26,240 research outputs found

    On the spectrum of Farey and Gauss maps

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    In this paper we introduce Hilbert spaces of holomorphic functions given by generalized Borel and Laplace transforms which are left invariant by the transfer operators of the Farey map and its induced version, the Gauss map, respectively. By means of a suitable operator-valued power series we are able to study simultaneously the spectrum of both these operators along with the analytic properties of the associated dynamical zeta functions.Comment: 23 page

    Optomechanics in an ultrahigh-Q two-dimensional photonic crystal cavity

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    We demonstrate an ultrahigh-Q slotted two-dimensional photonic crystal cavity capable of obtaining strong interaction between the internal light field and the mechanical motion of the slotted structure. The measured optical quality factor is Q = 1.2×10^6 for a cavity with an effective modal volume of V_(eff) = 0.04(λ)^3. Optical transduction of the thermal motion of the fundamental in-plane mechanical resonance of the structure (ν_m = 151 MHz) is performed, from which a zero-point motion optomechanical coupling rate of g∗/2π = 320 kHz is inferred. Dynamical back-action of the optical field on the mechanical motion, resulting in cooling and amplication of the mechanical motion, is also demonstrated

    HD 152246 - a new high-mass triple system and its basic properties

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    Analyses of multi-epoch, high-resolution (R ~ 50.000) optical spectra of the O-type star HD 152246 (O9 IV according to the most recent classification), complemented by a limited number of earlier published radial velocities, led to the finding that the object is a hierarchical triple system, where a close inner pair (Ba-Bb) with a slightly eccentric orbit (e = 0.11) and a period of 6.0049 days revolves in a 470-day highly eccentric orbit (e = 0.865) with another massive and brighter component A. The mass ratio of the inner system must be low since we were unable to find any traces of the secondary spectrum. The mass ratio A/(Ba+Bb) is 0.89. The outer system has recently been resolved using long-baseline interferometry on three occasions. The interferometry confirms the spectroscopic results and specifies elements of the system. Our orbital solutions, including the combined radial-velocity and interferometric solution indicate an orbital inclination of the outer orbit of 112{\deg} and stellar masses of 20.4 and 22.8 solar masses. We also disentangled the spectra of components A and Ba and compare them to synthetic spectra from two independent programmes, TLUSTY and FASTWIND. In either case, the fit was not satisfactory and we postpone a better determination of the system properties for a future study, after obtaining observations during the periastron passage of the outer orbit (the nearest chance being March 2015). For the moment, we can only conclude that component A is an O9 IV star with v*sin(i) = 210 +\- 10 km/s and effective temperature of 33000 +\- 500 K, while component Ba is an O9 V object with v*sin(i) = 65 +/- 3 km/s and T_eff = 33600 +\- 600 K.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Heterogeneous Dynamics of Coarsening Systems

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    We show by means of experiments, theory and simulations, that the slow dynamics of coarsening systems displays dynamic heterogeneity similar to that observed in glass-forming systems. We measure dynamic heterogeneity via novel multi-point functions which quantify the emergence of dynamic, as opposed to static, correlations of fluctuations. Experiments are performed on a coarsening foam using Time Resolved Correlation, a recently introduced light scattering method. Theoretically we study the Ising model, and present exact results in one dimension, and numerical results in two dimensions. For all systems the same dynamic scaling of fluctuations with domain size is observed.Comment: Minor changes; to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Polarization-selective excitation of N-V centers in diamond

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    The nitrogen-vacancy (N-V) center in diamond is promising as an electron spin qubit due to its long-lived coherence and optical addressability. The ground state is a spin triplet with two levels (ms=±1m_s = \pm 1) degenerate at zero magnetic field. Polarization-selective microwave excitation is an attractive method to address the spin transitions independently, since this allows operation down to zero magnetic field. Using a resonator designed to produce circularly polarized microwaves, we have investigated the polarization selection rules of the N-V center. We first apply this technique to N-V ensembles in [100] and [111]-oriented samples. Next, we demonstrate an imaging technique, based on optical polarization dependence, that allows rapid identification of the orientations of many single N-V centers. Finally, we test the microwave polarization selection rules of individual N-V centers of known orientation

    Local estimates for entropy densities in coupled map lattices

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    We present a method to derive an upper bound for the entropy density of coupled map lattices with local interactions from local observations. To do this, we use an embedding technique being a combination of time delay and spatial embedding. This embedding allows us to identify the local character of the equations of motion. Based on this method we present an approximate estimate of the entropy density by the correlation integral.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures include

    An Outline of a Progressive Resolution to the Euro-area Sovereign Debt Overhang: How a Five year Suspension of the Debt Burden Could Overthrow Austerity

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    The present study puts forward a plan for solving the sovereign debt crisis in the euro area (EA) in line with the interests of the working classes and the social majority. Our main strategy is for the European Central Bank (ECB) to acquire a significant part of the outstanding sovereign debt (at market prices) of the countries in the EA and convert it to zero-coupon bonds. No transfers will take place between individual states; taxpayers in any EA country will not be involved in the debt restructuring of any foreign eurozone country. Debt will not be forgiven: individual states will agree to buy it back from the ECB in the future when the ratio of sovereign debt to GDP has fallen to 20 percent. The sterilization costs for the ECB are manageable. This model of an unconventional monetary intervention would give progressive governments in the EA the necessary basis for developing social and welfare policies to the benefit of the working classes. It would reverse present-day policy priorities and replace the neoliberal agenda with a program of social and economic reconstruction, with the elites paying for the crisis. The perspective taken here favors social justice and coherence, having as its priority the social needs and the interests of the working majority

    Observation of Quantum Motion of a Nanomechanical Resonator

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    In this Letter we use resolved sideband laser cooling to cool a mesoscopic mechanical resonator to near its quantum ground state (phonon occupancy 2.6±0.2), and observe the motional sidebands generated on a second probe laser. Asymmetry in the sideband amplitudes provides a direct measure of the displacement noise power associated with quantum zero-point fluctuations of the nanomechanical resonator, and allows for an intrinsic calibration of the phonon occupation number

    Eclipsing Binaries Showing Light Time Effect

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    Four eclipsing binaries, which show apparent changes of period, have been studied with respect to a possible presence of the light time effect. With a least squares method we calculated new light elements of these systems, the mass function of the predicted third body, and its minimum mass. We discuss the probability of the presence of such bodies in terms of mass function, changes in radial velocity and third light in solution of light curves.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, conference proceeding

    Test of Local Scale Invariance from the direct measurement of the response function in the Ising model quenched to and to below TCT_C

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    In order to check on a recent suggestion that local scale invariance [M.Henkel et al. Phys.Rev.Lett. {\bf 87}, 265701 (2001)] might hold when the dynamics is of Gaussian nature, we have carried out the measurement of the response function in the kinetic Ising model with Glauber dynamics quenched to TCT_C in d=4d=4, where Gaussian behavior is expected to apply, and in the two other cases of the d=2d=2 model quenched to TCT_C and to below TCT_C, where instead deviations from Gaussian behavior are expected to appear. We find that in the d=4d=4 case there is an excellent agreement between the numerical data, the local scale invariance prediction and the analytical Gaussian approximation. No logarithmic corrections are numerically detected. Conversely, in the d=2d=2 cases, both in the quench to TCT_C and to below TCT_C, sizable deviations of the local scale invariance behavior from the numerical data are observed. These results do support the idea that local scale invariance might miss to capture the non Gaussian features of the dynamics. The considerable precision needed for the comparison has been achieved through the use of a fast new algorithm for the measurement of the response function without applying the external field. From these high quality data we obtain a=0.27±0.002a=0.27 \pm 0.002 for the scaling exponent of the response function in the d=2d=2 Ising model quenched to below TCT_C, in agreement with previous results.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures. Resubmitted version with improved discussions and figure