56 research outputs found

    Revealing the diversity of the green Eulalia (Annelida, Phyllodocidae) species complex along the European coast, with description of three new species

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    The green phyllodocids Eulalia clavigera and E. viridis are a known European pseudo-cryptic complex, but questions about its distribution and evidence of additional lineages in previous studies call for an investigation of the real diversity within the complex. We analyze DNA sequences (mtCOI-5P, ITS, and 28S rRNA) of different populations of E. clavigera from intertidal and subtidal marine waters along the North East Atlantic, Mediterranean Sea, the Azores and Webbnesia (Madeira, Savage islands and Canaries), and populations of E. viridis from the Scandinavia. This provided compelling evidence for the existence of six additional divergent evolutionary lineages, three of the most abundant being described here as new species: Eulalia feliciae sp. nov., intertidal and unique to the Western Mediterranean, Eulalia madeirensis sp. nov., subtidal and unique to the Madeira Island (Portugal), and Eulalia xanthomucosa sp. nov., mostly subtidal and occurring in the British Isles and southern France. Complementary morphometric analyses showed that E. feliciae sp. nov. and E. madeirensis sp. nov. formed two independent morphometric clusters, while E. xanthomucosa sp. nov. often overlapped with E. clavigera sensu stricto (s. s.), although being unique in showing a yellow coloration and parapodial cirri on median segments larger in relation to its body size. Recent biotechnological findings based on “E. clavigera” specimens highlight the importance of formally describing cryptic complexes, since each lineage chemistry might be unique and may have a range of distinct effects and applications.This study was supported by the project ATLANTIDA–Platform for the monitoring of the North Atlantic Ocean and tools for the sustainable exploitation of the marine resources, with the reference NORTE-01–0145-FEDER-000040, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (NORTE 2020). Thanks are due, for the financial support to CESAM (UIDB/50017/2020 + UIDP/50017/2020), to Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and Ministry of Education and Science (FCT/MEC) through national funds, and the co-funding by the FEDER, within the PT2020 Partnership Agreement and Compete 2020. Marcos A. L. Teixeira was supported by a PhD grant from FCT co-financed by ESF (SFRH/BD/131527/2017) and from the DNAqua-Net STSM grant “Rich and hidden biodiversity not yet barcoded in the Canary archipelago (Spain) as an opportunity to enrich the DNA barcode reference library for European polychaetes,” under the EU Cost action CA15219–Developing new genetic tools for bio-assessment of aquatic ecosystems in Europe. Pedro E. Vieira was supported by national funds through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, I.P.) in the scope of the project (early detection and monitoring of non-indigenous species in coastal ecosystems based on high-throughput sequencing tools, PTDC/BIA-BMA/29754/2017). Ascensão Ravara was supported by national funds, through FCT, I.P., in the scope of the framework contract foreseen in the numbers 4, 5, and 6 of the article 23, of the Decree-Law 57/2016, of August 29, changed by Law 57/2017, of July 19. Arne Nygren was supported by the Norwegian Taxonomy Initiative [https://www.biodiversity.no/Pages/135523] (Cryptic polychaete species in Norwegian waters, knr 49–13, pnr 70184228), the Swedish Taxonomy Initiative [https://www.artdatabanken.se/en/the-swedish-taxonomy-initiative/] (Polychaete species complexes in Swedish waters, dnr 140/07 1.4 and 166/08 1.4), and Kungliga Fysiografiska sällskapet Nilsson-Ehle donationerna [https://www.fysiografen.se/sv/]

    Training for innovation in Spain

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    The capacity for innovation of an organisation largely depends on its ability to acquire and develop new knowledge. Training is particularly important in this process, as it allows employees to constantly acquire new competences. This study provides a preliminary picture of the situation of training for innovation in Spain, and identifies the characteristics of companies offering training for innovation. Results show that 35.3% of Spanish companies undertake innovation processes and 22.3% offer training related to these innovation processes. For the 82% of these companies training helped the innovation process, so training is an important tool for innovative change

    Education for sustainable development in higher education: evaluating coherence between theory and praxis

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    Universities are an important part of the process of change taking place in society. However, this is often overshadowed by these institutions giving priority to technocratic models in the relationship between science and society. In this context, according to Habermas, theories can serve to clarify practical questions and guide praxis into the right actions (social emancipation and rational autonomy). Habermas introduces the need to evaluate the particular contexts in which scientific arguments are made and assessed. The aim of this study was to develop a set of assessment criteria for education for sustainable development in higher education curricula. These were developed in line with Habermas by introducing further adaptions within the context of education for sustainable development. These criteria were tested in a blended learning master’s programme in Environmental Citizenship and Participation at the Universidade Aberta, Portugal. The following research tools were used as follows: (i) a questionnaire survey to the graduates; (ii) content analysis applied to the information guide and to the abstracts of the dissertations that were produced. The case study revealed that an absence of theoretical frameworks could lead to inconsistencies between theory and praxis. Improvements to curricula are then drawn from this study

    IV consenso mexicano sobre Helicobacter pylori

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    Desde el último consenso mexicano para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la infección por Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) en el 2007, han existido avances importantes al respecto. Por tal motivo, la Asociación Mexicana de Gastroenterología convocó a 20 expertos para la realización del «IV consenso mexicano sobre H. pylori». Durante febrero y junio del 2017 se organizaron 4 mesas de trabajo, una revisión de la literatura y 3 rondas de votaciones donde se establecieron 32 enunciados para discusión y consenso. Dentro de las recomendaciones se destaca el reconocer a México como un país con riesgo de cáncer gástrico bajo a intermedio a pesar de la alta prevalencia de infección por H. pylori. Se corrobora que enfermedad ulcerosa péptica, presencia de lesiones premalignas, antecedentes de cáncer gástrico y linfoma asociado a la mucosa deben considerarse indicaciones claras para erradicación. La relación del H. pylori con los síntomas dispépticos sigue siendo controversial. La triple terapia de erradicación con amoxicilina, claritromicina y un inhibidor de la bomba de protones ya no debe ser considerada la primera línea de tratamiento. En su lugar, se proponen 2 opciones: la terapia cuádruple con bismuto (inhibidor de la bomba de protones, subcitrato de bismuto, tetraciclina y metronidazol) y la terapia cuádruple sin bismuto (inhibidor de la bomba de protones, amoxicilina, claritromicina y metronidazol). Se establece la necesidad de la realización de sensibilidad antimicrobiana ante la falla a 2 tratamientos de erradicación. Finalmente, se proponen campañas de educación respecto al diagnóstico y tratamiento del H. pylori para médicos de primer contacto y población general. Abstract Important advances have been made since the last Mexican consensus on the diagnosis and treatment of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection was published in 2007. Therefore, the Asociación Mexicana de Gastroenterología summoned 20 experts to produce ‘‘The Fourth Mexican Consensus on Helicobacter pylori’’. From February to June 2017, 4 working groups were organized, a literature review was performed, and 3 voting rounds were carried out, resulting in the formulation of 32 statements for discussion and consensus. From the ensuing recommendations, it was striking that Mexico is a country with an intermediate-to-low risk for gastric cancer, despite having a high prevalence of H. pylori infection. It was also corroborated that peptic ulcer disease, premalignant lesions, and histories of gastric cancer and mucosaassociated lymphoid tissue lymphoma should be considered clear indications for eradication. The relation of H. pylori to dyspeptic symptoms continues to be controversial. Eradication triple therapy with amoxicillin, clarithromycin, and a proton pump inhibitor should no longer be considered first-line treatment, with the following 2 options proposed to take its place: quadruple therapy with bismuth (proton pump inhibitor, bismuth subcitrate, tetracycline, and metronidazole) and quadruple therapy without bismuth (proton pump inhibitor, amoxicillin, clarithromycin, and metronidazole). The need for antimicrobial sensitivity testing when 2 eradication treatments have failed was also established. Finally, the promotion of educational campaigns on the diagnosis and treatment of H. pylori for both primary care physicians and the general population were proposed

    A High Accurate Approximation for a Galactic Newtonian Nonlinear Model Validated by Employing Observational Data

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    This article proposes Perturbation Method (PM) to solve nonlinear problems. As case study PM is employed to provide a detailed study of a nonlinear galactic model. Our approach is rather elementary and seeks to explain as much detail as possible the material of this work.In particular our solution gives rise qualitatively, to the known flat rotation curves. In fact, we compare the numerical solution and the obtained approximation by employing observational data proving the validity and high accuracy of the model under study

    Professores discriminados: um estudo sobre os docentes do sexo masculino nas séries do ensino fundamental

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar algumas representações de gênero que envolvem a docência nas séries iniciais do ensino fundamental no Rio de Janeiro (Brasil) e em Aveiro (Portugal), especialmente as representações geradoras de discriminações que afetam os homens atuantes na profissão. Socialmente definida como feminina, tal profissão carrega representações que podem diferenciar as práticas e as escolhas, sendo que muitas delas associam o magistério ao feminino e alegam que os professores homens estariam fora de lugar. A partir da análise qualitativa e quantitativa de questionários e entrevistas com professores desse segmento, examinamos, então, quais são as representações de gênero que circulam em relação à docência nas séries iniciais do ensino fundamental, se existe discriminação em relação a eles, bem como se os homens que entram na profissão são desprovidos de preconceitos e ajudariam a diminuir as discriminações de gênero. Concluímos que o simples fato de existir um professor do sexo masculino nas salas de aula pode provocar várias representações de gênero; nesse sentido, os professores podem ou não tentar quebrar tais representações, o que aconteceu com alguns dos participantes desta investigação. Mesmo sofrendo preconceitos, porém, muitos se aproveitam das vantagens da masculinidade na sociedade. Apesar disso, demarcamos que a presença de professores do sexo masculino nas séries iniciais é uma forma de inserir as questões de gênero na educação, demonstrar às crianças na escola que o homem também pode escolher essa atividade com sucesso e evidenciar que a aptidão para o magistério não depende do sexo