495 research outputs found

    Boundary critical behaviour at mm-axial Lifshitz points: the special transition for the case of a surface plane parallel to the modulation axes

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    The critical behaviour of dd-dimensional semi-infinite systems with nn-component order parameter ϕ\bm{\phi} is studied at an mm-axial bulk Lifshitz point whose wave-vector instability is isotropic in an mm-dimensional subspace of Rd\mathbb{R}^d. Field-theoretic renormalization group methods are utilised to examine the special surface transition in the case where the mm potential modulation axes, with 0≤m≤d−10\leq m\leq d-1, are parallel to the surface. The resulting scaling laws for the surface critical indices are given. The surface critical exponent η∥sp\eta_\|^{\rm sp}, the surface crossover exponent Φ\Phi and related ones are determined to first order in \epsilon=4+\case{m}{2}-d. Unlike the bulk critical exponents and the surface critical exponents of the ordinary transition, Φ\Phi is mm-dependent already at first order in ϵ\epsilon. The \Or(\epsilon) term of η∥sp\eta_\|^{\rm sp} is found to vanish, which implies that the difference of β1sp\beta_1^{\rm sp} and the bulk exponent β\beta is of order ϵ2\epsilon^2.Comment: 21 pages, one figure included as eps file, uses IOP style file

    Modified critical correlations close to modulated and rough surfaces

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    Correlation functions are sensitive to the presence of a boundary. Surface modulations give rise to modified near surface correlations, which can be measured by scattering probes. To determine these correlations, we develop a perturbative calculation in deformations in height from a flat surface. The results, combined with a renormalization group around four dimensions, are also used to predict critical behavior near a self-affinely rough surface. We find that a large enough roughness exponent can modify surface critical behavior.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. Revised version as published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 4596 (2001

    A Scheme to Numerically Evolve Data for the Conformal Einstein Equation

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    This is the second paper in a series describing a numerical implementation of the conformal Einstein equation. This paper deals with the technical details of the numerical code used to perform numerical time evolutions from a "minimal" set of data. We outline the numerical construction of a complete set of data for our equations from a minimal set of data. The second and the fourth order discretisations, which are used for the construction of the complete data set and for the numerical integration of the time evolution equations, are described and their efficiencies are compared. By using the fourth order scheme we reduce our computer resource requirements --- with respect to memory as well as computation time --- by at least two orders of magnitude as compared to the second order scheme.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figure

    Casimir forces in binary liquid mixtures

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    If two ore more bodies are immersed in a critical fluid critical fluctuations of the order parameter generate long ranged forces between these bodies. Due to the underlying mechanism these forces are close analogues of the well known Casimir forces in electromagnetism. For the special case of a binary liquid mixture near its critical demixing transition confined to a simple parallel plate geometry it is shown that the corresponding critical Casimir forces can be of the same order of magnitude as the dispersion (van der Waals) forces between the plates. In wetting experiments or by direct measurements with an atomic force microscope the resulting modification of the usual dispersion forces in the critical regime should therefore be easily detectable. Analytical estimates for the Casimir amplitudes Delta in d=4-epsilon are compared with corresponding Monte-Carlo results in d=3 and their quantitative effect on the thickness of critical wetting layers and on force measurements is discussed.Comment: 34 pages LaTeX with revtex and epsf style, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Correlation functions near Modulated and Rough Surfaces

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    In a system with long-ranged correlations, the behavior of correlation functions is sensitive to the presence of a boundary. We show that surface deformations strongly modify this behavior as compared to a flat surface. The modified near surface correlations can be measured by scattering probes. To determine these correlations, we develop a perturbative calculation in the deformations in height from a flat surface. Detailed results are given for a regularly patterned surface, as well as for a self-affinely rough surface with roughness exponent ζ\zeta. By combining this perturbative calculation in height deformations with the field-theoretic renormalization group approach, we also estimate the values of critical exponents governing the behavior of the decay of correlation functions near a self-affinely rough surface. We find that for the interacting theory, a large enough ζ\zeta can lead to novel surface critical behavior. We also provide scaling relations between roughness induced critical exponents for thermodynamic surface quantities.Comment: 31 pages, 2 figure

    Improved high-temperature expansion and critical equation of state of three-dimensional Ising-like systems

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    High-temperature series are computed for a generalized 3d3d Ising model with arbitrary potential. Two specific ``improved'' potentials (suppressing leading scaling corrections) are selected by Monte Carlo computation. Critical exponents are extracted from high-temperature series specialized to improved potentials, achieving high accuracy; our best estimates are: γ=1.2371(4)\gamma=1.2371(4), ν=0.63002(23)\nu=0.63002(23), α=0.1099(7)\alpha=0.1099(7), η=0.0364(4)\eta=0.0364(4), β=0.32648(18)\beta=0.32648(18). By the same technique, the coefficients of the small-field expansion for the effective potential (Helmholtz free energy) are computed. These results are applied to the construction of parametric representations of the critical equation of state. A systematic approximation scheme, based on a global stationarity condition, is introduced (the lowest-order approximation reproduces the linear parametric model). This scheme is used for an accurate determination of universal ratios of amplitudes. A comparison with other theoretical and experimental determinations of universal quantities is presented.Comment: 65 pages, 1 figure, revtex. New Monte Carlo data by Hasenbusch enabled us to improve the determination of the critical exponents and of the equation of state. The discussion of several topics was improved and the bibliography was update

    Extension to order β23\beta^{23} of the high-temperature expansions for the spin-1/2 Ising model on the simple-cubic and the body-centered-cubic lattices

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    Using a renormalized linked-cluster-expansion method, we have extended to order β23\beta^{23} the high-temperature series for the susceptibility χ\chi and the second-moment correlation length ξ\xi of the spin-1/2 Ising models on the sc and the bcc lattices. A study of these expansions yields updated direct estimates of universal parameters, such as exponents and amplitude ratios, which characterize the critical behavior of χ\chi and ξ\xi. Our best estimates for the inverse critical temperatures are βcsc=0.221654(1)\beta^{sc}_c=0.221654(1) and βcbcc=0.1573725(6)\beta^{bcc}_c=0.1573725(6). For the susceptibility exponent we get γ=1.2375(6)\gamma=1.2375(6) and for the correlation length exponent we get ν=0.6302(4)\nu=0.6302(4). The ratio of the critical amplitudes of χ\chi above and below the critical temperature is estimated to be C+/C−=4.762(8)C_+/C_-=4.762(8). The analogous ratio for ξ\xi is estimated to be f+/f−=1.963(8)f_+/f_-=1.963(8). For the correction-to-scaling amplitude ratio we obtain aξ+/aχ+=0.87(6)a^+_{\xi}/a^+_{\chi}=0.87(6).Comment: Misprints corrected, 8 pages, latex, no figure

    Renormalized couplings and scaling correction amplitudes in the N-vector spin models on the sc and the bcc lattices

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    For the classical N-vector model, with arbitrary N, we have computed through order \beta^{17} the high temperature expansions of the second field derivative of the susceptibility \chi_4(N,\beta) on the simple cubic and on the body centered cubic lattices. (The N-vector model is also known as the O(N) symmetric classical spin Heisenberg model or, in quantum field theory, as the lattice O(N) nonlinear sigma model.) By analyzing the expansion of \chi_4(N,\beta) on the two lattices, and by carefully allowing for the corrections to scaling, we obtain updated estimates of the critical parameters and more accurate tests of the hyperscaling relation d\nu(N) +\gamma(N) -2\Delta_4(N)=0 for a range of values of the spin dimensionality N, including N=0 [the self-avoiding walk model], N=1 [the Ising spin 1/2 model], N=2 [the XY model], N=3 [the classical Heisenberg model]. Using the recently extended series for the susceptibility and for the second correlation moment, we also compute the dimensionless renormalized four point coupling constants and some universal ratios of scaling correction amplitudes in fair agreement with recent renormalization group estimates.Comment: 23 pages, latex, no figure

    The Function and Organization of Lateral Prefrontal Cortex: A Test of Competing Hypotheses

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    The present experiment tested three hypotheses regarding the function and organization of lateral prefrontal cortex (PFC). The first account (the information cascade hypothesis) suggests that the anterior-posterior organization of lateral PFC is based on the timing with which cue stimuli reduce uncertainty in the action selection process. The second account (the levels-of-abstraction hypothesis) suggests that the anterior-posterior organization of lateral PFC is based on the degree of abstraction of the task goals. The current study began by investigating these two hypotheses, and identified several areas of lateral PFC that were predicted to be active by both the information cascade and levels-of-abstraction accounts. However, the pattern of activation across experimental conditions was inconsistent with both theoretical accounts. Specifically, an anterior area of mid-dorsolateral PFC exhibited sensitivity to experimental conditions that, according to both accounts, should have selectively engaged only posterior areas of PFC. We therefore investigated a third possible account (the adaptive context maintenance hypothesis) that postulates that both posterior and anterior regions of PFC are reliably engaged in task conditions requiring active maintenance of contextual information, with the temporal dynamics of activity in these regions flexibly tracking the duration of maintenance demands. Activity patterns in lateral PFC were consistent with this third hypothesis: regions across lateral PFC exhibited transient activation when contextual information had to be updated and maintained in a trial-by-trial manner, but sustained activation when contextual information had to be maintained over a series of trials. These findings prompt a reconceptualization of current views regarding the anterior-posterior organization of lateral PFC, but do support other findings regarding the active maintenance role of lateral PFC in sequential working memory paradigms
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