13,512 research outputs found

    Characteristics and performance of the variable polarity plasma arc welding process used in the Space Shuttle external tank

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    Significant advantages of the Variable Polarity Plasma Arc (VPPA) Welding Process include faster welding, fewer repairs, less joint preparation, reduced weldment distortion, and absence of porosity. Flow profiles and power distribution of argon plasma gas as a working fluid to produce plasma arc jet in the VPPA welding process was analyzed. Major loss of heat transfer for flow through the nozzle is convective heat transfer; for the plasma jet flow between the outlet of the nozzle and workpiece is radiative heat transfer; and for the flow through the keyhole of the workpiece is convective heat transfer. The majority of the power absorbed by the keyhole of the workpiece is used for melting the solid metal workpiece into a molten metallic puddle. The crown and root widths and the crown and root heights can be predicted. An algorithm for promoting automatic control of flow parameters and the dimensions of the final product of the welding specification to be used for the VPPA Welding System operated at MSFC are provided

    Numerical study of large-eddy breakup and its effect on the drag characteristics of boundary layers

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    The break-up of a field of eddies by a flat-plate obstacle embedded in a boundary layer is studied using numerical solutions to the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations. The flow is taken to be incompressible and unsteady. The flow field is initiated from rest. A train of eddies of predetermined size and strength are swept into the computational domain upstream of the plate. The undisturbed velocity profile is given by the Blasius solution. The disturbance vorticity generated at the plate and wall, plus that introduced with the eddies, mix with the background vorticity and is transported throughout the entire flow. All quantities are scaled by the plate length, the unidsturbed free-stream velocity, and the fluid kinematic viscosity. The Reynolds number is 1000, the Blasius boundary layer thickness is 2.0, and the plate is positioned a distance of 1.0 above the wall. The computational domain is four units high and sixteen units long

    Effect of Baffle on Gravity-Gradient-Excited Slosh Waves and Spacecraft Moment and Angular-Momentum Fluctuations in Microgravity

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    The dynamical behavior of fluids affected by the asymmetric gravity gradient acceleration has been investigated. In particular, the effects of surface tension on partially filled rotating fluids applicable to a full-scale Gravity Probe-B Spacecraft dewar tank with and without baffles are studied. Results of slosh wave excitation along the liquid-vapor interface induced by gravity gradient acceleration indicate that the gravity gradient acceleration is equivalent to the combined effect of a twisting force and a torsional moment acting on the spacecraft. The results are clearly seen from one-up one-down and one-down one-up oscillations in the cross-section profiles of two bubbles in the vertical (r, z)-plane of the rotating dewar, and from the eccentric contour of the bubble rotating around the axis of the dewar in a horizontal (r, theta)-plane. As the viscous force, between liquid and solid interface, greatly contributes to the damping of slosh wave excitation, a rotating dewar with baffles provides more areas of liquid-solid interface than that of a rotating dewar without baffles. Results show that the damping effect provided by the baffles reduces the amplitude of slosh wave excitation and lowers the degree of asymmetry in liquid-vapor distribution. Fluctuations of angular momentum and fluid moment caused by the slosh wave excited by gravity gradient acceleration with and without baffle boards are also investigated. It is also shown that the damping effect provided by the baffles greatly reduces the amplitudes of angular momentum and fluid moment fluctuations

    Theory of Polaron Resonance in Quantum Dots and Quantum-Dot Molecules

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    The theory of exciton coupling to photons and LO phonons in quantum dots (QDs) and quantum-dot molecules (QDMs) is presented. Resonant-round trips of the exciton between the ground (bright) and excited (dark or bright) states mediated by the LO-phonon alter the decay time and yield the Rabi oscillation. The initial distributions of the population in the ground and the excited states dominate the oscillating amplitude and frequency. This property provides a detectable signature to the information stored in a qubit made from QD or QDM for a wide range of temperature T. Our results presented herein provide an explanation to the anomaly on T-dependent decay in self-assembled InGaAs/GaAs QDMs recently reported by experiment.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figure

    The Evolution of Diffuse Radio Sources in Galaxy Clusters

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    We investigate the evolution and number distribution of radio halos in galaxy clusters. Without re-acceleration or regeneration, the relativistic electrons responsible for the diffuse radio emission will lose their energy via inverse-Compton and synchrotron losses in a rather short time, and radio halos will have lifetimes \sim 0.1 Gyr. Radio halos could last for \sim Gyr if a significant level of re-acceleration is involved. The lifetimes of radio halos would be comparable with the cosmological time if the radio-emitting electrons are mainly the secondary electrons generated by pion decay following proton-proton collisions between cosmic-ray protons and the thermal intra-cluster medium within the galaxy clusters. Adopting both observational and theoretical constraints for the formation of radio halos, we calculate the formation rates and the comoving number density of radio halos in the hierarchical clustering scheme. Comparing with observations, we find that the lifetimes of radio halos are \sim Gyr. Our results indicate that a significant level of re-acceleration is necessary for the observed radio halos and the secondary electrons may not be a dominant origin for radio halos.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures, ApJ, in press (v2:Corrected typos.

    A Model of Quark and Lepton Masses I: The Neutrino Sector

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    If neutrinos have masses, why are they so tiny? Are these masses of the Dirac type or of the Majorana type? We are already familiar with the mechanism of how to obtain a tiny Majorana neutrino mass by the famous see-saw mechanism. The question is: Can one build a model in which a tiny Dirac neutrino mass arises in a more or less "natural" way? What would be the phenomenological consequences of such a scenario, other than just merely reproducing the neutrino mass patterns for the oscillation data? In this article, a systematic and detailed analysis of a model is presented, with, as key components, the introduction of a family symmetry as well as a new SU(2) symmetry for the right-handed neutrinos. In particular, in addition to the calculations of light neutrino Dirac masses, interesting phenomenological implications of the model will be presented.Comment: 25 (single-spaced) pages, 11 figures, corrected some typos in Table I, added acknowledgement

    Nonvolatile memory with molecule-engineered tunneling barriers

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    We report a novel field-sensitive tunneling barrier by embedding C60 in SiO2 for nonvolatile memory applications. C60 is a better choice than ultra-small nanocrystals due to its monodispersion. Moreover, C60 provides accessible energy levels to prompt resonant tunneling through SiO2 at high fields. However, this process is quenched at low fields due to HOMO-LUMO gap and large charging energy of C60. Furthermore, we demonstrate an improvement of more than an order of magnitude in retention to program/erase time ratio for a metal nanocrystal memory. This shows promise of engineering tunnel dielectrics by integrating molecules in the future hybrid molecular-silicon electronics.Comment: to appear in Applied Physics Letter

    Numerical Solutions of Supersonic and Hypersonic Laminar Compression Corner Flows

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    An efficient time-splitting, second-order accurate, numerical scheme is used to solve the complete Navier-Stokes equations for supersonic and hypersonic laminar flow over a two-dimensional compression corner. A fine, exponentially stretched mesh spacing is used in the region near the wall for resolving the viscous layer. Good agreement is obtained between the present computed results and experimental measurement for a Mach number of 14.1 and a Reynolds number of 1.04 x 10(exp 5) with wedge angles of 15 deg, 18 deg, and 24 deg. The details of the pressure variation across the boundary layer are given, and a correlation between the leading edge shock and the peaks in surface pressure and heat transfer is observed

    Superstring-Inspired E_6 Unification, Shadow Theta-Particles and Cosmology

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    We construct a new cosmological model considering the superstring-inspired E_6 unification in the 4-dimensional space at the early stage of the Universe. We develop a concept of parallel existence in Nature of the ordinary and shadow worlds with different cosmological evolutions.Comment: 7 page