2,912 research outputs found

    Cobalt base superalloy has outstanding properties up to 1478 K (2200 F)

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    Alloy VM-103 is especially promising for use in applications requiring short time exposure to very high temperatures. Its properties over broad range of temperatures are superior to those of comparable commercial wrought cobalt-base superalloys, L-605 and HS-188

    A new method for monitoring global volcanic activity

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    The ERTS Data Collection System makes it feasible for the first time to monitor the level of activity at widely separated volcanoes and to relay these data rapidly to one central office for analysis. While prediction of specific eruptions is still an evasive goal, early warning of a reawakening of quiescent volcanoes is now a distinct possibility. A prototypical global volcano surveillance system was established under the ERTS program. Instruments were installed in cooperation with local scientists on 15 volcanoes in Alaska, Hawaii, Washington, California, Iceland, Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua. The sensors include 19 seismic event counters that count four different sizes of earthquakes and six biaxial borehole tiltmeters that measure ground tilt with a resolution of 1 microradian. Only seismic and tilt data are collected because these have been shown in the past to indicate most reliably the level of volcano activity at many different volcanoes. Furthermore, these parameters can be measured relatively easily with new instrumentation

    Biases in Expansion Distances of Novae Arising from the Prolate Geometry of Nova Shells

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    (abridged) Expansion distances (or expansion parallaxes) for classical novae are based on comparing a measurement of the shell expansion velocity, multiplied by the time since outburst, with some measure of the angular size of the shell. We review and formalize this method in the case of prolate spheroidal shells. We present expressions for the maximum line-of-sight velocity from a complete, expanding shell and for its projected major and minor axes, in terms of the intrinsic axis ratio and the inclination of the polar axis to the line of sight. For six distinct definitions of ``angular size'', we tabulate the error in distance that is introduced under the assumption of spherical symmetry (i.e., without correcting for inclination and axis ratio). The errors can be significant and systematic, affecting studies of novae whether considered individually or statistically. Each of the six estimators overpredicts the distance when the polar axis is close to the line of sight, and most underpredict the distance when the polar axis is close to the plane of the sky. The straight mean of the projected semimajor and semiminor axes gives the least distance bias for an ensemble of randomly oriented prolate shells. The best individual expansion distances, however, result from a full spatio-kinematic modeling of the nova shell. We discuss several practical complications that affect expansion distance measurements of real nova shells. Nova shell expansion distances be based on velocity and angular size measurements made contemporaneously if possible, and the same ions and transitions should be used for the imaging and velocity measurements. We emphasize the need for complete and explicit reporting of measurement procedures and results, regardless of the specific method used.Comment: 21 pages, LaTeX, uses aasms4.sty, to be published in Publ. Astron. Soc. of the Pacific, May 200

    Traveling Wave Fronts and Localized Traveling Wave Convection in Binary Fluid Mixtures

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    Nonlinear fronts between spatially extended traveling wave convection (TW) and quiescent fluid and spatially localized traveling waves (LTWs) are investigated in quantitative detail in the bistable regime of binary fluid mixtures heated from below. A finite-difference method is used to solve the full hydrodynamic field equations in a vertical cross section of the layer perpendicular to the convection roll axes. Results are presented for ethanol-water parameters with several strongly negative separation ratios where TW solutions bifurcate subcritically. Fronts and LTWs are compared with each other and similarities and differences are elucidated. Phase propagation out of the quiescent fluid into the convective structure entails a unique selection of the latter while fronts and interfaces where the phase moves into the quiescent state behave differently. Interpretations of various experimental observations are suggested.Comment: 46 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Bounds for the time to failure of hierarchical systems of fracture

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    For years limited Monte Carlo simulations have led to the suspicion that the time to failure of hierarchically organized load-transfer models of fracture is non-zero for sets of infinite size. This fact could have a profound significance in engineering practice and also in geophysics. Here, we develop an exact algebraic iterative method to compute the successive time intervals for individual breaking in systems of height nn in terms of the information calculated in the previous height n1n-1. As a byproduct of this method, rigorous lower and higher bounds for the time to failure of very large systems are easily obtained. The asymptotic behavior of the resulting lower bound leads to the evidence that the above mentioned suspicion is actually true.Comment: Final version. To appear in Phys. Rev. E, Feb 199

    Scaling in the time-dependent failure of a fiber bundle with local load sharing

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    We study the scaling behaviors of a time-dependent fiber-bundle model with local load sharing. Upon approaching the complete failure of the bundle, the breaking rate of fibers diverges according to r(t)(Tft)ξr(t)\propto (T_f-t)^{-\xi}, where TfT_f is the lifetime of the bundle, and ξ1.0\xi \approx 1.0 is a quite universal scaling exponent. The average lifetime of the bundle scales with the system size as NδN^{-\delta}, where δ\delta depends on the distribution of individual fiber as well as the breakdown rule.Comment: 5 pages, 4 eps figures; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    The Post-Common Envelope and Pre-Cataclysmic Binary PG 1224+309

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    We have made extensive spectroscopic and photometric observations of PG 1224+309, a close binary containing a DA white dwarf primary and an M4+ secondary. The H alpha line is in emission due to irradiation of the M-star by the hot white dwarf and is seen to vary around the orbit. From the radial velocities of the H alpha line we derive a period of P = 0.258689 +/- 0.000004 days and a semi-amplitude of K_Halpha = 160 +/- 8 km/s. We estimate a correction Delta_K = 21 +/- 2 km/s, where K_M = K_Halpha + Delta_K. Radial velocity variations of the white dwarf reveal a semi-amplitude of K_WD = 112 +/- 14 km/s. The blue spectrum of the white dwarf is well fit by a synthetic spectrum having T_eff = 29,300 K and log(g) = 7.38. The white dwarf contributes 97% of the light at 4500 Angstroms and virtually all of the light blueward of 3800 Angstroms. No eclipses are observed. The mass inferred for the white dwarf depends on the assumed mass of the thin residual hydrogen envelope: 0.40 < M_WD < 0.45 solar masses for hydrogen envelope masses of 0 < M_H < 4.0E-4 solar masses. We argue that the mass of the white dwarf is closer to 0.45 solar masses, hence it appears that the white dwarf has a relatively large residual hydrogen envelope. The mass of the M-star is then M_M = 0.28 +/- 0.05 solar masses, and the inclination is i = 77 +/- 7 degrees. We discuss briefly how PG 1224+309 may be used to constrain theories of close binary star evolution, and the past and future histories of PG 1224+309 itself. The star is both a ``post-common envelope'' star and a ``pre-cataclysmic binary'' star. Mass transfer by Roche-lobe overflow should commence in about 10 Gyr.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, AAS LaTeX, to appear in AJ, March 199

    The Wicked Machinery of Government: Malta and the Problems of Continuity under the New Model Administration

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    This is a study focused on the early years of British rule in Malta (1800-1813). It explores the application to the island of the “new model” of colonial government, one based on direct rule from London mediated by the continuation of existing laws and institutions. Systemic deficiencies are identified. These tended to undermine the effectiveness of direct British rule. This study also reveals, in the context of legal and constitutional continuity, unresolved tensions between modernity and tradition. The political stability of the island was damaged and the possibility of continued British possession was threatened