664 research outputs found

    Development of an autonomous mobile towing vehicle for logistic tasks

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    Frequently carrying high loads and performing repetitive tasks compromises the ergonomics of individuals, a recurrent scenario in hospital environments. In this paper, we design a logistic planner of a fleet of autonomous mobile robots for the automation of transporting trolleys around the hospital, which is independent of the space configuration, and robust to loss of network and deadlocks. Our robotic solution has an innovative gripping system capable of grasping and pulling nonmodified standard trolleys just by coupling a plate. Robots are able to navigate autonomously, to avoid obstacles assuring the safety of operators, to identify and dock a trolley, to access charging stations and elevators, and to communicate with the latter. An interface was built allowing users to command the robots through a web server. It is shown how the proposed methodology behaves in experiments conducted at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porta and Braga's Hospital.This work is financed by the ERDF - European Regional Development Fund through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation- COMPETE 2020 Programme, and by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, within project SAICTPAC/0034/2015 - POCI-01- 0145-FEDER-016418. Authors would like to acknowledge to Trivalor, Itau and Gertal for the support of the project RDH.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The implementation of e-learning in the continuous training of the military of the Republican National Guard. Case study: Lisbon Territorial Command

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    The training needs felt in the professional path of the military of the Republican National Guard, associated with the potential of using new technologies is the core of this investigation. Training is one of the great challenges that organizations currently face and, in the National Republican Guard, it plays a fundamental role in the service provided by the Institution, making it clear the high importance of acquiring and maintaining knowledge and skills for the performance on several roles in the organization. The present investigation aims to determine the importance of the e-Learning tool for the continuous training of the soldiers of the National Republican Guard. In this context, it is intended to characterize the importance of continuous training whose objective is to identify and analyze the consequences of the tool, as well as to identify the impact of the use of new technologies in the training of the institution's military, according to a case study in the Lisbon Territorial Command. The method that supports the investigation is the deductive method, which is based on a logic from the general to the particular. In order to achieve the defined objectives, we opted for interviews and a questionnaire survey, complemented with a documentary analysis resulting from bibliographic research and institutional documents. Thus, it appears that continuous training has a high importance for the professional development of the military, since it promotes quality in the service provided, positively affecting the daily activities of the military, increasing individual success and, consequently, organizational success . It is concluded that e-Learning represents an asset for continuous training, since it is a catalyst for the potential of the institution's human resources.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Criação de galinhas comuns localmente adaptadas.

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    O desafio para os criadores dessas aves é tornar a produção mais eficiente com diminuição dos custos de produção, bem como contribuir para a preservação do conhecimento tradicional agregado. O período de criação dessas aves localmente adaptadas é mais longo e sua produção de carne e ovos é menor quando comparada à das aves de linhagens industriais, mas seus produtos são considerados diferenciados pela textura, pelo sabor e pela coloração da carne e da gema dos ovos.bitstream/item/213147/1/CriacaoGalinhaComum2019.pd

    Sistema alternativo de criação de galinhas caipiras.

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    Origem genealógica e raças; Alimentação; Manejo nutricional; Tipos de alimentos; Armazenamento dos alimentos; Importância da água na alimentação das aves; Aditivos; O preparo das rações; Necessidades nutricionais; Consumo de ração; Alimentos alternativos; Inclusão de plantas forrageiras e frutos na alimentação de galinhas caipiras; Avaliação de desempenho; Instalações e equipamentos; Sanidade; Calendário de vacinação; Reprodução; Produtos; Apresentação e qualidade; Avaliação e composição dos principais produtos; Carne; Ovos; Mercado.bitstream/item/213153/1/SPOCriacaoGalinhasCaipiras2018.pdf2. ed.Versão eletrônica

    Aviários para galinhas caipiras na agricultura familiar da Região Nordeste do Brasil.

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    Escolha do local; Aviário; O piso; Ninho (para aves de postura e/ou reprodução); Poleiros; Equipamentos; Paisagismo da área circundante.bitstream/item/173010/1/Folder-Aviario-final-2.pd

    Relativistic Quantum Scattering on a Cone

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    We study the relativistic quantum mechanical scattering of a bosonic particle by an infinite straight cosmic string, considering the non-minimal coupling between the bosonic field and the scalar curvature. In this case, an effective two-dimensional delta-function interaction takes place besides the usual topological scattering and a renormalization procedure is necessary in order to treat the problem that appears in connection with the delta-function.Comment: 22 pages, LATEX fil

    Anaesthesia - related fears - a cross - sectional survey among the portuguese population

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    Introduction: Patients experience preoperative anxiety. The objective of this study was to assess patients’ fears concerning anaesthesia and evaluate possible associations with sociodemographic background and previous anaesthesia. Methods: A survey was filled preoperatively, for 6 months, including anaesthesia-related fears, sociodemographic data, previous anaesthesia and surgery, current surgical and anaesthetic procedure, and preferred anaesthesia technique. Descriptive statistics, principal component analysis, Chi-square test, t-test and ANOVA were used for statistical analysis. Results: 153 questionnaires were collected. The mean age was 58 years, 61.4% were female and 59.5% employed. 47.1% had an anaesthesia consultation before. 49.7% were ASA II. 78.4% had been submitted to surgery before, 81.7% to anaesthesia and 14.5% had regional anaesthesia. In 73.5% general anaesthesia preferred. Half of patients with previous regional anaesthesia favoured this technique. The most relevant fears were “being paralysed because of anaesthesia”, “not waking up” and “waking up during surgery”. The least relevant were “fasting incapacity”, “having nightmares” and “speaking of personal matters”. A statistically significant relation was observed between the fear of “feeling pain after surgery” and having a previous anaesthetic experience. Female and unemployed patients were more concerned with general complications, while male patients gave more importance to awareness and paralysis. Conclusion: Paralysis after anaesthesia, intraoperative awareness and death were the main concerns of our inquiries.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Diagnóstico socioeconômico-cultural e ambiental dos municípios do Projeto Boa Esperança.

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    A Embrapa Meio-Norte, por iniciativa da Chesf, com a qual estabeleceu uma parceria, vem desenvolvendo o Projeto Boa Esperança, visando resultar na melhoria dos níveis de produtividade e renda da atividade agropecuária, de forma participativa, além da mitigação da degradação ambiental. A importância desse projeto baseia-se na interação entre pesquisadores, extensionistas, agricultores familiares e pescadores organizados das comunidades, objetos de intervenção por intermédio do processo de difusão e transferência de alternativas tecnológicas. O projeto é composto de vários planos de ação, dos quais um pretende avaliar os aspectos sociotécnico-culturaleconômicos dos membros das comunidades, objeto das ações propostas no projeto, bem como levantar e organizar um sistema de informação de mercado da produção agrícola familiar em apoio ao projeto na geração de renda. Para a realização dos objetivos propostos, o projeto prevê que sejam realizados três diagnósticos participativos, no início, no meio e no final da sua execução, nas diversas comunidades da área de sua abrangência, onde se pretende implementar as atividades, com aplicação de questionário sociotécnico-cultural-econômico para identificação dos tipos de sistemas praticados, evolução da adoção das tecnologias e resultados finais obtidos pelos agricultores familiares e pescadores. Este documento traz o resultado do trabalho de prospecção realizado nas comunidades do entorno da Barragem de Boa Esperança, o qual contém dados sobre o agricultor/pescador, sua família e suas atividades, considerando o momento inicial de implementação do projeto.bitstream/item/83619/1/Doc-202-Diagnostico-completo.pd

    The main concerns of European anaesthesiology postgraduate trainees: A European survey

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    This is the first study intended to identify the European anaesthesiology trainees' main concerns, to initiate a process of improvement of the training in anaesthesiology by the European Society of Anaesthesiology (ESA). The authors developed an electronic survey which addressed seven different concerns: autonomy transition, technical skills, exchange programs, residency costs, residency workload, employment prospects and educational contents/preparation for the European Diploma in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (EDAIC). The survey was disseminated by email to all anaesthesiology trainees registered in ESA and all European National Societies were asked to distribute the survey to their graduating trainees. 665 trainees initiated the survey with a completion rate of 54.6%. The trainees' main concerns were in descending order: educational contents, residency costs, employment prospects, residency workload, exchange programs, technical skills and autonomy transition. This report analyzes the three main concerns in more detail. 68% of respondents were unaware of the existence of the ESA e-learning platform. Other means to improve the preparation for the EDAIC such as a multiple-choice questions book should be developed. The main reason for not becoming an ESA Trainee member was the associated cost and 68% of respondents gave up activities or opportunities during their residency due to economic constraints; 56% of respondents considered emigrating for economic reasons and 28% elected Northern/Central Europe. The results of the present survey may provide additional background information for the development of specific improvements in strategies for training in anaesthesiology. (c) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved