51 research outputs found

    Nipple aspirate cytology and pathologic parameters predict residual cancer and nodal involvement after excisional breast biopsy

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    We previously demonstrated that abnormal nipple aspirate fluid (NAF) cytology predicted residual breast cancer (RC) and tumour size after excisional biopsy (EB), although normal NAF cytology did not exclude RC. Tumour size correlates with the risk of lymph node (LN) metastases. LN metastases provide prognostic information allowing medical and radiation oncologists to determine the need for adjuvant therapy. We hypothesized that pathologic factors known after EB, combined with NAF cytology, would predict with a high degree of accuracy the presence of RC and LN spread. NAF cytology and pathologic parameters: tumour distance from biopsy margins, multifocal and multicentric disease, sub-type of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) or invasive cancer (IC), grade of DCIS or IC, tumour and specimen size, tumour and biopsy cavity location, presence or absence of extensive DCIS, and biopsy scar distance from the nipple were evaluated bivariately and then by logistic regression (LR) for their association with RC and involved LN (≥ 1 (+) LN, useful to determine chemotherapy need, and ≥ 4 (+) LN, useful to determine radiation need to the chest and axilla). Data were analysed using NAF cytology alone, pathologic parameters alone, and NAF cytology and pathologic parameters combined. The combined LR model was superior in predicting residual cancer (94%) to LR models using NAF cytology (36%) or pathologic parameters (75%) alone. When only subjects with normal NAF cytology were evaluated by LR, the model was 92% sensitive in predicting RC. Tumour size and NAF cytology predicted which patients had ≥ 1 (+) LN, whereas tumour and specimen size predicted which patients had ≥ 4 (+) LN. We propose an alogorithm which, if confirmed in a larger study, may allow clinicians to be more selective in their recommendations of re-excision breast biopsy or mastectomy. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Biologic markers of risk in nipple aspirate fluid are associated with residual cancer and tumour size

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    We previously demonstrated that nipple aspirate fluid (NAF) can be obtained from virtually all non-Asian women between the ages of 30 and 72. The focus of this report is to (1) determine the association of candidate markers of breast cancer risk in NAF obtained from fresh mastectomy specimens with residual breast carcinoma, and (2) evaluate the association of the markers with breast tumour progression. Nipple aspiration was performed on 97 specimens. Cytology, DNA index (including % hypertetraploid cells), cell cycle parameters (S phase fraction, % cells in G2/M), prostate-specific antigen (PSA), epidermal growth factor (EGF), testosterone, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and prostaglandin D synthase (PGDS) were evaluated in NAF for their association with (1) residual ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) or invasive cancer, and (2) pathologic tumour size. NAF was obtained from 99% (96/97) of specimens. Atypical and malignant NAF cytology were significantly associated with residual DCIS or invasive cancer (P = 0.001) and with larger tumours (P = 0.004). One hundred per cent and 88% of subjects with malignant and atypical NAF cytology, respectively, had residual carcinoma. The percentage of cells in G2/M and DNA index were associated both with risk of residual carcinoma (P = 0.01 for each) and larger tumour size (DNA index, P = 0.03; G2/M, P = 0.05), although neither biomarker improved the ability of NAF cytology, to predict residual breast cancer. Higher DNA index was associated with atypical cytology (P = 0.0001). In summary, atypical and malignant NAF cytology are associated with larger tumour size, and are highly predictive of residual carcinoma after needle or excisional biopsy of the breast. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Avaliação da técnica de esfoliação com escova citológica para coleta de células conjuntivais em gatos sadios: comparação entre a face palpebral da membrana nictitante e a conjuntiva palpebral

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    A citologia conjuntival é um importante meio de diagnóstico de afecções da superfície ocular. Buscam-se técnicas que forneçam quantidade e qualidade celular, com uso de instrumentos que provoquem mínimo trauma e que diminuam as chances de danos iatrogênicos ao olho. Existem diversas técnicas de coleta de células, entre elas encontram-se: impressão, esfoliação e punção por agulha fina. Dentre os métodos utilizados para esfoliação, o uso da escova citológica fornece resultados superiores em vários parâmetros, incluindo a qualidade das células. Estudou-se a citologia conjuntival por esfoliação com escova citológica, utilizada para coleta de material da cérvix uterina, tendo como objetivos determinar se tal instrumento se adequaria à coleta de material da face palpebral da membrana nictitante e da conjuntiva palpebral de felinos sadios. Foram avaliados os seguintes parâmetros: facilidade de execução da técnica, possibilidade de ocorrência de danos iatrogênicos e quantidade e qualidade de células coletadas. Cinquenta gatos machos (58%) e fêmeas (42%), com ou sem raça definida, participaram do estudo. Apenas gatos isentos de alterações oculares no exame físico foram incluídos. A escova citológica se mostrou um instrumento de fácil utilização, que fornece células em quantidade satisfatória e com morfologia preservada. Comparada a conjuntiva palpebral, a face palpebral da membrana nictitante se mostrou um local mais adequado à realização da coleta de amostras citológicas, pela maior facilidade de execução da técnica e menor possibilidade de danos iatrogênicos. No que diz respeito à quantidade e qualidade celular, não houve diferença significativa entre os dois locais de coleta. Foi possível observar células provenientes das diferentes camadas do epitélio conjuntival com predomínio de células intermediárias e ausência de células caliciformes

    Detailed magnetic field monitoring of short circuit defects of excitation winding in hydro-generator

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    The excitation windings of the synchronous generators are generally reliable. However, electrical, mechanical, and thermal stresses that the machine is exposed to during its operation leads to the inter-turn and ground insulation faults. On-line condition monitoring could provide a valuable real-time assessment of the synchronous generator. It could discriminate gradual aggravating defects at an incipient stage before it leads to irreversible and costly damages. On-line monitoring of the air gap magnetic field has been used in different types of electrical machines. However, some concerns should be considered when applying this method to the salient pole synchronous generators (SPSG), especially in the SPSG, with a large number of turns per poles that show less or lack of sensitivity to a fault. This difficulty could be solved by wise locating of the Hall effect sensor, choosing precise sampling rate, re-sampling the data and signal processing approach. In this paper, detailed online monitoring of the air gap magnetic field under the excitation winding defect is proposed. A procedure that could detect the severity and location of the fault-based on different analyzing methods of flux density in no-load and full load is proposed. The nominated approach is examined by using numerical modeling and a experimental test rig with a 100 kVA SPSG. It is proven that the air gap magnetic field spectrum could provide a reliable assessment of the machine under the short circuit fault of the rotor field winding
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