17 research outputs found

    DSYB catalyses the key step of dimethylsulfoniopropionate biosynthesis in many phytoplankton

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    Dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) is a globally important organosulfur molecule and the major precursor for dimethyl sulfide. These compounds are important info-chemicals, key nutrients for marine microorganisms, and are involved in global sulfur cycling, atmospheric chemistry and cloud formation1,2,3. DMSP production was thought to be confined to eukaryotes, but heterotrophic bacteria can also produce DMSP through the pathway used by most phytoplankton4, and the DsyB enzyme catalysing the key step of this pathway in bacteria was recently identified5. However, eukaryotic phytoplankton probably produce most of Earth’s DMSP, yet no DMSP biosynthesis genes have been identified in any such organisms. Here we identify functional dsyB homologues, termed DSYB, in many phytoplankton and corals. DSYB is a methylthiohydroxybutryate methyltransferase enzyme localized in the chloroplasts and mitochondria of the haptophyte Prymnesium parvum, and stable isotope tracking experiments support these organelles as sites of DMSP synthesis. DSYB transcription levels increased with DMSP concentrations in different phytoplankton and were indicative of intracellular DMSP. Identification of the eukaryotic DSYB sequences, along with bacterial dsyB, provides the first molecular tools to predict the relative contributions of eukaryotes and prokaryotes to global DMSP production. Furthermore, evolutionary analysis suggests that eukaryotic DSYB originated in bacteria and was passed to eukaryotes early in their evolution

    Significant CO2 fixation by small prymnesiophytes in the subtropical and tropical northeast Atlantic Ocean

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    Global estimates indicate the oceans are responsible for approximately half of the carbon dioxide fixed on Earth. Organisms <= 5 mu m in size dominate open ocean phytoplankton communities in terms of abundance and CO(2) fixation, with the cyanobacterial genera Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus numerically the most abundant and more extensively studied compared with small eukaryotes. However, the contribution of specific taxonomic groups to marine CO(2) fixation is still poorly known. In this study, we show that among the phytoplankton, small eukaryotes contribute significantly to CO(2) fixation (44%) because of their larger cell volume and thereby higher cell-specific CO(2) fixation rates. Within the eukaryotes, two groups, herein called Euk-A and Euk-B, were distinguished based on their flow cytometric signature. Euk-A, the most abundant group, contained cells 1.8 +/- 0.1 mu m in size while Euk-B was the least abundant but cells were larger (2.8 +/- 0.2 mu m). The Euk-B group comprising prymnesiophytes (73 +/- 13%) belonging largely to lineages with no close cultured counterparts accounted for up to 38% of the total primary production in the subtropical and tropical northeast Atlantic Ocean, suggesting a key role of this group in oceanic CO(2) fixation. The ISME Journal (2010) 4, 1180-1192; doi: 10.1038/ismej.2010.36; published online 15 April 201