97 research outputs found

    The incidence of mid-infrared excesses in G and K giants

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    Using photometric data from the 2MASS and GLIMPSE catalogues, I investigate the incidence of mid-infrared excesses (~10 microns) of G and K stars of luminosity class III. In order to obtain a large sample size, stars are selected using a near-IR colour-magnitude diagram. Sources which are candidates for showing mid-IR excess are carefully examined and modelled to determined whether they are likely to be G/K giants. It is found that mid-IR excesses are present at a level of (1.8 +/- 0.4) x 10^-3. While the origin of these excesses remains uncertain, it is plausible that they arise from debris discs around these stars. I note that the measured incidence is consistent with a scenario in which dust lifetimes in debris discs are determined by Poynting-Robertson drag rather than by collisions.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 13 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables (1 landscape table

    Controller time and delay costs - a trade-off analysis

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    Air traffic controller shortages remain a significant challenge in European ATM. Comparing different rules, we quantify the cost effectiveness of adding controller hours to Area Control Centre regulations to avert the delay cost impact on airlines. Typically, adding controller hours results in a net benefit. Distributions of delay duration and aircraft weight play an important role in determining the total cost of a regulation. Errors are likely to be incurred when analysing performance based on average delay values, particularly at the disaggregate level

    Building a Holistic ATM Model for Future KPI Trade-Offs

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    We present the model developed within the Vista project, studying the future evolution of trade-offs between Key Performance Indicators. The model has a very broad scope and aims to simulate the changes that business and regulatory forces have at a strategic, pre-tactical and tactical level. The relevant factors that will affect the air transportation system are presented, as well as the scenarios to be simulated. The overall architecture of the model is described and a more detailed presentation of the economic component of the model is given. Some preliminary results of this part of the model illustrate its main mechanisms and capabilities

    Images of unclassified and supergiant B[e] stars disks with interferometry

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    B[e] stars are among the most peculiar objects in the sky. This spectral type, characterised by allowed and forbidden emission lines, and a large infrared excess, does not represent an homogenous class of objects, but instead, a mix of stellar bodies seen in all evolutionary status. Among them, one can find Herbig stars, planetary nebulae central stars, interacting binaries, supermassive stars, and even "unclassified" B[e] stars: systems sharing properties of several of the above. Interferometry, by resolving the innermost regions of these stellar systems, enables us to reveal the true nature of these peculiar stars among the peculiar B[e] stars.Comment: Proceeding submitted to the editors, to be published in the conference proceedin

    Debris Disks in NGC 2547

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    We have surveyed the 30 Myr-old cluster NGC 2547 for planetary debris disks using Spitzer. At 4.5-8 um we are sensitive to the photospheric level down to mid-M stars (0.2 Msol) and at 24 um to early-G stars (1.2 Msol). We find only two to four stars with excesses at 8 um out of ~400-500 cluster members, resulting in an excess fraction <~1 percent at this wavelength. By contrast, the excess fraction at 24 um is ~40 percent (for B-F types). Out of four late-type stars with excesses at 8 um two marginal ones are consistent with asteroid-like debris disks. Among stars with strong 8 um excesses one is possibly from a transitional disk, while another one can be a result of a catastrophic collision. Our survey demonstrates that the inner 0.1-1 AU parts of disks around solar-type stars clear out very thoroughly by 30 Myrs of age. Comparing with the much slower decay of excesses at 24 and 70 um, disks clear from the inside out, of order 10 Myr for the inner zones probed at 8 um compared with a hundred or more Myr for those probed with the two longer wavelengths.Comment: Accepted to ApJ, 29 pages, 13 figs. A Note in Proof concerning cluster's age was added in the original submission of 2007 July 19. Full Tables 1 and 2 in the electronic form together with the article with full resolution figures are available at http://www.astro.ufl.edu/~ngorlova/disksNGC2547

    Spitzer 24 micron Survey of Debris Disks in the Pleiades

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    We performed a 24 micron 2 Deg X 1 Deg survey of the Pleiades cluster, using the MIPS instrument on Spitzer. Fifty four members ranging in spectral type from B8 to K6 show 24 micron fluxes consistent with bare photospheres. All Be stars show excesses attributed to free-free emission in their gaseous envelopes. Five early-type stars and four solar-type stars show excesses indicative of debris disks. We find a debris disk fraction of 25 % for B-A members and 10 % for F-K3 ones. These fractions appear intermediate between those for younger clusters and for the older field stars. They indicate a decay with age of the frequency of the dust-production events inside the planetary zone, with similar time scales for solar-mass stars as have been found previously for A-stars.Comment: accepted to Ap