22 research outputs found

    Genotype by environment interactions and yield stability of stem borer resistant maize hybrids in Kenya

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    In a maize breeding program, potential genotypes are usually evaluated in different environments before desirable ones are selected. Genotype x environment (G x E) interaction is associated with the differential performance of genotypes tested at different locations and in different years, and influences selection and recommendation of cultivars. Twenty one stem borer resistance maize hybrids and four commercial checks were evaluated in six environments in Kenya under infestation with Chilo partellus and Busseola fusca to determine the G x E interactions and stability of the hybrids. Analysis of variance was conducted for grain yield, days to flowering and plant and ear height. Stability for grain yield was determined using genotype plus genotype by environment interaction (GGE) biplot analysis. Variances due to genotype, environment and G x E interaction effects were highly significant for all traits. The GGE biplot showed that four experimental hybrids and two commercial checks had positive PC1 score indicating above average performance across environments. However, 10 experimental hybrids and two commercial checks had negative PC1 score, suggesting poor average performance. Experimental hybrids, CKIR07004 and CKIR07013, were highly desirable in terms of grain yield (>7.5 t/ha) and stability across environments. These hybrids could be released in Kenya and similar environments.Key words: Genotype x environment (G x E) interactions, maize, stem borer resistant hybrids, stability

    Combining ability of maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines resistant to stem borers

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    Ten inbred parents with varying resistance levels to Chilo partellus and Busseola fusca were crossed in a half diallel mating scheme to generate 45 F1 hybrids. The hybrids and five commercial checks were evaluated across four locations in Kenya under artificial and natural infestation in 2009. Genotype (G) by environment (E) interaction (G x E) was non-significant for stem borer leaf damage, number of exit holes and tunnel length, suggesting that screening for stem borer resistance at one location would be adequate. On the other hand, G x E and general combining ability (GCA) x environment interactions were highly significant for gray leaf spot and turcicum leaf blight, indicating an inbred line resistance to a disease in one location may have a different reaction to the same disease in another location. The results of combining ability analysis showed that GCA effects were significant for stem borer resistance traits (leaf damage scores, number of exit holes, and tunnel length) while the opposite was true for specific combining ability (SCA) effects. Parents 5, 2, 6, 9 and 3, were good sources of genes for higher grain yield while parents 1 and 4 were good sources of resistance genes for stem borers. Hybrid 5 x 9 was the best performing hybrid in grain yield (6.53 t/ha) across the locations, while hybrid 1 x 4 was the least performing in grain yield (3.08 t/ha). The source of stem borer resistance identified in the study may be useful for improving levels of stem borer resistance in maize breeding  programs in eastern and southern Africa.Key words: Combining ability, maize, inbred lines, stem borers

    Plasma proteomic signatures of enteric permeability among hospitalized and community children in Kenya and Pakistan

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    We aimed to establish if enteric permeability was associated with similar biological processes in children recovering from hospitalization and relatively healthy children in the community. Extreme gradient boosted models predicting the lactulose-rhamnose ratio (LRR), a biomarker of enteric permeability, using 7,500 plasma proteins and 34 fecal biomarkers of enteric infection among 89 hospitalized and 60 community children aged 2–23 months were built. The R2 values were calculated in test sets. The models performed better among community children (R2: 0.27 [min-max: 0.19, 0.53]) than hospitalized children (R2: 0.07 [min-max: 0.03, 0.11]). In the community, LRR was associated with biomarkers of humoral antimicrobial and cellular lipopolysaccharide responses and inversely associated with anti-inflammatory and innate immunological responses. Among hospitalized children, the selected biomarkers had few shared functions. This suggests enteric permeability among community children was associated with a host response to pathogens, but this association was not observed among hospitalized children

    Plasma proteomic signatures associated with enteric permeability among hospitalized and community children under two years of age in Kenya and Pakistan

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    We aimed to establish if enteric permeability was associated with similar biological processes in children recovering from hospitalization and relatively healthy children in the community. Extreme gradient boosted models predicting the lactulose-rhamnose ratio (LRR), a biomarker of enteric permeability, using 7,500 plasma proteins and 34 fecal biomarkers of enteric infection among 89 hospitalized and 60 community children aged 2–23 months were built. The R2 values were calculated in test sets. The models performed better among community children (R2 : 0.27 [min-max: 0.19, 0.53]) than hospitalized children (R2 : 0.07 [min-max: 0.03, 0.11]). In the community, LRR was associated with biomarkers of humoral antimicrobial and cellular lipopolysaccharide responses and inversely associated with anti-inflammatory and innate immunological responses. Among hospitalized children, the selected biomarkers had few shared functions. This suggests enteric permeability among community children was associated with a host response to pathogens, but this association was not observed among hospitalized children

    Enteric permeability, systemic inflammation, and post-discharge growth among a cohort of hospitalized children in Kenya and Pakistan

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    Objectives: To determine whether gut permeability is associated with post-discharge growth and systemic inflammation among hospitalized children in low- and middle-income countries. Methods: Children aged 2–23 months being discharged from Civil Hospital Karachi (Pakistan) and Migori County Referral Hospital (Kenya) underwent lactulose-rhamnose ratio (LRR) permeability testing and were compared to age-matched children from their home communities. Linear mixed effect models estimated the associations between LRR among discharged children with change in length-for-age (LAZ) and weight-for-age z score (WAZ) at 45, 90, and 180 days after discharge. Linear regression tested if relationships between LRR, systemic inflammation [C-reative protein (CRP), Cluster of Differentiation 14 (CD14), Tumour Necrosis Factor Alpha (TNFα), Interleukin-6 (IL-6)], and enterocyte damage [Intestinal Fatty-Acid Binding protein (I-FABP)] differed between the hospitalized and community groups. Results: One hundred thirty-seven hospitalized and 84 community participants were included. The hospitalized group had higher log-LRR [0.43, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.15–0.71, P = 0.003] than the community children. Adjustment for weight-for-length z score at discharge attenuated this association (0.31, 95% CI: 0.00–0.62, P = 0.049). LRR was not associated with changes in WAZ or LAZ in the post-discharge period. Associations between LRR and CRP (interaction P = 0.036), TNFα (P = 0.017), CD14 (P = 0.078), and IL-6 (P = 0.243) differed between community and hospitalized groups. LRR was associated with TNFα (P = 0.004) and approached significance with CD14 (P = 0.078) and IL-6 (P = 0.062) in community children, but there was no evidence of these associations among hospitalized children. Conclusions: Although increased enteric permeability is more prevalent among children being discharged from hospital compared to children in the community, it does not appear to be an important determinant of systemic inflammation or post-discharge growth among hospitalized children

    Enteric Permeability, Systemic Inflammation, and Post-Discharge Growth among a Cohort of Hospitalized Children in Kenya and Pakistan

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    Funding Information: Sources of Funding: The CHAIN Network is supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation [OPP1131320]. For the purpose of Open Access, the authors have applied a CC-BY public copyright license to any author accepted manuscript version arising from this submission. The lactulose-rhamnose testing was funded by an Early Career Award from the Thrasher Research Foundation. The funders had no role in conduct of the study, interpretation, writing the manuscript or decision to submit. No authors were paid to write this article by any company, organization or agency. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. All rights reserved.Objectives: To determine whether gut permeability is associated with post-discharge growth and systemic inflammation among hospitalized children in low- and middle-income countries. Methods: Children aged 2-23 months being discharged from Civil Hospital Karachi (Pakistan) and Migori County Referral Hospital (Kenya) underwent lactulose-rhamnose ratio (LRR) permeability testing and were compared to age-matched children from their home communities. Linear mixed effect models estimated the associations between LRR among discharged children with change in length-for-age (LAZ) and weight-for-age z score (WAZ) at 45, 90, and 180 days after discharge. Linear regression tested if relationships between LRR, systemic inflammation [C-reative protein (CRP), Cluster of Differentiation 14 (CD14), Tumour Necrosis Factor Alpha (TNFα), Interleukin-6 (IL-6)], and enterocyte damage [Intestinal Fatty-Acid Binding protein (I-FABP)] differed between the hospitalized and community groups. Results: One hundred thirty-seven hospitalized and 84 community participants were included. The hospitalized group had higher log-LRR [0.43, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.15-0.71, P = 0.003] than the community children. Adjustment for weight-for-length z score at discharge attenuated this association (0.31, 95% CI: 0.00-0.62, P = 0.049). LRR was not associated with changes in WAZ or LAZ in the post-discharge period. Associations between LRR and CRP (interaction P = 0.036), TNFα (P = 0.017), CD14 (P = 0.078), and IL-6 (P = 0.243) differed between community and hospitalized groups. LRR was associated with TNFα (P = 0.004) and approached significance with CD14 (P = 0.078) and IL-6 (P = 0.062) in community children, but there was no evidence of these associations among hospitalized children. Conclusions: Although increased enteric permeability is more prevalent among children being discharged from hospital compared to children in the community, it does not appear to be an important determinant of systemic inflammation or post-discharge growth among hospitalized children.Peer reviewe

    Effects of GnRH vaccination in wild and captive African Elephant bulls (Loxodonta africana) on reproductive organs and semen quality

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    OBJECTIVES: Although the African elephant (Loxodonta africana) is classified as endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), in some isolated habitats in southern Africa, contraception is of major interest due to local overpopulation. GnRH vaccination has been promoted as a non-invasive contraceptive measure for population management of overabundant wildlife. We tested the efficacy of this treatment for fertility control in elephant bulls. METHODS: In total, 17 male African elephants that were treated with a GnRH vaccine were examined in two groups. In the prospective study group 1 (n = 11 bulls, ages: 8±36 years), semen quality, the testes, seminal vesicles, ampullae and prostate, which were all measured by means of transrectal ultrasound, and faecal androgen metabolite concentrations were monitored over a three-year period. Each bull in the prospective study received 5 ml of ImprovacÂź (1000 ÎŒg GnRH conjugate) intramuscularly after the first examination, followed by a booster six weeks later and thereafter every 5±7 months. In a retrospective study group (group 2, n = 6, ages: 19±33 years), one examination was performed on bulls which had been treated with GnRH vaccine for 5±11 years. RESULTS: In all bulls of group 1, testicular and accessory sex gland sizes decreased significantly after the third vaccination. In six males examined prior to vaccination and again after more than five vaccinations, the testis size was reduced by 57.5%. Mean testicular height and length decreased from 13.3 ± 2.6 cm x 15.2 ± 2.8 cm at the beginning to 7.6 ± 2.1 cm x 10.2 ± 1.8 cm at the end of the study. Post pubertal bulls (>9 years, n = 6) examined prior to vaccination produced ejaculates with viable spermatozoa (volume: 8±175 ml, sperm concentration: 410-4000x106/ml, total motility: 0±90%), while after 5±8 injections, only 50% of these bulls produced ejaculates with a small number of immotile spermatozoa. The ejaculates of group 2 bulls (vaccinated >8 times) were devoid of spermatozoa. Faecal androgen metabolite concentrations measured in captive males decreased significantly after the fourth vaccination. None of the males entered musth during the treatment period. CONCLUSIONS: Our results showed a marked decrease in semen quality, testicle and secondary sex gland sizes following repeated GnRH vaccinations. After 2±4 years of continuous treatment every 5±7 months, the effects were similar to surgical castration.ISIScopu

    Physiological Stress and Refuge Behavior by African Elephants

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    Physiological stress responses allow individuals to adapt to changes in their status or surroundings, but chronic exposure to stressors could have detrimental effects. Increased stress hormone secretion leads to short-term escape behavior; however, no studies have assessed the potential of longer-term escape behavior, when individuals are in a chronic physiological state. Such refuge behavior is likely to take two forms, where an individual or population restricts its space use patterns spatially (spatial refuge hypothesis), or alters its use of space temporally (temporal refuge hypothesis). We tested the spatial and temporal refuge hypotheses by comparing space use patterns among three African elephant populations maintaining different fecal glucocorticoid metabolite (FGM) concentrations. In support of the spatial refuge hypothesis, the elephant population that maintained elevated FGM concentrations (iSimangaliso) used 20% less of its reserve than did an elephant population with lower FGM concentrations (Pilanesberg) in a reserve of similar size, and 43% less than elephants in the smaller Phinda reserve. We found mixed support for the temporal refuge hypothesis; home range sizes in the iSimangaliso population did not differ by day compared to nighttime, but elephants used areas within their home ranges differently between day and night. Elephants in all three reserves generally selected forest and woodland habitats over grasslands, but elephants in iSimangaliso selected exotic forest plantations over native habitat types. Our findings suggest that chronic stress is associated with restricted space use and altered habitat preferences that resemble a facultative refuge behavioral response. Elephants can maintain elevated FGM levels for ≄6 years following translocation, during which they exhibit refuge behavior that is likely a result of human disturbance and habitat conditions. Wildlife managers planning to translocate animals, or to initiate other management activities that could result in chronic stress responses, should consider the potential for, and consequences of, refuge behavior

    Development and Characterization of Anti-Naja ashei Three-Finger Toxins (3FTxs)-Specific Monoclonal Antibodies and Evaluation of Their In Vitro Inhibition Activity

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    Antivenom immunotherapy is the mainstay of treatment for snakebite envenoming. Most parts of the world affected by snakebite envenoming depend on broad-spectrum polyspecific antivenoms that are known to contain a low content of case-specific efficacious immunoglobulins. Thus, advances in toxin-specific antibodies production hold much promise in future therapeutic strategies of snakebite envenoming. We report anti-3FTxs monoclonal antibodies developed against N. ashei venom in mice. All the three test mAbs (P4G6a, P6D9a, and P6D9b) were found to be IgG antibodies, isotyped as IgG1. SDS-PAGE analysis of the test mAbs showed two major bands at approximately 55 and 29 kDa, suggestive of immunoglobulin heavy and light chain composition, respectively. The immunoaffinity-purified test mAbs demonstrated higher binding efficacy to the target antigen compared to negative control. Similarly, a cocktail of the test mAbs was found to induce a significantly higher inhibition (p-value < 0.0001) compared to two leading commercial brands of antivenoms on the Kenyan market, implying a higher specificity for the target antigen. Both the test mAbs and 3FTxs polyclonal antibodies induced comparable inhibition (p-value = 0.9029). The inhibition induced by the 3FTxs polyclonal antibodies was significantly different from the two antivenoms (p-value < 0.0001). Our results demonstrate the prospects of developing toxin-specific monoclonal-based antivenoms for snakebite immunotherapy

    Dynamics and constraints of early infant diagnosis of HIV infection in rural Kenya

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    A cohort design was used to determine uptake and drop out of 213 HIV-exposed infants eligible for Early Infant Diagnosis (EID) of HIV. To explore service providers and care givers knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of the EID process, observations and in-depth interviews were conducted. 145 (68%) infants enrolled after 2 months of age. 139 (65%) dropped out before follow up to 18 months old. 60 (43%) drop outs occurred within 2 months of enrolment. Maternal factors associated with infant drop out were maternal loss to follow up (48 [68%] vs. 8 [20%], P\0.001) and younger maternal age (27.2 vs. 30.1 years, P = 0.033). Service providers and caregivers had inadequate training, knowledge and understanding of EID. Poverty and lack of social support were challenges in accessing EID services. EID should be more closely aligned within PMTCT services, integrated with routine mother and child health (MCH) activities and its implementation more closely monitored. © 2011. The Author (s)