57 research outputs found

    Acceptability and Preferences of Two Different Community Models of ART Delivery in a High Prevalence Urban Setting in Zambia: Cluster-Randomized Trial, Nested in the HPTN 071 (PopART) Study.

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    Community delivery of Antiretroviral therapy (ART) is a novel innovation to increase sustainable ART coverage for People living with HIV (PLHIV) in resource limited settings. Within a nested cluster-randomised sub-study in two urban communities that participated in the HPTN 071 (PopART) trial in Zambia we investigated individual acceptability and preferences for ART delivery models. Stable PLHIV were enrolled in a cluster-randomized trial of three different models of ART: Facility-based delivery (SoC), Home-based delivery (HBD) and Adherence clubs (AC). Consenting individuals were asked to express their stated preference for ART delivery options. Those assigned to the community models of ART delivery arms could choose ("revealed preference") between the assigned arm and facility-based delivery. In total 2489 (99.6%) eligible individuals consented to the study and 95.6% chose community models of ART delivery rather than facility-based delivery when offered a choice. When asked to state their preference of model of ART delivery, 67.6% did not state a preference of one model over another, 22.8% stated a preference for HBD, 5.0% and 4.6% stated a preference for AC and SoC, respectively. Offering PLHIV choices of community models of ART delivery is feasible and acceptable with majority expressing HBD as their stated preferred option

    A narrative analysis positioning HIV relative to personal (sexual) relationship challenges in an agony aunt column in the Western Cape, South Africa - Aunty Mona's "love advice".

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    HIV prevalence and incidence in South Africa remain high, making HIV a part of everyday life. Community narratives on HIV treatment and prevention are important and influence official and unofficial health messaging and community perceptions and understandings of HIV. We explore how contributors and the columnist of an agony aunt column position HIV relative to choices made about love, partnership, and sex over three years. We analysed all columns of an agony aunt series (Antie Mona) published between December 2012 and November 2015. The column is published in a South African, Afrikaans-language newspaper "Son", prioritising sensationalist news items. Trends were identified through narrative analysis. Data were managed in ATLAS.ti and inductive, iterative coding conducted. It was found that letters to the agony aunt rarely refer to HIV directly (less than 7%). Euphemisms such as diseases of the flesh and the great flu were more commonly used instead of HIV or AIDS. Letters addressed HIV in three ways: direct references to experiences living with HIV; direct questions about HIV prevention; and scenarios where HIV could (from a public health perspective) have been the main concern, but everyday issues took precedence. The majority of letters fell into this latter category where the writers focused on the immediate concerns of good sexual relations, problems related to love and romantic relationships, good moral behaviour of others, and issues of oppressive life conditions rather than on HIV directly. The findings illustrate that informal, public contributions to health information, such as agony aunts, are important narratives that inform popular perspectives on HIV and health. A better appreciation of this context would allow health implementers to ensure that these role players receive updated health messaging to avoid the risk of HIV-related stigma where HIV is used as a moral rod to punish perceived moral transgressions

    PopART-IBM, a highly efficient stochastic individual-based simulation model of generalised HIV epidemics developed in the context of the HPTN 071 (PopART) trial

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    Mathematical models are powerful tools in HIV epidemiology, producing quantitative projections of key indicators such as HIV incidence and prevalence. In order to improve the accuracy of predictions, such models need to incorporate a number of behavioural and biological heterogeneities, especially those related to the sexual network within which HIV transmission occurs. An individual-based model, which explicitly models sexual partnerships, is thus often the most natural type of model to choose. In this paper we present PopART-IBM, a computationally efficient individual-based model capable of simulating 50 years of an HIV epidemic in a large, high-prevalence community in under a minute. We show how the model calibrates within a Bayesian inference framework to detailed age- and sex-stratified data from multiple sources on HIV prevalence, awareness of HIV status, ART status, and viral suppression for an HPTN 071 (PopART) study community in Zambia, and present future projections of HIV prevalence and incidence for this community in the absence of trial intervention

    Spinning plates: livelihood mobility, household responsibility and anti-retroviral treatment in an urban Zambian community during the HPTN 071 (PopART) study

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    INTRODUCTION: Qualitative data are lacking on the impact of mobility among people living with HIV (PLHIV) and their decision-making around anti-retroviral treatment (ART). We describe challenges of juggling household responsibility, livelihood mobility and HIV management for six PLHIV in urban Zambia. METHODS: Six PLHIV (three men and three women, aged 21 to 44) were recruited from different geographic zones in one urban community drawn from a qualitative cohort in a social science component of a cluster-randomized trial (HPTN071 PopART). Participants were on ART (n = 2), not on ART (n = 2) and had started and stopped ART (n = 2). At least two in-depth interviews and participant observations, and three drop-in household visits with each were carried out between February and August 2017. Themed and comparative analysis was conducted. RESULTS: The six participants relied on the informal economy to meet basic household needs. Routine livelihood mobility, either within the community and to a nearby town centre, or further afield for longer periods of time, was essential to get by. Although aware of ART benefits, only one of the six participants managed to successfully access and sustain treatment. The other five struggled to find time to access ART alongside other priorities, routine mobility and when daily routines were more chaotic. Difficulty in accessing ART was exacerbated by local health facility factors (congestion, a culture of reprimanding PLHIV who miss appointments, sporadic rationed drug supply), stigma and more limited social capital. CONCLUSIONS: Using a time-space framework illustrated how household responsibility, livelihood mobility and HIV management every day were like spinning plates, each liable to topple and demanding constant attention. If universal lifelong ART is to be delivered, the current service model needs to adjust the limited time that some PLHIV have to access ART because of household responsibilities and the need to earn a living moving around, often away from home. Practical strategies that could facilitate ART access in the context of livelihood mobility include challenging the practice of reprimand, improving drug supply, having ART services more widely distributed, mapped and available at night and weekends, and an effective centralized client health information system

    "The difference that makes a difference": highlighting the role of variable contexts within an HIV Prevention Community Randomised Trial (HPTN 071/PopART) in 21 study communities in Zambia and South Africa.

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    This paper explores contextual heterogeneity within a community randomised trial HPTN 071 (Population Effects of Antiretroviral Treatment to Reduce HIV Transmission) carried out in 21 study communities (12 Zambian, 9 South African). The trial evaluates the impact of a combination HIV prevention package (including household-based HIV counselling and testing and anti-retroviral treatment (ART) eligibility regardless of CD4-count) on HIV incidence. The selection, matching and randomisation of study communities relied on key epidemiological and demographic variables and community and stakeholder support. In 2013, following the selection of study communities, a "Broad Brush Survey" (BBS) approach was used to rapidly gather qualitative data on each study community, prior to the implementation of the trial intervention. First-year process indicator intervention data (2014-2015) were collected during the household-based intervention by community lay workers. Using an open/closed typology of urban communities (indicating more or less heterogeneity), this qualitative inquiry presents key features of 12 Zambian communities using a list of four meta-indicators (physical features, social organisation, networks and community narratives). These indicators are then compared with four intervention process indicators in a smaller set of four study communities. The process indicators selected for this analysis indicate response to the intervention (uptake) amongst adults. The BBS qualitative data are used to interpret patterns of similarity and variability in the process indicators across four communities. We found that meta-indicators of local context helped to interpret patterns of similarity and variability emerging across and within the four communities. Features especially significant for influencing heterogeneity in process indicators include proportion of middle-class residents, proximity to neighbouring communities and town centre, the scale of the informal economy, livelihood-linked mobility, presence of HIV stakeholders over time and commitment to community action. Future interdisciplinary analysis is needed to explore if these patterns of difference continue to hold up over the full intervention period and all intervention communities

    Predictors of timely linkage-to-ART within universal test and treat in the HPTN 071 (PopART) trial in Zambia and South Africa: findings from a nested case-control study.

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    INTRODUCTION: HPTN 071 (PopART) is a three-arm community randomized trial in Zambia and South Africa evaluating the impact of a combination HIV prevention package, including universal test and treat (UTT), on HIV incidence. This nested study examined factors associated with timely linkage-to-care and ART initiation (TLA) (i.e. within six-months of referral) in the context of UTT within the intervention communities of the HPTN 071 (PopART) trial. METHODS: Of the 7572 individuals identified as persons living with HIV (PLWH) (and not on antiretroviral treatment (ART)) during the first year of the PopART intervention provided by Community HIV-care Providers (CHiPs) through door-to-door household visits, individuals who achieved TLA (controls) and those who did not (cases), stratified by gender and community, were randomly selected to be re-contacted for interview. Standardized questionnaires were administered to explore factors potentially associated with TLA, including demographic and behavioural characteristics, and participants' opinions on HIV and related services. Odds ratios comparing cases and controls were estimated using a multi-variable logistic regression. RESULTS: Data from 705 participants (333 cases/372 controls) were analysed. There were negligible differences between cases and controls by demographic characteristics including age, marital or socio-economic position. Prior familiarity with the CHiPs encouraged TLA (aOR of being a case: 0.58, 95% CI: 0.39 to 0.86, p = 0.006). Participants who found clinics overcrowded (aOR: 1.51, 95% CI: 1.08 to 2.12, p = 0.006) or opening hours inconvenient (aOR: 1.63, 95% CI: 1.06 to 2.51, p = 0.02) were less likely to achieve TLA, as were those expressing stronger feelings of shame about having HIV (ptrend  = 0.007). Expressing "not feeling ready" (aOR: 2.75, 95% CI: 1.89 to 4.01, p < 0.001) and preferring to wait until they felt sick (aOR: 2.00, 95% CI: 1.27 to 3.14, p = 0.02) were similarly indicative of being a case. Worrying about being seen in the clinic or about how staff treated patients was not associated with TLA. While the association was not strong, we found that the greater the number of self-reported lifetime sexual partners the more likely participants were to achieve TLA (ptrend  = 0.06). There was some evidence that participants with HIV-positive partners on ART were less likely to be cases (aOR: 0.75, 95% CI: 0.53 to 1.06, p = 0.07). DISCUSSION: The lack of socio-demographic differences between cases and controls is encouraging for a "universal" intervention that seeks to ensure high coverage across whole communities. Making clinics more "patient-friendly" could enhance treatment uptake further. The finding that those with higher risk behaviour are more actively engaging with UTT holds promise for treatment-as-prevention

    Is home-based HIV testing universally acceptable? Findings from a case-control study nested within the HPTN 071 (PopART) trial.

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    OBJECTIVE: The HPTN 071 (PopART) trial is examining the impact of a package including universal testing and treatment on community-level HIV incidence in Zambia and South Africa. We conducted a nested case-control study to examine factors associated with acceptance of home-based HIV testing and counselling (HB-HTC) delivered by community HIV-care providers (CHiPs) in PopART intervention communities. METHODS: Of 295 447 individuals who were offered testing, random samples of individuals who declined HB-HTC (cases) and accepted HB-HTC (controls), stratified by gender and community, were selected. Odds ratios comparing cases and controls were estimated using multivariable logistic regression. RESULTS: Data from 642 participants (313 cases, 329 controls) were analysed. There were no differences between cases and controls by demographic or behavioural characteristics including age, marital or socio-economic position. Participants who felt they could be open with CHiPs (AOR: 0.46, 95% CI: 0.30-0.71, P < 0.001); self-reported as not previously tested (AOR: 0.64; 95% CI: 0.43-0.95, P = 0.03); considered HTC at home to be convenient (AOR: 0.38, 95% CI: 0.27-0.54, P = 0.001); knowing others who had accepted HB-HTC from the CHiPs (AOR: 0.49, 95% CI: 0.31-0.77, P = 0.002); or were motivated to get treatment without delay (AOR: 0.60, 95% CI: 0.43-0.85, P = 0.004) were less likely to decline the offer of HB-HCT. Those who self-reported high-risk sexual behaviour were also less likely to decline HB-HCT (AOR: 0.61, 95% CI: 0.39-0.93, P = 0.02). Having stigmatising attitudes about HB-HTC was not an important barrier to HB-HCT uptake. Men who reported fear of HIV were more likely to decline HB-HCT (AOR: 2.68, 95% CI: 1.33-5.38, P = 0.005). CONCLUSION: Acceptance of HB-HTC was associated with lack of previous HIV testing, positive attitudes about HIV services/treatment and perception of high sexual risk. Uptake of HB-HCT among those offered it was similar across a range of demographic and behavioural subgroups suggesting it was 'universally' acceptable

    A comparison of different community models of antiretroviral therapy delivery with the standard of care among stable HIV+ patients: rationale and design of a non-inferiority cluster randomized trial, nested in the HPTN 071 (PopART) study.

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    BACKGROUND: Following the World Health Organization's (WHO) 2015 guidelines recommending initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART) irrespective of CD4 count for all people living with HIV (PLHIV), many countries in sub-Saharan Africa have adopted this strategy to reach epidemic control. As the number of PLHIV on ART rises, maintenance of viral suppression on ART for over 90% of PLHIV remains a challenge to government health systems in resource-limited high HIV burden settings. Non facility-based antiretroviral therapy (ART) delivery for stable HIV+ patients may increase sustainable ART coverage in resource-limited settings. Within the HPTN 071 (PopART) trial, two models, home-based delivery (HBD) or adherence clubs (AC), were offered to assess whether they achieved similar viral load suppression (VLS) to standard of care (SoC). In this paper, we describe the trial design and discuss the methodological issues and challenges. METHODS: A three-arm cluster randomized non-inferiority trial, nested in two urban HPTN 071 trial communities in Zambia, randomly allocated 104 zones to SoC (35), HBD (35), or AC (34). ART and adherence support were delivered 3-monthly at home (HBD), adherence clubs (AC), or clinic (SoC). Adult HIV+ patients defined as "stable" on ART were eligible for inclusion. The primary endpoint was the proportion of PLHIV with virological suppression (≤ 1000 copies HIV RNA/ml) at 12 months (± 3months) after study entry across all three arms. Viral load measurement was done at the routine government laboratories in accordance with national guidelines, annually. The study was powered to determine if either of the community-based interventions would yield a viral suppression rate drop compared to SoC of no more than 5% in its absolute value. Both community-based interventions were delivered by community HIV providers (CHiPs). An additional qualitative study using observations, interviews with PLHIV, and FGDs with community HIV providers was nested in this study to complement the quantitative data. DISCUSSION: This trial was designed to provide rigorous randomized evidence of safety and efficacy of non-facility-based delivery of ART for stable PLHIV in high-burden resource-limited settings. This trial will inform policy regarding best practices and what is needed to strengthen scale-up of differentiated models of ART delivery in resource-limited settings. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03025165 . Registered on 19 January 2017

    Spinning plates: livelihood mobility, household responsibility and anti-retroviral treatment in an urban Zambian community during the HPTN 071 (PopART) study.

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    INTRODUCTION: Qualitative data are lacking on the impact of mobility among people living with HIV (PLHIV) and their decision-making around anti-retroviral treatment (ART). We describe challenges of juggling household responsibility, livelihood mobility and HIV management for six PLHIV in urban Zambia. METHODS: Six PLHIV (three men and three women, aged 21 to 44) were recruited from different geographic zones in one urban community drawn from a qualitative cohort in a social science component of a cluster-randomized trial (HPTN071 PopART). Participants were on ART (n = 2), not on ART (n = 2) and had started and stopped ART (n = 2). At least two in-depth interviews and participant observations, and three drop-in household visits with each were carried out between February and August 2017. Themed and comparative analysis was conducted. RESULTS: The six participants relied on the informal economy to meet basic household needs. Routine livelihood mobility, either within the community and to a nearby town centre, or further afield for longer periods of time, was essential to get by. Although aware of ART benefits, only one of the six participants managed to successfully access and sustain treatment. The other five struggled to find time to access ART alongside other priorities, routine mobility and when daily routines were more chaotic. Difficulty in accessing ART was exacerbated by local health facility factors (congestion, a culture of reprimanding PLHIV who miss appointments, sporadic rationed drug supply), stigma and more limited social capital. CONCLUSIONS: Using a time-space framework illustrated how household responsibility, livelihood mobility and HIV management every day were like spinning plates, each liable to topple and demanding constant attention. If universal lifelong ART is to be delivered, the current service model needs to adjust the limited time that some PLHIV have to access ART because of household responsibilities and the need to earn a living moving around, often away from home. Practical strategies that could facilitate ART access in the context of livelihood mobility include challenging the practice of reprimand, improving drug supply, having ART services more widely distributed, mapped and available at night and weekends, and an effective centralized client health information system

    Community intervention improves knowledge of HIV status of adolescents in Zambia: findings from HPTN 071-PopART for youth study

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    Objective: To determine the uptake of home-based HIV counselling and testing (HCT) in four communities of the HPTN 071 (PopART) trial in Zambia among adolescents aged 15–19 years and explore factors associated with HCT uptake. Design: The PopART for youth study is a three-arm community-randomized trial in 12 communities in Zambia and nine communities in South Africa which aims to evaluate the acceptability and uptake of a HIV prevention package, including universal HIV testing and treatment, among young people. The study is nested within the HPTN 071 (PopART) trial. Methods: Using a door-to-door approach that includes systematically revisiting households, all adolescents enumerated were offered participation in the intervention and verbal consent was obtained. Data were analysed from October 2015 to September 2016. Results: Among 15 456 enumerated adolescents, 11 175 (72.3%) accepted the intervention. HCT uptake was 80.6% (8707/10 809) and was similar by sex. Adolescents that knew their HIV-positive status increased almost three-fold, from 75 to 210. Following visits from community HIV care providers, knowledge of HIV status increased from 27.6% (3007/10 884) to 88.5% (9636/10 884). HCT uptake was associated with community, age, duration since previous HIV test; other household members accepting HCT, having an HIV-positive household member, circumcision, and being symptomatic for STIs. Conclusion: Through a home-based approach of offering a combination HIV prevention package, the proportion of adolescents who knew their HIV status increased from ∼28 to 89% among those that accepted the intervention. Delivering a community-level door-to-door combination, HIV prevention package is acceptable to many adolescents and can be effective if done in combination with targeted testing
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