940 research outputs found

    Decoupling of optoelectronic properties from morphological changes in sodium treated kesterite thin film solar cells

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    Sodium is typically used during the synthesis of kesterite thin films to enhance the performance of solar cells. As sodium tends to affect grain growth and morphology, it is difficult to analyse solely the electronic effects of sodium as dopant. To decouple the structural and electronic effects from each other, two processes were designed in this work to successfully incorporate sodium into a vacuum-processed Cu2ZnSnSe4absorber without changing the morphology. A thin layer of NaF is deposited before precursor deposition (Pre-NaF) or after absorber synthesis to undergo a post deposition treatment (NaF-PDT). While composition and distribution of matrix elements remain unchanged, the sodium concentration is increased upon sodium treatment up to 140 ppm as measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy showed that the surface composition was not altered. Within its detection limit, sodium was not present at the absorber surface. For a Pre-NaF sample measured with atom probe tomography a sodium concentration of 30 ppm was measured in a grain, suggesting that sodium might segregate at grain boundaries. The additional sodium content in the film leads to an increased acceptor concentration, which results in improved open-circuit voltage and fill factor.Financial support from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) in the network of the Indo-Swiss Joint Research Programme (ISJRP) [IZLIZ2_157140/1] is gratefully acknowledged. T. Schwarz is grateful for the support of the German Research Foundation (DFG) [Contract GA 2450/1-1]. R. Caballero acknowledges financial support from Spanish MINECO within the Ramón y Cajal program [RYC-2011-08521], MINECO project WINCOST [ENE2016-80788-C5-2-R] and from Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport within the José Castillejo program [CAS 15/00070

    Chronic y-secretase inhibition reduces amyloid plaque-associated instability of pre- and postsynaptic structures

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    The loss of synapses is a strong histological correlate of the cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Amyloid bpeptide (Ab), a cleavage product of the amyloid precursor protein (APP), exerts detrimental effects on synapses, a process thought to be causally related to the cognitive deficits in AD. Here, we used in vivo two-photon microscopy to characterize the dynamics of axonal boutons and dendritic spines in APP/Presenilin 1 (APPswe/PS1L166P)–green fluorescent protein (GFP) transgenic mice. Time-lapse imaging over 4 weeks revealed a pronounced, concerted instability of pre- and postsynaptic structures within the vicinity of amyloid plaques. Treatment with a novel sulfonamide-type g-secretase inhibitor (GSI) attenuated the formation and growth of new plaques and, most importantly, led to a normalization of the enhanced dynamics of synaptic structures close to plaques. GSI treatment did neither affect spines and boutons distant from plaques in amyloid precursor protein/presenilin 1-GFP (APPPS1-GFP) nor those in GFP-control mice, suggesting no obvious neuropathological side effects of the drug

    Αβ Hinders Nuclear Targeting of AICD and Fe65 in Primary Neuronal Cultures

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    The intracellular domain of the Alzheimer’s amyloid precursor protein (AICD) has been described as an important player in the transactivation of specific genes. It results from proteolytic processing of the Alzheimer’s amyloid precursor protein (APP), as does the neurotoxic Aβ peptide. Although normally produced in cells, Aβ is typically considered to be a neurotoxic peptide, causing devastating effects. By exposing primary neuronal cultures to relatively low Aβ concentrations, this peptide was shown to affect APP processing. Our findings indicate that APP C-terminal fragments are increased with concomitant reduction in the expression levels of APP itself. AICD nuclear immunoreactivity detected under control conditions was dramatically reduced in response to Aβ exposure. Additionally, intracellular protein levels of Fe65 and GSK3 were also decreased in response to Aβ. APP nuclear signaling is altered by Aβ, affecting not only AICD production but also its nuclear translocation and complex formation with Fe65. In effect, Aβ can trigger a physiological negative feedback mechanism that modulates its own production

    Timing of Symptoms of Early-Onset Sepsis after Intrapartum Antibiotic Prophylaxis: Can It Inform the Neonatal Management?

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    The effectiveness of “inadequate” intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis (IAP administered < 4 h prior to delivery) in preventing early-onset sepsis (EOS) is debated. Italian prospective surveillance cohort data (2003–2022) were used to study the type and duration of IAP according to the timing of symptoms onset of group B streptococcus (GBS) and E. coli culture-confirmed EOS cases. IAP was defined “active” when the pathogen yielded in cultures was susceptible. We identified 263 EOS cases (GBS = 191; E. coli = 72). Among GBS EOS, 25% had received IAP (always active when beta-lactams were administered). Most IAP-exposed neonates with GBS were symptomatic at birth (67%) or remained asymptomatic (25%), regardless of IAP duration. Among E. coli EOS, 60% were IAP-exposed. However, IAP was active in only 8% of cases, and these newborns remained asymptomatic or presented with symptoms prior to 6 h of life. In contrast, most newborns exposed to an “inactive” IAP (52%) developed symptoms from 1 to >48 h of life. The key element to define IAP “adequate” seems the pathogen’s antimicrobial susceptibility rather than its duration. Newborns exposed to an active antimicrobial (as frequently occurs with GBS infections), who remain asymptomatic in the first 6 h of life, are likely uninfected. Because E. coli isolates are often unsusceptible to beta-lactam antibiotics, IAP-exposed neonates frequently develop symptoms of EOS after birth, up to 48 h of life and beyond

    Copper binding to the Alzheimer’s disease amyloid precursor protein

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    Alzheimer’s disease is the fourth biggest killer in developed countries. Amyloid precursor protein (APP) plays a central role in the development of the disease, through the generation of a peptide called Aβ by proteolysis of the precursor protein. APP can function as a metalloprotein and modulate copper transport via its extracellular copper binding domain (CuBD). Copper binding to this domain has been shown to reduce Aβ levels and hence a molecular understanding of the interaction between metal and protein could lead to the development of novel therapeutics to treat the disease. We have recently determined the three-dimensional structures of apo and copper bound forms of CuBD. The structures provide a mechanism by which CuBD could readily transfer copper ions to other proteins. Importantly, the lack of significant conformational changes to CuBD on copper binding suggests a model in which copper binding affects the dimerisation state of APP leading to reduction in Aβ production. We thus predict that disruption of APP dimers may be a novel therapeutic approach to treat Alzheimer’s disease

    Docosahexaenoic Acid-Derived Neuroprotectin D1 Induces Neuronal Survival via Secretase- and PPARγ-Mediated Mechanisms in Alzheimer's Disease Models

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    Neuroprotectin D1 (NPD1) is a stereoselective mediator derived from the omega-3 essential fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) with potent inflammatory resolving and neuroprotective bioactivity. NPD1 reduces Aβ42 peptide release from aging human brain cells and is severely depleted in Alzheimer's disease (AD) brain. Here we further characterize the mechanism of NPD1's neurogenic actions using 3xTg-AD mouse models and human neuronal-glial (HNG) cells in primary culture, either challenged with Aβ42 oligomeric peptide, or transfected with beta amyloid precursor protein (βAPP)sw (Swedish double mutation APP695sw, K595N-M596L). We also show that NPD1 downregulates Aβ42-triggered expression of the pro-inflammatory enzyme cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and of B-94 (a TNF-α-inducible pro-inflammatory element) and apoptosis in HNG cells. Moreover, NPD1 suppresses Aβ42 peptide shedding by down-regulating β-secretase-1 (BACE1) while activating the α-secretase ADAM10 and up-regulating sAPPα, thus shifting the cleavage of βAPP holoenzyme from an amyloidogenic into the non-amyloidogenic pathway. Use of the thiazolidinedione peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) agonist rosiglitazone, the irreversible PPARγ antagonist GW9662, and overexpressing PPARγ suggests that the NPD1-mediated down-regulation of BACE1 and Aβ42 peptide release is PPARγ-dependent. In conclusion, NPD1 bioactivity potently down regulates inflammatory signaling, amyloidogenic APP cleavage and apoptosis, underscoring the potential of this lipid mediator to rescue human brain cells in early stages of neurodegenerations

    Close association of water channel AQP1 with amyloid-β deposition in Alzheimer disease brains

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    Aquaporin-1 (AQP1), a membrane water channel protein, is expressed exclusively in the choroid plexus epithelium in the central nervous system under physiological conditions. However, AQP1 expression is enhanced in reactive astrocytes, accumulating in brain lesions of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and multiple sclerosis, suggesting a role of AQP1-expressing astrocytes in brain water homeostasis under pathological conditions. To clarify a pathological implication of AQP1 in Alzheimer disease (AD), we investigated the possible relationship between amyloid-beta (Aβ) deposition and astrocytic AQP1 expression in the motor cortex and hippocampus of 11 AD patients and 16 age-matched other neurological disease cases. In all cases, AQP1 was expressed exclusively in a subpopulation of multipolar fibrillary astrocytes. The great majority of AQP1-expressing astrocytes were located either on the top of or in close proximity to Aβ plaques in AD brains but not in non-AD cases, whereas those independent of Aβ deposition were found predominantly in non-AD brains. By Western blot, cultured human astrocytes constitutively expressed AQP1, and the levels of AQP1 protein expression were not affected by exposure to Aβ1-42 peptide, but were elevated by hypertonic sodium chloride. By immunoprecipitation, the C-terminal fragment-beta (CTFβ) of amyloid precursor protein interacted with the N-terminal half of AQP1 spanning the transmembrane helices H1, H2 and H3. These observations suggest the possible association of astrocytic AQP1 with Aβ deposition in AD brains

    The Italian arm of the PREPARE study: an international project to evaluate and license a maternal vaccine against group B streptococcus.

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    BACKGROUND: Group B streptococcus (GBS) is a leading cause of sepsis, pneumonia and meningitis in infants, with long term neurodevelopmental sequelae. GBS may be associated with poor pregnancy outcomes, including spontaneous abortion, stillbirth and preterm birth. Intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis (IAP) is currently the only way to prevent early-onset disease (presenting at 0 to 6 days of life), although it has no impact on the disease presenting over 6 days of life and its implementation is challenging in resource poor countries. A maternal vaccine against GBS could reduce all GBS manifestations as well as improve pregnancy outcomes, even in low-income countries. MAIN BODY: The term "PREPARE" designates an international project aimed at developing a maternal vaccination platform to test vaccines against neonatal GBS infections by maternal immunization. It is a non-profit, multi-center, interventional and experimental study (promoted by the St George University of London. [UK]) with the aim of developing a maternal vaccination platform, determining pregnancy outcomes, and defining the extent of GBS infections in children and mothers in Africa. PREPARE also aims to estimate the protective serocorrelates against the main GBS serotypes that cause diseases in Europe and Africa and to conduct two trials on candidate GBS vaccines. PREPARE consists of 6 work packages. In four European countries (Italy, UK, Netherlands, France) the recruitment of cases and controls will start in 2020 and will end in 2022. The Italian PREPARE network includes 41 centers. The Italian network aims to collect: GBS isolates from infants with invasive disease, maternal and neonatal sera (cases); cord sera and GBS strains from colonized mothers whose infants do not develop GBS infection (controls). SHORT CONCLUSION: PREPARE will contribute information on protective serocorrelates against the main GBS serotypes that cause diseases in Europe and Africa. The vaccine that will be tested by the PREPARE study could be an effective strategy to prevent GBS disease

    Prion protein amyloidosis with divergent phenotype associated with two novel nonsense mutations in PRNP

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    Stop codon mutations in the gene encoding the prion protein (PRNP) are very rare and have thus far only been described in two patients with prion protein cerebral amyloid angiopathy (PrP-CAA). In this report, we describe the clinical, histopathological and pathological prion protein (PrPSc) characteristics of two Dutch patients carrying novel adjacent stop codon mutations in the C-terminal part of PRNP, resulting in either case in hereditary prion protein amyloidoses, but with strikingly different clinicopathological phenotypes. The patient with the shortest disease duration (27 months) carried a Y226X mutation and showed PrP-CAA without any neurofibrillary lesions, whereas the patient with the longest disease duration (72 months) had a Q227X mutation and showed an unusual Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker disease phenotype with numerous cerebral multicentric amyloid plaques and severe neurofibrillary lesions without PrP-CAA. Western blot analysis in the patient with the Q227X mutation demonstrated the presence of a 7 kDa unglycosylated PrPSc fragment truncated at both the N- and C-terminal ends. Our observations expand the spectrum of clinicopathological phenotypes associated with PRNP mutations and show that a single tyrosine residue difference in the PrP C-terminus may significantly affect the site of amyloid deposition and the overall phenotypic expression of the prion disease. Furthermore, it confirms that the absence of the glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor in PrP predisposes to amyloid plaque formation