526 research outputs found

    Vitamin D concentration and lateral cerebral ventricle volume in older adults

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    Scope Vitamin D deficiency is associated with an enlargement of the lateral cerebral ventricles in rodents. The effect of low serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) on lateral cerebral ventricle volume has not been studied yet in humans. The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to determine whether vitamin D deficiency was associated with greater lateral cerebral ventricle volume in older adults. Methods and results Ninety-two Caucasian community-dwellers with no clinical hydrocephalus (mean, 72.2 +/- 6.2 years; 46.7% female) were divided into two groups according to serum 25OHD concentration (deficiency <= 50 nmol/L; normal > 50 nmol/L). Cerebral ventricular volume was quantified using semi-automated software from three-dimensional T1-weighted MRI. Age, gender, body mass index, blood pressure, education level, Mini-Mental State Examination, white matter lesions, and serum calcium concentrations were used as covariates. There was an inverse linear association between 25OHD concentration and ventricular volume (p = 0.049). Compared to individuals with normal 25OHD, those with 25OHD deficiency (n = 33) had 28% larger lateral ventricles (46.9 +/- 26.8 mL versus 36.6 +/- 16.4 mL, p = 0.026). Vitamin D deficiency was associated with an increase in ventricular volume (adjusted beta = 16.55, p = 0.023). The ventricular enlargement involved ventricle bodies (p = 0.025) but not temporal horns (p = 0.112). Conclusion Serum 25OHD deficiency was associated with larger lateral cerebral ventricles. These findings provide a scientific base for vitamin D replacement trials

    Motor cortex and gait in mild cognitive impairment: a magnetic resonance spectroscopy and volumetric imaging study

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    Gait disorders are common in the course of dementia, even at the stage of mild cognitive impairment, owing to probable changes in higher levels of motor control. Since motor control message is ultimately supported in the brain by the primary motor cortex and since cortical lesions are frequent in the dementia process, we hypothesized that impairments of the primary motor cortex may explain the early gait disorders observed in mild cognitive impairment. Our purpose was to determine whether the neurochemistry of the primary motor cortex measured with proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and its volume, were associated with gait performance while single and dual-tasking in mild cognitive impairment. Twenty community dwellers with mild cognitive impairment, aged 76 years (11) [median (interquartile range)] (30% female) from the \u27Gait and Brain Study\u27 were included in this analysis. Gait velocity and stride time variability were measured while single (i.e. walking alone) and dual tasking (i.e. walking while counting backwards by seven) using an electronic walkway (GAITRite System). Ratios of N-acetyl aspartate to creatine and choline to creatine and cortical volume were calculated in the primary motor cortex. Participants were categorized according to median N-acetyl aspartate to creatine and choline to creatine ratios. Age, gender, body mass index, cognition, education level and subcortical vascular burden were used as potential confounders. Participants with low N-acetyl aspartate to creatine (n = 10) had higher (worse) stride time variability while dual tasking than those with high N-acetyl aspartate to creatine (P = 0.007). Those with high choline to creatine had slower (worse) gait velocity while single (P = 0.015) and dual tasking (P = 0.002). Low N-acetyl aspartate to creatine was associated with increased stride time variability while dual tasking (adjusted beta = 5.51, P = 0.031). High choline to creatine was associated with slower gait velocity while single (adjusted beta = -26.56, P = 0.009) and dual tasking (adjusted beta = -41.92, P = 0.022). Cortical volume correlated with faster gait velocity while single (P = 0.029) and dual tasking (P = 0.037), and with decreased stride time variability while single tasking (P = 0.034). Finally, the probability of exhibiting abnormal metabolite ratios in the primary motor cortex was 63% higher among participants with major gait disturbances in dual task. Those with compromised gait velocity in dual task had a 2.05-fold greater risk of having a smaller cortical volume. In conclusion, the neurochemistry and volume of the primary motor cortex were associated with gait performance while single and dual tasking. Stride time variability was mainly sensitive to neuronal function (N-acetyl aspartate to creatine), whereas gait velocity was more affected by inflammatory damage (choline to creatine) and volumetric changes. These findings may contribute to a better understanding of the higher risks of mobility decline and falls in subjects with mild cognitive impairment

    Improved outcomes in stroke thrombolysis with pre-specified imaging criteria

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    Background: A 1995 National Institute of Neurological Disorders (NINDS) study found benefit for intravenous tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) in acute ischemic stroke (AIS). The symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage (SICH) rate in the NINDS study was 6.4%, which may be deterring some physicians from using this medication. Methods: Starting December 1, 1998, patients with AIS in London, Ontario were treated according to NINDS criteria with one major exception; those with approximately greater than one-third involvement of the idealized middle cerebral artery (MCA) territory on neuroimaging were excluded from treatment. The method used to estimate involvement of one-third MCA territory involvement bears the acronym ICE and had a median kappa value of 0.80 among five physicians. Outcomes were compared to the NINDS study. Results: Between December 1, 1998 and February 1,2000, 30 patients were treated. Compared to the NINDS study, more London patients were treated after 90 minutes (p\u3c0.00001) and tended to be older. No SICH was observed. Compared to the treated arm of the NINDS trial, fewer London patients were dead or severely disabled at three months (p=0.04). Compared to the placebo arm of the trial, more patients made a partial recovery at 24 hours (p=0.02), more had normal outcomes (p=0.03) and fewer were dead or severely disabled at three months (p=0.004). Conclusions: The results of the NINDS study were closely replicated and, in some instances, improved upon in this small series of Canadian patients, despite older age and later treatment. These findings suggest that imaging exclusion criteria may optimize the benefits of tPA

    Age, sex, and setting in the etiology of stroke study (ASSESS): Study design and protocol

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    RATIONALE: Stroke etiology and risk factors vary by age, sex, setting (hospital or community-based) and by region. Identifying these differences would improve our understanding of stroke etiology, diagnosis, and treatment. AIM: The Age, Sex and Setting in the Etiology of Stroke Study (ASSESS) is a multicenter cohort study to assess differences in stroke etiology. METHODS AND DESIGN: Data from all centers will be categorized according to age, sex, setting, stroke subtypes. Centers with extensive hospital- or community-based data regarding stroke from Argentina, Australia, Canada, India, Iran, Italy, Ghana, Nigeria, Thailand, the United Kingdom and the United States have agreed to participate so far. STUDY OUTCOMES: The primary outcome includes differences in stroke etiology in study centers. The secondary outcomes include stroke incidence, risk factors, preventive strategies, and short- and long-term outcomes. CONCLUSION: ASSESS will enable comparisons of data from different regions to determine the age and sex distribution of the most common causes of stroke in each setting. This will help clinicians to tailor the assessment and treatment of stroke patients on the basis of their specific local characteristics. It will also empower stroke epidemiologists to design preventive measures by targeting the specific characteristics of each population

    The time course of subsequent hospitalizations and associated costs in survivors of an ischemic stroke in Canada

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    BACKGROUND: Documentation of the hospitalizations rates following a stroke provides the inputs required for planning health services and to evaluate the economic efficiency of any new therapies. METHODS: Hospitalization rates by cause were examined using administrative data on 18,695 patients diagnosed with ischemic stroke (first or subsequent, excluding transient ischemic attack) in Saskatchewan, Canada between 1990 and 1995. Medical history was available retrospectively to January 1980 and follow-up was complete to March 2000. Analyses evaluated the rate and timing of all-cause and cardiovascular hospitalizations within discrete periods in the five years following the index stroke. Cardiovascular hospitalizations included patients with a primary diagnosis of ischemic stroke, transient ischemic attack, myocardial infarction, stable or unstable angina, heart failure or peripheral arterial disease. RESULTS: One-third (36%) of patients were identified by a hospitalized stroke. Mean age was 70.5 years, 48.0% were male, half had a history of stroke or a transient ischemic attack at the time of their index stroke. Three-quarters of the patients (72.7%) were hospitalized at least once during a mean follow-up of 4.6 years, accruing CAD $24 million in the first year alone. Of all hospitalizations, 20.4% were related to cardiovascular disease and 1.6% to bleeds. In the month following index stroke, 12.5% were admitted, an average of 1.04 times per patient hospitalized. Strokes accounted for 33% of all hospitalizations in the first month. The rate diminished steadily throughout the year and stabilized in the second year when approximately one-third of patients required hospitalization, at a rate of about one hospitalization for every two patient-years. Mean lengths of stay ranged from nine days to nearly 40 days. Close-fitting Weibull functions allow highly specific probability estimates. Other cardiovascular risk factors significantly increased hospitalization rates. CONCLUSION: After stroke, there are frequent hospitalizations accounting for substantial additional costs. Though these rates drop after one year, they remain high over time. The number of other cardiovascular causes of hospitalization confirms that stroke is a manifestation of disseminated atherothrombotic disease

    Study on COgnition and Prognosis in the Elderly (SCOPE)

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    Blood Press. 1999;8(3):177-83. Study on COgnition and Prognosis in the Elderly (SCOPE). Hansson L, Lithell H, Skoog I, Baro F, Bánki CM, Breteler M, Carbonin PU, Castaigne A, Correia M, Degaute JP, Elmfeldt D, Engedal K, Farsang C, Ferro J, Hachinski V, Hofman A, James OF, Krisin E, Leeman M, de Leeuw PW, Leys D, Lobo A, Nordby G, Olofsson B, Zanchetti A, et al. University of Uppsala, Department of Public Health, Sweden. Abstract The Study on COgnition and Prognosis in the Elderly (SCOPE) is a multicentre, prospective, randomized, double-blind, parallel-group study designed to compare the effects of candesartan cilexetil and placebo in elderly patients with mild hypertension. The primary objective of the study is to assess the effect of candesartan cilexetil on major cardiovascular events. The secondary objectives of the study are to assess the effect of candesartan cilexetil on cognitive function and on total mortality, cardiovascular mortality, myocardial infarction, stroke, renal function, hospitalization, quality of life and health economics. Male and female patients aged between 70 and 89 years, with a sitting systolic blood pressure (SBP) of 160-179 mmHg and/or diastolic blood pressure (DBP) of 90-99 mmHg, and a Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) score of 24 or above, are eligible for the study. The overall target study population is 4000 patients, at least 1000 of whom are also to be assessed for quality of life and health economics data. After an open run-in period lasting 1-3 months, during which patients are assessed for eligibility and those who are already on antihypertensive therapy at enrolment are switched to hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg o.d., patients are randomized to receive either candesartan cilexetil 8 mg once daily (o.d.) or matching placebo o.d. At subsequent study visits, if SBP remains >160 mmHg, or has decreased by 85 mmHg, study treatment is doubled to candesartan cilexetil 16 mg o.d. or two placebo tablets o.d. Recruitment was completed in January 1999. At that time 4964 patients had been randomized. All randomized patients will be followed for an additional 2 years. If the event rate is lower than anticipated, the follow-up will be prolonged. PMID: 10595696 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE

    Study on COgnition and Prognosis in the Elderly (SCOPE): baseline characteristics

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    Blood Press. 2000;9(2-3):146-51. Study on COgnition and Prognosis in the Elderly (SCOPE): baseline characteristics. Hansson L, Lithell H, Skoog I, Baro F, Bánki CM, Breteler M, Castaigne A, Correia M, Degaute JP, Elmfeldt D, Engedal K, Farsang C, Ferro J, Hachinski V, Hofman A, James OF, Krisin E, Leeman M, de Leeuw PW, Leys D, Lobo A, Nordby G, Olofsson B, Opolski G, Prince M, Reischies FM. University of Uppsala, Department of Public Health, Clinical Hypertension Research, Sweden. Abstract The Study on COgnition and Prognosis in the Elderly (SCOPE) is a multi-centre, prospective, randomized, double-blind, parallel-group study. The primary objective of SCOPE is to assess the effect of the angiotensin II type 1 (AT1) receptor blocker, candesartan cilexetil 8-16 mg once daily, on major cardiovascular events in elderly patients (70-89 years of age) with mild hypertension (DBP 90-99 and/or SBP 160-179 mmHg). The secondary objectives of the study are to test the hypothesis that antihypertensive therapy can prevent cognitive decline (as measured by the Mini Mental State Examination, MMSE) and dementia, and to assess the effect of therapy on total mortality, myocardial infarction (MI), stroke, renal function, and hospitalization. A total of 4964 patients from 15 participating countries were recruited during the randomization phase of SCOPE, exceeding the target population of 4000. The mean age of the patients at enrolment was 76 years, the ratio of male to female patients was approximately 1:2, and 52% of patients were already being treated with an antihypertensive agent at enrolment. The majority of patients (88%) were educated to at least primary school level. At randomization, mean sitting blood pressure values were SBP 166 mmHg and DBP 90 mmHg, and the mean MMSE score was 28. Previous cardiovascular disease in the study population included myocardial infarction (4%), stroke (4%) and atrial fibrillation (4%). Men, more often than women, had a history of previous MI, stroke and atrial fibrillation. A greater percentage of men were smokers (13% vs 6% in women) and had attended university (11% vs 3% of women). Of the randomized patients, 21% were 80 years of age. In this age group smoking was less common (4% vs 10% for 70-79-year-olds) and fewer had attended university (4% vs 7% for 70-79-year-olds). The incidence of MI was similar in both age groups. However, stroke and atrial fibrillation had occurred approximately twice as frequently in the older patients. The patients' mean age at baseline was similar in the participating countries, and most countries showed the approximate 1:2 ratio for male to female patients. There was also little inter-country variation in terms of mean SBP, DBP or MMSE score. However, there was considerable regional variation in the percentage of patients on therapy prior to enrolment. PMID: 10855739 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE

    Increased EEG gamma band activity in Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment

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    High frequency (30–70 Hz) gamma band oscillations in the human electro-encephalogram (EEG) are thought to reflect perceptual and cognitive processes. It is therefore interesting to study these measures in cognitive impairment and dementia. To evaluate gamma band oscillations as a diagnostic biomarker in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI), 15 psychoactive drug naïve AD patients, 20 MCI patients and 20 healthy controls participated in this study. Gamma band power (GBP) was measured in four conditions viz. resting state, music listening, story listening and visual stimulation. To evaluate test–retest reliability (TRR), subjects underwent a similar assessment one week after the first. The overall TRR was high. Elevated GBP was observed in AD when compared to MCI and control subjects in all conditions. The results suggest that elevated GBP is a reproducible and sensitive measure for cognitive dysfunction in AD in comparison with MCI and controls