242 research outputs found

    Anthropometric indices in individuals infected with ascaris lumbericoids in Iran

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    Context: Ascaris Lumbericoids infection is more common in children and teenagers and in areas with poor sanitation or crowded living conditions. Largest of all the parasites inhabiting the human intestine it is also the most common of parasitic infections in developing countries. It has been reported to infect about one-fourth of the world population. Chronic ascariasis has been reported to adversely effect the growth rate and anthropometric indices in infected individuals of growing age. Aims: The goal of this research was to evaluate the anthropometric indices in individuals infected with Ascaris in Hamedan province of Iran. Settings and Design: This was a descriptive cross sectional study. Methods and Material: Six hundred fourteen randomly selected individuals who were inhabitants of Hamedan province of Iran were chosen for this study. Stool samples of these individuals were collected and then experimented with Formel-Ether method to determine Ascaris Lumbericoids infection. Height and weight of these individuals were measured and compared with the indices related to NCHS. Demographic information of these individuals was entered into questionnaires and ultimately was analyzed with SPSS software. Results: Out of the total study population, 16.5% of individuals were found to be infected with Ascaris. Out of the individuals infected with Ascaris, 1% were underweight. In the age groups of 6-10, 11-15, 16-20 years, 3.5%, 5.1% and 3.5% were found to be suffering from malnutrition, respectively. Conclusion: Malabsorption in children might result in malnutrition. In this study, few individuals infected with Ascaris had malnutrition, thus Ascaris infection may not be an important cause of malnutrition among children in our area

    Role of histaminegic and calcium channels in the inhibitory effects of hydroalcoholic extract of matricaria recutita L. on isolated rabbit jejunum

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    Introduction: Considering the long traditional history of anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic effects of Matricria spices on the gastrointestinal system, the present study aimed to investigate the role of calcium channels and Histamine receptors in the inhibitory effects of hydroalcoholic dry extract of German chamomile (Matricaria recutita L.) on the isolated rabbit jejunum. Methods: All experiments were done on the isolated jejunum of New Zealand rabbits (1.8-2.5 kg). Dry extract of aerial parts of M. recutita was obtained by the maceration technique. The study was performed on two groups (n=6 in each group). In the first group, the effects of cumulative concentrations of M. recutita (3×10-3-1×10-2 mg/ml) on normal and K+-induced contractions (50 mM) of isolated jejunum were studied. In the second group, the inhibitory role of M. recutita (3 – 13×10-3 mg/ml) was evaluated in the presence and absence of histamine and cetrizine. In the presence and absence of 10 μM certizine, a histamine H1-antagonist, a concentration-dependent inhibitory effect of M. recutita extract in the range of 3-13×10-3 mg/ml was recorded the rabbit jejunum. Results: Results showed that EC50 of M. recutita in the absence and presence of K+ was 6.3×10-3 and 6.5×10- 3mg/ml, respectively. IC50 values for two concentrations of M. recutita (8×10-3 , 1×10-2 ) to abrogated contractive phase of Histamine was 9.55 × 10-6 and 1.57 × 10-6 μM. Cetrizine (10 μM) abolished inhibitory effects of M. recutita (IC50=3.6×10-3), (p< 0.001). Conclusion: Dry extract of matricaria recutita had inhibitory effects on the contractions of isolated rabbit jejunum. Calcium channels and histamine were involved in these antispasmodic effects

    Linear and non-linear simulation of joints contact surface using beam-like component

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    The joint modelling including non-linear effects needs accurate and precise study of their behaviors. When joints are under the dynamic loading, micro, macro- slip happens in contact surface which is non-linear reason of the joint contact surface. The non-linear effects of joint contact surface on total behavior of structure are measured by various criterions such as frequency response diagram and hysteresis loop. The objective of this research is first studying a two freedom degree system including non-linear component of hysterical valance to show its non-linear effects on structure behavior. Later, a non-linear contact model called beam-like component was simulated by ANSYS software was used amplitude to simulate joints contact surface of cantilever beam. Being linear or non-linear of this model was proved  by various criterions such as frequency response diagram, hysteresis loop, and energy dissipation diagram with excitation force. The results show acceptable accuracy and modelling precision.Keywords: micro-slip, non-linear joints, finite elements, beam-like componen

    Heat transfer in rotating Rayleigh-Bénard convection with rough plates.

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    This experimental study focuses on the effect of horizontal boundaries withpyramid-shaped roughness elements on the heat transfer in rotating Rayleigh–Bénardconvection. It is shown that the Ekman pumping mechanism, which is responsible forthe heat transfer enhancement under rotation in the case of smooth top and bottomsurfaces, is unaffected by the roughness as long as the Ekman layer thicknessδEissignificantly larger than the roughness heightk. As the rotation rate increases, andthusδEdecreases, the roughness elements penetrate the radially inward flow in theinterior of the Ekman boundary layer that feeds the columnar Ekman vortices. Thisperturbation generates additional thermal disturbances which are found to increase theheat transfer efficiency even further. However, whenδE≈k, the Ekman boundary layeris strongly perturbed by the roughness elements and the Ekman pumping mechanismis suppressed. The results suggest that the Ekman pumping is re-established forδE�kas the faces of the pyramidal roughness elements then act locally as a slopingboundary on which an Ekman layer can be formed

    Role of nitric oxide on the electrophysiological properties of isolated rabbit atrioventricular node by extracellular field potential during atrial fibrillation

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    Introduction: The aim of the present study was to determine direct effects of NO modulation on protective electrophysiological properties of atrioventricular node (AV node) in the experimental model of AF in rabbit. Methods: Isolated perfused rabbit AV nodal preparations were used in two groups. In the first group (N=7), LNAME (50μM) was applied. In the second group (N=12), different concentrations of L - argenine (250 μM - 5000 μM) were added to the solution. Programmed stimulation protocols were used to quantify AV nodal conduction time, refractoriness and zone of concealment. AF protocol was executed by software with coupling intervals (ranging from 75–125 msec). Results: L-NAME had depressive effects on basic AV nodal properties. L-Arginine (250μM) had direct inhibitory effects on nodal conduction time, Wenckebach and refractoriness. Significant increases in the number of concealed beats were induced by L-Arginine (500 μM). Number of concealed beats were increased from 700.7±33.7 to 763±21 msec (P<0.05). Trend of zone of concealment prolongation in a frequency-dependent model was abrogated by Larginine (250, 5000 μM). Conclusion: NO at low concentration (in the presence of L-NAME) had facilitatory role on AV nodal properties, but at high concentration (in the presence of L-arginine) enhanced protective role of AV node during AF. Biphasic modulatory role of NO may affect protective behavior of AV node during AF. © 2011, Iranian Society of Physiology and Pharmacology. All rights reserved

    CMTR1 is recruited to transcription start sites and promotes ribosomal protein and histone gene expression in embryonic stem cells

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    CMTR1 (cap methyltransferase 1) catalyses methylation of the first transcribed nucleotide of RNAPII transcripts (N1 2′-O-Me), creating part of the mammalian RNA cap structure. In addition to marking RNA as self, N1 2′-O-Me has ill-defined roles in RNA expression and translation. Here, we investigated the gene specificity of CMTR1 and its impact on RNA expression in embryonic stem cells. Using chromatin immunoprecipitation, CMTR1 was found to bind to transcription start sites (TSS) correlating with RNAPII levels, predominantly binding at histone genes and ribosomal protein (RP) genes. Repression of CMTR1 expression resulted in repression of RNAPII binding at the TSS and repression of RNA expression, particularly of histone and RP genes. In correlation with regulation of histones and RP genes, CMTR1 repression resulted in repression of translation and induction of DNA replication stress and damage. Indicating a direct role for CMTR1 in transcription, addition of recombinant CMTR1 to purified nuclei increased transcription of the histone and RP genes. CMTR1 was found to be upregulated during neural differentiation and there was an enhanced requirement for CMTR1 for gene expression and proliferation during this process. We highlight the distinct roles of the cap methyltransferases RNMT and CMTR1 in target gene expression and differentiation

    Completed cohomology of Shimura curves and a p-adic Jacquet-Langlands correspondence

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    We study indefinite quaternion algebras over totally real fields F, and give an example of a cohomological construction of p-adic Jacquet-Langlands functoriality using completed cohomology. We also study the (tame) levels of p-adic automorphic forms on these quaternion algebras and give an analogue of Mazur's `level lowering' principle.Comment: Updated version. Contains some minor corrections compared to the published versio