9 research outputs found

    Dynamic decision model based on the performance of collaborative business processes

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    Cette thèse se focalise sur l’amélioration de l’évaluation de performance des processus métiers collaboratifs. Il s’agit de poursuivre l’évolution de la collaboration entre l’entreprise et ses partenaires. Trois niveaux d’abstraction ont été d’abord identifiés : Métier, fonctionnel et applicatif. Ensuite, nous avons développé une approche descendante allant du niveau métier au niveau applicatif. Dans le niveau métier, des différents d’indicateurs clés de performance ont été proposés à travers la méthodeECOGRAI. Dans le niveau applicatif, nous avons proposé un référentiel d’analyse contenant des indicateurs techniques fonctionnels tels que la durée, l’input, l’output, et non-fonctionnels notamment la maturité, le risque, l’interopérabilité à partir des traces d’exécution. Nous avons proposé ainsi un modèle ontologique en vue de capitaliser et enrichir la sémantique de la performance de ces processus. Nous avons proposé un modèle ascendant pour l’agrégation des indicateurs technique au niveaumétier. Le principal objectif de cette agrégation est la corrélation entre le comportement de l’application métier agrégé à partir de l’exécution et l’évolution des indicateurs métiers. Un autre modèle de gestion des événements métiers a été également proposé pour consolider le processus d’apprentissage de notre approche. Par ailleurs, pour assurer la convergence de la performance, nous avons combiné entre la gestion des traces et la gestion des évènements métiers. Cette combinaison permet d’accompagner l’évolution des processus métiers collaboratifs pendant leur exécution. L’accompagnement évoqué avant favorise l’obtention d’un diagnostic sur la performance pour servir à la prise de décision. Cette dernière est liée étroitement à la détection des alertes et particulièrement à l’anticipation des déviations de la performance le plus rapidement possible. Pour valider lacontribution scientifique de cette thèse, une étude de cas a été réalisée sur un processus de création de devis dans le cadre du projet européen FITMAN.This thesis focuses on improving the performance evaluation of collaborative business processes. It is about pursuing the evolution of the collaboration between the company and its partners. In the beginning, three abstraction levels were identified: Business, functional and application. Then, we developed a top-down approach from the business level to the application level. In the business level, different key performance indicators have been proposed through the ECOGRAI method. In the application level, we proposed an analytical repository containing functional technical indicators such as duration, input, output, and non-functional, including maturity, risk, and interoperability based on execution traces. We have thus proposed an ontological model in order to capitalize and enrich the semantics of the performance of these processes. We proposed a bottom-up model for the aggregation of technical indicators at the business level. The main objective of this aggregation is the correlation between the behavior of the aggregated business application from the execution and the evolution of the business indicators. Another business event management model was also proposed to consolidate the learning process of our approach. Moreover, to ensure the convergence of performance, we have combined traces management and business event management. This combination allows to accompany the evolution of the collaborative business processes during their execution. The aforementionedaccompaniment favors the obtaining of a diagnosis on performance to be used for decision-making. The latter is closely linked to the detection of alerts and particularly to the anticipation of deviations in performance as quickly as possible. To validate the scientific contribution of this thesis, a case study was carried out on a process of creation of quote within the framework of the European project FITMAN

    An analysis and assessment approach for collaborative process in Service-Oriented Architectures

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    International audienceThe role of Information Technology (IT) is critical in supporting business processes. This role is even more critical when organizations operate in a dynamic, uncertain and extremely competitive environment. The growing role of IT in organizations imposes the alignment of their use with business processes requirements and company strategy. The necessity of Business/IT alignment is a key to improve business performance. This paper proposes a methodology for analyzing and evaluating the quality of business process execution. The aim of this methodology is to assess the business process during its lifecycle and to propose some solutions to restore the alignment between IT infrastructure and Business Process in a collaborative context. Our approach is composed of 5 models, (1) analysis reference model (risk, maturity.) for analyzing the component execution traces in business processes, (2) ontological model to ensure the description of processes between the applicative level (execution), functional level and business level, (3) interpretation model (butom-up) for aggregating the performance of processes at business level, (4) assessment business process model based on Key Indicators Performance and (5) aggregation model to validate the final performance for collaborative business process

    Performance assessment architecture for collaborative business processes in BPM-SOA-based environment

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    International audienceTo be competitive and flexible, companies engage in collaborations to develop and share their competences in order to cope with the dynamic environment. Collaborative business process evaluation helps to reflect the actual functioning of business process and their performance level. In this perspective, research in assessing collaborative business process performance presents relevant guidelines in order to adapt IT solutions when business requirements evolve. In this paper, we present an analysis and assessment approach for collaborative business processes in the service-oriented architecture in order to maintain their performance in competitive markets. Our approach proposes an evaluation method using execution traces of business process combined with a high-level assessment method using key performance indicators. Our main objectives are to track the execution of collaborative business process and to analyze the performance trajectory of a business process regarding the business performance level. To collect and structure the performance knowledge (execution and measurement), we create an ontological model-based knowledge repository in order to enrich the semantics of an evaluation business process. The precise track of execution data in our approach is able to identify events that disrupt the proper functioning of processes at the runtime. From an industrial case study, we can conclude that our ontological approach can target the performance assessment of collaborative business processes effectively

    A Maturity Model to Promote the Performance of Collaborative Business Processes

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    Part 3: PLM MaturityInternational audienceMaturity models help organizations to measure the quality of their processes. These models are able to indicate how excellent business processes (BP) can perform and how organizations can reach the expected and higher performance. Maturity models aim at assessing and improving the capabilities, i.e., skills or competences, of business processes. However, finding the most appropriate maturity model is not an easy task especially for practitioners in manufacturing industry. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to critically propose a maturity model for the Collaborative Business Process (CBP) in a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). We observed in the literature a lack of the evolution maturity over the time and its impact on the business process performance

    Performance assessment architecture for collaborative business processes in BPM-SOA-based environment

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    International audienceTo be competitive and flexible, companies engage in collaborations to develop and share their competences in order to cope with the dynamic environment. Collaborative business process evaluation helps to reflect the actual functioning of business process and their performance level. In this perspective, research in assessing collaborative business process performance presents relevant guidelines in order to adapt IT solutions when business requirements evolve. In this paper, we present an analysis and assessment approach for collaborative business processes in the service-oriented architecture in order to maintain their performance in competitive markets. Our approach proposes an evaluation method using execution traces of business process combined with a high-level assessment method using key performance indicators. Our main objectives are to track the execution of collaborative business process and to analyze the performance trajectory of a business process regarding the business performance level. To collect and structure the performance knowledge (execution and measurement), we create an ontological model-based knowledge repository in order to enrich the semantics of an evaluation business process. The precise track of execution data in our approach is able to identify events that disrupt the proper functioning of processes at the runtime. From an industrial case study, we can conclude that our ontological approach can target the performance assessment of collaborative business processes effectively

    Study of an intelligent and multicriteria scheduling service, using academic benchmarks

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    International audienceThe implementation of new production organization methods becomes essential in the evolution of companies context. These methods include scheduling. In this context, scheduling is generally multicriteria. To solve this problem we need multicriteria optimization methods to search all optimal solutions and multicriteria decision making methods to choose the best compromise between potential solutions. The objective here, is to evaluate the performance of a multicriteria decision making method used, in real time, in the holonic, isoarchic and multicriteria model (named PROSIS (Product, Resource, Order, Simulation, Isoarchic System)) through academic benchmarks. After presenting the existing intelligent control based on an intelligent scheduling service, the choice of the multicriteria aid method named 'Analytic Hierarchy Process' (AHP) is justified. After that, the implementation of the multicriteria scheduling service in PROSIS is described. At the end, the benchmarks allowing to study the performance of the multicriteria scheduling are presented before analysing the results

    A Maturity Model to Promote the Performance of Collaborative Business Processes

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    Part 3: PLM MaturityInternational audienceMaturity models help organizations to measure the quality of their processes. These models are able to indicate how excellent business processes (BP) can perform and how organizations can reach the expected and higher performance. Maturity models aim at assessing and improving the capabilities, i.e., skills or competences, of business processes. However, finding the most appropriate maturity model is not an easy task especially for practitioners in manufacturing industry. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to critically propose a maturity model for the Collaborative Business Process (CBP) in a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). We observed in the literature a lack of the evolution maturity over the time and its impact on the business process performance