7 research outputs found

    Anemia in Malagasy hospitalized patients

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    Background: Anemia is a public health problem with major health consequences. According to the WHO, anemia worldwide is 1.62 billion people (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.50-1.74 billion), which corresponds to 24.8% Of the population (95% CI: 22.9-26.7%).Methods: We studied the clinical and biological data of hospitalized patients who applied for a complete blood count in hematology laboratory of Joseph Ravoahangy Andrianavalona Antananarivo hospital between January and April 2017.Results: Sixty-four percent of hospitalized patients had anemia. Anemia was more common in women. Anemia was encountered mainly in intensive care unit (33.9%) and occurred in perioperative cases in the majority of cases (33.4%).Conclusions: Anemia is a common symptom in hospitals, particularly in intensive care unit. In the Malagasy hospital environment, etiologies are numerous, in particular hemorrhage, sickle cell disease or cancer

    Transfusion practice: Experience of Joseph Ravoahangy Andrianavalona Hospital Analamanga Regional Blood Transfusion Center, Madagascar

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    Background: Blood transfusion is therapeutic means used in management of many pathologies. Our aim was to describe transfusion practice in Madagascar.Method: A prospective study was performed to describe the indications for blood products issued from the blood bank of Analamanga regional blood transfusion center of University Hospital Joseph Ravoahangy Andrianavalona, Antananarivo.Results: The mean age of the patients was 35.6 years (standard deviation [SD] = 8.2), the male: female ratio was 0.85. The majority of prescriptions came from obstetrics and gynaecology (35.9%); surgery (25.7%) and medicine (22.6%). A total of 17 253 transfused patients received 28 437 blood transfusion with satisfaction rate of 73.6%.Conclusion: As transfusion center, this study informs us about the needs of bloods, the main prescribing departments and indications for transfusion. This data will serve as a basis for study on relevance of blood prescription in Malagasy hospitals. French title: Pratique transfusionnelle : expĂ©rience de l'hĂ´pital Joseph Ravoahangy Andrianavalona Centre rĂ©gional de transfusion sanguine Analamanga, Madagascar Contexte : La transfusion sanguine est un moyen thĂ©rapeutique utilisĂ© dans la prise en charge de nombreuses pathologies. Notre objectif Ă©tait de dĂ©crire la pratique transfusionnelle Ă  Madagascar.MĂ©thode : Une Ă©tude prospective a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e pour dĂ©crire les indications des produits sanguins issus de la banque du sang  d'Analamanga, centre rĂ©gional de transfusion sanguine du CHU Joseph Ravoahangy Andrianavalona, Antananarivo.RĂ©sultats : L'âge moyen des patients Ă©tait de 35,6 ans (Ă©cart-type [SD] = 8,2), le rapport hommes/femmes Ă©tait de 0,85. La majoritĂ© des prescriptions provenaient du service de gynĂ©cologie/obstĂ©trique (35,9 %) ; chirurgie (25,7%) et mĂ©decine (22,6%). Au total, 17 253 patients transfusĂ©s ont reçu 28 437 transfusions sanguines avec un taux de satisfaction de 73,6%.Conclusion : En tant que centre de transfusion, cette Ă©tude nous renseigne sur les besoins en sang, les principaux services prescripteurs et les indications de transfusion. Ces donnĂ©es serviront de base Ă  une Ă©tude sur la pertinence de la prescription de sang dans les hĂ´pitaux malgaches. &nbsp

    Complication De l’Interruption Volontaire De La Grossesse (IVG) : Quels Sont Les Facteurs Prédisposants ?

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    Notre objectif est de déterminer les facteurs de risques d’exposition aux complications del’IVG à travers une étude cas témoins sur une période de six mois.Au total, nous avons retenu 70 cas de complications d’IVG. Ces complications intéressentsurtout des femmes jeunes présentant un caractère sociodémographique particulier. L’échecde certains mesures anticonceptionnelles augmente la fréquence du recours à l’IVG et exposeà leur complication.Plusieurs variables méritant d’être explorer tels le facteur clinique, thérapeutique et juridiquepeuvent s’intriquer en dehors de ce que nous avons retrouvé dans l’apparition descomplications de l’IVG

    Factors Involved in the Occurrence of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting After Urologic and Traumatological Surgery Seen at the Morafeno Toamasina University Hospital Center

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    IntroductionPostoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) are disabling symptoms after surgery. Several risk factors are incriminated in their occurrence. Our goal is to determine the incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting and then observe the intricate parameters in their occurrence in our center.Materials and methodsWe conducted a prospective observational moncentric study involving all patients over 15 years of age undergoing urological or traumatic surgery over a period of two consecutive months.ResultsOf the 134 patients selected, the incidence of PONV was 25.3% and this incidence increased proportionally with age. PONV is of interest to both men and women. The presence of a history of transport sickness, peptic ulcer, gastroesophageal reflux disease, diabetes, is at risk for PONV. The administration of opioid and a duration of intervention greater than two hours increases the risk of PONV. Dexamethasone prophylaxis appeared to be effective. In our study, the type of anesthesia had no impact on the appearance of the PONV.ConclusionA case-control study on a large number of staff is warranted in order to highlight exactly the risk factors taking into account our context as a reference center in urological and traumatological surgery in the eastern region of Madagascar.

    Faible Dose de Lidocaïne et Bloc du Cordon Spermatique à l’aveugle en Chirurgie Epididymo-Testiculaire

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    Introduction : Le bloc du cordon spermatique est utilisé actuellement comme une analgésie postopératoire de chirurgie épididymo-testiculaire ou un moyen diagnostique et thérapeutique des douleurs testiculaires chroniques idiopathiques. Notre objectif est de rappeler à travers notre expérience la place du bloc du cordon spermatique à l’aveugle en chirurgie épididymo-testiculaire tout en évaluant l’efficacité d’une dose réduite de lidocaïne.Méthodologie : C’est une étude prospective réalisée chez les patients ayant bénéficié de chirurgie épidydimo-testiculaire avec bloc du cordon spermatique à l’USFR Urologie du CHU Morafeno Toamasina. Le bloc du cordon spermatique était réalisé à l’aveugle par le même chirurgien. Une quantité de 3 ml de lidocaïne 2 % était initialement administrée sans prémédication. Le taux de besoin d’ajout et la dose de produit anesthésique, la durée d’intervention ainsi que le taux de satisfaction des patients au bloc du cordon spermatique ont été analysés.Résultat : Trente-trois blocs du cordon spermatique étaient réalisés chez 21 patients dont l’âge moyen était de 66,29 ± 11,70 ans. L’ajout peropératoire de lidocaïne était nécessaire dans 24 % de cas. La dose moyenne administrée était de 66,36 ± 12,70 mg. Après ajout, le taux de réussite du bloc était de 97 %. La durée moyenne de l’intervention était de 26,27 ± 5,84 mn. La faible dose était efficace surtout chez les patients de plus de 60 ans (p=0,02). Toutes les chirurgies étaient réalisées en ambulatoire.Conclusion : La durée des chirurgies épididymo-testiculaires s’adapte à la modeste durée d’action de la lidocaïne de faible dose au cours du bloc du cordon spermatique. L’analgésie postopératoire sera assurée par la prise systématique d’antalgique. Le fait de réaliser le bloc du cordon spermatique à l’aveugle n’a pas d’impact sur la quantité de produit nécessaire pour avoir une efficacité anesthésique satisfaisante

    Practice of Unilateral Spinal Anesthesia During Varicose Lower Limb Surgery in Morafeno University Hospital Toamasina

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    Introduction: To our knowledge, unilateral spinal anesthesia in the Atsinanana region of Madagascar has not been studied to date. Our study aims were mainly to describe our current practice in performing unilateral spinal anesthesia during varicose surgery of the lower limb and secondarily to assess the factors influencing success of the technique.Methods and Patients: This is a prospective, observational, descriptive and analytic non-randomized, single-center study over a period of 18 months, including all patients requiring lower limb surgery.Result: Forty-two (42) patients were selected for our study. The mean age of our study population was 47.5 ± 19.82 years with extremes of 16 to 86 years. The average installation time of the blocks was 14.5 ± 2.87 minutes with the extremes of 13 to 30 minutes. The average regression time of the blocks was 125.26 ± 32.24 minutes with the extremes of 15 to 180 minutes. The types of intervention were crossectomy with stripping, phlebectomy and stripping. The failures concerned bilateralisation, early regression and absence of sensory block. The success rate of anesthesia was 85.6%. The dose of hyperbaric bupivacaine and patient positioning had a significant impact on the success rate of anesthesia.Conclusion: Although it is a simple technique, an effort in drafting a protocol to standardize the practitioner attitude still needs to be provided in order to improve the effectiveness rate

    Review of the First Use of Magnesium Sulphate in the Management of Gravide Toxemia’s Complication at the University Hospital of Obstetric Gynecology in Befelatanana (HUGOB)

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    Introduction: Eclampsia is the occurrence of a tonicoclonic seizure in the context of hypertensive pathology of pregnancy. Our objective is to describe the epidemic profile of the disease and to assess the effectiveness of magnesium sulphate in its management. Method: A six-month prospective and descriptive study including women with eclampsia was conducted at the University Hospital for Obstetric Gynecology in Befelatanana. Each patient had been given  4 g of slow direct intravenous loading in 15 minutes followed by 5g of intramuscular in both buttocks and then an alternative 5 g in each buttock every 4 hours until 24 hours after the delivery or the last seizure. Result: During this period, we had collected 69 cases out of 3924 admissions, a prevalence of 1.88%. They were under 26 years of age in 72.50% of cases. The mean blood pressure at admission was 167.68 32.09mmHg. Antepartum eclampsia represented 85.80% of the cases. We had found 5 cases of relapse after treatment or 7.20%, a decrease in blood pressure 30 minutes after the charge dose in 68.1%, 7.2%. Patients had a decrease or abolition of osteotendinous reflex, 23.20% of newborns and 5.80% of mothers had diedConclusion: Magnesium sulphate had been shown to be effective in this preliminary study. We recommend it throughout the country for the treatment of eclampsia