1,402 research outputs found

    X-ray Observations of the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium

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    We present Chandra observations that provide the most direct evidence to date for the pervasive, moderate density, shock-heated intergalactic medium predicted by leading cosmological scenarios. We also comment briefly on future observations with Constellation-X.Comment: To be published in the proceedings of the conference "IGM/Galaxy Connection- The Distribution of Baryons at z=0". 6 page

    Dynamics of Content Diversity within Issues, Across Platforms: A Pesticide Debate in the News and on Twitter

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    Diversity of represented viewpoints in media content is a vital aspect of democratic societies. Building on insights about content diversity between topics, this study assesses frame and actor diversity within an issue and across media platforms. We conducted a manual quantitative content analysis of frames and actors in Dutch Twitter posts (N = 2,224) and newspaper articles (N = 318) about the banned pesticide fipronil, and we compared categorical and relative diversity of frames and actors between platforms. The results revealed an overall higher diversity for newspaper articles compared with tweets. Most strikingly, the diversity dynamics were quite similar in newspaper content and Twitter messages, but this similarity vanished once we distinguished between diagnostic and prognostic actor and frame diversity, with news articles showing a greater focus on solutions. The proposed diversity measures help discern temporal stages within issues and contribute to our understanding of intraissue dynamics across media platforms

    Constraining the Metallicity of the Low Density Lyman-alpha Forest Using OVI Absorption

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    We search for OVI absorption in a Keck HIRES spectrum of the z=3.62 quasar Q1422+231. Comparison of CIV measurements to cosmological simulations shows that \lya forest absorbers with N_HI > 10^{14.5} have [C/H]~=-2.5, for the UV background spectrum of Haardt & Madau (HM). Lower column density absorption arises in lower density gas, where OVI is the most sensitive metal tracer. Since OVI lines lie at wavelengths contaminated by Lyman series absorption, we interpret our Q1422 results by comparing to artificial spectra drawn from an SPH simulation of a Lambda-dominated CDM model. A search for deep, narrow features in Q1422 yields only a few candidate OVI lines, statistically consistent with the number in artificial spectra with no metals; spectra generated with the HM background and [O/H] >= -2.5 predict too many narrow lines. However, applying the optical depth ratio technique of Songaila (1998), we DO find significant OVI associated with CIV systems; matching Q1422 requires [O/C]~=+0.5, implying [O/H]~=-2.0. Taken together these results imply that (a) the metallicity in the low density IGM is at least a factor of three below that in the overdense regions where CIV absorption is detectable, and (b) oxygen is overabundant in these regions, consistent with the enrichment pattern of old halo stars. If the UV background is heavily truncated above 4 Ry, an implausibly high oxygen overabundance ([O/C]>+2) is required by the data; thus a majority of the volume of the universe must have undergone helium reionization by z=3.(Abridged)Comment: Submitted to ApJ, 48 pp including 14 ps figures, uses aaspp4.st

    Species sorting drives variation of boreal lake and river macrophyte communities

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    Metacommunity paradigms are increasingly studied to explain how environmental control and spatial patterns determine variation in community composition. However, the relative importance of these patterns on biological assemblages among different habitats is not well known. We investigated the relative roles of local, catchment and spatial variables based on overland and watercourse distances in explaining the variation of community structure of lake and river macrophytes in two large river basins at two spatial extents (within and across river basins). Partial redundancy analysis was used to explore the share of variability in macrophyte communities attributable to local environmental conditions, catchment land cover and space (generated with Principle Coordinates of Neighbour Matrices). We found that local variables had the highest effect on both lake and river macrophyte communities, followed by catchment variables. Space had no or only marginal influence on the community structure regardless of used distance measure. Total phosphorus, conductivity and turbidity of the local variables contributed most for lake macrophytes, whereas pH and color had largest independent contribution for variation in river macrophytes. Size of catchment area and proportion of lakes and agriculture were the most important catchment variables in both habitats. The strong importance of environmental control suggests that both lake and river macrophyte communities are structured by species sorting. This finding gives support to the validity of assessment systems based on the European Water Framework Directive

    Comparison of modelled and monitored deposition fluxes of sulphur and nitrogen to ICP-forest sites in Europe

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    The EMEP MSC-W Eulerian chemical transport model, and its predictions of deposition of acidifying and eutrophying pollutants over Europe, play a key role in the development of emission control strategies for Europe. It is important that this model is tested against observational data. Here we compare the results of the EMEP model with measured data from 160 sites of the European Union/ICP Forest (Level II) monitoring network, for the years 1997 and 2000. This comparison comprises: (a) Precipitation amount, (b) Total deposition of SO42- to coniferous and deciduous forests, (c) Wet deposition of SO42-, NO3- and NH4+ in open field sites, and (d) Concentrations of SO42-, NO3- and NH4+ in precipitation. Concerning precipitation, the EMEP model and ICP network showed very similar overall levels (within 4% for 1997 and 11% for 2000). The correlation was, however, poor (r2=0.15-0.23). This can be attributed largely to the influence of a few outliers, combined with a small range of rainfall amounts for most points. Correlations between modelled and observed deposition values in this study were rather high (r2 values between 0.4-0.8 for most components and years), with mean values across all sites being within 30%. The EMEP model tends to give somewhat lower values for SO42-, NO3- and NH4+ wet deposition to ICP, but differences in mean values were within 20% in 1997 and 30% in 2000. Modelled and observed concentrations of SO 42-, NO3- and NH4+ in precipitation are very similar on average (differences of 0-14%), with good correlation between modelled and observed data (r 2=0.50-0.78). Differences between the EMEP model and ICP measurements are thought to arise from a mixture of problems with both the observations and model. However, the overall conclusion is that the EMEP model performs rather well in reproducing patterns of S and N deposition to European forests

    Adenine, guanine and pyridine nucleotides in blood during physical exercise and restitution in healthy subjects

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    Maximal physical exertion is accompanied by increased degradation of purine nucleotides in muscles with the products of purine catabolism accumulating in the plasma. Thanks to membrane transporters, these products remain in an equilibrium between the plasma and red blood cells where they may serve as substrates in salvage reactions, contributing to an increase in the concentrations of purine nucleotides. In this study, we measured the concentrations of adenine nucleotides (ATP, ADP, AMP), inosine nucleotides (IMP), guanine nucleotides (GTP, GDP, GMP), and also pyridine nucleotides (NAD, NADP) in red blood cells immediately after standardized physical effort with increasing intensity, and at the 30th min of rest. We also examined the effect of muscular exercise on adenylate (guanylate) energy charge—AEC (GEC), and on the concentration of nucleosides (guanosine, inosine, adenosine) and hypoxanthine. We have shown in this study that a standardized physical exercise with increasing intensity leads to an increase in IMP concentration in red blood cells immediately after the exercise, which with a significant increase in Hyp concentration in the blood suggests that Hyp was included in the IMP pool. Restitution is accompanied by an increase in the ATP/ADP and ADP/AMP ratios, which indicates an increase in the phosphorylation of AMP and ADP to ATP. Physical effort applied in this study did not lead to changes in the concentrations of guanine and pyridine nucleotides in red blood cells

    Extracting Urban Morphology for Atmospheric Modeling from Multispectral and SAR Satellite Imagery

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    This paper presents an approach designed to derive an urban morphology map from satellite data while aiming to minimize the cost of data and user interference. The approach will help to provide updates to the current morphological databases around the world. The proposed urban morphology maps consist of two layers: 1) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and 2) land cover map. Sentinel-2 data was used to create a land cover map, which was realized through image classification using optical range indices calculated from image data. For the purpose of atmospheric modeling, the most important classes are water and vegetation areas. The rest of the area includes bare soil and built-up areas among others, and they were merged into one class in the end. The classification result was validated with ground truth data collected both from field measurements and aerial imagery. The overall classification accuracy for the three classes is 91 %. TanDEM-X data was processed into two DEMs with different grid sizes using interferometric SAR processing. The resulting DEM has a RMSE of 3.2 meters compared to a high resolution DEM, which was estimated through 20 control points in flat areas. Comparing the derived DEM with the ground truth DEM from airborne LIDAR data, it can be seen that the street canyons, that are of high importance for urban atmospheric modeling are not detectable in the TanDEM-X DEM. However, the derived DEM is suitable for a class of urban atmospheric models. Based on the numerical modeling needs for regional atmospheric pollutant dispersion studies, the generated files enable the extraction of relevant parametrizations, such as Urban Canopy Parameters (UCP).Peer reviewe

    Potentiation of cGMP signaling increases oxygen delivery and oxidative metabolism in contracting skeletal muscle of older but not young humans

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    Aging is associated with progressive loss of cardiovascular and skeletal muscle function. The impairment in physical capacity with advancing age could be related to an insufficient peripheral O(2) delivery to the exercising muscles. Furthermore, the mechanisms underlying an impaired blood flow regulation remain unresolved. Cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) is one of the main second messengers that mediate smooth muscle vasodilation and alterations in cGMP signaling could, therefore, be one mechanism by which skeletal muscle perfusion is impaired with advancing age. The current study aimed to evaluate the effect of inhibiting the main enzyme involved in cGMP degradation, phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5), on blood flow and O(2) delivery in contracting skeletal muscle of young and older humans. A group of young (23 ± 1 years) and a group of older (72 ± 2 years) male human subjects performed submaximal knee-extensor exercise in a control setting and following intake of the highly selective PDE5 inhibitor sildenafil. Sildenafil increased leg O(2) delivery (6–9%) and leg O(2) uptake (10–12%) at all three exercise intensities in older but not young subjects. The increase in leg O(2) delivery with sildenafil in the older subjects correlated with the increase in leg O(2) uptake (r(2) = 0.843). These findings suggest an insufficient O(2) delivery to the contracting skeletal muscle of aged individuals and that reduced cGMP availability is a novel mechanism underlying impaired skeletal muscle perfusion with advancing age

    Accelerated gene evolution and subfunctionalization in the pseudotetraploid frog Xenopus laevis

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    Ancient whole genome duplications have been implicated in the vertebrate and teleost radiations, and in the emergence of diverse angiosperm lineages, but the evolutionary response to such a perturbation is still poorly understood. The African clawed frog Xenopus laevis experienced a relatively recent tetraploidization {approx} 40 million years ago. Analysis of the considerable amount of EST sequence available for this species together with the genome sequence of the related diploid Xenopus tropicalis provides a unique opportunity to study the genomic response to whole genome duplication

    The X-Ray Forest: A New Prediction of Hierarchical Structure Formation Models

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    We use numerical simulations of structure formation in a Cold Dark Matter model to predict the absorption lines in the soft X-rays produced by heavy elements in the shock-heated intergalactic medium at low redshift. The simulation incorporates a model for metal production in galaxies and the subsequent dispersion of the metals to the intergalactic medium. We analyze in particular absorption lines produced by oxygen, and calculate the ionization stage taking into account the observed X-ray background at the present time. We find that oxygen is fully ionized by the X-ray background in low-density voids, and is mostly in the form of OVII and OVIII in the sheets and filamentary regions. Strong absorption lines of OVII and OVIII with equivalent widths W ~ 100 km/s are produced in filamentary regions of overdensities ~ 100 and temperatures ~ 10^6 K, located in the outskirts of groups and clusters of galaxies. The OVII line at E = 574 eV is generally the strongest one in these systems. Our model predicts that any X-ray source (such as a quasar) should typically show about one OVII absorption line with W > 100 km/s in the interval from z=0 to z=0.3. These lines could be detected with the upcoming generation of X-ray telescopes, and their origin in intervening systems could be confirmed by the association with groups of galaxies and X-ray emitting halos near the line-of-sight at the same redshift. The hot intergalactic medium may be one of the main reservoirs of baryons in the present universe, and the heavy element X-ray absorption lines offer a promising possibility of detecting this new component in the near future.Comment: Accepted by ApJ. The full resolution color GIF version of Fig.2 is include
