16 research outputs found

    Karakterisasi Ekstrak Etanol Bagian Pericarp Buah Manggis (Garcinia mangostana L.) Dan Aplikasinya Pada Pembuatan Granul Minuman

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    Pericarp buah manggis sering dimanfaatkan sebagai obat tradisional yang memiliki senyawa α-mangostin, dan terbukti memiliki bioaktivitas sebagai antioksidan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memanfaatkan limbah pericarp buah manggis menjadi sebuah produk. Produk ini memanfaatkan ekstrak etanol pericarp buah manggis dalam bentuk granul minuman. Ekstrak dibuat dengan cara maserasi menggunakan etanol 70% pada pericarp buah manggis yang telah dikeringkan. Kemudian ekstrak dikarakterisasi parameter spesifik dan nonspesifiknya. Granulasi ekstrak dibuat menggunakan dua formula, kemudian dilakukan evaluasi terhadap granul tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanol pericarp buah manggis berwarna kuning kecoklatan, berbentuk serbuk, aromatis, mengandung α-mangostin dengan nilai Rf 0,55, kadar 5,18%, susut pengeringan 12,32%±0,00%, kadar abu 2,43%±0,01%, kadar abu larut asam 0,17%±0,00%. Hasil evaluasi pada granul FI dan FII meliputi organoleptis bentuk granul, warna kuning(FI) dan kuning pucat(FII), bau khas, densiti nyata 0,5567 g/mL±0,0001g/mL; 0,3866g/mL±0,0001g/mL, densiti mampat 0,3866g/mL± 0,0001g/mL; 0,4183g/mL±0,0001g/mL, kompresibilitas 8,1%±0,21%; 8,3%± 0,28%, sudut istirahat 35,61⁰±0,01; 31,61⁰±0,01, waktu alir 8,50g/detik± 0,01g/detik; 8,84g/detik±0,13g/detik, loss on drying 4,39%; 3,9% dan kadar α-mangostin pada 1 g granul 0,23%; 0,29%. Hasil evaluasi kesukaan rasa minuman FI dan FII terhadap responden yaitu 40%; 45% dan evalusi kesukaan warna minuman FI dan FII yaitu 45%; 50%. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak etanol pericarp buah manggis dapat disiapkan dalam bentuk granul sesuai dengan syarat evaluasi granul. Kata kunci: Garcinia mangostana, α-mangostin, antioksidan, granu

    Biallelic variants identified in 36 Pakistani families and trios with autism spectrum disorder

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    With its high rate of consanguineous marriages and diverse ethnic population, little is currently understood about the genetic architecture of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in Pakistan. Pakistan has a highly ethnically diverse population, yet with a high proportion of endogamous marriages, and is therefore anticipated to be enriched for biallelic disease-relate variants. Here, we attempt to determine the underlying genetic abnormalities causing ASD in thirty-six small simplex or multiplex families from Pakistan. Microarray genotyping followed by homozygosity mapping, copy number variation analysis, and whole exome sequencing were used to identify candidate. Given the high levels of consanguineous marriages among these families, autosomal recessively inherited variants were prioritized, however de novo/dominant and X-linked variants were also identified. The selected variants were validated using Sanger sequencing. Here we report the identification of sixteen rare or novel coding variants in fifteen genes (ARAP1, CDKL5, CSMD2, EFCAB12, EIF3H, GML, NEDD4, PDZD4, POLR3G, SLC35A2, TMEM214, TMEM232, TRANK1, TTC19, and ZNF292) in affected members in eight of the families, including ten homozygous variants in four families (nine missense, one loss of function). Three heterozygous de novo mutations were also identified (in ARAP1, CSMD2, and NEDD4), and variants in known X-linked neurodevelopmental disorder genes CDKL5 and SLC35A2. The current study offers information on the genetic variability associated with ASD in Pakistan, and demonstrates a marked enrichment for biallelic variants over that reported in outbreeding populations. This information will be useful for improving approaches for studying ASD in populations where endogamy is commonly practiced

    Pengaruh Persepsi Siswa Tentang Penggunaan Learning Management System terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa pada Mata Pelajaran Pemograman Dasar SMKN 2Padang dalam Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    One of the subjects that use learning management system is basic programming. Based on data obtained from” teachers in the field of basic programming studies, there are still many students who have not completed subjects using learning management systems. The purpose of the study was to find out the influence of students' perceptions about the use of learning management systems on basic programming subjects on students' learning motivation in SMK Negeri 2 Padang “during the Covid-19 pandemic”. “The population in this study is all students of class x rpl odd semester of the academic year” 2020/2021 SMK Negeri 2 Padang consisting of two classes of 66 people. “Sampling in this study was conducted with simple random sampling techniques. The analysis method uses simple linear regression analysis. The results of the study found that the t count was 2,953 and the value (sig = 0.004< 0.05). With df = 36-2 = 34 Obtained a certificate of 1,691,” from the above results can be concluded students' perceptions about the use of learning management system in basic programming subjects affect student learning motivation in SMK Negeri 2 Padang in the Covid-19 Pandemic Period

    SARS-CoV-2 Causes Lung Inflammation through Metabolic Reprogramming and RAGE

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    Clinical studies indicate that patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 develop hyperinflammation, which correlates with increased mortality. The SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19-dependent inflammation is thought to occur via increased cytokine production and hyperactivity of RAGE in several cell types, a phenomenon observed for other disorders and diseases. Metabolic reprogramming has been shown to contribute to inflammation and is considered a hallmark of cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and viral infections. Malfunctioning glycolysis, which normally aims to convert glucose into pyruvate, leads to the accumulation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). Being aberrantly generated, AGEs then bind to their receptor, RAGE, and activate several pro-inflammatory genes, such as IL-1b and IL-6, thus, increasing hypoxia and inducing senescence. Using the lung epithelial cell (BEAS-2B) line, we demonstrated that SARS-CoV-2 proteins reprogram the cellular metabolism and increase pyruvate kinase muscle isoform 2 (PKM2). This deregulation promotes the accumulation of AGEs and senescence induction. We showed the ability of the PKM2 stabilizer, Tepp-46, to reverse the observed glycolysis changes/alterations and restore this essential metabolic process

    Preparation of Novel Silicone Multicompartment Particles by Multiple Emulsion Templating and Their Use As Encapsulating Systems

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    Multicompartment poly(dimethylsiloxane) particles were produced for the first time using water-in-oil-in-water (W1/O/W2) emulsions as templates. Multiple silicone W1/O/W2 emulsions were successfully prepared by using silicone precursors with a low viscosity. Several formulation parameters were studied to determine their effect on the properties of emulsions and derived particles. It was observed that the mass fraction of the inner aqueous phase (φ(W1)) and the concentration of both the hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfactants played a crucial role in the morphology and stability of the emulsions. Thus, the derived silicone porous particles also showed different characteristics depending on the emulsion formulation because of the templating effect. At low φ(W1) or high concentrations of the hydrophobic surfactant, particles showed smaller pore sizes as a result of more stable inner droplets. On the other hand, high concentrations of the hydrophobic surfactant resulted in an increase in the size of the derived particles, whereas high concentrations of the hydrophilic surfactant caused the opposite effect. In addition, fluorescein was encapsulated into the hydrophobic particles during the synthesis process and released in a controlled manner. The possibility to encapsulate simultaneously but independently two different hydrophilic components inside the same globule was also tested. On the basis of these results, the obtained silicone porous particles are envisioned to have applications in several advanced fields, for instance, as hydrophobic delivery systems.The authors gratefully acknowledge the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (Grant CTQ2011-29336-C03- 01/PPQ) and Generalitat de Catalunya (Grant 2009 SGR-961) for the financial support. C. RodrĂ­guez-Abreu is grateful to the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under COOPERATION program NMP-theme (Grant 314212) and Xunta de Galicia (PGIDIT, 2010/PX168) for research funding. N. Vilanova thanks CSIC for a JAE-predoctoral scholarship.Peer reviewe