56 research outputs found

    Learning a Unified Control Policy for Safe Falling

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    Being able to fall safely is a necessary motor skill for humanoids performing highly dynamic tasks, such as running and jumping. We propose a new method to learn a policy that minimizes the maximal impulse during the fall. The optimization solves for both a discrete contact planning problem and a continuous optimal control problem. Once trained, the policy can compute the optimal next contacting body part (e.g. left foot, right foot, or hands), contact location and timing, and the required joint actuation. We represent the policy as a mixture of actor-critic neural network, which consists of n control policies and the corresponding value functions. Each pair of actor-critic is associated with one of the n possible contacting body parts. During execution, the policy corresponding to the highest value function will be executed while the associated body part will be the next contact with the ground. With this mixture of actor-critic architecture, the discrete contact sequence planning is solved through the selection of the best critics while the continuous control problem is solved by the optimization of actors. We show that our policy can achieve comparable, sometimes even higher, rewards than a recursive search of the action space using dynamic programming, while enjoying 50 to 400 times of speed gain during online execution

    Developing agile motor skills on virtual and real humanoids

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    Demonstrating strength and agility on virtual and real humanoids has been an important goal in computer graphics and robotics. However, developing physics- based controllers for various agile motor skills requires a tremendous amount of prior knowledge and manual labor due to complex mechanisms of the motor skills. The focus of the dissertation is to develop a set of computational tools to expedite the design process of physics-based controllers that can execute a variety of agile motor skills on virtual and real humanoids. Instead of designing directly controllers real humanoids, this dissertation takes an approach that develops appropriate theories and models in virtual simulation and systematically transfers the solutions to hardware systems. The algorithms and frameworks in this dissertation span various topics from spe- cific physics-based controllers to general learning frameworks. We first present an online algorithm for controlling falling and landing motions of virtual characters. The proposed algorithm is effective and efficient enough to generate falling motions for a wide range of arbitrary initial conditions in real-time. Next, we present a robust falling strategy for real humanoids that can manage a wide range of perturbations by planning the optimal contact sequences. We then introduce an iterative learning framework to easily design various agile motions, which is inspired by human learn- ing techniques. The proposed framework is followed by novel algorithms to efficiently optimize control parameters for the target tasks, especially when they have many constraints or parameterized goals. Finally, we introduce an iterative approach for exporting simulation-optimized control policies to hardware of robots to reduce the number of hardware experiments, that accompany expensive costs and labors.Ph.D

    Success Weighted by Completion Time: A Dynamics-Aware Evaluation Criteria for Embodied Navigation

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    We present Success weighted by Completion Time (SCT), a new metric for evaluating navigation performance for mobile robots. Several related works on navigation have used Success weighted by Path Length (SPL) as the primary method of evaluating the path an agent makes to a goal location, but SPL is limited in its ability to properly evaluate agents with complex dynamics. In contrast, SCT explicitly takes the agent's dynamics model into consideration, and aims to accurately capture how well the agent has approximated the fastest navigation behavior afforded by its dynamics. While several embodied navigation works use point-turn dynamics, we focus on unicycle-cart dynamics for our agent, which better exemplifies the dynamics model of popular mobile robotics platforms (e.g., LoCoBot, TurtleBot, Fetch, etc.). We also present RRT*-Unicycle, an algorithm for unicycle dynamics that estimates the fastest collision-free path and completion time from a starting pose to a goal location in an environment containing obstacles. We experiment with deep reinforcement learning and reward shaping to train and compare the navigation performance of agents with different dynamics models. In evaluating these agents, we show that in contrast to SPL, SCT is able to capture the advantages in navigation speed a unicycle model has over a simpler point-turn model of dynamics. Lastly, we show that we can successfully deploy our trained models and algorithms outside of simulation in the real world. We embody our agents in an real robot to navigate an apartment, and show that they can generalize in a zero-shot manner

    ARMP: Autoregressive Motion Planning for Quadruped Locomotion and Navigation in Complex Indoor Environments

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    Generating natural and physically feasible motions for legged robots has been a challenging problem due to its complex dynamics. In this work, we introduce a novel learning-based framework of autoregressive motion planner (ARMP) for quadruped locomotion and navigation. Our method can generate motion plans with an arbitrary length in an autoregressive fashion, unlike most offline trajectory optimization algorithms for a fixed trajectory length. To this end, we first construct the motion library by solving a dense set of trajectory optimization problems for diverse scenarios and parameter settings. Then we learn the motion manifold from the dataset in a supervised learning fashion. We show that the proposed ARMP can generate physically plausible motions for various tasks and situations. We also showcase that our method can be successfully integrated with the recent robot navigation frameworks as a low-level controller and unleash the full capability of legged robots for complex indoor navigation.Comment: Submitted to IRO

    Words into Action: Learning Diverse Humanoid Robot Behaviors using Language Guided Iterative Motion Refinement

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    Humanoid robots are well suited for human habitats due to their morphological similarity, but developing controllers for them is a challenging task that involves multiple sub-problems, such as control, planning and perception. In this paper, we introduce a method to simplify controller design by enabling users to train and fine-tune robot control policies using natural language commands. We first learn a neural network policy that generates behaviors given a natural language command, such as "walk forward", by combining Large Language Models (LLMs), motion retargeting, and motion imitation. Based on the synthesized motion, we iteratively fine-tune by updating the text prompt and querying LLMs to find the best checkpoint associated with the closest motion in history. We validate our approach using a simulated Digit humanoid robot and demonstrate learning of diverse motions, such as walking, hopping, and kicking, without the burden of complex reward engineering. In addition, we show that our iterative refinement enables us to learn 3x times faster than a naive formulation that learns from scratch

    PM-FSM: Policies Modulating Finite State Machine for Robust Quadrupedal Locomotion

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    Deep reinforcement learning (deep RL) has emerged as an effective tool for developing controllers for legged robots. However, vanilla deep RL often requires a tremendous amount of training samples and is not feasible for achieving robust behaviors. Instead, researchers have investigated a novel policy architecture by incorporating human experts' knowledge, such as Policies Modulating Trajectory Generators (PMTG). This architecture builds a recurrent control loop by combining a parametric trajectory generator (TG) and a feedback policy network to achieve more robust behaviors. To take advantage of human experts' knowledge but eliminate time-consuming interactive teaching, researchers have investigated a novel architecture, Policies Modulating Trajectory Generators (PMTG), which builds a recurrent control loop by combining a parametric trajectory generator (TG) and a feedback policy network to achieve more robust behaviors using intuitive prior knowledge. In this work, we propose Policies Modulating Finite State Machine (PM-FSM) by replacing TGs with contact-aware finite state machines (FSM), which offer more flexible control of each leg. Compared with the TGs, FSMs offer high-level management on each leg motion generator and enable a flexible state arrangement, which makes the learned behavior less vulnerable to unseen perturbations or challenging terrains. This invention offers an explicit notion of contact events to the policy to negotiate unexpected perturbations. We demonstrated that the proposed architecture could achieve more robust behaviors in various scenarios, such as challenging terrains or external perturbations, on both simulated and real robots. The supplemental video can be found at: https://youtu.be/78cboMqTkJQ

    Learning a Single Policy for Diverse Behaviors on a Quadrupedal Robot using Scalable Motion Imitation

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    Learning various motor skills for quadrupedal robots is a challenging problem that requires careful design of task-specific mathematical models or reward descriptions. In this work, we propose to learn a single capable policy using deep reinforcement learning by imitating a large number of reference motions, including walking, turning, pacing, jumping, sitting, and lying. On top of the existing motion imitation framework, we first carefully design the observation space, the action space, and the reward function to improve the scalability of the learning as well as the robustness of the final policy. In addition, we adopt a novel adaptive motion sampling (AMS) method, which maintains a balance between successful and unsuccessful behaviors. This technique allows the learning algorithm to focus on challenging motor skills and avoid catastrophic forgetting. We demonstrate that the learned policy can exhibit diverse behaviors in simulation by successfully tracking both the training dataset and out-of-distribution trajectories. We also validate the importance of the proposed learning formulation and the adaptive motion sampling scheme by conducting experiments
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