927 research outputs found

    Madurese Fishing Community Cultural Perception of Coastal Litter

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    Piles of litter on the beach polluting the sea have become one of the global problems at this time. Indonesia is an archipelago country whose coastline is inhabited by tribes who have been living as fishermen for hundreds of years. Therefore, it is important to understand what the cultural perception of the fishing community is regarding the litter problem. This study aimed to figure out the perception of the fishing community in Madurese culture regarding the litter on the beach. By adhering to the phenomenological paradigm, the researchers chose four fishing families in Madura, conducted semi-structured interviews and observations, as well as analyzed the data. We conducted Creswell and Poth’s qualitative data analysis spiral. The found that the Madurese fishing community perceives coastal litter as (a) a physical problem, (b) a human-God relational problem, and (c) an individual-government relational problem. In short, the community\u27s perceptions of the litter on the beach are related to their beliefs about the position of humans, nature, and God

    Identifikasi dan Analisis Risiko Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja di Area Mesin PT. Nadira Prima Menggunakan Risk Assesment Process Iso 31000:2009 dan Metode Job Hazard Analysis

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    PT. Nadira Prima is one of manufacturing firms that is active in furniture sectors in Semarang. The products dominated by furniture that made of wood such as table, chair, benches, cupboard, frame, and sideboard. Based on the results of the observation and interviews with HRD section of the work accident in PT. Nadira Prima, most accidents occured on the production machine and the accidents were categorized as a work accident with high level severity because in some cases result in some workers lost one member of their body. From the results of observation also found some employees had distruption respiratory due to inhaling dust remaining a saw wood and irritating eyes problems. Based on these cases, note that the need for risk analysis efforts on safety and health work that integrated into the risk management starts with the identification of risks at work process operator to determine the level of risk of accidents and connect it to the facts of the accident and diseases caused by work that ever happened in PT. Nadira Prima. So that the risk can be minimized easily by specifying the appropriate control. In this study, the authors used a risk assesment process based on ISO 31000: 2009 with the purpose to find out the level of risk (risk rating) in the machines area. Whereas, for the risk identification process, the author uses the method of Job Hazard Analysis (JHA). The method is aimed at knowing the risks posed so that potential accidents and illness caused by work activity can be controlled by outlining steps of jobs


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    The aim of this research is to develop a picture card game for the introduction of number symbols for children aged 4-5 years. This researcher is a type of development research or (R&D) with the ADDIE research method ((Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluate). The subjects in this research are 15 preschool students aged 4-5 years. The data collection method used namely observation and documentation, as well as the data analysis technique used, namely a questionnaire to determine the feasibility of the picture card game media and to analyze the practicality of using observation to determine the ability to recognize number symbols in children aged 4-5 years. And then a picture card game for children's recognition of number symbols 4-5 year olds were declared practical based on trials with 15 students with scores of 82;5 and 87.5 in the very practical category. Based on the results above, it was concluded that picture card games for children aged 4-5 years old were practical

    Conflicts of Interest in Neoliberal Times: Perspectives of Australian medical students

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    In this paper we report on the findings from six focus groups conducted with Australian medical students. The focus groups discussed students’ perceptions of conflicts of interest and the influence of commercial values in health care and medical education. Our research revealed that students were aware of a number of structural influences that affected the medical education they received and that had the potential to shape their attitudes and practices as they progressed in becoming a doctor. We found that the pressures of educational workload and anticipated career trajectories tended to have an individualising effect that limited the perceived possibility of collective action and response to structural influences. We interpreted these findings through the lens of neoliberal governmentality to articulate the way commercial interests are negotiated and normalised by medical students. Based on these findings, we suggest that medical education should not only explicitly alert students to effects of political and commercial influences on the healthcare system, but also encourage the collective agency of students and strategies that do not place unrealistic expectations on individuals to effect structural change. KEYWORDS: Neoliberalism, conflicts of interest, medical education, medical students, ethicsThis work was supported by the National Health and Medical Research Council [grant number 1059732]

    Perancangan Aplikasi SMS Gateway untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Pelayanan Informasi Pemadaman Listrik Di PT PLN (Persero) Kota Palu

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    Upaya pemeliharaan atau perbaikan listrik di Kota Palu mengakibatkan dilakukannya pemadaman listrik secara bergilir. Proses pemadaman tersebut selama itu tidak dilakukan secara teratur, sehingga mengakibatkan banyaknya keluhan dari pelanggan dan dapat memicu terjadinya kebakaran. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan suatu sistem informasi yang dapat menginformasikan jadwal pemadaman listrik menggunakan suatu alat komunikasi seperti SMS Gateway. SMS Gateway adalah sebuah perangkat lunak yang menggunakan bantuan komputer dan memanfaatkan teknologi seluler yang diintegrasikan guna mendistribusikan pesan-pesan yang di generate lewat sistem informasi menggunakan media SMS yang ditangani oleh operator seluler. Penelitian ini menjelaskan proses perancangan aplikasi SMS Gateway yang dibuat dengan teknologi SMS sehingga membantu bidang pelayanan pengiriman informasi pemadaman listrik. Software opensource yang digunakan untuk membuat pengiriman pesan pemadaman listrik berbasis SMS Gateway adalah Gammu, MySql, Apache, dan Netbeans IDE 7.4. Software NetBeans IDE 7.4 digunakan untuk membuat program SMS Gateway sehingga pengguna listrik bisa menerima informasi pemadaman listrik melalui SMS

    Make Linkin Park Site Using Macromedia Flash 5.0

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    Today was a lot of software that is used for the manufacture of a biased website butfor the ordinary use of the software that a user must have expertise in a particularprogramming language. But the other is with flash, this software allows one to makethe homepage without the need for HTML proficiency or collect books. In addition tothe flash users can create good visual effects, and can produce a highly interactivewebsite.The concept of the site is expected to help internet users to make it easier to get thelatest news and information. And also the media to the site owner to deliver the newsand information related to the group band Linkin Park to its loyal fans in Indonesia

    Effects of Population Density and Host Availability on the Migration Process of Brown Planthopper Fed Using Susceptible and Resistant Rice Varieties

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    Brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal. (Hemiptera: Delphacidae), is an important pest of rice. This pest can cause hopperburn and field failure. This research aimed to determine the effects of population density and host availability on migration of N. lugens. The criteria used to justify the effects of host availability and population density on migration of N. lugens were based the hardness and tannin tests of the rice stems, fecundity of N. lugens, and the life cycle of N. lugens. The research was conducted under the temperature of 29.42°C with relative humidity of 61% and Light 12: Dark 12 times, using ten pairs of N. lugens brachypterous (F0 constant) and then was added with five male adults on fifth days after the first infestation (F0 changed). The varieties used were IR64, as a resistant variety, and Ketan Lusi, as a susceptible variety. The results showed that the adding of the macropterous males did not affect the number of macropterous, because of that has been preplanned by the F0. Therefore, the percentage of existing macropterous was 51−52%. INTISARI Wereng Batang Cokelat (WBC) merupakan salah satu hama tanaman padi yang sangat penting. Kerusakan parah dapat menyebabkan hopperburn dan puso (gagal panen). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh kepadatan populasi dan tanaman inang sebagai tempat migrasi WBC. Parameter yang dikaji untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepadatan populasi WBC dan tanaman inang tempat migrasi WBC berdasarkan tingkat kekerasan dan kandungan tanin batang tanaman padi, fekunditas WBC, dan siklus hidup WBC. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada temperatur 29.42˚C dengan kelembapan relatif 61% dan durasi siang hari 12 jam: durasi malam hari 12 jam. Metode yang dilakukan adalah dengan menggunakan 10 pasang imago WBC brakhiptera (F0 konstan), kemudian dilakukan penambahan 5 ekor imago jantan pada hari kelima setelah infestasi awal (F0 diubah). Varietas padi yang digunakan yaitu padi varietas IR64 sebagai varietas tahan dan ketan Lusi sebagai varietas rentan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan imago jantan makroptera tidak berpengaruh terhadap jumlah keturunan makroptera yang dihasilkan, karena imago (F0) telah merencanakan terlebih dahulu keturunan yang akan dihasilkan. Oleh karena itu, persentase terbentuk keturunan imago makroptera berkisar antara 51−52%
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