42 research outputs found
Inibidor da ação do etileno na conservação pós-colheita de Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat cv. Dragon
Efeitos da aplicação de retardador (CCC) e acelerador (GA) de crescimento na morfologia e produtividade do feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Carioca)
Verificou-se os efeitos de CCC e GA quando aplicados sob a forma de pulverização das plântulas, na morfologia, florescimento e produtividade do feijoeiro cultivar Carioca, em condições de casa de vegetação. Estudou-se as concentrações de 500, 2000 e 4000 ppm de CCC juntamente com 50 pprn de GA; sendo que CCC 500 + GA 50 ppm promoveu aceleração no crescimento da haste principal e CCC 4000 + GA 50 ppm retardou esse crescimento em relação ao controle. Aplicação de CCC 500 + GA 50 ppm aumentou o número de folhas do feijoeiro. Num período de 2 semanas após o tratamento com CCC 500 + GA 50 ppm ocorreu aumento no comprimento dos meritalos, sendo que 30 dias após a aplicação de CCC 4000 + GA 50 ppm verificou-se diminuição no comprimento dos mesmos. Observou-se aumento no comprimento do limbo foliar 5 dias após os tratamentos com CCC 500 + GA 50 ppm ou CCC 2000 + GA 50 ppm. Ocorreu aumento no número médio de flores com aplicação de CCC 500 + GA 50 ppm. Não ocorreram diferenças significativas entre a produtividade das plantas tratadas com relação ao controle.In this paper the autors tested the effects of (2 - chloroethyl) trimethylammonium chloride (CCC) and gibberellic acid (GA) on the cultivar Carioca of bean, in three different concentrations (500, 2000, and 4000 ppm) of CCC and one concentration of GA (50 ppm). Treatment with CCC 500 ppm + GA 50 ppm increased the height of bean plant and CCC 4000 ppm + GA 50 ppm reduced the height of Phaseolus vulgaris. Application of CCC 500 ppm + GA 50 ppm or CCC 2000 ppm + GA 50 ppm increased the leaf number of bean plant. CCC 500 ppm + GA 50 ppm promoted a increase in the internode length and CCC 4000 ppm + GA 50 ppm reduced the length of internodcs. Application of CCC 500 ppm + GA 50 ppm or CCC 2000 ppm + GA 50 ppm increased the leaf length 5 days after the treatment. CCC 500 ppm + GA 50 ppm promoted higher flowering in relation to the check.
Portuguese Ministers, 1851-1999: Social Background and Paths to Power
Disponível em: paper provides an empirical analysis of the impact of regime changes in the composition and patterns of recruitment of the Portuguese ministerial elite throughout the last 150 years. The ‘out-of-type’, violent nature of most regime transformations accounts for the purges in and the extensive replacements of the political personnel, namely of the uppermost officeholders. In the case of Cabinet members, such discontinuities did not imply, however, radical changes in their social profile. Although there were some significant variations, a series of salient characteristics have persisted over time. The typical Portuguese minister is a male in his midforties, of middle-class origin and predominantly urban-born, highly educated and with a state servant background. The two main occupational contingents have been university professors - except for the First Republic (1910-26) - and the military, the latter having only recently been eclipsed with the consolidation of contemporary democracy. As regards career pathways, the most striking feature is the secular trend for the declining role of parliamentary experience, which the democratic regime did not clearly reverse. In this period, a technocratic background rather than political experience has been indeed the privileged credential for a significant proportion of minister