2,112 research outputs found

    A comparison of wave mode identification techniques

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    The four point measurements available from the Cluster mission enable spatiotemporal effects in data sets to be resolved. One application of these multipoint measurements is the determination of the wave vectors and hence the identification of wave modes that exist within the plasma. Prior to multi-satellite missions, wave identification techniques were based upon the interpretation of observational data using theoretically defined relations. However, such techniques are limited by the quality of the data and the type of plasma model employed. With multipoint measurements, wave modes can be identified and their wave directions determined purely from the available observations. This paper takes two such methods, a phase differencing technique and k-filtering and compares their results. It is shown that both methods can resolve the k vector for the dominant mirror mode present in the data. The phase differencing method shows that the nature of the wave environment is constantly changing and as such both methods result in an average picture of the wave environment in the period analysed. The k-filtering method is able to identify other modes that are present

    Integrated urine proteomics and renal single-cell genomics identify an interferon-γ response gradient in lupus nephritis.

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    Lupus nephritis, one of the most serious manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), has both a heterogeneous clinical and pathological presentation. For example, proliferative nephritis identifies a more aggressive disease class that requires immunosuppression. However, the current classification system relies on the static appearance of histopathological morphology which does not capture differences in the inflammatory response. Therefore, a biomarker grounded in the disease biology is needed to understand the molecular heterogeneity of lupus nephritis and identify immunologic mechanism and pathways. Here, we analyzed the patterns of 1000 urine protein biomarkers in 30 patients with active lupus nephritis. We found that patients stratify over a chemokine gradient inducible by interferon-gamma. Higher values identified patients with proliferative lupus nephritis. After integrating the urine proteomics with the single-cell transcriptomics of kidney biopsies, it was observed that the urinary chemokines defining the gradient were predominantly produced by infiltrating CD8 T cells, along with natural killer and myeloid cells. The urine chemokine gradient significantly correlated with the number of kidney-infiltrating CD8 cells. These findings suggest that urine proteomics can capture the complex biology of the kidney in lupus nephritis. Patient-specific pathways may be noninvasively tracked in the urine in real time, enabling diagnosis and personalized treatment

    Congenital sucrase-isomaltase deficiency presenting with failure to thrive, hypercalcemia, and nephrocalcinosis

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    BACKGROUND: Disaccharide Intolerance Type I (Mendelian Interance in Man database: *222900) is a rare inborn error of metabolism resulting from mutation in sucrase-isomaltase (Enzyme Catalyzed Usually, infants with SI deficiency come to attention because of chronic diarrhea and nutritional evidence of malabsorption. CASE PRESENTATION: We describe an atypical presentation of this disorder in a 10-month-old infant. In addition to chronic diarrhea, the child displayed severe and chronic hypercalcemia, the evaluation of which was negative. An apparently coincidental right orbital hemangioma was detected. Following identification of the SI deficiency, an appropriately sucrose-restricted, but normal calcium diet regimen was instituted which led to cessation of diarrhea, substantial weight gain, and resolution of hypercalcemia. CONCLUSIONS: This case illustrates that, similar to congenital lactase deficiency (Mendelian Interance in Man database: *223000, Alactasia, Hereditary Disaccharide Intolerance Type II), hypercalcemia may complicate neonatal Sucrase-Isomaltase deficiency. Hypercalcemia in the presence of chronic diarrhea should suggest disaccharide intolerance in young infants

    Chromatin: a tunable spring at work inside chromosomes

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    This paper focuses on mechanical aspects of chromatin biological functioning. Within a basic geometric modeling of the chromatin assembly, we give for the first time the complete set of elastic constants (twist and bend persistence lengths, stretch modulus and twist-stretch coupling constant) of the so-called 30-nm chromatin fiber, in terms of DNA elastic properties and geometric properties of the fiber assembly. The computation naturally embeds the fiber within a current analytical model known as the ``extensible worm-like rope'', allowing a straightforward prediction of the force-extension curves. We show that these elastic constants are strongly sensitive to the linker length, up to 1 bp, or equivalently to its twist, and might locally reach very low values, yielding a highly flexible and extensible domain in the fiber. In particular, the twist-stretch coupling constant, reflecting the chirality of the chromatin fiber, exhibits steep variations and sign changes when the linker length is varied. We argue that this tunable elasticity might be a key feature for chromatin function, for instance in the initiation and regulation of transcription.Comment: 38 pages 15 figure

    Traces of past activity in the Galactic Centre

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    The Milky Way centre hosts a supermassive Black Hole (BH) with a mass of ~4*10^6 M_Sun. Sgr A*, its electromagnetic counterpart, currently appears as an extremely weak source with a luminosity L~10^-9 L_Edd. The lowest known Eddington ratio BH. However, it was not always so; traces of "glorious" active periods can be found in the surrounding medium. We review here our current view of the X-ray emission from the Galactic Center (GC) and its environment, and the expected signatures (e.g. X-ray reflection) of a past flare. We discuss the history of Sgr A*'s past activity and its impact on the surrounding medium. The structure of the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ) has not changed significantly since the last active phase of Sgr A*. This relic torus provides us with the opportunity to image the structure of an AGN torus in exquisite detail.Comment: Invited refereed review. Chapter of the book: "Cosmic ray induced phenomenology in star forming environments" (eds. Olaf Reimer and Diego F. Torres
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