782 research outputs found

    Chromatin structure and DNA damage repair

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    The integrity of the genome is continuously challenged by both endogenous and exogenous DNA damaging agents. These damaging agents can induce a wide variety of lesions in the DNA, such as double strand breaks, single strand breaks, oxidative lesions and pyrimidine dimers. The cell has evolved intricate DNA damage response mechanisms to counteract the genotoxic effects of these lesions. The two main features of the DNA damage response mechanisms are cell-cycle checkpoint activation and, at the heart of the response, DNA repair. For both damage signalling and repair, chromatin remodelling is most likely a prerequisite. Here, we discuss current knowledge on chromatin remodelling with respect to the cellular response to DNA damage, with emphasis on the response to lesions resolved by nucleotide excision repair. We will discuss the role of histone modifications as well as their displacement or exchange in nucleotide excision repair and make a comparison with their requirement in transcription and double strand break repair

    Effect of proliferating cell nuclear antigen ubiquitination and chromatin structure on the dynamic properties of the Y-family DNA polymerases

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    Y-family DNA polymerases carry out translesion synthesis past damaged DNA. DNA polymerases (pol) Ī· and Ī¹ are usually uniformly distributed through the nucleus but accumulate in replication foci during S phase. DNA-damaging treatments result in an increase in S phase cells containing polymerase foci. Using photobleaching techniques, we show that polĪ· is highly mobile in human fibroblasts. Even when localized in replication foci, it is only transiently immobilized. Although ubiquitination of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) is not required for the localization of polĪ· in foci, it results in an increased residence time in foci. polĪ¹ is even more mobile than polĪ·, both when uniformly distributed and when localized in foci. Kinetic modeling suggests that both polĪ· and polĪ¹ diffuse through the cell but that they are transiently immobilized for āˆ¼150 ms, with a larger proportion of polĪ· than polĪ¹ immobilized at any time. Treatment of cells with DRAQ5, which results in temporary opening of the chromatin structure, causes a dramatic immobilization of polĪ· but not polĪ¹. Our data are consistent with a model in which the polymerases are transiently probing the DNA/chromatin. When DNA is exposed at replication forks, the polymerase residence times increase, and this is further facilitated by the ubiquitination of PCNA

    Antiandrogens prevent stable DNA-binding of the androgen receptor

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    The androgen receptor (AR) is essential for development of the male gender and in the growth of the majority of prostate cancers. Agonists as well as most antagonists induce translocation of the receptor to the nucleus, whereas only agonists can activate AR function. Antagonists are therefore used in the therapy of metastasized prostate cancer. To obtain insight into the mechanism by which antagonists block AR function in living cells, we studied nuclear mobility and localization of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged AR in the presence of either the agonist R1881 or the antagonists bicalutamide and hydroxyflutamide. As controls we investigated a non-DNA-binding AR mutant (A573D) and two mutants (W741C and T877A) with broadened ligand specificity. We demonstrate that in the presence of R1881, AR localizes in numerous intranuclear foci and, using complementary fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) approaches and computer modelling, that a fraction of AR ( approximately 10-15%) is transiently immobilized in a DNA-binding-dependent manner (individual ARs being immobile for approximately 45 seconds). By contrast, antagonist-bound GFP-AR showed no detectable immobile fraction and the mobility was similar to that of the R1881-liganded non-DNA-binding mutant (A573D), indicating that antagonists do not induce the relatively stable DNA-binding-dependent immobilization observed with agonist-bound AR. Moreover, in the presence of bicalutamide and hydroxyflutamide GFP-AR was homogeneously distributed in the nucleus. Binding of bicalutamide and hydroxyflutamide to GFP-AR(W741C) and GFP-AR(T877A), respectively, resulted in similar mobility and heterogeneous nuclear distribution as observed for R1881-liganded GFP-AR. The live cell studies indicate that the investigated antagonists interfere with events early in the transactivation function of the AR

    Prenatal uterine environment and sexual differentiation of rats

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    prenatal factors relevant to hormonal environment on the sexual differentiation of behavior, morphology and central nervous system in rats. The effects of such factors as prenatal sex composition of the litter and position in utero on the sexual differentiation of normally developed (i.e. untreated) male and female rats was examined. In addition, the effects of experimentally induced changes in the perinatal hormonal milieu on the central nervous system and behavior of male rats were assessed. This general introduction provides an overview of the effects of hormones on reproductive morphology and behavior, and function and morphology of the central nervous system of mammals, with emphasis on rats. Current questions and hypotheses that led to the experiments presented in this thesis will be outlined

    Plasma testosterone in fetal rats and their mothers on day 19 of gestation

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    Plasma testosterone levels were higher in pooled samples from male fetuses than from female fetuses on day 19 of pregnancy. Plasma testosterone from female fetuses with males located caudally in the uterus was higher than from females that lacked such males. Testosterone level of both male and female fetuses was correlated with maternal testosterone. No correlation was found between maternal testosterone and number of males in the litter, male-to-female ratio, or litter size. These results corroborate earlier findings of a sex difference in plasma testosterone levels on fetal day 19 in rats, and provide support for the hypothesis that female rats receive androgens from males located caudally in the uterus. No evidence was found that testosterone of pregnant females is affected by the sex ratio or size of her litter

    Three-color dSTORM Imaging and Analysis of Recombination Foci in Mouse Spread Meiotic Nuclei

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    During the first meiotic prophase in mouse, repair of SPO11-induced DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), facilitating homologous chromosome synapsis, is essential to successfully complete the first meiotic cell division. Recombinases RAD51 and DMC1 play an important role in homology search, but their mechanistic contribution to this process is not fully understood. Super-resolution, single-molecule imaging of RAD51 and DMC1 provides detailed information on recombinase accumulation on DSBs during meiotic prophase. Here, we present a detailed protocol of recombination foci analysis of three-color direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (dSTORM) imaging of SYCP3, RAD51, and DMC1, fluorescently labeled by antibody staining in mouse spermatocytes. This protocol consists of sample preparation, data acquisition, pre-processing, and data analysis. The sample preparation procedure includes an updated version of the nuclear spreading of mouse testicular cells, followed by immunocytochemistry and the preparation steps for dSTORM imaging. Data acquisition consists of three-color dSTORM imaging, which is extensively described. The pre-processing that converts fluorescent signals to localization data also includes channel alignment and image reconstruction, after which regions of interest (ROIs) are identified based on RAD51 and/or DMC1 localization patterns. The data analysis steps then require processing of the fluorescent signal localization within these ROIs into discrete nanofoci, which can be further analyzed. This multistep approach enables the systematic investigation of spatial distributions of proteins associated with individual DSB sites and can be easily adapted for analyses of other foci-forming proteins. All computational scripts and software are freely accessible, making them available to a broad audience.</p

    Increased calcium oxalate monohydrate crystal binding to injured renal tubular epithelial cells in culture

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    The retention of crystals in the kidney is considered to be a crucial step in the development of a renal stone. This study demonstrates the time-dependent alterations in the extent of calcium oxalate (CaOx) monohydrate (COM) crystal binding to Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells during their growth to confluence and during the healing of wounds made in confluent monolayers. As determined by radiolabeled COM crystal binding studies and confirmed by confocal-scanning laser microscopy, relatively large amounts of crystals (10.4 +/- 0.4 micrograms/cm2) bound to subconfluent cultures that still exhibited a low transepithelial electrical resistance (TER < 400 omega.cm2). The development of junctional integrity, indicated by a high resistance (TER > 1,500 omega.cm2), was followed by a decrease of the crystal binding capacity to almost undetectable low levels (0.13 +/- 0.03 microgram/cm2). Epithelial injury resulted in increased crystal adherence. The highest level of crystal binding was observed 2 days postinjury when the wounds were already morphologically closed but TER was still low. Confocal images showed that during the repair process, crystals selectively adhered to migrating cells at the wound border and to stacked cells at sites were the wounds were closed. After the barrier integrity was restored, crystal binding decreased again to the same low levels as in undamaged controls. These results indicate that, whereas functional MDCK monolayers are largely protected against COM crystal adherence, epithelial injury and the subsequent process of wound healing lead to increased crystal binding

    Androgen receptor complexes probe DNA for recognition sequences by short random interactions

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    Owing to the tremendous progress in microscopic imaging of fluorescently labeled proteins in living cells, the insight into the highly dynamic behavior of transcription factors has rapidly increased over the past decade. However, a consistent quantitative scheme of their action is still lacking. Using the androgen receptor (AR) as a model system, we combined three different fluorescence microscopy assays: single-molecule microscopy, photobleaching and correlation spectroscopy, to provide a quantitative model of the action of this transcription factor. This approach enabled us to distinguish two types of AR-DNA binding: very brief interactions, in the order of a few hundred milliseconds, and hormone-induced longer-lasting interactions, with a characteristic binding time of several seconds. In addition, freely mobile ARs were slowed down in the presence of hormone, suggesting the formation of large AR-co-regulator complexes in the nucleoplasm upon hormone activation. Our data suggest a model in which mobile hormone-induced complexes of transcription factors and co-regulators probe DNA by briefly binding at random sites, only forming relatively stable transcription initiation complexes when bound to specific recognition sequences
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