12,478 research outputs found

    Chain Formation by Spin Pentamers in eta-Na9V14O35

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    The nature of the gapped ground state in the quasi-one-dimensional compound eta-Na9V14O35 cannot easily be understood, if one takes into account the odd number of spins on each structural element. Combining the results of specific heat, susceptibility and electron spin resonance measurements we show that eta-Na9V14O35 exhibits a novel ground state where multi-spin objects build up a linear chain. These objects - pentamers - consist of five antiferromagnetically arranged spins with effective spin 1/2. Their spatial extent results in an exchange constant along the chain direction comparable to the one in the high-temperature state.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    The Nakayama automorphism of the almost Calabi-Yau algebras associated to SU(3) modular invariants

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    We determine the Nakayama automorphism of the almost Calabi-Yau algebra A associated to the braided subfactors or nimrep graphs associated to each SU(3) modular invariant. We use this to determine a resolution of A as an A-A bimodule, which will yield a projective resolution of A.Comment: 46 pages which constitutes the published version, plus an Appendix detailing some long calculations. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1110.454

    Can a combination of the conformal thin-sandwich and puncture methods yield binary black hole solutions in quasi-equilibrium?

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    We consider combining two important methods for constructing quasi-equilibrium initial data for binary black holes: the conformal thin-sandwich formalism and the puncture method. The former seeks to enforce stationarity in the conformal three-metric and the latter attempts to avoid internal boundaries, like minimal surfaces or apparent horizons. We show that these two methods make partially conflicting requirements on the boundary conditions that determine the time slices. In particular, it does not seem possible to construct slices that are quasi-stationary and avoid physical singularities and simultaneously are connected by an everywhere positive lapse function, a condition which must obtain if internal boundaries are to be avoided. Some relaxation of these conflicting requirements may yield a soluble system, but some of the advantages that were sought in combining these approaches will be lost.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX2e, 2 postscript figure

    Vacuum Stability Bound on Extended GMSB Models

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    Extensions of GMSB models were explored to explain the recent reports of the Higgs boson mass around 124-126 GeV. Some models predict a large mu term, which can spoil the vacuum stability of the universe. We study two GMSB extensions: i) the model with a large trilinear coupling of the top squark, and ii) that with extra vector-like matters. In both models, the vacuum stability condition provides upper bounds on the gluino mass if combined with the muon g-2. The whole parameter region is expected to be covered by LHC at sqrt{s} = 14 TeV. The analysis is also applied to the mSUGRA models with the vector-like matters.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    Discovery of an Unusual Dwarf Galaxy in the Outskirts of the Milky Way

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    In this Letter, we announce the discovery of a new dwarf galaxy, Leo T, in the Local Group. It was found as a stellar overdensity in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 5 (SDSS DR5). The color-magnitude diagram of Leo T shows two well-defined features, which we interpret as a red giant branch and a sequence of young, massive stars. As judged from fits to the color-magnitude diagram, it lies at a distance of about 420 kpc and has an intermediate-age stellar population with a metallicity of [Fe/H]= -1.6, together with a young population of blue stars of age of 200 Myr. There is a compact cloud of neutral hydrogen with mass roughly 10^5 solar masses and radial velocity 35 km/s coincident with the object visible in the HIPASS channel maps. Leo T is the smallest, lowest luminosity galaxy found to date with recent star-formation. It appears to be a transition object similar to, but much lower luminosity than, the Phoenix dwarf.Comment: Ap J (Letters) in press, the subject of an SDSS press release toda

    Early stage morphology of quench condensed Ag, Pb and Pb/Ag hybrid films

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    Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) has been used to study the morphology of Ag, Pb and Pb/Ag bilayer films fabricated by quench condensation of the elements onto cold (T=77K), inert and atomically flat Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite (HOPG) substrates. All films are thinner than 10 nm and show a granular structure that is consistent with earlier studies of QC films. The average lateral diameter, 2rˉ\bar {2r}, of the Ag grains, however, depends on whether the Ag is deposited directly on HOPG (2rˉ\bar {2r} = 13 nm) or on a Pb film consisting of a single layer of Pb grains (2rˉ\bar {2r} = 26.8 nm). In addition, the critical thickness for electrical conduction (dGd_{G}) of Pb/Ag films on inert glass substrates is substantially larger than for pure Ag films. These results are evidence that the structure of the underlying substrate exerts an influence on the size of the grains in QC films. We propose a qualitative explanation for this previously unencountered phenomenon.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures and one tabl

    Testing the Nambu-Goldstone Hypothesis for Quarks and Leptons at the LHC

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    The hierarchy of the Yukawa couplings is an outstanding problem of the standard model. We present a class of models in which the first and second generation fermions are SUSY partners of pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone bosons that parameterize a non-compact Kahler manifold, explaining the small values of these fermion masses relative to those of the third generation. We also provide an example of such a model. We find that various regions of the parameter space in this scenario can give the correct dark matter abundance, and that nearly all of these regions evade other phenomenological constraints. We show that for gluino mass ~700 GeV, model points from these regions can be easily distinguished from other mSUGRA points at the LHC with only 7 fb^(-1) of integrated luminosity at 14 TeV. The most striking signatures are a dearth of b- and tau-jets, a great number of multi-lepton events, and either an "inverted" slepton mass hierarchy, narrowed slepton mass hierarchy, or characteristic small-mu spectrum.Comment: Corresponds to published versio

    Coupling models of cattle and farms with models of badgers for predicting the dynamics of bovine tuberculosis (TB)

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    Bovine TB is a major problem for the agricultural industry in several countries. TB can be contracted and spread by species other than cattle and this can cause a problem for disease control. In the UK and Ireland, badgers are a recognised reservoir of infection and there has been substantial discussion about potential control strategies. We present a coupling of individual based models of bovine TB in badgers and cattle, which aims to capture the key details of the natural history of the disease and of both species at approximately county scale. The model is spatially explicit it follows a very large number of cattle and badgers on a different grid size for each species and includes also winter housing. We show that the model can replicate the reported dynamics of both cattle and badger populations as well as the increasing prevalence of the disease in cattle. Parameter space used as input in simulations was swept out using Latin hypercube sampling and sensitivity analysis to model outputs was conducted using mixed effect models. By exploring a large and computationally intensive parameter space we show that of the available control strategies it is the frequency of TB testing and whether or not winter housing is practised that have the most significant effects on the number of infected cattle, with the effect of winter housing becoming stronger as farm size increases. Whether badgers were culled or not explained about 5%, while the accuracy of the test employed to detect infected cattle explained less than 3% of the variance in the number of infected cattle
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