336 research outputs found

    Hinode EUV Imaging Spectrometer Observations of Solar Active Region Dynamics

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    The EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) on the Hinode satellite is capable of measuring emission line center positions for Gaussian line profiles to a fraction of a spectral pixel, resulting in relative solar Doppler-shift measurements with an accuracy of less than a km/s for strong lines. We show an example of the application of that capability to an active region sit-and-stare observation in which the EIS slit is placed at one location on the Sun and many exposures are taken while the spacecraft tracking keeps the same solar location within the slit. For the active region examined (NOAA 10930), we find that significant intensity and Doppler-shift fluctuations as a function of time are present at a number of locations. These fluctuations appear to be similar to those observed in high-temperature emission lines with other space-borne spectroscopic instruments. With its increased sensitivity over earlier spectrometers and its ability to image many emission lines simultaneously, EIS should provide significant new constraints on Doppler-shift oscillations in the corona.Comment: 7 Pages, 7 figure

    Observations of Transient Active Region Heating with Hinode

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    We present observations of transient active region heating events observed with the Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) and X-ray Telescope (XRT) on Hinode. This initial investigation focuses on NOAA active region 10940 as observed by Hinode on February 1, 2007 between 12 and 19 UT. In these observations we find numerous examples of transient heating events within the active region. The high spatial resolution and broad temperature coverage of these instruments allows us to track the evolution of coronal plasma. The evolution of the emission observed with XRT and EIS during these events is generally consistent with loops that have been heated and are cooling. We have analyzed the most energetic heating event observed during this period, a small GOES B-class flare, in some detail and present some of the spectral signatures of the event, such as relative Doppler shifts at one of the loop footpoints and enhanced line widths during the rise phase of the event. While the analysis of these transient events has the potential to yield insights into the coronal heating mechanism, these observations do not rule out the possibility that there is a strong steady heating level in the active region. Detailed statistical analysis will be required to address this question definitively

    Network oscillations at the boundary of an equatorial coronal hole

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    We investigate intensity oscillations observed simultaneously in the quiet chromosphere and in the corona, above an enhanced network area at the boundary of an equatorial coronal hole. A Fourier analysis is applied to a sequence of images observed in the 171 A and 1600 A passbands of TRACE. Four interesting features above the magnetic network are further investigated by using a wavelet analysis. Our results reveal that, in both the 171 A and 1600 A passbands, oscillations above the magnetic network show a lack of power at high frequencies (5.0-8.3 mHz), and a significant power at low (1.3-2.0 mHz) and intermediate frequencies (2.6-4.0 mHz). The global 5-min oscillation is clearly present in the 4 analyzed features when seen in the 1600 A passband, and is also found with enhanced power in feature 1 (leg of a large coronal loop) and feature 2 (legs of a coronal bright point loop) when seen in the 171 A passband. Two features above an enhanced network element (feature 3 and feature 4) show repeated propagating behaviors with a dominant period of 10 min and 5 min, respectively. We suggest these oscillations are likely to be slow magneto-acoustic waves propagating along inclined magnetic field lines, from the lower solar atmosphere into the corona. The energy flux carried by these waves is estimated of the order of 40 erg cm\^{-2} s\^{-1} for the 171 A passband and is far lower than the energy required to heat the quiet corona. For the 1600 A passband, the energy flux is about 1.4*10^6 erg cm\^{-2} s\^{-1}, which is about one third of the required energy budget for the chromosphere.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Observations of Active Region Loops with the EUV Imaging Spectrometer on Hinode

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    Previous solar observations have shown that coronal loops near 1 MK are difficult to reconcile with simple heating models. These loops have lifetimes that are long relative to a radiative cooling time, suggesting quasi-steady heating. The electron densities in these loops, however, are too high to be consistent with thermodynamic equilibrium. Models proposed to explain these properties generally rely on the existence of smaller scale filaments within the loop that are in various stages of heating and cooling. Such a framework implies that there should be a distribution of temperatures within a coronal loop. In this paper we analyze new observations from the EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) on \textit{Hinode}. EIS is capable of observing active regions over a wide range of temperatures (\ion{Fe}{8}--\ion{Fe}{17}) at relatively high spatial resolution (1\arcsec). We find that most isolated coronal loops that are bright in \ion{Fe}{12} generally have very narrow temperature distributions (σT≲3×105\sigma_T \lesssim 3\times10^5 K), but are not isothermal. We also derive volumetric filling factors in these loops of approximately 10%. Both results lend support to the filament models.Comment: Submitted to ApJ

    Using a Differential Emission Measure and Density Measurements in an Active Region Core to Test a Steady Heating Model

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    The frequency of heating events in the corona is an important constraint on the coronal heating mechanisms. Observations indicate that the intensities and velocities measured in active region cores are effectively steady, suggesting that heating events occur rapidly enough to keep high temperature active region loops close to equilibrium. In this paper, we couple observations of Active Region 10955 made with XRT and EIS on \textit{Hinode} to test a simple steady heating model. First we calculate the differential emission measure of the apex region of the loops in the active region core. We find the DEM to be broad and peaked around 3\,MK. We then determine the densities in the corresponding footpoint regions. Using potential field extrapolations to approximate the loop lengths and the density-sensitive line ratios to infer the magnitude of the heating, we build a steady heating model for the active region core and find that we can match the general properties of the observed DEM for the temperature range of 6.3 << Log T << 6.7. This model, for the first time, accounts for the base pressure, loop length, and distribution of apex temperatures of the core loops. We find that the density-sensitive spectral line intensities and the bulk of the hot emission in the active region core are consistent with steady heating. We also find, however, that the steady heating model cannot address the emission observed at lower temperatures. This emission may be due to foreground or background structures, or may indicate that the heating in the core is more complicated. Different heating scenarios must be tested to determine if they have the same level of agreement.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, accepted to Ap
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