8 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Permasalahan mitra pada pengabdian ini, yaitu pengurus Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMdes) di Kecamatan Toili Kabupaten Banggai belum memiliki konsep pemetaan bisnis dalam menentukan potensi bisnisnya, tujuan program pengabdian ini memberikan pelatihan dan pendampingan pemetaan potensi bisnis dengan menggunakan konsep Business Model Canvas (BMC). Metode yang digunakan berupa workshop dengan memberikan pelatihan dan pendampingan penyusunan BMC untuk menentukan pemetaan potensi bisnis dengan menentukan karakteristik dan value bisnisnya. Mitra pengabdian yaitu kepala desa dan pengurus BUMDes, dengan jumlah peserta sebanyak 14 orang yang merupakan wakil dari 8 desa. Hasil analisis evaluasi peserta menunjukkan 66% peserta mampu menggambarkan potensi desanya masing-masing; keaktifan dalam mengikuti pemaparan materi 94% dan 78% peserta dapat membuat konsep dan memetakan potensi bisnisnya melalui tehnik BMC; 75% peserta telah memahami penggunaan laporan keuangan dalam pengelolaan BUMDes. Artinya, program pelatihan ini dapat memberikan pemahaman yang mendalam dan berarti bagi peserta dalam menggambarkan potensi peluang bisnis, yang terlihat dari adanya prosentase kenaikan dari 8% menjadi 65,6%.Abstract: The obstacles of partners in this service, namely the management of Village Owned Enterprises (Bumdes) in Toili District of Banggai Regency did not have the concept of business mapping in determining its business potential, the purpose of this program provides training and mentoring mapping business potential using the concept of Business Model Canvas (BMC). The method used in the form of workshops by providing training and mentoring on the preparation of BMC to determine the mapping of business potential by determining the characteristics and values of its business. The partners were the village head and BUMDes manager, with14 participants as the representatives of 8 villages. The results of the evaluation analysis of participants showed that 66% of participants were able to describe the potential of their respective villages; the liveliness in following the exposure of material 94% and 78% of participants were able to conceptualize and map its business potential through BMC techniques; 75% of participants understood the use of financial statements in the management of BUMDes. That is, this training program could provide a deep and meaningful understanding for participants in describing the potential of business opportunities, as seen from the increase in initial and posttest-pretest percentage, from 8% to 65,6


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    This study aims to determine the strategy of realizing an entrepreneurial spirit in santri through the creative economy in facing the challenges of the global economy (a case study at the DDI Mangkoso Islamic boarding school). The type of research used in this research is field research which produces descriptive data in the form of written or oral data of people (informants) and observed behavior. While the data research techniques used in this study were interviews, observation, and documentation. The number of respondents was 12 respondents consisting of 10 students, 1 school principal, 1 boarding school supervisor. The results of this study indicate that in fostering the entrepreneurial spirit of the santri at the DDI Mangkoso Islamic boarding school, the boarding school cooperative and several alumni organized training on entrepreneurship to students through practices such as managing something from used materials so that it has a selling value. As for the implementation of the creative economy that can be developed at the DDI Mangkoso Islamic boarding school, such as: handicrafts and arts products, short films, design and advertising

    Management of Waqf Productive in Makassar City (Case Study of Macanda Cattle Village Dompet Dhuafa at South Sulawesi, Indonesia)

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    The study aims to determine the management of waqf productive in Makassar city (Case Study at Dompet Dhuafa in Macanda Cattle Village, South Sulawesi, Indonesia). The research uses qualitative research methods. The processed data which is the result of interviews with in 2 (two) cattle village managers, 5 (five) livestock farmers, and 3 (three) staff from Dompet Dhuafa, South Sulawesi. The result of the research is that the waqf productive management system through the cattle village program can improve the economy for the beneficiaries, because from raising cattle village, society could be get many things apart from the benefits of the animals that are kept as well as training and assistance from Dompet Dhuafa, South Sulawesi Indonesia. Dompet Dhuafa plays a very important role in the cattle village program therefore it can empower farmers. With the aim of improving the welfare of farmers. The cattle village itself is fully managed by breeders, with assistance in the form of colony cages and livestock. Among them are free-range chickens, chicken pieces, and rabbits for the beneficiaries to be cared for and developed until the number increases. Hence, the livestock are sold so that the sales proceeds are paid to the livestock village companion to get wages as beneficiarie


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    The purpose of this study was to test: 1) the influence of CAR on ROA in Conventional Commercial Banks, 2) the influence of LDR on ROA on Conventional Commercial Banks, 3) the influence of NIM on ROA in Conventional Commercial Banks. Data collection method using non participant observation method is by documenting all data required in this research as stated in the Indonesian Banking Statistics Report for the period of 2014 - 2019 which is available on the OJK website. The data analysis method in this study used multiple linear regression analysis to obtain a comprehensive picture of the influence between independent variables (CAR, LDR, NIM) and dependent variables (ROA) using the SPSS for Window program. The results showed the following: 1) Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) has a significant effect on variable Return on Asset (ROA) in conventional commercial banks indicated by a value of significance less than 0.05, so hypothesis 1 is accepted. 2) Loan To Deposit Ratio (LDR).has no significant effect on variable Return on Asset (ROA) in conventional commercial banks indicated by a value of significance greater than 0.05, so hypothesis 2 is rejected. 3) Net Interest Margin (NIM) has a significant effect on return on asset (ROA) variables in conventional commercial banks indicated by a significance value less than 0.05, so hypothesis 3 is accepted. 4) Net Interest Margin (NIM) is the variable that most dominantly affects Return on Asset (ROA)Keywords : CAR (Capital Adequacy Ratio), LDR (Loan To Deposit Ratio), NIM Net Interest Margin), ROA (Return on Asset


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of financial management in PTM, the application of GUG in financial management in PTM, and the efforts of PTM in implementing GUG in accordance with the rules / guidelines for financial management of the Higher Education Council of PP Muhammadiyah. This research uses qualitative research. The research object used was the financial statements of Muhammadiyah Universities (PTM) in South Sulawesi with a sample size of 5 PTMs. The instrument used in this study was the interview with the informant, then the answers from the informants were analyzed and described descriptively. The results showed that Muhammadiyah Higher Education (PTM) in South Sulawesi had implemented a financial management system based on the management guidelines for the Muhammadiyah Higher Education Council, Muhammadiyah Higher Education (PTM) in South Sulawesi had implemented Goog University Governance principles, namely in terms of financial management. Regarding transparency and accountability, Muhammadiyah Higher Education (PTM) in South Sulawesi has made maximum efforts to apply the principles of Good University Governance which are adjusted to the financial management guidelines issued by the PP Muhammadiyah Dikti Council for Research and Development.Keywords: Financial Management, Good University Governance (GUG


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    This research uses quantitative methods. This study aims to examine and see the effect of Corporate Action consisting of dividends, right issues and stock split on decision making in purchasing shares. This study uses multiple regression analysis using a sample of 80 respondents, namely investors in the city of Makassar. The analytical tool used is the SPSS version 20 program. The results of this study are dividend variables that positively and significantly influence investors 'decision making in buying shares, right issue variables that are positive but not significant, although positive right issues do not affect investors' decision making in buying shares because they are not significant to decision making, Stock split variables are positive but not significant, although positive stock split does not affect investor decision making in buying shares because it is not significant to decision makin

    The Role Of Zakat In Poverty Reduction In Indonesia

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    Indonesia is a developing country and is the fourth most populous country in the world and has a Muslim majority population. For developing countries, poverty is a problem that becomes homework for which a solution must be found. Several government programs that have been launched in the context of poverty alleviation need to be relied on more to be the solution to this problem, instead of being successful, the poverty rate in Indonesia is getting higher. In Islamic economics, zakat is a concentrated discourse as an alternative solution to the problem of poverty. The majority of Indonesia's Muslim population provides a great opportunity to achieve the mission of alleviating poverty. It is believed that the more Muslims are aware of the obligation to pay zakat, the greater the potential for zakat collected. Wise zakat management and fair and equitable distribution are certainly one of the conditions that must be met so that all levels of society can feel the function of zakat. This paper uses a literature approach and draws the conclusion that the potential for zakat in Indonesia reaches fantastic figures. Zakat can be used as an alternative solution to the problem of poverty in Indonesia. With professional management, the people of Indonesia must be optimistic that the poverty rate will soon be reduced

    Pengaruh Karakteristik Perusahaan dan Ekonomi Makro terhadap Return Saham Syariah yang Listing di Jakarta Islamic Index

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    Saham  syariah merupakan saham perusahaan yang sejalan dengan prinsip syariat Islam, baik mengenai produk maupun manajemennya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat  bagaimana pengaruh karakteristik perusahaan (EPS, DER, ROA, CR) dan Ekonomi Makro (Inflasi dan Kurs) terhadap return saham syariah yang listing dalam Jakarta Islamic Index (JII). Obyek penelitian ini adalah seluruh saham syariah yang tercatat dalam Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) di Bursa Efek Jakarta (BEJ) periode 2008 – 2012 sebanyak 30 emiten dan jumlah sampel sebanyak 9 perusahaan dengan melewati multi shapes purpose sampling berdasarkan ketersediaan data selama periode penelitian dan jenis datanya adalah data sekunder, adapun metode analisa yang digunakan adalah model regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial variabel independen ROA (X3) = 2,255   dan kurs   valuta   asing   (X6) = 2,347 berpengaruh  positif  yang signifikan   terhadap   return   saham syariah.   Sementara itu, tingkat   inflasi (X5) = -6,133 berpengaruh  negatif yang signifikan terhadap   return   saham syariah. Variabel EPS (X1) = -1,875 , DER (X2) = -1,819 dan CR (X3) = -1,394 terbukti tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap return saham syariah serta hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa inflasi merupakan variabel yang paling dominan mempengaruhi return saham syariah.Islamic stock is a stock company in accordance with the principles of Islamic law, either on the product or its management. This study aimed to see how they affect the characteristics of the company (EPS, DER, ROA, CR) and Macroeconomics (inflation and exchange rate) to the return of Islamic stocks listed in the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII). The object of this study are all Islamic stocks listed in the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) in the Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSX) in the period 2008 to 2012 as many as 30 listed companies and a total sample of 9 companies to pass multi shapes purposive sampling based on the availability of data during the study period and type of the data is secondary data, while the analysis method used is multiple linear regression model. The results showed that partially independent variables ROA (X3) = 2,255 and foreign exchange (X6) = 2.347 have a significantly positive effect on stock return of sharia. Meanwhile, the inflation rate (X5) = -6.133 have a significantly negative effect on stock returns of shariah. Meanwhile, the The Variable EPS (X1) = -1.875, DER (X2) = -1.819 and CR (X3) = -1.394 proved no significant effect on the stock return of shariah and the results of this study indicates that inflation is the most dominant variable affecting stock returns of shariah