14 research outputs found

    Multimedia Interaktif dengan Strategi Episodic Mapping untuk Pembelajaran Menulis Cerpen Siswa SMA

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hasil uji coba awal dari multimedia interaktif untuk pembelajaran menulis cerpen siswa SMA kelas XI. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang mengacu pada langkah model pengembangan Borg & Gall, yang dilakukan melalui beberapa tahapan, yaitu: (1) analisis kebutuhan, (2) perencanaan, (3) pengembangan beberapa produk awal, dan (4) uji coba. Subjek uji coba lapangan 15 peserta didik. Data dikumpulkan dengan angket uji coba produk untuk mengetahui respon peserta didik setelah menggunakan multimedia interaktif dalam pembelajaran menulis cerpen yang dikembangkan.Hasil penelitian adalah sebagai berikut, (1) Kebutuhan meliputi ketersediaan media pembelajaran menulis cerpen yang baru, menarik, tepat, memudahkan dan memotivasi peserta didik untuk melaksanakan pembelajaran menulis cerpen. Kelemahan peserta didik adalah kurang mampu dalam menemukan dan mengembangkan ide menjadi beberapa paragraf yang baik. Keinginan guru dan peserta didik yaitu adanya media pembelajaran yang mampu membantu siswa dalam menulis cerpen. (2) Produk pengembangan multimedia interaktif ini terdiri dari materi teks cerpen. Strategi episodic mapping ini benar-benar dapat membantu siswa mengembangkan ide karena dalam episodic mapping ini siswa dituntun untuk menentukan unsur intrinsik dalam cerpen. (3) Produk akhir memenuhi kualifikasi kelayakan produk yang ditunjukkan dengan hasil angket respon peserta didik bahwa multimedia interaktif dengan strategi episodic mapping yang dikembangkan pada aspek kualitas tampilan pada kategori “baik” dengan skor 4,00, pada aspek kualitas penyajian produk dengan kategori “baik” skor 4,00, dan manfaat produk dengan skor 4,3 kategori “baik”. Dari hasil validasi multimedia interaktif dengan strategi episodic mapping untuk pembelajaran menulis cerpen sangat membantu siswa dalam menulis cerpen. Multimedia interaktif dengan strategi episodic mapping ini bisa menjadi salah satu alternatif sumber belajar dalam menulis cerpen

    Transmission dynamics of rabies virus in Thailand: Implications for disease control

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    BACKGROUND: In Thailand, rabies remains a neglected disease with authorities continuing to rely on human death statistics while ignoring the financial burden resulting from an enormous increase in post-exposure prophylaxis. Past attempts to conduct a mass dog vaccination and sterilization program have been limited to Bangkok city and have not been successful. We have used molecular epidemiology to define geographic localization of rabies virus phylogroups and their pattern of spread in Thailand. METHODS: We analyzed 239 nucleoprotein gene sequences from animal and human brain samples collected from all over Thailand between 1998 and 2002. We then reconstructed a phylogenetic tree correlating these data with geographical information. RESULTS: All sequences formed a monophyletic tree of 2 distinct phylogroups, TH1 and TH2. Three subgroups were identified in the TH1 subgroup and were distributed in the middle region of the country. Eight subgroups of TH2 viruses were identified widely distributed throughout the country overlapping the TH1 territory. There was a correlation between human-dependent transportation routes and the distribution of virus. CONCLUSION: Inter-regional migration paths of the viruses might be correlated with translocation of dogs associated with humans. Interconnecting factors between human socioeconomic and population density might determine the transmission dynamics of virus in a rural-to-urban polarity. The presence of 2 or more rabies virus groups in a location might be indicative of a gene flow, reflecting a translocation of dogs within such region and adjacent areas. Different approaches may be required for rabies control based on the homo- or heterogeneity of the virus. Areas containing homogeneous virus populations should be targeted first. Control of dog movement associated with humans is essential

    Characterization of Hemagglutinin Gene Fragment of H9N2 Avian Influenza Virus Isolated from Environmental Live Bird Market in the Greater Jakarta Area

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    Virus H9N2 has become the most common subtype of low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) in poultry and shows the ability to infect humans. One of the important factors triggering the virus ​​pandemic is the live bird market (LBM). The virus acts as an internal gene donor in the other subtypes, such as H5N1, H5N2, H7N9, and H10N8, in poultry and humans. This study was conducted to detect the presence of the H9N2 virus and the molecular characteristics of the hemagglutinin gene fragment at the cleavage site, receptor binding site, antigenic site, and glycosylation site positions of the H9N2 subtype AI virus isolated from the LBM environment. This study used Disease Investigation Center Subang isolates from environmental samples of LBM in the Greater Jakarta area (DKI Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi) in 2019. Based on molecular detection using RT-PCR and RT-qPCR, it was found that avian influenza subtype H9N2 was detected. This indicates that LBM has the potential to be the source of the spread of the ​​H9N2 virus. The pattern of the amino acid cleavage site PSRSSR↓GLF indicates that the research sample belongs to the low pathogenic AI. The substitution of amino acids in the receptor binding site and antigenic site increases the specificity of non-human host recognition. The potential glycosylation site, with the NCS motif found in amino acid position 295-297, close to the receptor-binding site. Based on genetic analysis and phylogenetic topography, the virus is included in the CVI (China, Vietnam, Indonesia) lineage and subclade H9.4.2.5

    Status Vaksinasi Rabies Pada Anjing Di Kota Makassar Rabies Vaccination Status of Dogs in Makassar

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    Telah dilakukan suatu analisis cakupan vaksinasi rabies pada anjing di kota Makassar. Tujuan penelitian iniadalah untuk mengetahui cakupan vaksinasi anjing bertuan, serta asosiasi antara status vaksinasi dan faktorfaktormanajemen pemeliharaan anjing. Sebanyak 246 sampel anjing dipilih untuk mengetahui status vaksinasirabies. Analisis status vaksinasi dan faktor pemeliharaan anjing dilakukan secara deskriptif. Uji Chi square (c2)dan odds ratio (OR) digunakan mengetahui asosiasi antara faktor-faktor yang diteliti dan status vaksinasi.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa cakupan vaksinasi pada anjing bertuan di kota Makassar sangat rendah(21 %). Rendahnya cakupan vaksinasi tersebut diperkirakan berhubungan dengan cara pemeliharaan (P=0,002;OR=4,3), tujuan pemeliharaan (P=0,009; OR=2,3), pengetahuan pemilik tentang rabies (P=0,001; OR=3,0),penghasilan di atas Rp 2.000.000,00 (p=0,000; OR=5,0), dan lokasi pemeliharaan urban area (P=O,OOOI; OR=4, 1)

    Analisis Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Praktik Pengendalian Penyakit Hog Cholera Peternak Babi di Kecamatan Kota Raja – Kota Kupang

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    For the people of East Nusa Tenggara, pigs do not only have economic value but also have social and cultural values. For this reason, it is necessary to perform a good farming management to keep the pigs free from diseases such as Hog cholera (HC). The aim of this study is to measure the association between pig farmers knowledge and attitude and practice regarding HC controlling in Kota Raja Sub-district, Kupang City. In this study, data was obtained by questionnaire and interview of pig farmers which was done in Kota Raja Sub-district from August until October 2018. Data was analyzed with chi square (χ2) analyses to measure the association between variables. The result of this study show that the knowledge variable is associated with attitude variable with P<0,05 (OR:6,3), but is not significantly associated with practice variable. The attitude variable is associated with practice variable with P<0,01 (OR:0,1). In conclusion, pig farmers in Kota Raja Sub-district need to improve practice regarding HC controlling by improvingnowledge about HC disease, which will improve farmers attitude toward HC controlling programs

    Praktik Biosekuriti dan Sanitasi Peternak Babi Terkait Pengendalian Hog Cholera di Kecamatan Kota Raja Kota Kupang

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    Pigs have a very important value for the people in NTT. Apart from being farm animals that have economic value, pigs also have an important role in the socio-cultural and religious life in NTT. Given its important role for the community, pigs need serious attention to avoid various disease threats, one of which is Hog cholera (HC). One of the effective ways to prevent HC disease that can be done is by implementing strict biosecurity and sanitation. The purpose of this research is to learn how the practice of biosecurity and sanitation by pig farmers is one of the most important efforts in preventing the spread of HC disease in the Kota Raja Sub-District, Kupang City. The data in this study were obtained through direct interviews with pig farmers in the Kota Raja Sub-District, Kupang City, and analyzed with descriptive statistics. The results showed that the level of HC vaccination was still low at 10.9%, and there were still many farmers who carried out risky practices for HC transmission such as consuming or trading pigs that died from sickness 29.1%, throwing away pig carcasses that died from sickness 5%, back yard slaughtering 40%, disposing of slaughtering waste into the environment 9.1%. In conclusion, the practice of biosecurity and sanitation carried out by pig farmers in the Kota Raja Sub-District, Kupang City still needs to be improved. There are still some pig farmers who practice practices that are risky for disease transmission in pigs, especially Hog cholera

    Human umbilical mesenchymal stem cells conditioned medium promote primary wound healing regeneration

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    Aim: This research was conducted to clarify the capability of human umbilical mesenchymal stem cells conditioned medium (HU-MSCM) to promote regenerations of primary wound healing on the incision skin injury. Materials and Methods: In this study, two approaches in vitro and in vivo already done. On in vitro analysis, tube formation was performed using HU vein endothelial cells in the presence of HU-MSCM, in some experiments cells line was incubated prior the presence of lipopolysaccharide and HU-MSCM then apoptosis assay was performed. Furthermore, in vivo experiments 12 female rats (Rattus norvegicus) were used after rats anesthetized, 7 mm wound was made by incision on the left side of the body. The wound was treated with HU-MSCM containing cream, povidone iodine was run as a control. Wound healing regenerations on the skin samples were visualized by hematoxylin-eosin staining. Results: In vitro models elucidate HU-MSCM may decreasing inflammation at the beginning of wound healing, promote cell migration and angiogenesis. In addition in vivo models show that the incision length on the skin is decreasing and more smaller, HE staining describe decreasing of inflammation phase, increasing of angiogenesis, accelerate fibroplasia, and maturation phase. Conclusions: Taken together our observation indicates that HU-MSCM could promote the acceleration of skin tissue regenerations in primary wound healing process