1,573 research outputs found


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    El Proyecto Trayectorias Académicas Estudiantiles (TRACES) enmarca la gestión académica para el acompañamiento y apoyo de los estudiantes de la UNCuyo, desde el ingreso hasta el egreso, articulando con las etapas previas y posteriores del sistema. Es una propuesta de trabajo en red entre Secretaría Académica de Rectorado, las quince Unidades Académicas y las diversas áreas y servicios de la Universidad, que posibilita abordar las problemáticas que atañen a estas trayectorias, a fin de garantizar el derecho a una educación superior pública e inclusiva. En pos del mejoramiento de los índices de desempeño académico de los alumnos, se inicia en 2012 esta propuesta que contempla las múltiples y complejas dimensiones de estas trayectorias, definiéndolas como una cuestión institucional. A la necesidad de “acompañamiento” para transitar estos recorridos, se suma el posibilitar esta construcción. No se trata simplemente de replicar espacios ya conocidos, sino de pensar dispositivos que promuevan las articulaciones necesarias al interior de cada unidad académica. Lo propio de las “trayectorias institucionales” cobra peso a partir del trabajo colaborativo, en posibilitar o delimitar acuerdos, consensos, revisiones y construcciones comunes, trabajo en equipo, comunicación… El planteamiento sobre cómo lograr en los alumnos una mejor inclusión en la vida universitaria, detectando las dificultades que impactan en el rendimiento académico y en el retraso en sus estudios, no puede responderse sin ocuparse de cómo generar en los docentes y en la institución toda, propuestas alternativas e innovaciones didácticas, curriculares, normativas y/o administrativas para mejorar la enseñanza y garantizar aprendizajes de calidad, considerando la diversidad de los sujetos y sus posibles recorridos académicos. Considerar esta situación implica tomar decisiones, implementar cambios y generar la participación de los actores involucrados para llevar a cabo acciones integrales e incluyentes que respondan a la complejidad de este fenómeno

    Long-term magnetic field stability of Vega

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    We present new spectropolarimetric observations of the normal A-type star Vega, obtained during the summer of 2010 with NARVAL at T\'elescope Bernard Lyot (Pic du Midi Observatory). This new time-series is constituted of 615 spectra collected over 6 different nights. We use the Least-Square-Deconvolution technique to compute, from each spectrum, a mean line profile with a signal-to-noise ratio close to 20,000. After averaging all 615 polarized observations, we detect a circularly polarized Zeeman signature consistent in shape and amplitude with the signatures previously reported from our observations of 2008 and 2009. The surface magnetic geometry of the star, reconstructed using the technique of Zeeman-Doppler Imaging, agrees with the maps obtained in 2008 and 2009, showing that most recognizable features of the photospheric field of Vega are only weakly distorted by large-scale surface flows (differential rotation or meridional circulation).Comment: Proceedings of the conference "Stellar polarimetry: from birth to death", 2011 Jun 27-30, Madiso

    Bis(2-amino-4-methyl­pyridinium) tetra­chloridocuprate(II)

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    The asymmetric unit of the title compound, (C6H9N2)2[CuCl4], consists of one cation and one half-anion, bis­ected by a twofold rotation axis through the metal center. The anion exhibits a geometry that is inter­mediate between a Td and D 4h arrangement about the Cu atom. The crystal structure contains chains of cations alternating with stacks of anions. The cationic groups inter­act via offset face-to-face π–π stacking, forming chains running along the c axis. The anion stacks are parallel to the cation chains, with no significant inter- nor intra­stack Cl⋯Cl inter­actions. There are several anion–cation hydrogen-bonding inter­actions of the (N—H)pyridine⋯Cl and (N—H)amino⋯Cl types, connecting the chains of cations to the stacks of anions. Both the N—H⋯Cl and π–π stacking inter­actions [centroid–centroid distances 3.61 (8) and 3.92 (2) Å] contribute to the formation of a three-dimensional supra­molecular architecture

    The detrimental effect of spontaneous emission in quantum free electron lasers : a discrete Wigner model

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    We study the spontaneous emission in high-gain free-electron lasers operating in the quantum regime and its detrimental effect on coherent emission. A quantum model describing the coherent and spontaneous emission in free electron lasers has been recently proposed and investigated [G. R. M. Robb and R. Bonifacio, Phys. Plasmas 19, 073101 (2012)]. The model is based on a Wigner distribution describing the electron beam dynamics, coupled to Maxwell equations for the emitted radiation field. Here, we rephrase the model in a more rigorous way, considering a discrete Wigner distribution defined for a periodic space coordinate for which the electron momentum is discrete. From its numerical solution, we find good agreement with the approximate continuous model. In the quantum regime of the free-electron laser, we obtain a simple density matrix equation for two momentum states, where the role of the spontaneous emission has a clear interpretation in terms of coherence decay and population transfer

    Identification of a developmentally regulated septin and involvement of the septins in spore formation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    The Saccharomyces cerevisiae CDC3, CDC10, CDC11, and CDC12 genes encode a family of related proteins, the septins, which are involved in cell division and the organization of the cell surface during vegetative growth. A search for additional S. cerevisiae septin genes using the polymerase chain reaction identified SPR3, a gene that had been identified previously on the basis of its sporulation-specific expression. The predicted SPR3 product shows 25-40% identity in amino acid sequence to the previously known septins from S. cerevisiae and other organisms. Immunoblots confirmed the sporulation-specific expression of Spr3p and showed that other septins are also present at substantial levels in sporulating cells. Consistent with the expression data, deletion of SPR3 in either of two genetic backgrounds had no detectable effect on exponentially growing cells. In one genetic background, deletion of SPR3 produced a threefold reduction in sporulation efficiency, although meiosis appeared to be completed normally. In this background, deletion of CDC10 had no detectable effect on sporulation. In the other genetic background tested, the consequences of the two deletions were reversed. Immunofluorescence observations suggest that Spr3p, Cdc3p, and Cdc11p are localized to the leading edges of the membrane sacs that form near the spindle-pole bodies and gradually extend to engulf the nuclear lobes that contain the haploid chromosome sets, thus forming the spores. Deletion of SPR3 does not prevent the localization of Cdc3p and Cdc11p, but these proteins appear to be less well organized, and the intensity of their staining is reduced. Taken together, the results suggest that the septins play important but partially redundant roles during the process of spore formation

    Localization and possible functions of Drosophila septins.

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    A disseminated variant of pancreatic serous cystadenoma causing obstructive jaundice, a very rare entity: a case report and review of the literature

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    BACKGROUND: Microcystic adenoma or serous cystadenoma (SCA) is an uncommon tumor type, accounting for only 1–2% of pancreatic exocrine neoplasms. Usually unifocal, SCAs present as single, large, well-demarcated, multiloculated, cystic tumors, 1–25 cm in size. CASE PRESENTATION: A 73-year-old man initially presented with epigastric abdominal pain and was diagnosed with SCA involving the whole pancreas. Eleven months later, he presented with obstructive jaundice, and total pancreatectomy was performed. The removed tissue allowed histological verification of pancreatic SCA. Histopathological examination showed both microcysts and macrocysts, lined by cuboidal epithelium, with optically clear cytoplasm and the absence of detectable mitosis or necrosis. CONCLUSIONS: Thus, although relatively rare, pancreatic SCA is one of the differential diagnoses of epigastric abdominal pain; we recommend early surgical intervention for symptomatic pancreatic SCA

    Use of remote sensing data in assessment land cover changes, land use patterns and land capabilities in AL-Qassim region, Saudi Arabia

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    © 2017 by International Journal of Ecology & Development. The Qassim region of central Saudi Arabia is one of the most important agricultural regions in the country especially for date cultivation. In the present study, Land sat TM and ETM+ data for the period 1999-2013 are used to study the land use, land cover changes in the area. Satellite images from path/row 168/042 constitute the study area. Three major land use/land cover classes are considered: hilly areas (364,407 ha), vegetated land (1,776,698 ha), and sand dunes (1,523,669 ha). The vegetated land constitutes the class 1, which is comprised of the wades mainly devoted used for for date production. Sand dunes are designated the class 11 and covered a large portion of the study area whereas the Hilly areas are unproductive and constitute as class 111.The vegetative land are surrounded by sand dune which is the most fragile system of the area and leads to damage some productive lands in the area. It is necessitates to study the area for suitable land management practices and for possible approach to stop the sand drifting or sand encroachment in the area. The land use capabilities classification of the study area includes three main classes: LUC I, LUCII, and LUC III. Slopes ranging between 0°and 20°correspond to areas that areflat, gently undulating, undulating, rolling, strongly rolling, moderately steep and steep, respectively. The slope categories dictate the usage patterns of the lands in the study area, which range from suitable to unsuitable to productive lands