3,379 research outputs found

    Gauging internal fermionic symmetries and spin 3/2 fields

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    Field theoretic models possessing a global internal fermionic shift symmetry are considered. When such a symmetry is realized locally, spin 3/2 fields appear naturally as gauge fields. Implementation of the gauging procedure requires not only the usual replacement of ordinary derivatives by covariant derivatives containing the spin 3/2 fields, but also the inclusion of additional monomials. The Higgs mechanism and the high energy Nambu-Goldstone fermion equivalence theorem are explicitly demonstrated.Comment: 9 page

    Pentatomidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) Captured on Purple Prism Traps Deployed for Detection of Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis) (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) in Minnesota

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    The observation of bycatch from insect trapping programs, though often considered bothersome, may hold value for ecological and taxonomic studies. In Minnesota, a large trapping survey consisting of pheromone-baited purple prism traps, has been conducted for early detection of Agrilus planipennis, the emerald ash borer. Stink bugs (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), which are pests of increasing importance in the North Central U.S., were observed to be captured by these traps. The objective of this study was to use trap bycatch from the A. planipennis traps for further documentation of the abundance and diversity of Pentatomidae in Minnesota. In 2011 and 2012, 4,401 and 5,651 purple prism traps were deployed and checked in Minnesota, respectively. Across both years, a total of 17 species of Pentatomidae were identified from 2 subfamilies, Asopinae and Pentatominae. The most abundant and prevalent species collected were Banasa calva (Say), B. dimidiata (Say), Chinavia hilaris (Say), Euschistus tristigmus luridus Dallas, Menecles insertus (Say), and Podisus maculiventris (Say). The pentatomid community observed on purple prism traps deployed in arboreal habitats differed from pentatomid communities reported in Minnesota crops (i.e., soybean, wheat and corn). Results of this study show that many pentatomid species are captured on purple prism traps and therefore bycatch of these traps could provide valuable information on the pentatomid community. However, purple prism traps should be used in addition to traditional surveillance or scouting methods for pentatomids

    The 5-kW arcjet power electronics

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    The initial design and evaluation of a 5 kW arcjet power electronics breadboard which as been integrated with a modified 1 kW design laboratory arcjet is presented. A single stage, 5 kW full bridge, pulse width modulated (PWM), power converter was developed which was phase shift regulated. The converter used metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) power switches and incorporated current mode control and an integral arcjet pulse ignition circuit. The unoptimized power efficiency was 93.5 and 93.9 percent at 5 kW and 50A output at input voltages of 130 and 150V, respectively. Line and load current regulation at 50A output was within one percent. The converter provided up to 6.6 kW to the arcjet with simulated ammonia used as a propellant

    Real Estate Agent Remarks: Help or Hype?

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    This article groups the remarks of a multiple listing service listing into common themes and then uses a hedonic pricing model to determine whether such comments are priced in a meaningful way. The comments provide information on the motivation of the seller, location of the property and physical improvements or defects. Most of the comments analyzed are statistically significant. Negative comments are associated with lower sales prices suggesting the helpful nature of comments. Some of the positive comments, however, including "new paint" and "good location" are also associated with lower sales prices suggesting that some comments may be better classified as hype.

    Doses e métodos de distribuição de cloreto de potássio na cultura da soja (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) em latossolo roxo

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    The present work deal t wi th an experiment under field conditions and a laboratory test of soil incubation the objectives were as follows: a. to study effects on soybean grain product ion and leaf composition of increasing doses of potassium chloride applied into the soil through two methods of distribution; b. to observe chemical modifications in the soils incubated with increasing doses of potassium chloride; and, c. to correlate field effects with chemical alterations observed in the incubation test, The field experiment was carried out in a Red Latosol (Haplustox) with soybean cultivar UFV - 1. Potassium chloride was distributed through two methods: banded (5 cm below and 5 cm aside of the seed line) and broadcasted and plowed-down. Doses used were: 0; 50; 100 and 200 kg/ha of K2O. Foliar samples were taken at flowering stage. Incubation test were made in plastic bags with 2 kg of air dried fine soil, taken from the arable layer of the field experiment, with the following doses of KC1 p,a. : 0; 50; 100; 200; 400; 800; 1,600; 3.200; 6,400 and 12,800 kg/ha of K(2)0. In the conditions observed during the present work, results allowed the following conclusions: A response by soybean grain production for doses of potassium chloride, applied in both ways, banded or broadcasted, was not observed. Leaf analysis did not show treatment influence over the leaf contents for N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and CI, Potassium chloride salinity effects in both methods of distribution for all the tested closes were not observed.A pesquisa constou de um ensaio de campo e de um teste de incubação, em laboratório, com os seguintes objetivos: a. estudar efeitos de doses crescentes e métodos de aplicação de cloreto de potássio, na produção e na composição foliar de soja; b. observar alterações químicas no solo incubado com doses crescentes de cloreto de potássio; c. correlacionar efeitos de campo, com alterações químicas observadas no teste de incubação. O ensaio de campo foi instalado em um Latos solo Roxo, uti1izando-se de cultivar de soja UFV-l. O cloreto de potássio foi aplicado de duas maneiras: em sulco 5 cm abaixo e 5 cm ao lado da linha de semeadura e emiárea total, à lanço e incorporado na profundidade de aração. As doses testadas foram: 0, 50, 100 e 200 kg/ha de K2O. No florescimento, foi feito a amostragem foliar, O teste de incubação constou da incubaçao de amostras de 2 kg de TFSA proveniente da camada arável do ensaio de campo, com as se guintes doses: 0, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400 e 12.800 kg/ha de K2O, utilizando-se como fonte o cloreto de potássio p.a, Conclusões: a. não houve resposta na produção da soja, às doses de cloreto de potássio, tanto aplicadas em sulco ou em lanço; b. a análise foliar não acusou nenhuma influência dos tratamentos nos teores foliares em nitrogênio, fósforo, potássio, cálcio, magnésio e cloro; c. não foi observado efeito salino causado pelo cloreto de potássio nas doses e nos métodos de distribuição testados

    BSAURUS- A Package For Inclusive B-Reconstruction in DELPHI

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    BSAURUS is a software package for the inclusive reconstruction of B-hadrons in Z-decay events taken by the DELPHI detector at LEP. The BSAURUS goal is to reconstruct B-decays, by making use of as many properties of b-jets as possible, with high efficiency and good purity. This is achieved by exploiting the capabilities of the DELPHI detector to their extreme, applying wherever possible physics knowledge about B production and decays and combining different information sources with modern tools- mainly artificial neural networks. This note provides a reference of how BSAURUS outputs are formed, how to access them within the DELPHI framework, and the physics performance one can expect.Comment: 52 pages, 24 figures, added author Z.

    Stability of quantum states of finite macroscopic systems against classical noises, perturbations from environments, and local measurements

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    We study the stability of quantum states of macroscopic systems of finite volume V, against weak classical noises (WCNs), weak perturbations from environments (WPEs), and local measurements (LMs). We say that a pure state is `fragile' if its decoherence rate is anomalously great, and `stable against LMs' if the result of a LM is not affected by another LM at a distant point. By making full use of the locality and huge degrees of freedom, we show the following: (i) If square fluctuation of every additive operator is O(V) or less for a pure state, then it is not fragile in any WCNs or WPEs. (ii) If square fluctuations of some additive operators are O(V^2) for a pure state, then it is fragile in some WCNs or WPEs. (iii) If a state (pure or mixed) has the `cluster property,' then it is stable against LMs, and vice versa. These results have many applications, among which we discuss the mechanism of symmetry breaking in finite systems.Comment: 6 pages, no figure.Proof of the theorem is described in the revised manuscrip

    RHETT/EPDM Performance Characterization

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    The 0.6 kW Electric Propulsion Demonstration Module (EPDM) flight thruster system was tested in a large vacuum facility for performance measurements and functional checkout. The thruster was operated at a xenon flow rate of 3.01 mg/s, which was supplied through a self-contained propellant system. All power was provided through a flight-packaged power processing unit, which was mounted in vacuum on a cold plate. The thruster was cycled through 34 individual startup and shutdown sequences. Operating periods ranged from 3 to 3600 seconds. The system responded promptly to each command sequence and there were no involuntary shutdowns. Direct thrust measurements indicated that steady state thrust was temperature sensitive, and varied from a high of 41.7 mN at 16 C, to a low of 34.8 mN at 110 C. Short duration thruster firings showed rapid response and good repeatability

    Pion-Nucleon Scattering in Kadyshevsky Formalism: I Meson Exchange Sector

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    In a series of two papers we present the theoretical results of πN\pi N/meson-baryon scattering in the Kadyshevsky formalism. In this paper the results are given for meson exchange diagrams. On the formal side we show, by means of an example, how general couplings, i.e. couplings containing multiple derivatives and/or higher spin fields, should be treated. We do this by introducing and applying the Takahashi-Umezawa and the Gross-Jackiw method. For practical purposes we introduce the Pˉ\bar{P} method. We also show how the Takashashi-Umezawa method can be derived using the theory of Bogoliubov and collaborators and the Gross-Jackiw method is also used to study the nn-dependence of the Kadyshevsky integral equation. Last but not least we present the second quantization procedure of the quasi particle in Kadyshevsky formalism.Comment: 29 page