and provide more conclusive evidence relating these variables

    Coherent, mechanical control of a single electronic spin

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    The ability to control and manipulate spins via electrical, magnetic and optical means has generated numerous applications in metrology and quantum information science in recent years. A promising alternative method for spin manipulation is the use of mechanical motion, where the oscillation of a mechanical resonator can be magnetically coupled to a spins magnetic dipole, which could enable scalable quantum information architectures9 and sensitive nanoscale magnetometry. To date, however, only population control of spins has been realized via classical motion of a mechanical resonator. Here, we demonstrate coherent mechanical control of an individual spin under ambient conditions using the driven motion of a mechanical resonator that is magnetically coupled to the electronic spin of a single nitrogen-vacancy (NV) color center in diamond. Coherent control of this hybrid mechanical/spin system is achieved by synchronizing pulsed spin-addressing protocols (involving optical and radiofrequency fields) to the motion of the driven oscillator, which allows coherent mechanical manipulation of both the population and phase of the spin via motion-induced Zeeman shifts of the NV spins energy. We demonstrate applications of this coherent mechanical spin-control technique to sensitive nanoscale scanning magnetometry.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Indirect Regulation of Environmental Hazards Through the Provision of Information to The Public: The Case of SARA, Title III

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    Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 seeks to reduce the risks of chemical accidents through a strategy of indirect regulation that relies on providing the public with information about chemical hazards. For this strategy to be effective, citizens must aggressively utilize the information provided to monitor industrial practices and press for risk reduction. Since prior research suggests it is very difficult to evoke the degree of citizen action that would be required to make a strategy of indirect regulation successful, and since the federal legislation provided no funds for implementation, there is a question o/whether the structures set up by Title III are sufficient to achieve its objectives. This article reports the results of a national study that examined selected aspects of the implementation of Title III in an effort to assess the likely outcome of its attempt at indirect regulation. Our focus is on the degree to which the Title Ill-mandated Local Emergency Planning Committees are pursuing policies that are likely to get the necessary information to citizens and foster community debate on hazardous materials issues

    Underground railroads: citizen entitlements and unauthorized mobility in the antebellum period and today

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    In recent years, some scholars and prominent political figures have advocated the deepening of North American integration on roughly the European Union model, including the creation of new political institutions and the free movement of workers across borders. The construction of such a North American Union, if it included even a very thin trans-state citizenship regime, could represent the most significant expansion of individual entitlements in the region since citizenship was extended to former slaves in the United States. With such a possibility as its starting point, this article explores some striking parallels between the mass, legally prohibited movement across boundaries by fugitive slaves in the pre-Civil War period, and that by current unauthorized migrants to the United States. Both were, or are, met on their journeys by historically parallel groups of would-be helpers and hinderers. Their unauthorized movements in both periods serve as important signals of incomplete entitlements or institutional protections. Most crucially, moral arguments for extending fuller entitlements to both groups are shown here to be less distinct than may be prima facie evident, reinforcing the case for expanding and deepening the regional membership regime