1,665 research outputs found

    Comments on Timber Resources

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    A Theory of Unstaggered Airfoil Cascades in Compressible Flow

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    By use of the methods of thin airfoil theory, which include effects of compressibility, rela.tio^as are developed which permit the rapid determination of the pressure distribution over an unstaggered cascade of airfoils of a given profile, and the determination of the profile shape necessary to yield a given pressure distribution for small chord gap ratios, For incompressible flow the results of the theory are compared with available examples obtained by the more exact method of conformal transformation. Although the theory is developed for small chord/gap ratios, these comparisons show that it may be extended to chord/gap ratios of order unity, at least for low speed flows. Choking of cascades, a phenomenon of particular importance in compressor design, is considered

    X-Ray Microanalysis of Hollow Heart Potatoes

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    Electron microprobe and X-ray fluorescence techniques were used to study elemental gradients associated with the physiological disorder hollow heart i n potato tubers. Gradients were found along the length and across the width of mature tubers. These were not rela ted to the disorder, however . Tubers with advanced symptoms of the disorder had elemental levels and gradients similar to those in healthy, control tubers. The results suggest that if the disorder is initially caused by an elemental deficiency, as has sometimes been proposed , the deficiency is temporary and no longer exists in mature tubers with advanced hollow heart. Radial gradients were associated rnd inly with two contrasting tissues . the centra 1 pith and the surrounding perimedullary zone. Tissue differences are critical in microprobe studies involving small samples Microprobe studies of developing tubers containing incipient stages of hollow heart. employing strip samples restricted to the central pith where the disorder originates and taken so as to traverse the small lesions, showed a dramatic increase in Mg in lesion areas. It is suggested that a nutrient imbalance may trigger the onset of the cell necrosis that characterizes the initiation of hollow heart in potato . A localized Mg toxicity or Ca deficiency due to high Mg:Ca ratio is implicated

    A three dimensional model of the photosynthetic membranes of Ectothiorhodospira halochloris

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    The three dimensional organization of the complete photosynthetic apparatus of the extremely halophilic, bacteriochlorophyll b containing Ectothiorhodospira halochloris has been elaborated by several techniques of electron microscopy. Essentially all thylakoidal sacs are disc shaped and connected to the cytoplasmic membrane by small membraneous ldquobridgesrdquo. In sum, the lumina of all thylakoids (intrathylakoidal space) form one common periplasmic space. Thin sections confirm a paracrystalline arrangement of the photosynthetic complexes in situ. The ontogenic development of the photosynthetic apparatus is discussed based on a structural model derived from serial thin sections

    Effects of the physical state of tropospheric ammonium-sulfate-nitrate particles on global aerosol direct radiative forcing

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    International audienceThe effect of aqueous versus crystalline sulfate-nitrate-ammonium tropospheric particles on global aerosol direct radiative forcing is assessed. A global three-dimensional chemical transport model predicts sulfate, nitrate, and ammonium aerosol mass. An aerosol thermodynamics model is called twice, once for the upper side (US) and once for lower side (LS) of the hysteresis loop of particle phase. On the LS, the sulfate mass budget is 40% solid ammonium sulfate, 12% letovicite, 11% ammonium bisulfate, and 37% aqueous. The LS nitrate mass budget is 26% solid ammonium nitrate, 7% aqueous, and 67% gas-phase nitric acid release due to increased volatility upon crystallization. The LS ammonium budget is 45% solid ammonium sulfate, 10% letovicite, 6% ammonium bisulfate, 4% ammonium nitrate, 7% ammonia release due to increased volatility, and 28% aqueous. LS aerosol water mass partitions as 22% effloresced to the gas-phase and 78% remaining as aerosol mass. The predicted US/LS global fields of aerosol mass are employed in a Mie scattering model to generate global US/LS aerosol optical properties, including scattering efficiency, single scattering albedo, and asymmetry parameter. Global annual average LS optical depth and mass scattering efficiency are, respectively, 0.023 and 10.7 m2 (g SO42?)?1, which compare to US values of 0.030 and 13.9 m2 (g SO42?)?1. Radiative transport is computed, first for a base case having no aerosol and then for the two global fields corresponding to the US and LS of the hysteresis loop. Regional, global, seasonal, and annual averages of top-of-the-atmosphere aerosol radiative forcing on the LS and US (FL and FU, respectively, in W m2?) are calculated. Including both anthropogenic and natural emissions, we obtain global annual averages of FL = ?0.750, FU = ?0.930, and ?FU,L = 24% for full sky calculations without clouds and FL = ?0.485, FU = ?0.605, and ?FU,L = 25% when clouds are included. Regionally, ?FU,L = 48% over the USA, 55% over Europe, and 34% over East Asia. Seasonally, ?FU,L varies from 18% in DJF to 75% in SON over the USA. The global annual average contribution from anthropogenic aerosol is FL = ?0.314 and FU = ?0.404, which yield normalized direct radiative forcings (G) of GL = ?205 W (g SO42?)?1 and GU = ?264 W (g SO42?)?1

    Global patterns of the double mutualism phenomenon

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via the DOI in this recordData deposition: Data available from the Dryad Digital Repository: (Fuster et al. 2018).A double mutualism (DM) occurs when two interacting species benefit each other in two different functions, e.g. when an animal species acts both as pollinator and seed disperser of the same plant. Besides the double benefit, a DM also imposes a larger risk to both functions if the performance of one partner declines. We conducted the first global review of DMs involving pollinators and seed dispersers, aiming to: 1) assess their prevalence across ecosystems and biogeographical regions; 2) identify the main plant and animal taxa, and their traits, implicated in DMs; and 3) evaluate the conservation status of double mutualist species. We compiled published and unpublished DM records using specific search terms, noting the species involved, their conservation status and geographic location, as well as the type of study (species vs community‐level) in which the DM was detected. We identified 302 DM cases involving 207 plant and 92 animal species from 16 mainland and 17 island areas. Most records come from tropical regions and islands. Animals included birds (62%), mammals (22%), and reptiles (16%), mostly opportunist species; only 18% were nectarivores. Plants were mainly fleshy‐fruited shrub or tree species (59%) with actinomorphic flowers that were visited by several or many pollinator species (87%). Most (56%) DMs were detected in community‐level studies. DMs are mostly prevalent in ecosystems with limited food resources and mutualist partners, and with high generalization levels. Nearly 30% of the species involved in DMs are threatened according to IUCN criteria, 68% of which are found on islands. The high prevalence of DM on islands paired with the threat status of island species suggest that the loss of a double mutualists and its cascading consequences may have a severe impact on community composition and functioning of fragile island ecosystems.Spanish Governmen

    Effects of the physical state of tropospheric ammonium-sulfate-nitrate particles on global aerosol direct radiative forcing

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    International audienceThe effect of aqueous versus crystalline sulfate-nitrate-ammonium tropospheric particles on global aerosol direct radiative forcing is assessed. A global three-dimensional chemical transport model predicts sulfate, nitrate, and ammonium aerosol mass. An aerosol thermodynamics model is called twice, once for the upper side (US) and once for lower side (LS) of the hysteresis loop of particle phase. On the LS, the sulfate mass budget is 40% solid ammonium sulfate, 12% letovicite, 11% ammonium bisulfate, and 37% aqueous. The LS nitrate mass budget is 26% solid ammonium nitrate, 7% aqueous, and 67% gas-phase nitric acid release due to increased volatility upon crystallization. The LS ammonium budget is 45% solid ammonium sulfate, 10% letovicite, 6% ammonium bisulfate, 4% ammonium nitrate, 7% ammonia release due to increased volatility, and 28% aqueous. LS aerosol water mass partitions as 22% effloresced to the gas-phase and 78% remaining as aerosol mass. The predicted US/LS global fields of aerosol mass are employed in a Mie scattering model to generate global US/LS aerosol optical properties, including scattering efficiency, single scattering albedo, and asymmetry parameter. Global annual average LS optical depth and mass scattering efficiency are, respectively, 0.023 and 10.7 m2 (g SO4-2)-1, which compare to US values of 0.030 and 13.9 m2 (g SO4-2)-1. Radiative transport is computed, first for a base case having no aerosol and then for the two global fields corresponding to the US and LS of the hysteresis loop. Regional, global, seasonal, and annual averages of top-of-the-atmosphere aerosol radiative forcing on the LS and US (FL and FU, respectively, in W m-2) are calculated. Including both anthropogenic and natural emissions, we obtain global annual averages of FL=-0.750, FU=-0.930, and DFU,L=24% for full sky calculations without clouds and FL=-0.485, FU=-0.605, and DFU,L=25% when clouds are included. Regionally, DFU,L=48% over the USA, 55% over Europe, and 34% over East Asia. Seasonally, DFU,L varies from 18% in DJF to 75% in SON over the USA. The global annual average contribution from anthropogenic aerosol is FL=-0.314 and FU=-0.404, which yield normalized direct radiative forcings (G) of GL=-205 W (g SO4-2)-1 and GU=-264 W (g SO4-2)-1

    Dissipation of vibration in rough contact

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    The relationship which links the normal vibration occurring during the sliding of rough surfaces and the nominal contact area is investigated. Two regimes are found. In the first one, the vibrational level does not depend on the contact area, while in the second one, it is propor- tional to the contact area. A theoretical model is proposed. It is based on the assumption that the vibrational level results from a competition between two processes of vibration damping, the internal damping of the material and the contact damping occurring at the interface