56 research outputs found

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    The transfer of protein crystals from their original mother liquor to a solution with a completely different precipitant

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    A procedure is described for the transfer of protein crystals from an ammonium sulfate‐containing mother liquor to a solution with another precipitant, such as polyethylene glycol. The suitable concentration of the alternative precipitant is established via a novel protocol, using a hanging‐drop equilibration method. This crystal transfer procedure is illustrated by experiments with crystals of trypanosomal triosephosphate isomerase and bacterial p ‐hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase, but it might have more general applicability

    16S rRNA-Based Microbiota Profiling Assists Conventional Culture Analysis of Airway Samples from Pediatric Cystic Fibrosis Patients

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    16S-based sequencing provides broader information on the respiratory microbial community than conventional culturing. However, it (often) lacks species- and strain-level information. To overcome this issue, we used 16S rRNA-based sequencing results from 246 nasopharyngeal samples obtained from 20 infants with cystic fibrosis (CF) and 43 healthy infants, which were all 0 to 6 months old, and compared them to both standard (blind) diagnostic culturing and a 16S-sequencing-informed "targeted" reculturing approach. Using routine culturing, we almost uniquely detected Moraxella catarrhalis, Staphylococcus aureus, and Haemophilus influenzae (42%, 38%, and 33% of samples, respectively). Using the targeted reculturing approach, we were able to reculture 47% of the top-5 operational taxonomical units (OTUs) in the sequencing profiles. In total, we identified 60 species from 30 genera with a median of 3 species per sample (range, 1 to 8). We also identified up to 10 species per identified genus. The success of reculturing the top-5 genera present from the sequencing profile depended on the genus. In the case of Corynebacterium being in the top 5, we recultured them in 79% of samples, whereas for Staphylococcus, this value was only 25%. The success of reculturing was also correlated with the relative abundance of those genera in the corresponding sequencing profile. In conclusion, revisiting samples using 16S-based sequencing profiles to guide a targeted culturing approach led to the detection of more potential pathogens per sample than conventional culturing and may therefore be useful in the identification and, consequently, treatment of bacteria considered relevant for the deterioration or exacerbation of disease in patients like those with CF. IMPORTANCE Early and effective treatment of pulmonary infections in cystic fibrosis is vital to prevent chronic lung damage. Although microbial diagnostics and treatment decisions are still based on conventional culture methods, research is gradually focusing more on microbiome and metagenomic-based approaches. This study compared the results of both methods and proposed a way to combine the best of both worlds. Many species can relatively easily be recultured based on the 16S-based sequencing profile, and it provides more in-depth information about the microbial composition of a sample than that obtained through routine (blind) diagnostic culturing. Still, well-known pathogens can be missed by both routine diagnostic culture methods as well as by targeted reculture methods, sometimes even when they are highly abundant, which may be a consequence of either sample storage conditions or antibiotic treatment at the time of sampling

    Experiments in membrane protein crystallization

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    Experiments have been carried out aimed at obtaining crystals of three integral membrane proteins: phospholipase A, cytochrome-c reductase and cytochrome-c oxidase. Crystals, in the form of platelets and bipyramids, as well as several micro-crystal forms have been obtained of phospholipase A from the outer membrane of Escherichia coli. The best crystals obtained so far were thin plates having spacegroup C2221 with a = 72.0Å, b = 107Å, c = 75.8Åand one molecule per asymmetric unit. Reflections were observed out to 2.7Åresolution. Long red needles have been obtained of the respiratory chain complex-III, or cytochrome-c reductase, from beefheart