10 research outputs found

    Sex Hormones in Lymphedema

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    Lymphedema is a disorder of the lymphatic vascular system characterized by impaired lymphatic return resulting in swelling of the extremities and accumulation of undrained interstitial fluid/lymph that results in fibrosis and adipose tissue deposition in the limb. Whereas it is clearly established that primary lymphedema is sex-linked with an average ratio of one male for three females, the role of female hormones, in particular estrogens, has been poorly explored. In addition, secondary lymphedema in Western countries affects mainly women who developed the pathology after breast cancer and undergo through hormone therapy up to five years after cancer surgery. Although lymphadenectomy is identified as a trigger factor, the effect of co-morbidities associated to lymphedema remains elusive, in particular, estrogen receptor antagonists or aromatase inhibitors. In addition, the role of sex hormones and gender has been poorly investigated in the etiology of the pathology. Therefore, this review aims to recapitulate the effect of sex hormones on the physiology of the lymphatic system and to investigate whetherhormone therapy could promote a lymphatic dysfunction leading to lymphedema

    Sex Hormones in Lymphedema

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    Lymphedema is a disorder of the lymphatic vascular system characterized by impaired lymphatic return resulting in swelling of the extremities and accumulation of undrained interstitial fluid/lymph that results in fibrosis and adipose tissue deposition in the limb. Whereas it is clearly established that primary lymphedema is sex-linked with an average ratio of one male for three females, the role of female hormones, in particular estrogens, has been poorly explored. In addition, secondary lymphedema in Western countries affects mainly women who developed the pathology after breast cancer and undergo through hormone therapy up to five years after cancer surgery. Although lymphadenectomy is identified as a trigger factor, the effect of co-morbidities associated to lymphedema remains elusive, in particular, estrogen receptor antagonists or aromatase inhibitors. In addition, the role of sex hormones and gender has been poorly investigated in the etiology of the pathology. Therefore, this review aims to recapitulate the effect of sex hormones on the physiology of the lymphatic system and to investigate whetherhormone therapy could promote a lymphatic dysfunction leading to lymphedema

    Phylogenomic analysis of glycogen branching and debranching enzymatic duo

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    BACKGROUND: Branched polymers of glucose are universally used for energy storage in cells, taking the form of glycogen in animals, fungi, Bacteria, and Archaea, and of amylopectin in plants. Some enzymes involved in glycogen and amylopectin metabolism are similarly conserved in all forms of life, but some, interestingly, are not. In this paper we focus on the phylogeny of glycogen branching and debranching enzymes, respectively involved in introducing and removing of the α(1–6) bonds in glucose polymers, bonds that provide the unique branching structure to glucose polymers. RESULTS: We performed a large-scale phylogenomic analysis of branching and debranching enzymes in over 400 completely sequenced genomes, including more than 200 from eukaryotes. We show that branching and debranching enzymes can be found in all kingdoms of life, including all major groups of eukaryotes, and thus were likely to have been present in the last universal common ancestor (LUCA) but have been lost in seemingly random fashion in numerous single-celled eukaryotes. We also show how animal branching and debranching enzymes evolved from their LUCA ancestors by acquiring additional domains. Furthermore, we show that enzymes commonly perceived as orthologous, such as human branching enzyme GBE1 and E. coli branching enzyme GlgB, are in fact related by a gene duplication and consequently paralogous. CONCLUSIONS: Despite being usually associated with animal liver glycogen and plant starch, energy storage in the form of branched glucose polymers is clearly an ancient process and has probably been present in the last universal common ancestor of all present life. The evolution of the enzymes enabling this form of energy storage is more complex than previously thought and illustrates the need for explicit phylogenomic analysis in the study of even seemingly “simple” metabolic enzymes. Patterns of conservation in the evolution of the glycogen/starch branching and debranching enzymes hint at some as yet unknown mechanisms, as mutations disrupting these patterns lead to a variety of genetic diseases in humans and other mammals

    Towards precision medicine in heart failure

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