257,445 research outputs found

    Variable resistance constant tension and lubrication device

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    A variable resistance device is described which includes a cylindrical housing having elongated resistance wires. A movable arm having a supporting block carried on the outer end is rotatably carried by the cylindrical housing. An arcuate steel spring member is pivotally supported by the movable arm. A leather wiper member is carried adjacent to one end of the spring steel member, and an electrically conductive surface is carried adjacent to the other end. The supporting block maintains the spring steel member in compression so that a constant pressure is applied to the conductive end of the spring steel member and the leather wiper. The leather wiper is saturated with a lubricating oil for maintaining the resistance wire clean as the movable arm is manipulated

    NASA-Texas Planetary Program

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    Astronomical observations performed at the McDonald Observatory were summarized. Various spectra obtained from Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, Titan, Iapetus, and sundry asteroids were described briefly. Spectra taken of various comets using an IDS (Intensified Dissector Scanner) spectrograph on a 2.7 m telescope were reviewed. The Octicon, a linear array of eight 1872-element Reticon arrays that was installed in the 2.7 m coude spectrograph at the observatory, was described. The 2.7 m coude scanner, 2.7 m coude CCD (charge coupled device), and 2.7 m radial velocity spectrometer were mentioned

    A flight test investigation of the rolling moments induced on a T-37B airplane in the wake of a B-747 airplane

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    A flight test investigation of the B-747 vortex wake characteristics was conducted using a T-37B as a probe aircraft. The primary purpose of the program was the validation of the results of B-747 model tests which predicted significant alleviation of the vortex strength when only the inboard flaps were deflected. Measurements of the vortex-induced rolling moments of the probe aircraft showed that the predicted alleviation did occur. The effects of landing gear extension, increased lift coefficient, idle thrust, and sideslip were investigated, and all had an adverse effect on the alleviated condition as evidenced by increased induced rolling moments of the T-37B probe aircraft. Idle thrust also increased the strength of the B-747 wake vortexes with both inboard and outboard flaps extended

    Activities of the Department of Astronomy and McDonald Observatory of the University of Texas at Austin

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    McDonald Observatory of the University of Texas at Austin reports on its activities during the period 1 Jan. 1986 to 30 June 1986. Extensive observations of Halley's Comet were obtained. The comet exhibited large variability; moreover, its variability was much more rapid than can be accounted for by water vaporization as the sole controller of activity. Jupiter satellite Io's atmosphere was found to be distended by more than the equilibrium scale height but less than for unimpeded streaming into space. The atmosphere is at least temporarily bound to IO. Uranus' (3-0) H2 quadrupole line shapes require a modification of Baines and Bergstralh's standard model which incorporates at high altitude absorbing haze in addition to the lower haze layer. A fraction of normal H2 equal to 0.25 + or 0.10 is derived, in good agreement with the standard model. This result is unchanged when the preliminary temperature structure derived by the Voyager Radio Occultation Experiment is used instead of Appleby's model c. Out of the six Pluto-Charon mutual events observed this year, data were obtained on four. Preliminary analysis is yielding improved estimates for the diameters, masses, densities, and albedos of these objects

    Profile of allergy-related articles in the primary academic publication for UK General Practitioners

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    Background: Concern is often expressed about primary health care professionals’ lack of knowledge about allergies, particularly diagnostic testing and the management of atopic disorders. Limited training opportunities in allergy have been documented in both undergraduate and postgraduate education. The British Journal of General Practice is the leading UK-based Family Practice journal, it has a strong clinical focus. The BJGP was established in 1953. It is a high quality journal and is the world’s 2nd most highly cited journal of general practice and primary care. Methods: Keyword search of bjgp.org. Terms used were ‘allergy’, ‘allergies’, ‘allergic’, ‘rhinitis’, ‘urticaria’, ‘eczema’, ‘angioedema’. All titles and articles from 1953 to 2013 were searched. Full copies of relevant publications were downloaded and variables extracted, including title, year of publication, type of article, clinical focus. As a comparator a similar search was conducted for articles about asthma using the search term ‘asthma’. Results: 41 allergy-related articles were identified in the 60 years since the journal was launched. In the same time period there were 147 articles about asthma. In 31 of the 60 years reviewed there were no articles at all about any allergy-related topic. The focus of the articles published were eczema (6), food allergy (6), rhinoconjunctivitis (5), anaphylaxis (4), urticaria (1). There were no articles on angioedema. Some articles addressed multiple atopic disorders, eg ‘Allergic diseases in the elderly’ (1968), ‘Allergic disorders amongst horticultural, agricultural and forestry workers’ [letter] (1965). Conclusions: Allergy has a low profile in the British Journal of General Practice. This low profile persists despite the increasing prevalence of atopic disorders and major national reports highlighting the need for better care of the allergic patient in primary care. Our exploratory study highlights a missed opportunity to educate and inform General Practitioners about allergy through this widely circulated journal. Further work is needed to understand better why so few articles on allergy are published in the BJGP. If the paucity of publications reflects the number of articles submitted then BSACI members interested in informing and improving allergy management in General Practice should include the BJGP on their list of target journals. Where next: To share these observations with the Editor of the BJGP to understand whether they reflect editorial policy or lack of submissions from clinicians and researchers with expertise in allergy. To work with the BJGP to identify collaborative initiatives to address the serious mismatch between the prevalence of allergy in the clinical consultation and the number of allergy- related articles in the literature for GPs

    Vanishing lines in generalized Adams spectral sequences are generic

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    We show that in a generalized Adams spectral sequence, the presence of a vanishing line of fixed slope (at some term of the spectral sequence, with some intercept) is a generic property.Comment: 11 pages. Published copy, also available at http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/gt/GTVol3/paper7.abs.htm

    Covalent bonding of antibodies of polystyrene latex beads: A concept

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    Technique facilitates purification of vaccines and production of immunoadsorption columns exhibiting relatively long stability. Information interests biochemists, medical researchers, and pharmaceutical manufacturers

    Pre-service teachers use e-learning technologies to enhance their learning

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    The purpose of this study was twofold. The primary purpose was to improve pre-service teacher education by using technology to help pre-service teachers bridge the gap between academic preparation and practice. The secondary, but still important, objective was to familiarize pre-service teachers in the use of technology to support their future pedagogical activities. Therefore, this research sought to develop a method for training undergraduate students in designing, implementing, and evaluating lesson plans to solidify the relationship between research, pedagogy, and teaching practice. Specifically, this study investigated the implementation of e-learning as a method of instruction to help pre-service teachers evaluate and improve upon the implementation of their lesson plans during their real world practicum experiences. The study was guided by the following research questions: 1) What successes, challenges, and benefits do university instructors and pre-service teachers experience in using and analyzing video in teacher education methods coursework? 2) In what ways did the use of e-learning help the pre-service teachers improve their teaching during the practicum experience? Results showed that participants reported improved lesson planning, improved lesson implementation, visual interpretations of best practices, modeling, and peer and university instructor feedback as successes of the e-learning project. Challenges included participants’ frustrations of being overworked and overwhelmed with the technical problems associated with e-learning. Overall participants judged the e-learning project as a very positive aspect of their teacher training
