288 research outputs found

    Near Resonantly Enhanced Schlieren for Wake Flow Visualisation in Shock Tunnels

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    A new variant of the resonantly enhanced schlieren or shadowgraph technique has been developed for visualising flows with small density gradients using seeded lithium metal as the resonant species. The novelty of the technique lies in the use of a diode laser as the light source for the visualisation rather than systems based upon solid-state-pumped dye lasers or spectral lamps. We present time-resolved visualisations of near-wake flows around a cylinder in a hypersonic freestream in a shock tunnel, showing flow structures that cannot be resolved using a conventional standard schlieren system. Furthermore, a method of removing, at least partially, the limitation related to line-ofsight visualisation is demonstrated

    Large-Area Liquid Scintillation Detector Slab

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    A low-cost detector 18' x 2' x 5" has been developed for an underground cosmic ray neutrino experiment. The liquid employed is a high-clarity mineral oil-based mixture, and light is guided to the ends of the detector by total internal reflection at the surface of the Lucite container. Signals from 2 five-inch photomultipliers at each end give energy and event location for single penetrating particles, with relatively good discrimination against natural radioactivity by virtue of the substantial thickness. Data are presented on the response function of the tank, energy resolution, rates and thresholds. A number of modifications that have been tried are also described

    Large-Area Liquid Scintillation Detector Slab

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    A low-cost detector 18' x 2' x 5" has been developed for an underground cosmic ray neutrino experiment. The liquid employed is a high-clarity mineral oil-based mixture, and light is guided to the ends of the detector by total internal reflection at the surface of the Lucite container. Signals from 2 five-inch photomultipliers at each end give energy and event location for single penetrating particles, with relatively good discrimination against natural radioactivity by virtue of the substantial thickness. Data are presented on the response function of the tank, energy resolution, rates and thresholds. A number of modifications that have been tried are also described

    Mineração de dados para identificar atributos genéticos associados à características de interesse econômico à pecuária.

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    Pesquisadores da área de melhoramento genético possuem cada vez mais acesso a dados genéticos e genômicos e demandam por um método ou ferramenta robusta que atendam às suas necessidades na descoberta de conhecimento

    Comparison of nanoparticular hydroxyapatite pastes of different particle content and size in a novel scapula defect model

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    Nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite (HA) has good biocompatibility and the potential to support bone formation. It represents a promising alternative to autologous bone grafting, which is considered the current gold standard for the treatment of low weight bearing bone defects. The purpose of this study was to compare three bone substitute pastes of different HA content and particle size with autologous bone and empty defects, at two time points (6 and 12 months) in an ovine scapula drillhole model using micro-CT, histology and histomorphometry evaluation. The nHA-LC (38% HA content) paste supported bone formation with a high defect bridging-rate. Compared to nHA-LC, Ostim(®) (35% HA content) showed less and smaller particle agglomerates but also a reduced defect bridging-rate due to its fast degradation The highly concentrated nHA-HC paste (48% HA content) formed oversized particle agglomerates which supported the defect bridging but left little space for bone formation in the defect site. Interestingly, the gold standard treatment of the defect site with autologous bone tissue did not improve bone formation or defect bridging compared to the empty control. We concluded that the material resorption and bone formation was highly impacted by the particle-specific agglomeration behaviour in this study

    Сутність та класифікація ризиків інвестиційної діяльності

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    Наводиться визначення поняттю "ризики інвестиційної діяльності" за рахунок поєднання його сутнісних характеристик, виконано узагальнення класифікації цих ризиків, запропоновано введення нової класифікаційної групи – "корпоративні ризики", які пов'язані з можливістю втрати контролю над підприємством інвестором-акціонером

    Adapting HIV prevention evidence-based interventions in practice settings: an interview study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Evidence-based interventions that are being delivered in real-world settings are adapted to enhance the external validity of these interventions. The purpose of this study was to examine multiple intervention adaptations made during pre-implementation, implementation, maintenance, and evolution phases of human immunodeficiency virus HIV prevention technology transfer. We examined two important categories of adaptations -- modifications to key characteristics, such as activities or delivery methods of interventions and reinvention of the interventions including addition and deletion of core elements.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Study participants were thirty-four community-based organization staff who were implementing evidence-based interventions in Los Angeles, California. Participants were interviewed twice and interviews were professionally transcribed. Transcriptions were coded by two coders with good inter-rater reliability (kappa coefficient = 0.73). Sixty-two open-ended codes for adaptation activities, which were linked to 229 transcript segments, were categorized as modifications of key characteristics or reinvention.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Participants described activities considered modifications to key characteristics and reinvention of evidence-based interventions during pre-implementation, implementation, and maintenance phases. None of the participants reported accessing technical assistance or guidance when reinventing their interventions. Staff executed many of the recommended steps for sound adaptation of these interventions for new populations and settings.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Staff reported modifying and reinventing interventions when translating HIV prevention programs into practice. Targeted technical assistance for formative evaluation should be focused on the pre-implementation phase during which frequent modifications occur. Continuous or repeated measurements of fidelity are recommended. Increased technical assistance and guidance are needed to ensure that reinventions are evaluated and consistent with the aims of the original interventions. Providing strategic technical assistance and written guidance can facilitate effective HIV prevention technology transfer of evidence-based interventions.</p

    Medoid-based clustering using ant colony optimization

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    The application of ACO-based algorithms in data mining has been growing over the last few years, and several supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms have been developed using this bio-inspired approach. Most recent works about unsupervised learning have focused on clustering, showing the potential of ACO-based techniques. However, there are still clustering areas that are almost unexplored using these techniques, such as medoid-based clustering. Medoid-based clustering methods are helpful—compared to classical centroid-based techniques—when centroids cannot be easily defined. This paper proposes two medoid-based ACO clustering algorithms, where the only information needed is the distance between data: one algorithm that uses an ACO procedure to determine an optimal medoid set (METACOC algorithm) and another algorithm that uses an automatic selection of the number of clusters (METACOC-K algorithm). The proposed algorithms are compared against classical clustering approaches using synthetic and real-world datasets

    Aging in language dynamics

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    Human languages evolve continuously, and a puzzling problem is how to reconcile the apparent robustness of most of the deep linguistic structures we use with the evidence that they undergo possibly slow, yet ceaseless, changes. Is the state in which we observe languages today closer to what would be a dynamical attractor with statistically stationary properties or rather closer to a non-steady state slowly evolving in time? Here we address this question in the framework of the emergence of shared linguistic categories in a population of individuals interacting through language games. The observed emerging asymptotic categorization, which has been previously tested - with success - against experimental data from human languages, corresponds to a metastable state where global shifts are always possible but progressively more unlikely and the response properties depend on the age of the system. This aging mechanism exhibits striking quantitative analogies to what is observed in the statistical mechanics of glassy systems. We argue that this can be a general scenario in language dynamics where shared linguistic conventions would not emerge as attractors, but rather as metastable states