734 research outputs found

    Implementasi Keamanan SMS dengan Algoritma Rsa pada Smartphone Android

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    Kebutuhan masyarakat akan adanya pengiriman informasi dari satu tempat ke tempat yang berbeda sudah tidak dapat dipungkiri lagi. Pada zaman sekarang pengiriman informasi telah dipermudah dengan adanya salah satu fitur dari sebuah smartphone, yaitu SMS (Short Message Service), yang mana dapat menggantikan peran surat dalam bertukar pesan. Namun, seiring berjalannya waktu dan berkembangnya zaman, serta perkembangan yang teknologi semakin canggih, muncul beberapa kekurangan pada SMS. Salah satunya yang paling disorot ialah tingkat keamanan SMS tersebut. Tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa zaman sekarang sudah banyak para pengusaha/petinggi/pejabat pemerintahan yang menggunakan SMS untuk bertukar pesan yang sifatnya sangat rahasia. Sehingga telah banyak terjadi pencurian data SMS atau yang sering disebut penyadapan yang membuat tingkat keamanan SMS perlu ditingkatkan. Untuk mengatasi masalah yang telah diuraikan sebelumnya, peneliti berencana untuk merancang dan membuatkan sebuah aplikasi enkripsi dan dekripsi yang akan diimplementasikan untuk aplikasi SMS pada smartphone android. Aplikasi ini digunakan untuk mengirim dan menerima pesan teks pada smartphone berbasis android dengan mengamankan atau menyembunyikan pesan asli. Sehingga, pengirim tidak perlu takut pesannya akan disadap dan diketahui orang lain yang tidak berkepentingan

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Mylibrary Telkomsel Berbasis Website (Studi Kasus: PT. Telekomunikasi Selular)

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    Information is important for companies, especially in the field of services in order to help the customer. Information on PT. Telekomunikasi Selular services mainly in the division at the moment still uses the way of deploying and managing the information manually. To help the process of document management at PT. Mobile telecommunications are still using manual method and data storage is still in the archive, he built MyLibrary Information Systems Telkomsel. The research methodology used is the waterfall methodology. By using the modeling language UML design as a system to be built, Class Diagram as a data model that consists of entities and relationships (relations) between objects. The system is built using the PHP programming language implementation phase and a database using MySQL database and information system testing plan using techniques Black Box. The system is built based Website that is accessible only to employees of PT. Telekomunikasi Selular. Based on the results of the implementation is done, it can be concluded that the information system is to facilitate employees in the process of document management, employee data and data reports. This information system is also expected to be developed to provide mobile-based applications for mobile devices such as mobile phones and tablet computers

    Precipitation Variability and Probabilities of Extreme Events in the Eastern Mediterranean Region (Latakia Governorate-Syria as a Case Study)

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    This study aimed at analysis of the general-index change for the mean annual and seasonal precipitation in six stations in Latakia Governorate (Syria). The data of precipitation were collected for 40 consecutive years (1970–2010) in order to figure out the extent of the changes and variability in precipitation rates and the impact of this change on changes in the potential density that might cause extremely high or low precipitation rates according to Gumbel distribution of the extreme precipitation rates. Results revealed a decrease of the annual precipitation rates in all stations, the reduction in precipitation ranged from 46 to 210 mm during the whole period of the study. Spring, however, recorded the highest and statistically significant reduction, which reached 46–210 mm, while winter precipitation increased by 21–82 mm. Spring also has witnessed a decrease of about 3–9% of the total annual precipitation as compared to winter precipitation which increased by 5–8% of the total. The potential density of extremely high winter precipitation rates increased in all stations as indicated from Gumbel distribution in winter, and a greater increase took place in the probabilities of occurrence of the extremely low spring precipitation rates. This shows significant probability of occurrence of drought during spring season. By contrast, probabilities of winter precipitation rates increased more, thus winter is relatively more humid than before and spring is relatively drier than before

    TMEM97 and PGRMC1 do not mediate sigma-2 ligand-induced cell death

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    Abstract Sigma-2 receptors have been implicated in both tumor proliferation and neurodegenerative diseases. Recently the sigma-2 receptor was identified as transmembrane protein 97 (TMEM97). Progesterone receptor membrane component 1 (PGRMC1) was also recently reported to form a complex with TMEM97 and the low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor, and this trimeric complex is responsible for the rapid internalization of LDL. Sigma-2 receptor ligands with various structures have been shown to induce cell death in cancer cells. In the current study, we examined the role of TMEM97 and PGRMC1 in mediating sigma-2 ligand-induced cell death. Cell viability and caspase-3 assays were performed in control, TMEM97 knockout (KO), PGRMC1 KO, and TMEM97/PGRMC1 double KO cell lines treated with several sigma-2 ligands. The data showed that knockout of TMEM97, PGRMC1, or both did not affect the concentrations of sigma-2 ligands that induced 50% of cell death (EC50), suggesting that cytotoxic effects of these compounds are not mediated by TMEM97 or PGRMC1. Sigma-1 receptor ligands, (+)-pentazocine and NE-100, did not block sigma-2 ligand cytotoxicity, suggesting that sigma-1 receptor was not responsible for sigma-2 ligand cytotoxicity. We also examined whether the alternative, residual binding site (RBS) of 1,3-Di-o-tolylguanidine (DTG) could be responsible for sigma-2 ligand cytotoxicity. Our data showed that the binding affinities (K i) of sigma-2 ligands on the DTG RBS did not correlate with the cytotoxicity potency (EC50) of these ligands, suggesting that the DTG RBS was not fully responsible for sigma-2 ligand cytotoxicity. In addition, we showed that knocking out TMEM97, PGRMC1, or both reduced the initial internalization rate of a sigma-2 fluorescent ligand, SW120. However, concentrations of internalized SW120 became identical later in the control and knockout cells. These data suggest that the initial internalization process of sigma-2 ligands does not appear to mediate the cell-killing effect of sigma-2 ligands. In summary, we have provided evidence that sigma-2 receptor/TMEM97 and PGRMC1 do not mediate sigma-2 ligand cytotoxicity. Our work will facilitate elucidating mechanisms of sigma-2 ligand cytotoxicity

    The sequence recall task and lexicality of tone: Exploring tone “deafness”

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    Many perception and processing effects of the lexical status of tone have been found in behavioral, psycholinguistic, and neuroscientific research, often pitting varieties of tonal Chinese against non-tonal Germanic languages. While the linguistic and cognitive evidence for lexical tone is therefore beyond dispute, the word prosodic systems of many languages continue to escape the categorizations of typologists. One controversy concerns the existence of a typological class of “pitch accent languages,” another the underlying phonological nature of surface tone contrasts, which in some cases have been claimed to be metrical rather than tonal. We address the question whether the Sequence Recall Task (SRT), which has been shown to discriminate between languages with and without word stress, can distinguish languages with and without lexical tone. Using participants from non-tonal Indonesian, semi-tonal Swedish, and two varieties of tonal Mandarin, we ran SRTs with monosyllabic tonal contrasts to test the hypothesis that high performance in a tonal SRT indicates the lexical status of tone. An additional question concerned the extent to which accuracy scores depended on phonological and phonetic properties of a language’s tone system, like its complexity, the existence of an experimental contrast in a language’s phonology, and the phonetic salience of a contrast. The results suggest that a tonal SRT is not likely to discriminate between tonal and non-tonal languages within a typologically varied group, because of the effects of specific properties of their tone systems. Future research should therefore address the first hypothesis with participants from otherwise similar tonal and non-tonal varieties of the same language, where results from a tonal SRT may make a useful contribution to the typological debate on word prosody

    Photon deflection by a Coulomb field in noncommutative QED

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    In noncommutative QED photons present self-interactions in the form of triple and quartic interactions. The triple interaction implies that, even though the photon is electrically neutral, it will deflect when in the presence of an electromagnetic field. If detected, such deflection would be an undoubted signal of noncommutative space-time. In this work we derive the general expression for the deflection of a photon by any electromagnetic field. As an application we consider the case of the deflection of a photon by an external static Coulomb field.Comment: 07 pages, some typos corrected, accepted for publication in JP

    Non-renormalizability of noncommutative SU(2) gauge theory

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    We analyze the divergent part of the one-loop effective action for the noncommutative SU(2) gauge theory coupled to the fermions in the fundamental representation. We show that the divergencies in the 2-point and the 3-point functions in the Ξ\theta-linear order can be renormalized, while the divergence in the 4-point fermionic function cannot.Comment: 15 pages, results presented at ESI 2d dilaton gravity worksho

    The form factors existing in the b->s g^* decay and the possible CP violating effects in the noncommutative standard model

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    We study the form factors appearing in the inclusive decay b -> s g^*, in the framework of the noncommutative standard model. Here g^* denotes the virtual gluon. We get additional structures and the corresponding form factors in the noncommutative geometry. We analyse the dependencies of the form factors to the parameter p\Theta k where p (k) are the four momenta of incoming (outgoing) b quark (virtual gluon g^*, \Theta is a parameter which measures the noncommutativity of the geometry. We see that the form factors are weaklyComment: 8 pages, 7 figure
