112 research outputs found

    Inter-laboratory comparison of methods to measure androstenone in pork fat

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    Today, different analytical methods are used by different laboratories to quantify androstenone in fat tissue. This study shows the comparison of methods used routinely in different laboratories for androstenone quantification: Time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay in Norwegian School of Veterinary Science (NSVS; Norway), gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry in Co-operative Central Laboratory (CCL; The Netherlands) and in Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries (IRTA; Spain), and high-pressure liquid chromatography in Agroscope Liebefeld-Posieux Research Station (ALP; Switzerland). In a first trial, a set of adipose tissue (AT) samples from 53 entire males was sent to CCL, IRTA and NSVS for determination of androstenone concentration. The average androstenone concentration (s.d.) was 2.47 (2.10) μg/g at NSVS, 1.31 (0.98) μg/g at CCL and 0.62 (0.52) μg/g at IRTA. Despite the large differences in absolute values, inter-laboratory correlations were high, ranging from 0.82 to 0.92. A closer look showed differences in the preparation step. Indeed, different matrices were used for the analysis: pure fat at NSVS, melted fat at CCL and AT at IRTA. A second trial was organised in order to circumvent the differences in sample preparation. Back fat samples from 10 entire males were lyophilised at the ALP labortary in Switzerland and were sent to the other laboratories for androstenone concentration measurement. The average concentration (s.d.) of androstenone in the freeze-dried AT samples was 0.87 (0.52), 1.03 (0.55), 0.84 (0.46) and 0.99 (0.67) μg/g at NSVS, CCL, IRTA and ALP, respectively, and the pairwise correlations between laboratories ranged from 0.92 to 0.97. Thus, this study shows the influence of the different sample preparation protocols, leading to major differences in the results, although still allowing high inter-laboratory correlations. The results further highlight the need for method standardisation and inter-laboratory ring tests for the determination of androstenone. This standardisation is especially relevant when deriving thresholds of consumer acceptance, whereas the ranking of animals for breeding purposes will be less affected due to the high correlations between method

    A Genome-Wide Association Study Reveals Dominance Effects on Number of Teats in Pigs

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    Dominance has been suggested as one of the genetic mechanisms explaining heterosis. However, using traditional quantitative genetic methods it is difficult to obtain accurate estimates of dominance effects. With the availability of dense SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) panels, we now have new opportunities for the detection and use of dominance at individual loci. Thus, the aim of this study was to detect additive and dominance effects on number of teats (NT), specifically to investigate the importance of dominance in a Landrace-based population of pigs. In total, 1,550 animals, genotyped for 32,911 SNPs, were used in single SNP analysis. SNPs with a significant genetic effect were tested for their mode of gene action being additive, dominant or a combination. In total, 21 SNPs were associated with NT, located in three regions with additive (SSC6, 7 and 12) and one region with dominant effects (SSC4). Estimates of additive effects ranged from 0.24 to 0.29 teats. The dominance effect of the QTL located on SSC4 was negative (-0.26 teats). The additive variance of the four QTLs together explained 7.37% of the total phenotypic variance. The dominance variance of the four QTLs together explained 1.82% of the total phenotypic variance, which corresponds to one-fourth of the variance explained by additive effects. The results suggest that dominance effects play a relevant role in the genetic architecture of NT. The QTL region on SSC7 contains the most promising candidate gene: VRTN. This gene has been suggested to be related to the number of vertebrae, a trait correlated with NT


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    Za budući izbor uzgoja potrebno je očuvanje genetske raznolikosti u životinja. U filogenetskim proučavanjima mikrosateliti su dokazani kao snažno sredstvo. (Bowcock et al. 1994.). Procjena genetskih udaljenosti što se temelji na učestalosti alela mikrosatelitskih markera pomoći će u procjeni veličine razlika između usko povezanih pasmina stoke. Pasmina Shorthom i Angler mogu se identificirati kao sporedne pasmine, pa je stoga razvoj programa očuvanja vrlo koristan. Prilagođenje pasmine Orginal Black Pied još nije jasno. Odredit će se dodatni markeri kako bi se povećala točnost procjene. Niti vrijednosti udaljenosti između Holsteina i mliječnog Red Pied niti slični uzgojni ciljevi čini se da nisu razuman razlog da se ove pasmine drže odijeljeno. Ovaj će rad biti od pomoći u odlučivanju o očuvanju pasmina u posebnim programima očuvanja konzervacijom in vivo i in vitro

    Cosmid-derived markers anchoring the bovine genetic map to the physical map

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    The mapping strategy for the bovine genome described in this paper uses large insert clones as a tool for physical mapping and as a source of highly polymorphic microsatellites for genetic typing, and was one objective of the BovMap Project funded by the European Union (UE). Eight-three cosmid and phage clones were characterized and used to physically anchor the linkage groups defining all the bovine autosomes and the X Chromosome (Chr). By combining physical and genetic mapping, clones described in this paper have led to the identification of the linkage groups corresponding to Chr 9, 12, 16, and 25. In addition, anchored loci from this study were used to orient the linkage groups corresponding to Chr 3, 7, 8, 9, 13, 16, 18, 19, and 28 as identified in previously published maps. Comparison of the estimated size of the physical and linkage maps suggests that the genetic length of the bovine genome may be around 4000 c

    Pig genome sequence - analysis and publication strategy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The pig genome is being sequenced and characterised under the auspices of the Swine Genome Sequencing Consortium. The sequencing strategy followed a hybrid approach combining hierarchical shotgun sequencing of BAC clones and whole genome shotgun sequencing.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Assemblies of the BAC clone derived genome sequence have been annotated using the Pre-Ensembl and Ensembl automated pipelines and made accessible through the Pre-Ensembl/Ensembl browsers. The current annotated genome assembly (Sscrofa9) was released with Ensembl 56 in September 2009. A revised assembly (Sscrofa10) is under construction and will incorporate whole genome shotgun sequence (WGS) data providing > 30× genome coverage. The WGS sequence, most of which comprise short Illumina/Solexa reads, were generated from DNA from the same single Duroc sow as the source of the BAC library from which clones were preferentially selected for sequencing. In accordance with the Bermuda and Fort Lauderdale agreements and the more recent Toronto Statement the data have been released into public sequence repositories (Genbank/EMBL, NCBI/Ensembl trace repositories) in a timely manner and in advance of publication.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In this marker paper, the Swine Genome Sequencing Consortium (SGSC) sets outs its plans for analysis of the pig genome sequence, for the application and publication of the results.</p

    Genomic analysis reveals selection for Asian genes in European pigs following human-mediated introgression

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    The independent domestication of local wild boar populations in Asia and Europe about 10,000 years ago led to distinct European and Asian pig breeds, each with very different phenotypic characteristics. During the Industrial Revolution, Chinese breeds were imported to Europe to improve commercial traits in European breeds. Here we demonstrate the presence of introgressed Asian haplotypes in European domestic pigs and selection signatures on some loci in these regions, using whole genome sequence data. The introgression signatures are widespread and the Asian haplotypes are rarely fixed. The Asian introgressed haplotypes are associated with regions harbouring genes involved in meat quality, development and fertility. We identify Asian-derived non-synonymous mutations in the AHR gene that associate with increased litter size in multiple European commercial lines. These findings demonstrate that increased fertility was an important breeding goal for early nineteenth century pig farmers, and that Asian variants of genes related to this trait were preferentially selected during the development of modern European pig breeds

    Genome-wide mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci for fatness, fat cell characteristics and fat metabolism in three porcine F2 crosses

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>QTL affecting fat deposition related performance traits have been considered in several studies and mapped on numerous porcine chromosomes. However, activity of specific enzymes, protein content and cell structure in fat tissue probably depend on a smaller number of genes than traits related to fat content in carcass. Thus, in this work traits related to metabolic and cytological features of back fat tissue and fat related performance traits were investigated in a genome-wide QTL analysis. QTL similarities and differences were examined between three F<sub>2 </sub>crosses, and between male and female animals.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A total of 966 F<sub>2 </sub>animals originating from crosses between Meishan (M), Pietrain (P) and European wild boar (W) were analysed for traits related to fat performance (11), enzymatic activity (9) and number and volume of fat cells (20). Per cross, 216 (M × P), 169 (W × P) and 195 (W × M) genome-wide distributed marker loci were genotyped. QTL mapping was performed separately for each cross in steps of 1 cM and steps were reduced when the distance between loci was shorter. The additive and dominant components of QTL positions were detected stepwise by using a multiple position model.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 147 genome-wide significant QTL (76 at P < 0.05 and 71 at P < 0.01) were detected for the three crosses. Most of the QTL were identified on SSC1 (between 76-78 and 87-90 cM), SSC7 (predominantly in the MHC region) and SSCX (in the vicinity of the gene <it>CAPN6</it>). Additional genome-wide significant QTL were found on SSC8, 12, 13, 14, 16, and 18. In many cases, the QTL are mainly additive and differ between F<sub>2 </sub>crosses. Many of the QTL profiles possess multiple peaks especially in regions with a high marker density. Sex specific analyses, performed for example on SSC6, SSC7 and SSCX, show that for some traits the positions differ between male and female animals. For the selected traits, the additive and dominant components that were analysed for QTL positions on different chromosomes, explain in combination up to 23% of the total trait variance.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results reveal specific and partly new QTL positions across genetically diverse pig crosses. For some of the traits associated with specific enzymes, protein content and cell structure in fat tissue, it is the first time that they are included in a QTL analysis. They provide large-scale information to analyse causative genes and useful data for the pig industry.</p