7,029 research outputs found

    PandionJ: a pedagogical debugger featuring illustrations of variable tracing and look-ahead

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    We present PandionJ, a pedagogical debugger for Java with innovative features regarding how the program state information is presented to users. We consider aspects that are either not available or not fully automated in existing debuggers (pedagogical or not), such as illustration of the history of variable values and look-ahead of their future state. Our approach relies on static analysis of code in order to infer variable roles, relationships, and behavior. This information is used to render illustrations of program state that existing debuggers are not capable of providing without requiring additional user input

    Stepwise API usage assistance using n-gram language models

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    Reusing software involves learning third-party APIs, a process that is often time-consuming and error-prone. Recommendation systems for API usage assistance based on statistical models built from source code corpora are capable of assisting API users through code completion mechanisms in IDEs. A valid sequence of API calls involving different types may be regarded as a well-formed sentence of tokens from the API vocabulary. In this article we describe an approach for recommending subsequent tokens to complete API sentences using n-gram language models built from source code corpora. The provided system was integrated in the code completion facilities of the Eclipse IDE, providing contextualized completion proposals for Java taking into account the nearest lines of code. The approach was evaluated against existing client code of four widely used APIs, revealing that in more than 90% of the cases the expected subsequent token is within the 10-top-most proposals of our models. The high score provides evidence that the recommendations could help on API learning and exploration, namely through the assistance on writing valid API sentences.info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    Implementação da NBR ISO/IEC 17025 estudo de caso: a experiência do laboratório de fitopatologia ? Embrapa ? CNPMF.

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    No Brasil, a avaliação da competência de laboratórios de ensaios é feita pela CRE/Inmetro, em um processo denominado acreditação, e auditorias são realizadas para determinar a conformidade do sistema de gestão com a NBR ISO/IEC 17025. A acreditação dá ao laboratório reconhecimento nacional/internacional, já que o habilita a fazer parte de uma rede de Laboratórios. Atualmente o Laboratório de Fitopatologia da Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura (LFITO) é credenciado pelo Ministério da Agricultura e Pecuária (MAPA) e está pleiteando à acreditação junto ao Inmetro, sendo necessário a implementação de alguns requisitos para atender plenamente a NBR ISO IEC/17025

    Ensaios de proficiência em microbiologia: desafio para a acreditação de Laboratórios de Fitossanidade Vegetal

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    O Ministério da Agricultura Pecuária e Abastecimento no uso de suas atribuições, após ter conferido a laboratórios de ensaios o credenciamento para análises de amostras microbiológicas, tornou necessário aos mesmos a apresentação de comprovante de acreditação junto ao Inmetro na norma ABNT ISO/IEC 17025 a partir da Instrução Normativa nº 34 de 15 de julho de 2011, num prazo de até trinta e seis meses. Entre as exigências documentais do Inmetro aos laboratórios postulantes à acreditação, de acordo com a norma NIT-DICLA-026, está o cumprimento dos requisitos para participação em ensaios de proficiência

    Understanding social enterprises in the United Kingdom: the case of South Yorkshire

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    Purpose-- This study analyses the development of social enterprises in the UK, in the context of the increased need for creative solutions to ameliorate deprivation and deliver effective public services. Design/methodology/approach-- The investigation draws on a mixed method approach, using a postal survey of 102 social enterprises complemented by detailed analysis of two selected cases and key informant interviews. Findings-- The results of the study show that there is a paradigm shift in the practice and conceptualisation of social enterprises in South Yorkshire as they are increasingly taking a more corporate approach to achieve their outcomes. Research limitations/implications-- The study is limited to social enterprises in South Yorkshire, UK. Further comparative analysis in other regions and social contexts is required in order to explore if these results are widely applicable. Practical implications-- This study is of potential benefit to researchers and those involved in formulating policies for the development and support of social enterprise. Originality/value-- The study contributes to the extant literature by investigation of the development of social enterprise in competitive markets, which is an area that requires further academic scrutiny. The South Yorkshire region presents an interesting case that extends our understanding of the operations of social enterprises in the UK given the high levels of deprivation due to the steady decline of its industrial base ( Bache and Chapman, 2008)

    Accidents in Children and Adolescents: What Context and What Approach? A Nine-Month Experience at the Emergency Department of a Level II Hospital

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    Introdução: Os acidentes constituem uma importante causa de morbimortalidade infantil e de recurso ao serviço de urgência pediátrica. A nível nacional conhecem-se apenas alguns dados epidemiológicos. Métodos: Estudo observacional transversal com análise da coorte das crianças observadas no serviço de urgência pediátrica de um hospital nível II por motivo de acidente, durante um período de nove meses, com dados obtidos através de um inquérito e submetidos a análise estatística. Resultados: Das 22502 admissões de crianças até aos 14 anos registadas, 1746 (7,8%) foram por acidentes. A maioria era do sexo masculino e tinha mais de 5 anos. Os acidentes ocorreram maioritariamente no exterior da escola (29,1%) e interior de casa (25%), predominando a queda como tipo de acidente (55,5%) e a contusão como mecanismo de lesão (54,2%). A maioria das crianças (77,3%) foi submetida a exames complementares de diagnóstico destacando-se os radiológicos. Os diagnósticos mais frequentes foram os traumatismos superficiais (47,9%) e os ferimentos (24,8%). Em 6,6% (115) dos casos os acidentes foram considerados graves. Estas admissões por acidentes associaram-se a uma despesa imediata estimada de 124 mil euros. Discussão: A frequência elevada e o local de ocorrência dos acidentes coincidiram com a literatura. Apesar do predomínio das lesões minor superficiais (47,9%) verificou-se um número significativo de crianças com necessidade de cuidados hospitalares. Não foram registados óbitos. Os autores concluem que os acidentes em crianças foram um motivo frequente de ida ao serviço de urgência pediátrica com importante consumo de recursos. A sensibilização dos cuidadores é essencial na prevenção dos acidentes

    Genetic evidence fails to discriminate between Macroramphosus gracilis Lowe 1839 and Macroramphosus scolopax Linnaeus 1758 in Portuguese waters

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    Fish belonging to the genus Macroramphosus are distributed throughout the Atlantic, Indian and PaciWc oceans. Some authors consider this genus monotypic, Macroramphosus scolopax being the only valid species. Other authors consider (based on several morphological and ecological characters) that another species (Macroramphosus gracilis) exists and occurs frequently in sympatry with the Wrst one. Intermediate forms are also reported in literature. In this paper, using the mitochondrial control region and the nuclear Wrst S7 intron markers, we failed to Wnd genetic diVerences between individuals considered to belong to both species as well as the intermediate forms. Our results suggest that in the northeastern Atlantic, Macroramphosus is represented by a single species, M. scolopax, with diVerent morphotypes interbreeding in the sampling areas

    Pensar el Estado y la sociedad : desafíos actuales

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    Las reflexiones contenidas en esta coedición deben contribuir a restablecer la imprescindible relación entre conocimientos y experiencias, entre teoría y práctica, que demandan los procesos emancipatorios nacionales y latinoamericanos en la transición que vivimos. Ésta como dice Boaventura deberá moverse en el experimentalismo propio que demandan circunstancias de incertidumbre y de ausencia de recetas de futuro, pero cuyo carácter debería ser la multiplicación de formas de deliberación democrática como garantía para remontar el riesgo de su fractura y revisión.Presentación 7 1. Reinventando la emancipación social 13 2. Debate sobre la universidad del siglo XXI 37 3. Los desafíos de las ciencias sociales hoy 101 4. ¿Estamos condenados a ser gobernados? 121 Conversatorio sobre universidad popular para los movimientos sociales 5. La reinvencion del Estado y el Estado plurinacional 13

    Staphylococcus aureus in former Portuguese colonies from Africa and the Far East: missing data to help fill the world map

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    AbstractThe aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence and risk factors for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) nasal carriage among patients and healthcare workers in Angola (ANG), São Tomé and Príncipe (STP), Cape Verde (CV) and East Timor (ET), and to characterize the antimicrobial susceptibility, virulence content and population structure of all S. aureus. Despite the importance of MRSA as a major human pathogen, data from these former Portuguese colonies in Africa and Asia are scarce. A total of 2065 nasal swabs recovered between 2010–14 were included in the study. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing and molecular characterization of S. aureus showed: (i) a very high MRSA prevalence in ANG (61.6%), moderate in STP (25.5%), low in CV (5.6%) and null in ET; (ii) a high prevalence of Panton–Valentine leukocidin in STP (36.8%), ET (29.2%) and CV (28.3%) contrasting with ANG (7.9%); (iii) ST5-SCCmecIVa, ST8-IV/V and ST5-VI were the major MRSA clones in ANG (65.2%), STP (44.8%) and CV (50%), respectively; (iv) a high resistance to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole in ANG (66.5%) and STP (50.9%), to rifampin in ANG (77.3%), and to tetracycline in STP (26.3%) and ET (20.8%); (v) three major methicillin-susceptible S. aureus clones (ST15, ST508, ST152) were present in all four countries. Age <18 years (OR 2.03, 95% CI 1.24–3.31), previous surgery (OR 2.45, 95% CI 1.24–4.83), no smoking (OR 4.04, 95% CI 1.05–15.50), and longer hospitalization (OR 2.53, 95% CI 1.49–4.28) were risk factors for MRSA carriage. This study provided the first comprehensive overview on MRSA in former Portuguese colonies in Africa and Asia, missing data in the world map


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    Gait is a simple activity of daily life and one of the main abilities of the human being. Often during leisure, labour and sports activities, loads are carried over (e.g. backpack) during gait. These circumstantial loads can generate instability and increase biomechanical stress over the human tissues and systems, especially on the locomotor, balance and postural regulation systems. According to Wearing (2006), subjects that carry a transitory or intermittent load will be able to find relatively efficient solutions to compensate its effects. These are dependent upon the walking distance and of the load characteristics - size, weight and location relatively to the body (Hsiang, 2002).Thus, these solutions should become a concerning factor (Koh, 2009) and a topic of scientific research, particularly in what concerns the inventory of its biomechanical effects and the possible strategies to be developed in order to minimize its effects. The aim of the present study was to analyze the effects of an occasional dorso-lombar load during the gait through the use of a backpack
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