128,751 research outputs found

    Multivalley engineering in semiconductor microcavities

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    We consider exciton-photon coupling in semiconductor microcavities in which separate periodic potentials have been embedded for excitons and photons. We show theoretically that this system supports degenerate ground-states appearing at non-zero in-plane momenta, corresponding to multiple valleys in reciprocal space, which are further separated in polarization corresponding to a polarization-valley coupling in the system. Aside forming a basis for valleytronics, the multivalley dispersion is predicted to allow for spontaneous momentum symmetry breaking and two-mode squeezing under non-resonant and resonant excitation, respectively.Comment: Manuscript: 7 pages, 7 figures, published in Scientific Reports 7, 45243 (2017

    Star formation in shocked cluster spirals and their tails

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    Recent observations of ram pressure stripped spiral galaxies in clusters revealed details of the stripping process, i.e., the truncation of all interstellar medium (ISM) phases and of star formation (SF) in the disk, and multiphase star-forming tails. Some stripped galaxies, in particular in merging clusters, develop spectacular star-forming tails, giving them a jellyfish-like appearance. In merging clusters, merger shocks in the intra-cluster medium (ICM) are thought to have overrun these galaxies, enhancing the ambient ICM pressure and thus triggering SF, gas stripping and tail formation. We present idealised hydrodynamical simulations of this scenario, including standard descriptions for SF and stellar feedback. To aid the interpretation of recent and upcoming observations, we focus on particular structures and dynamics in SF patterns in the remaining gas disk and in the near tails, which are easiest to observe. The observed jellyfish morphology is qualitatively reproduced for, both, face-on and edge-on stripping. In edge-on stripping, the interplay between the ICM wind and the disk rotation leads to asymmetries along the ICM wind direction and perpendicular to it. The apparent tail is still part of a highly deformed gaseous and young stellar disk. In both geometries, SF takes place in knots throughout the tail, such that the stars in the tails show no ordered age gradients. Significant SF enhancement in the disk occurs only at radii where the gas will be stripped in due course.Comment: 6 pages, submitted to MNRAS Letter

    The Tensor Current Divergence Equation in U(1) Gauge Theories is Free of Anomalies

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    The possible anomaly of the tensor current divergence equation in U(1) gauge theories is calculated by means of perturbative method. It is found that the tensor current divergence equation is free of anomalies.Comment: Revtex4, 7 pages, 2 figure

    The origins of electromechanical indentation size effect in ferroelectrics

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    Metals exhibit a size-dependent hardening when subject to indentation. Mechanisms for this phenomenon have been intensely researched in recent times. Does such a size-effect also exist in the electromechanical behavior of ferroelectrics?--if yes, what are the operative mechanisms? Our experiments on BaTiO3 indeed suggest an electromechanical size-effect. We argue, through theoretical calculations and differential experiments on another non-ferroelectric piezoelectric (Quartz), that the phenomenon of flexoelectricity(as opposed to dislocation activity) is responsible for our observations. Flexoelectricity is the coupling of strain gradients to polarization and exists in both ordinary and piezoelectric dielectrics. In particular, ferroelectrics exhibit an unusually large flexoelectric response.Comment: in revie

    Indirect exchange of magnetic impurities in zigzag graphene ribbon

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    We use quantum Monte Carlo method to study the indirect coupling between two magnetic impurities on the zigzag edge of graphene ribbon, with respect to the chemical potential μ\mu. We find that the spin-spin correlation between two adatoms located on the nearest sites in the zigzag edge are drastically suppressed around the zero-energy. As we switch the system away from half-filling, the antiferromagnetic correlation is first enhanced and then decreased. If the two adatoms are adsorbed on the sites belonging to the same sublattice, we find similar behavior of spin-spin correlation except for a crossover from ferromagnetic to antiferromagentic correlation in the vicinity of zero-energy. We also calculated the weight of different components of d-electron wave function and local magnet moment for various values of parameters, and all the results are consistent with those of spin-spin correlation between two magnetic impurities.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, conference proceedin
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