3,119 research outputs found

    Climate Forcing by the Volcanic Eruption of Mount Pinatubo. Revised edition

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    We determine the volcano climate sensitivity and response time for the Mount Pinatubo eruption. This is achieved using observational measurements of the temperature anomalies of the lower troposphere and the aerosol optical density (AOD) in combination with a radiative forcing proxy for AOD. Using standard linear response theory we find sensitivity = 0.18 +- 0.04 K/(W/m2), which implies a negative feedback of -1.0 +- 0.4. The intrinsic response time is 5.8+-1.0 months. Both results are contrary to the conventional paradigm that includes long response times and positive feedback. In addition, we analyze the outgoing longwave radiation during the Pinatubo eruption and find that its time dependence follows the forcing much more closely than the temperature, and even has an amplitude equal to that of the AOD proxy. This finding is independent of the response time and feedback results.Comment: 22 pages, including 4 figures. Revised version of a paper [Douglass D. H. and R. S. Knox (2005), Climate forcing by the volcano eruption of Mount Pinatubo. Geophys. Res. Lett. 32, L05710.doi: 10.1029/2004GL022119]. Revision is based on subsequent comments and replies to appear in the same journal. Quantitative results have only minor change

    Phase 0 study for a geothermal superheated water proof of concept facility

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    A Phase 0 study for the selection of a representative liquid-dominated geothermal resource of moderate salinity and temperature is discussed. Selection and conceptual design of a nominal 10-MWe energy conversion system, and implementation planning for Phase 1: subsystem (component, experiments) and Phase 2: final design, construction, and operation of experimental research facilities are reported. The objective of the overall program is to demonstrate the technical and economic viability of utilizing moderate temperature and salinity liquid-dominated resources with acceptable environmental impact, and thus encourage commercial scale development of geothermal electrical power generation

    Lower paleozoic chitinozoans and scolecodents from North Dakota

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    Chips from cores of the Red River and Stony Mountain Formations of Ordovician age and the Dawson Bay Formation of Devonian age in North Dakota were taken at three-foot intervals, dissolved in acid, and the residue examined for insoluble, pseudochitinous microfossils. Chitinozoa, an extinct order of rhizopod protozoans, were found in abundance along with lesser numbers of scolecodonts, the mouth parts of polychaete worms. Because the study was restricted to the core available at the North Dakota Geological Survey, which rarely included complete sections of the formations, a complete picture of the distribution of these forms must await the more extensive examination of well cuttings. However, the value of Chitinozoa in subsurface stratigraphic work in North Dakota is demonstrated, for many species are restricted to relatively narrow intervals extending over the entire state. Scolecodonts, because of parataxonomic problems and a more limited occurrence, do not appear to be as useful, but distinct faunal differences exist between Ordovician and Devonian forms. Twenty-one species in eight genera of Chitinozoa are described, of which six species are new, and thirty-four forms of scolecodonts are described. Of these, fifteen have not been described previously, but they are not named formally because in most cases each of these “species” is represented by only one specimen

    Altitude dependence of atmospheric temperature trends: Climate models versus observation

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    As a consequence of greenhouse forcing, all state of the art general circulation models predict a positive temperature trend that is greater for the troposphere than the surface. This predicted positive trend increases in value with altitude until it reaches a maximum ratio with respect to the surface of as much as 1.5 to 2.0 at about 200 to 400 hPa. However, the temperature trends from several independent observational data sets show decreasing as well as mostly negative values. This disparity indicates that the three models examined here fail to account for the effects of greenhouse forcings.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    The effects of solar particle events on the middle atmosphere

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    Solar particle events (SPEs) have been investigated since the late 1960's for possible effects on the middle atmosphere. Solar protons from SPEs produce ionizations, dissociations, dissociative ionizations, and excitations in the middle atmosphere. The production of HO(x) and NO(x) and their subsequent effects on ozone can also be computed using energy deposition and photochemical models. The effects of SPE-produced HO(x) species on the odd nitrogen abundance of the middle atmosphere as well as the SPE-produced long term effects on ozone. Model computations indicate fairly good agreement with ozone data for the SPE-induced ozone depletion caused by NO(y) species connected with the August 1972 SPE. The model computations indicate that NO(y) will not be substantially changed over a solar cycle by SPEs. The changes are mainly at high latitudes and are on time scales of several months, after which the NO(y) drifts back to its ambient levels

    Characterizing the Galactic Gravitational Wave Background with LISA

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    We present a Monte Carlo simulation for the response of the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) to the galactic gravitational wave background. The simulated data streams are used to estimate the number and type of binary systems that will be individually resolved in a 1-year power spectrum. We find that the background is highly non-Gaussian due to the presence of individual bright sources, but once these sources are identified and removed, the remaining signal is Gaussian. We also present a new estimate of the confusion noise caused by unresolved sources that improves on earlier estimates.Comment: 32 pages, 14 figures. Version to appear in PR

    Atrazine biodegradation potential in a created wetland

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    The University Archives has determined that this item is of continuing value to OSU's history

    EC1262 Flowers for Every Yard

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    Extension circular 1262 is about what kind of flowers are good for a gardens

    EC1262 Flowers for Every Yard

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    Extension circular 1262 is about what kind of flowers are good for a gardens