2,085 research outputs found

    Convergence of violent crime in the United States: Time series test of nonlinear

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    This study examines the violent crime convergence among the fifty one states in the United States. The chosen method for this analysis is nonlinear unit root test due to Kapetanios et al. (KSS, 2003), which was later extended by Chong et al. (CHLL, 2008). KSS-CHLL nonlinear unit root was applied for the test of nonlinear convergence among the fifty one states with respect to the national average for the period 1960 to 2007. Result of the study indicates that eight cases of long run converging, two cases of catching up, while the remainder forty one are diverging from the national average.convergence of crime; united states; non-linear

    Causation analysis between stock price and exchange rate: Pre and post crisis study on Malaysia

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    The furore and chaos created by the Asian financial crisis have ignited many studies on numerous subjects, and it is believed that the crisis has changed the way nations being administered and policies formed and implemented especially those regarding monetary and fiscal policies. Johansen (1991) cointegration method was used and the period was divided into two sub periods, albeit pre crisis and post crisis. The results obtained are similar with a number of past literatures pointing to no long run relationship between stock price and exchange rate for both periods.Stock price, exchange rate, Asian financial crisis, Cointegration

    The relationship between trade openness, foreign direct investment and growth: Case of Malaysia

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    This study examines the role of trade openness and foreign direct investment in influencing economic growth in Malaysia during 1975-2005, using the Bounds testing approach suggested by Pesaran et al. (2001). The empirical results demonstrate that trade openness is positively associated and statistically significant determinant of growth, both in short run and the long run. The result also suggested that foreign direct investment is positively associated in the short run and negatively associated in the long run, both significantly. Besides these two variables, the other control variable namely exchange rate is also significant in the short run as well as in the long run.trade openness; foreign direct investment; economic growth; Malaysia

    Metodelogi Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam untuk Kaum Lansia di Pondok Pesantren Lansia Al Hidayah Kelurahah Doromukti Kecamatan Tuban Kabupaten Tuban

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    Education is one of the primary needs in life, thats means humans cannot be separated from educational activities. The purpose of education in general is to educate the nation\u27s life and develop the whole person. Educators will use different methods in each class when he teaches, such as one face-to-face and collaborate with other learning methods. The age of the students in learning influences the method used by educators. Elderly education activities (Elderly) do not occur very much in Indonesia. The institutions that overshadow and organize the education of the elderly are still lacking. Over a period of nearly 50 years (1971-2018), the percentage of Indonesia\u27s elderly population has doubled. The educational needs of the elderly are actually still large. The greatest need is education about religion. To cover the activity, there is an institution for organizing elderly education, namely al Hidayah Islamic boarding school, Doromukti sub-district, Tuban district. This Islamic boarding school organizes a special Islamic religious education for the elderly. Islamic religious education methods used in the al Hidayah Islamic boarding school in Doromukti sub-district, Tuban district include; methods of travel, lecture, support, sorogan and practice

    High-speed spiral imaging technique for an atomic force microscope using a linear quadratic Gaussian controller

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    This paper demonstrates a high-speed spiral imaging technique for an atomic force microscope (AFM). As an alternative to traditional raster scanning, an approach of gradient pulsing using a spiral line is implemented and spirals are generated by applying single-frequency cosine and sine waves of slowly varying amplitudes to the X and Y-axes of the AFM's piezoelectric tube scanner (PTS). Due to these single-frequency sinusoidal input signals, the scanning process can be faster than that of conventional raster scanning. A linear quadratic Gaussian controller is designed to track the reference sinusoid and a vibration compensator is combined to damp the resonant mode of the PTS. An internal model of the reference sinusoidal signal is included in the plant model and an integrator for the system error is introduced in the proposed control scheme. As a result, the phase error between the input and output sinusoids from the X and Y-PTSs is reduced. The spirals produced have particularly narrow-band frequency measures which change slowly over time, thereby making it possible for the scanner to achieve improved tracking and continuous high-speed scanning rather than being restricted to the back and forth motion of raster scanning. As part of the post-processing of the experimental data, a fifth-order Butterworth filter is used to filter noises in the signals emanating from the position sensors and a Gaussian image filter is used to filter the images. A comparison of images scanned using the proposed controller (spiral) and the AFM PI controller (raster) shows improvement in the scanning rate using the proposed method

    The economic antecedents of human well being: a pooled mean group estimation of dynamic heterogeneous panel

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    This study seeks to investigate the economic antecedents of happiness by employing the Mean Group (MG), Pooled Mean Group (PMG) and the Dynamic Fixed Effects (DFE) estimators to analyse a set of macro panel data on selected OECD countries for 40 years from 1973 to 2012. The results show evidence that income and unemployment have a favourable impact on happiness, while happiness is hindered by inflation and income inequality. Surprisingly, the study revealed that institutional quality is not a significant antecedent of happiness. It is worth noting the importance of the reference group theory or relative theory of happiness and the set-point theory of happiness in explaining the role played by income, unemployment, inflation, income inequality and institutional quality in explaining human well-being

    Non-linear unit root properties of stock prices : evidence from India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

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    This study applies a threshold autoregressive (TAR) model to monthly stock prices for three South Asian countries over the period from 1991:01 to 2009:09. Two main conclusions are drawn. Firstly, the results indicate that all the stock prices in this study exhibit non-linear behavior. Secondly, a partial unit root was found to be present in one of the regimes indicating that the stock prices are weak form efficiency, but not all the time


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    Current Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) and Global System for Mobile Communications Association (GSMA) standards require establishing generic slice templates for each Service Provider (SP) worldwide in order to enable Fifth Generation (5G) slicing in Local Break Out (LBO) (roaming) scenarios. In current standards-based deployments, templates have to be shared among all 5G SPs in order to enable 5G roaming. As a result, it can be difficult to create, separate, and maintain various slice templates inside an SP network. Provided herein is a technique to enable 5G slicing for roaming subscribers using predefined slices that can be mapped by an Access and Mobility Management Function (AMF)


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dukungan keluarga, masyarakat dan pemerintah terhadap Penyandang Disabilitas Mental (PDM) dengan riwayat pasung dalam rangka Gerakan Stop Pemasungan tahun 2019. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey dengan responden 32 orang kepala keluarga  yang dipilih dengan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian mendapati : (1) dukungan keluarga pada PDM yang lepas pasung selalu lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan dukungan pada PDM yang sedang dipasung. (2) dukungan emosional dari keluarga pada PDM yang lepas pasung berada lebih tinggi dibandingkan dukungan lainnya (dukungan instrumental, informasi dan penghargaan). (3) dukungan keluarga PDM pasung rata-rata masih rendah tetapi secara umum sudah dalam kategori sedang. Masyarakat belum mendukung keluarga atau PDM. Mereka tidak mau bertanggung jawab terhadap PDM bila dilepas pasungnya. Rendahnya dukungan masyarakat pada kasus-kasus yang terjadi disebabkan karena mereka belum memahami cara pendekatan dan pemulihan atau rehabilitasi sosial pada PDM. Hanya propinsi NTB yang sudah memiliki peraturan gubernur terkait pencegahan dan penanganan pasung. Kalimantan selatan dan Sumatera Barat belum mempunyai regulasi. Selain itu sebagai implementasi dari dilaksanakannya MoU pencegahan dan penanganan pasung, pada lokasi penelitian hanya dinas sosial dan dinas kesehatan saja yang melakukan koordinasi. Tiga instasi lain (Dukcapil, Kepolisian dan BPJS) belum melaksanakan dan bahkan tidak mengetahui adanya MoU. Kerjasama tiga pihak (keluarga, masyarakat dan pemerintah) sangat penting untuk mensukseskan program Gerakan Stop Pemasungan tahun 2019.   Kata Kunci : penyandang disabilitas mental, pasung, dukungan keluarga, dukungan masyarakat, dukungan pemerintah.   Abstract   This study aims to analyze the support of family, community and government against Mental Disabled Persons (PDM) with history of pasung in the framework of the Stop Gerakan Pemasungan tahun 2019. This study used survey method with 32 respondents head of household selected with purposive sampling technique. The results of the study found: (1) family support on PDM loose stocks was always higher than support for PDM being depleted. (2) the emotional support of the family on the loose PDM is higher than the other support (instrumental support, information and rewards). (3) the support of PDM family of the average is still low but generally it is in the medium category. The community has not supported the family or PDM. They do not want to be responsible for the PDM when it is released its stock. The lack of community support in cases that occurred because they do not understand how to approach and recovery or social rehabilitation in PDM. Only NTB province that already has governor regulations related to the prevention and handling of the market. South Kalimantan and West Sumatra have no regulation yet. In addition, as the implementation of the implementation of the MoU on prevention and handling of the post, at the location of the study only the social service and the health office that coordinates. Three other instances (Dukcapil, Police and BPJS) have not implemented and do not even know the existence of MoU. Three-party cooperation (family, community and government) is crucial to the success of Stop Gerakan Pemasungan  2019 program.   Keywords: persons with mental disabilities, pasca, family support, community support, government suppor