952 research outputs found

    Estimation of Conditional Power for Cluster-Randomized Trials with Interval-Censored Endpoints

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    Cluster-randomized trials (CRTs) of infectious disease preventions often yield correlated, interval-censored data: dependencies may exist between observations from the same cluster, and event occurrence may be assessed only at intermittent clinic visits. This data structure must be accounted for when conducting interim monitoring and futility assessment for CRTs. In this article, we propose a flexible framework for conditional power estimation when outcomes are correlated and interval-censored. Under the assumption that the survival times follow a shared frailty model, we first characterize the correspondence between the marginal and cluster-conditional survival functions, and then use this relationship to semiparametrically estimate the cluster-specific survival distributions from the available interim data. We incorporate assumptions about changes to the event process over the remainder of the trial---as well as estimates of the dependency among observations in the same cluster---to extend these survival curves through the end of the study. Based on these projected survival functions we generate correlated interval-censored observations, and then calculate the conditional power as the proportion of times (across multiple full-data generation steps) that the null hypothesis of no treatment effect is rejected. We evaluate the performance of the proposed method through extensive simulation studies, and illustrate its use on a large cluster-randomized HIV prevention trial

    Transcranial Doppler Directed Dextran Therapy in the Prevention of Carotid Thrombosis: Three Hour Monitoring is as Effective as Six Hours

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    AbstractBackgroundsix hours» monitoring by transcranial Doppler (TCD) has been successful in directing Dextran therapy in patients at high risk of thrombotic stroke after carotid endarterectomy (CEA).Objectivesis 3 h of routine monitoring as effective as 6 h in the prevention of early postoperative thrombotic stroke?Designprospective, consecutive study in all patients with an accessible cranial window.Methodsone hundred and sixty-six patients undergoing CEA underwent 3 h of postoperative monitoring by TCD. Any patient with >25 emboli detected in any 10 min period or those with emboli that distorted the arterial waveform were commenced on an incremental infusion of dextran 40.Resultsthe majority of patients destined to embolise will do so within the first 2 postoperative hours. Dextran therapy was instituted in nine patients (5%) and rapidly controlled this phase of embolisation although the dose had to be increased in three (33%). No patient suffered a postoperative carotid thrombosis but one suffered a minor stroke on day 5 and was found to have profuse embolisation on TCD; high dose dextran therapy was again instituted, the embolus count rate fell rapidly and he made a good recovery thereafter. Overall, the death and disabling stroke rate was 1.2% and the death/any stroke rate was 2.4%.Conclusionthree hours of postoperative TCD monitoring is as effective as 6 h in the prevention of postoperative carotid thrombosis

    Assortative social mixing and sex disparities in tuberculosis burden

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    Globally, men have higher tuberculosis (TB) burden but the mechanisms underlying this sex disparity are not fully understood. Recent surveys of social mixing patterns have established moderate preferential within-sex mixing in many settings. This assortative mixing could amplify differences from other causes. We explored the impact of assortative mixing and factors differentially affecting disease progression and detection using a sex-stratified deterministic TB transmission model. We explored the influence of assortativity at disease-free and endemic equilibria, finding stronger effects during invasion and on increasing male:female prevalence (M:F) ratios than overall prevalence. Variance-based sensitivity analysis of endemic equilibria identified differential progression as the most important driver of M:F ratio uncertainty. We fitted our model to prevalence and notification data in exemplar settings within a fully Bayesian framework. For our high M:F setting, random mixing reduced equilibrium M:F ratios by 12% (95% CrI 0–30%). Equalizing male case detection there led to a 20% (95% CrI 11–31%) reduction in M:F ratio over 10 years—insufficient to eliminate sex disparities. However, this potentially achievable improvement was associated with a meaningful 8% (95% CrI 4–14%) reduction in total TB prevalence over this time frame

    Nonlinear hyperbolic systems: Non-degenerate flux, inner speed variation, and graph solutions

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    We study the Cauchy problem for general, nonlinear, strictly hyperbolic systems of partial differential equations in one space variable. First, we re-visit the construction of the solution to the Riemann problem and introduce the notion of a nondegenerate (ND) system. This is the optimal condition guaranteeing, as we show it, that the Riemann problem can be solved with finitely many waves, only; we establish that the ND condition is generic in the sense of Baire (for the Whitney topology), so that any system can be approached by a ND system. Second, we introduce the concept of inner speed variation and we derive new interaction estimates on wave speeds. Third, we design a wave front tracking scheme and establish its strong convergence to the entropy solution of the Cauchy problem; this provides a new existence proof as well as an approximation algorithm. As an application, we investigate the time-regularity of the graph solutions (X,U)(X,U) introduced by the second author, and propose a geometric version of our scheme; in turn, the spatial component XX of a graph solution can be chosen to be continuous in both time and space, while its component UU is continuous in space and has bounded variation in time.Comment: 74 page

    Progress on a gas-accepting ion source for continuous-flow accelerator mass spectrometry

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    Author Posting. © Elsevier B.V., 2007. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 259 (2007): 83-87, doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2007.01.189.A gas-accepting microwave-plasma ion source is being developed for continuous-flow Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS). Characteristics of the ion source will be presented. Schemes for connecting a gas or liquid chromatograph to the ion source will also be discussed

    Cutoff for the Ising model on the lattice

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    Introduced in 1963, Glauber dynamics is one of the most practiced and extensively studied methods for sampling the Ising model on lattices. It is well known that at high temperatures, the time it takes this chain to mix in L1L^1 on a system of size nn is O(logn)O(\log n). Whether in this regime there is cutoff, i.e. a sharp transition in the L1L^1-convergence to equilibrium, is a fundamental open problem: If so, as conjectured by Peres, it would imply that mixing occurs abruptly at (c+o(1))logn(c+o(1))\log n for some fixed c>0c>0, thus providing a rigorous stopping rule for this MCMC sampler. However, obtaining the precise asymptotics of the mixing and proving cutoff can be extremely challenging even for fairly simple Markov chains. Already for the one-dimensional Ising model, showing cutoff is a longstanding open problem. We settle the above by establishing cutoff and its location at the high temperature regime of the Ising model on the lattice with periodic boundary conditions. Our results hold for any dimension and at any temperature where there is strong spatial mixing: For Z2\Z^2 this carries all the way to the critical temperature. Specifically, for fixed d1d\geq 1, the continuous-time Glauber dynamics for the Ising model on (Z/nZ)d(\Z/n\Z)^d with periodic boundary conditions has cutoff at (d/2λ)logn(d/2\lambda_\infty)\log n, where λ\lambda_\infty is the spectral gap of the dynamics on the infinite-volume lattice. To our knowledge, this is the first time where cutoff is shown for a Markov chain where even understanding its stationary distribution is limited. The proof hinges on a new technique for translating L1L^1 to L2L^2 mixing which enables the application of log-Sobolev inequalities. The technique is general and carries to other monotone and anti-monotone spin-systems.Comment: 34 pages, 3 figure

    Transmission modeling to infer tuberculosis incidence prevalence and mortality in settings with generalized HIV epidemics

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    Tuberculosis (TB) killed more people globally than any other single pathogen over the past decade. Where surveillance is weak, estimating TB burden estimates uses modeling. In many African countries, increases in HIV prevalence and antiretroviral therapy have driven dynamic TB epidemics, complicating estimation of burden, trends, and potential intervention impact. We therefore develop a novel age-structured TB transmission model incorporating evolving demographic, HIV and antiretroviral therapy effects, and calibrate to TB prevalence and notification data from 12 African countries. We use Bayesian methods to include uncertainty for all TB model parameters, and estimate age-specific annual risks of TB infection, finding up to 16.0%/year in adults, and the proportion of TB incidence from recent (re)infection, finding a mean across countries of 34%. Rapid reduction of the unacceptably high burden of TB in high HIV prevalence settings will require interventions addressing progression as well as transmission