452 research outputs found

    The homotopy theory of simplicial props

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    The category of (colored) props is an enhancement of the category of colored operads, and thus of the category of small categories. In this paper, the second in a series on "higher props," we show that the category of all small colored simplicial props admits a cofibrantly generated model category structure. With this model structure, the forgetful functor from props to operads is a right Quillen functor.Comment: Final version, to appear in Israel J. Mat

    Using domiciliary non-invasive ventilator data downloads to inform clinical decision-making to optimise ventilation delivery and patient compliance

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    © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2018. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted. Introduction Ventilation parameter data from patients receiving home mechanical ventilation can be collected via secure data cards and modem technology. This can then be reviewed by clinicians and ventilator prescriptions adjusted. Typically available measures include tidal volume (V T ), leak, respiratory rate, minute ventilation, patient triggered breaths, achieved pressures and patient compliance. This study aimed to assess the potential impact of ventilator data downloads on management of patients requiring home non-invasive ventilation (NIV). Methods A longitudinal within-group design with repeated measurements was used. Baseline ventilator data were downloaded, reviewed and adjustments made to optimise ventilation. Leak, V T and compliance data were collected for comparison at the first review and 3-7 weeks later. Ventilator data were monitored and amended remotely via a modem by a consultant physiotherapist between the first review and second appointment. Results Analysis of data from 52 patients showed increased patient compliance (% days used > 4 hours) from 90% to 96% (p=0.007), increased usage from 6.53 to 6.94 hours (p=0.211) and a change in V T (9.4 vs 8.7 mL/kg/ideal body weight, p=0.022). There was no change in leak following review of NIV prescriptions (mean (SD): 43 (23.4) L/min vs 45 (19.9)L/min, p=0.272). Conclusion Ventilator data downloads, via early remote assessment, can help optimise patient ventilation through identification of modifiable factors, in particular interface leak and ventilator prescriptions. However, a prospective study is required to assess whether using ventilator data downloads provides value in terms of patient outcomes and cost-effectiveness. The presented data will help to inform the design of such a study

    Direct and indirect impact of low energy availability on sports performance

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    Low energy availability (LEA) occurs inadvertently and purposefully in many athletes across numerous sports; and well planned, supervised periods with moderate LEA can improve body composition and power to weight ratio possibly enhancing performance in some sports. LEA however has the potential to have negative effects on a multitude of physiological and psychological systems in female and male athletes. Systems such as the endocrine, cardiovascular, metabolism, reproductive, immune, mental perception, and motivation as well as behaviors can all be impacted by severe (serious and/or prolonged or chronic) LEA. Such widely diverse effects can influence the health status, training adaptation, and performance outcomes of athletes leading to both direct changes (e.g., decreased strength and endurance) as well as indirect changes (e.g., reduced training response, increased risk of injury) in performance. To date, performance implications have not been well examined relative to LEA. Therefore, the intent of this narrative review is to characterize the effects of short-, medium-, and long-term exposure to LEA on direct and indirect sports performance outcomes. In doing so we have focused both on laboratory settings as well as descriptive athletic case-study-type experiential evidence

    'Treatment of the Sportsman's groin': British Hernia Society's 2014 position statement based on the Manchester Consensus Conference

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    <b>Introduction</b> The aim was to produce a multidisciplinary consensus to determine the current position on the nomenclature, definition, diagnosis, imaging modalities and management of Sportsman's groin (SG).<p></p> <b>Methods</b> Experts in the diagnosis and management of SG were invited to participate in a consensus conference held by the British Hernia Society in Manchester, UK on 11–12 October 2012. Experts included a physiotherapist, a musculoskeletal radiologist and surgeons with a proven track record of expertise in this field. Presentations detailing scientific as well as outcome data from their own experiences were given. Records were made of the presentations with specific areas debated openly.<p></p> <b>Results</b> The term ‘inguinal disruption’ (ID) was agreed as the preferred nomenclature with the term ‘Sportsman's hernia’ or ‘groin’ rejected, as no true hernia exists. There was an overwhelming agreement of opinion that there was abnormal tension in the groin, particularly around the inguinal ligament attachment. Other common findings included the possibility of external oblique disruption with consequent small tears noted as well as some oedema of the tissues. A multidisciplinary approach with tailored physiotherapy as the initial treatment was recommended with any surgery involving releasing the tension in the inguinal canal by various techniques and reinforcing it with a mesh or suture repair. A national registry should be developed for all athletes undergoing surgery.<p></p> <b>Conclusions</b> ID is a common condition where no true hernia exists. It should be managed through a multidisciplinary approach to ensure consistent standards and outcomes are achieved

    Deep lithospheric structures along the southern central Chile Margin from wide-angle P-wave modellilng

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    Crustal- and upper-mantle structures of the subduction zone in south central Chile, between 42 degrees S and 46 degrees S, are determined from seismic wide-angle reflection and refraction data, using the seismic ray tracing method to calculate minimum parameter models. Three profiles along differently aged segments of the subducting Nazca Plate were analysed in order to study subduction zone structure dependencies related to the age, that is, thermal state, of the incoming plate. The age of the oceanic crust at the trench ranges from 3 Ma on the southernmost profile, immediately north of the Chile triple junction, to 6.5 Ma old about 100 km to the north, and to 14.5 Ma old another 200 km further north, off the Island of Chiloe. Remarkable similarities appear in the structures of both the incoming as well as the overriding plate. The oceanic Nazca Plate is around 5 km thick, with a slightly increasing thickness northward, reflecting temperature changes at the time of crustal generation. The trench basin is about 2 km thick except in the south where the Chile Ridge is close to the deformation front and only a small, 800-m-thick trench infill could develop. In south central Chile, typically three quarters (1.5 km) of the trench sediments subduct below the decollement in the subduction channel. To the north and south of the study area, only about one quarter to one third of the sediments subducts, the rest is accreted above. Similarities in the overriding plate are the width of the active accretionary prism, 35-50 km, and a strong lateral crustal velocity gradient zone about 75-80 km landward from the deformation front, where landward upper-crustal velocities of over 5.0-5.4 km s<SU-1</SU decrease seaward to around 4.5 km s<SU-1</SU within about 10 km, which possibly represents a palaeo-backstop. This zone is also accompanied by strong intraplate seismicity. Differences in the subduction zone structures exist in the outer rise region, where the northern profile exhibits a clear bulge of uplifted oceanic lithosphere prior to subduction whereas the younger structures have a less developed outer rise. This plate bending is accompanied by strongly reduced rock velocities on the northern profile due to fracturing and possible hydration of the crust and upper mantle. The southern profiles do not exhibit such a strong alteration of the lithosphere, although this effect may be counteracted by plate cooling effects, which are reflected in increasing rock velocities away from the spreading centre. Overall there appears little influence of incoming plate age on the subduction zone structure which may explain why the M-w = 9.5 great Chile earthquake from 1960 ruptured through all these differing age segments. The rupture area, however, appears to coincide with a relatively thick subduction channel

    Jump-Landing Biomechanics and Knee-Laxity Change Across the Menstrual Cycle in Women With Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

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    Of the individuals able to return to sport participation after an anterior cruciate ligament(ACL) injury, up to 25% will experience a second ACL injury. This population may be more sensitive to hormonal fluctuations, which may explain this high rate of second injury

    Integrating Suspended Sediment Flux in Large Alluvial River Channels: Application of a Synoptic Rouse‐Based Model to the Irrawaddy and Salween Rivers

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    A large portion of freshwater and sediment is exported to the ocean by a small number of major rivers. Many of these megarivers are subject to substantial anthropogenic pressures, which are having a major impact on water and sediment delivery to deltaic ecosystems. Due to hydrodynamic sorting, sediment grain size and composition vary strongly with depth and across the channel in large rivers, complicating flux quantification. To account for this, we modified a semi‐empirical Rouse model, synoptically predicting sediment concentration, grain‐size distribution, and organic carbon (%OC) concentration with depth and across the river channel. Using suspended sediment depth samples and flow velocity data, we applied this model to calculate sediment fluxes of the Irrawaddy (Ayeyarwady) and the Salween (Thanlwin), the last two free‐flowing megarivers in Southeast Asia. Deriving sediment‐discharge rating curves, we calculated an annual sediment flux of urn:x-wiley:jgrf:media:jgrf21236:jgrf21236-math-0001 Mt/year for the Irrawaddy and urn:x-wiley:jgrf:media:jgrf21236:jgrf21236-math-0002 Mt/year for the Salween, together exporting 46% as much sediment as the Ganges‐Brahmaputra system. The mean flux‐weighted sediment exported by the Irrawaddy is significantly coarser (D84 = 193 ± 13 ÎŒm) and OC‐poorer (0.29 ± 0.08 wt%) compared to the Salween (112 ± 27 ÎŒm and 0.59 ± 0.16 wt%, respectively). Both rivers export similar amounts of particulate organic carbon, with a total of urn:x-wiley:jgrf:media:jgrf21236:jgrf21236-math-0003 Mt C/year, 53% as much as the Ganges‐Brahmaputra. These results underline the global significance of the Irrawaddy and Salween rivers and warrant continued monitoring of their sediment flux, given the increasing anthropogenic pressures on these river basins
