698 research outputs found

    Atomic position localization via dual measurement

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    We study localization of atomic position when a three-level atom interacts with a quantized standing-wave field in the Ramsey interferometer setup. Both the field quadrature amplitude and the atomic internal state are measured to obtain the atomic position information. It is found that this dual measurement scheme produces an interference pattern superimposed on a diffraction-like pattern in the atomic position distribution, where the former pattern originates from the state-selective measurement and the latter from the field measurement. The present scheme results in a better resolution in the position localization than the field-alone measurement schemes. We also discuss the measurement-correlated mechanical action of the standing-wave field on the atom in the light of Popper's test.Comment: 6.5 pages and 5 figure

    Articular contact in a three-dimensional model of the knee

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    This study is aimed at the analysis of articular contact in a three-dimensional mathematical model of the human knee-joint. In particular the effect of articular contact on the passive motion characteristics is assessed in relation to experimentally obtained joint kinematics. Two basically different mathematical contact descriptions were compared for this purpose. One description was for rigid contact and one for deformable contact. The description of deformable contact is based on a simplified theory for contact of a thin elastic layer on a rigid foundation. The articular cartilage was described either as a linear elastic material or as a non-linear elastic material. The contact descriptions were introduced in a mathematical model of the knee. The locations of the ligament insertions and the geometry of the articular surfaces were obtained from a joint specimen of which experimentally determined kinematic data were available, and were used as input for the model. The ligaments were described by non-linear elastic line elements. The mechanical properties of the ligaments and the articular cartilage were derived from literature data. Parametric model evaluations showed that, relative to rigid articular contact, the incorporation of deformable contact did not alter the motion characteristics in a qualitative sense, and that the quantitative changes were small. Variation of the elasticity of the elastic layer revealed that decreasing the surface stiffness caused the ligaments to relax and, as a consequence, increased the joint laxity, particularly for axial rotation. The difference between the linear and the non-linear deformable contact in the knee model was very small for moderate loading conditions. The motion characteristics simulated with the knee model compared very well with the experiments. It is concluded that for simulation of the passive motion characteristics of the knee, the simplified description for contact of a thin linear elastic layer on a rigid foundation is a valid approach when aiming at the study of the motion characteristics for moderate loading conditions. With deformable contact in the knee model, geometric conformity between the surfaces can be modelled as opposed to rigid contact which assumed only point contact

    Dynamic transition in driven vortices across the peak effect in superconductors

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    We study the zero-temperature dynamic transition from the disordered flow to an ordered flow state in driven vortices in type-II superconductors. The transition current IpI_{p} is marked by a sharp kink in the V(I)V(I) characteristic with a concomitant large increase in the defect concentration. On increasing magnetic field BB, the Ip(B)I_{p}(B) follows the behaviour of the critical current Ic(B)I_{c}(B). Specifically, in the peak effect regime Ip(B)I_{p}(B) increases rapidly along with IcI_{c}. We also discuss the effect of varying disorder strength on IpI_{p}.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Characterization of high finesse mirrors: loss, phase shifts and mode structure in an optical cavity

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    An extensive characterization of high finesse optical cavities used in cavity QED experiments is described. Different techniques in the measurement of the loss and phase shifts associated with the mirror coatings are discussed and their agreement shown. Issues of cavity field mode structure supported by the dielectric coatings are related to our effort to achieve the strongest possible coupling between an atom and the cavity.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Influence of season of birth, sex and paternal line on growth performance and carcass traits in pigs

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    Participants in the pig production industry focus on feed and feed additives to improve growth performance and meat quality of pigs. Consequently, the Rural Development Administration of the Republic of Korea produced a new paternal line to improve economic traits in pigs. However, there is an absence of information on pig traits with regard to season and sex, and a comparison between the new paternal line and past paternal lines. Therefore, the authors conducted this study to investigate the influence of season of birth, sex and paternal line on growth performance and carcass traits in pigs. A total of 2888 piglets ((Landrace × Yorkshire) × Darby Duroc (DD) or Chookjin Duroc (CD)) with an average age of three weeks were tested for 22 weeks during the four season of the year (spring 608 piglets, summer 404 piglets, autumn 576 piglets and winter 1300 piglets). The bodyweights (BW) of individual pig were recorded, and feed consumption was recorded at weeks 2, 12 and 22, to determine growth performance. At reaching market weight, backfat thickness was determined at the last rib area. Meat was graded according to the criteria of the slaughterhouse. There were no significant differences in growth performance and carcass traits between sexes. The CD line crossbred pig had a significant higher BW at 16 weeks, and higher carcass trait values at 22 weeks than the DD line. During weeks 8 to 16 the CD line crossbred pigs showed a tendency of an increased average daily gain (ADG) and gain : feed (G : F) ratio compared with the DD line. Furthermore, pigs born in spring had significant lower ADG, average daily feed intake (ADFI) and carcass trait values than born in the other seasons. In conclusion, the new paternal line (Chookjin Duroc) improved growth performance and carcass traits compare with the DD line.Keywords: sex, growth, terminal sire, meat quality, backfat thicknes

    Search for exoplanets in M31 with pixel-lensing and the PA-99-N2 event revisited

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    Several exoplanets have been detected towards the Galactic bulge with the microlensing technique. We show that exoplanets in M31 may also be detected with the pixel-lensing method, if telescopes making high cadence observations of an ongoing microlensing event are used. Using a Monte Carlo approach we find that the mean mass for detectable planetary systems is about 2MJ2 M_{\rm {J}}. However, even small mass exoplanets (MP<20MM_{\rm P} < 20 M_{\oplus}) can cause significant deviations, which are observable with large telescopes. We reanalysed the POINT-AGAPE microlensing event PA-99-N2. First, we test the robustness of the binary lens conclusion for this light curve. Second, we show that for such long duration and bright microlensing events, the efficiency for finding planetary-like deviations is strongly enhanced with respect to that evaluated for all planetary detectable events.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures. Paper presented at the "II Italian-Pakistani Workshop on Relativistic Astrophysics, Pescara, July 8-10, 2009. To be published in a special issue of General Relativity and Gravitation (eds. F. De Paolis, G.F.R. Ellis, A. Qadir and R. Ruffini

    A first-principles study of MgB2 (0001) surfaces

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    We report self-consistent {\it ab initio} calculations of structural and electronic properties for the B- and Mg-terminated MgB2_{2} (0001) surfaces. We employ ultra-soft pseudopotentials and plane wave basis sets within the generalized gradient approximation. The surface relaxations are found to be small for both B- and Mg-terminated surfaces. For the B-terminated surface, both B σ{\sigma} and π{\pi} surface bands appear, while only one B π{\pi} surface band exists near the Fermi level for the Mg-terminated surface. The superconductivity of the MgB2_2 surfaces is discussed. The work function is predicted to be 5.95 and 4.25 eV for the B- and Mg-terminated surfaces respectively. The simulated scanning tunneling microscopy images of the surfaces are not sensitive to the sign and value of the bias voltages, but depend strongly on the tip-sample distance. An image reversal is predicted for the Mg-terminated surface.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, Revte

    qqqbar to qqqbar and qqbarqbar to qqbarqbar Elastic Scatterings and Thermalization of Quark Matter and Antiquark Matter

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    Thermalization of quark matter and antiquark matter is studied with quark-quark-antiquark as well as quark-antiquark-antiquark elastic scatterings. Squared amplitudes of qqqbar to qqqbar and qqbarqbar to qqbarqbar at order alpha_s^4 are derived in perturbative QCD. Solved by a new technique, solutions of transport equations with the squared amplitudes indicate that the scatterings qqqbar to qqqbar and qqbarqbar to qqbarqbar shorten the thermalization time of quark matter and antiquark matter. It is emphasized that three-parton and other multi-parton scatterings become important at the high parton number density achieved in RHIC Au-Au collisions.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, Late

    Extreme Electron-Phonon Coupling in Boron-based Layered Superconductors

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    The phonon-mode decomposition of the electron-phonon coupling in the MgB2-like system Li_{1-x}BC is explored using first principles calculations. It is found that the high temperature superconductivity of such systems results from extremely strong coupling to only ~2% of the phonon modes. Novel characteristics of E_2g branches include (1) ``mode lambda'' values of 25 and greater compared to a mean of 0.4\sim 0.4 for other modes, (2) a precipitous Kohn anomaly, and (3) E_2g phonon linewidths within a factor of ~2 of the frequency itself, indicating impending breakdown of linear electron-phonon theory. This behavior in borne out by recent inelastic x-ray scattering studies of MgB2 by Shukla et al.Comment: 4 two-column pages, 4 figures. Equations simplified. Figure 4 changed. Comparison with new data include