659 research outputs found

    Microstructure of co-evaporated CoCr films with perpendicular anisotropy

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    Coevaporation of Co and Cr is applied to achieve good magnetic characteristics of media deposited at low temperature. The opposed oblique incidence vapor flux induces a columnar alignment parallel to the evaporation plane. Further, a process-induced segregation is present which introduces separated Co-rich and Cr-rich regions. A selective etching process is carried out to find proof of this. With increasing process temperature, nonelongated columns develop. The columnar axes are inclined towards the Co source at a smaller angle than the angle of incidence. The texture axes are also inclined, as are the anisotropy axes. The process-induced segregation results in an enhanced coercivity and saturation magnetization. A small in-plane anisotropy coincides with the direction of columnar alignment. At a higher process temperature, the column, texture, and anisotropy axis tilting decrease

    Determinants of Quality of Life and Treatment Satisfaction During Long-Term Involuntary In-patient Treatment of Dual-Diagnosis Patients

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    INTRODUCTION: Treatment resistance and disengagement from mental health services are major obstacles in the treatment of dual diagnosis patients with Severe Mental Illness. The patients in this study were admitted to a long-term involuntary treatment facility. AIM OF THE STUDY: To study which patient experiences and perceptions are related to the outcome measures Subjective Quality of Life (SQOL) and Treatment Satisfaction (TS) during the long-term involuntary treatment. METHODS: Patients were invited for an interview by an independent researcher, which included self-report questionnaires. The structured interviews included self-assessing Helping Alliance, Insight, Attitude toward involuntary admission, Perceived coercion and Perceived benefit were studied as determinants of SQOL and TS. The relationship between the determinants and the outcomes were analyzed by linear regression analysis. RESULTS: Patient reported outcomes from dual diagnosis patients in a long-term treatment facility, showed that most of the patients, in spite of the involuntary character of the treatment, were satisfied with the treatment. With respect to the determinants of SQOL and TS the perceptions that “My opinion is taken into account” and “Perceived benefits of the treatment” are strong predictors of both the outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: The current study shows that the most important aspects for treatment satisfaction and quality of life of dual-diagnosis patients admitted involuntary to long-term treatment, are being listened to (being taken seriously) and experiencing improvements during treatment. These qualities reflect the goals of Shared Decision Making and Perceived Procedural Justice in treatment. The study also corroborates earlier findings that even when treated involuntarily, patients might not hold particular negative views regarding their treatment

    Vortex dynamics in layered superconductors with correlated defects: influence of interlayer coupling

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    We report a detailed study of the vortex dynamics and vortex phase diagrams of two amorphous Ta_0.3Ge_0.7/Ge multilayered films with intrinsic coplanar defects, but different interlayer coupling. A pinned Bose-glass phase in the more weakly coupled sample exists only below a cross-over field H* in striking contrast to the strongly coupled film. Above H* the flux lines are thought to break up into pancake vortices and the cross-over field is significantly increased when the field is aligned along the extended defects. The two films show different vortex creep excitations in the Bose-glass phase.Comment: zip file: 1 RevTex, 5 figures (png

    Baseline Functioning and Stress Reactivity in Maltreating Parents and At-Risk Adults: Review and Meta-Analyses of Autonomic Nervous System Studies.

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    We reviewed and meta-analyzed 10 studies ( N = 492) that examined the association between (risk for) child maltreatment perpetration and basal autonomic activity, and 10 studies ( N = 471) that examined the association between (risk for) child maltreatment and autonomic stress reactivity. We hypothesized that maltreating parents/at-risk adults would show higher basal levels of heart rate (HR) and skin conductance (SC) and lower levels of HR variability (HRV) and would show greater HR and SC stress reactivity, but blunted HRV reactivity. A narrative review showed that evidence from significance testing within and across studies was mixed. The first set of meta-analyses revealed that (risk for) child maltreatment was associated with higher HR baseline activity ( g = 0.24), a possible indication of allostatic load. The second set of meta-analyses yielded no differences in autonomic stress reactivity between maltreating/at-risk participants and nonmaltreating/low-risk comparison groups. Cumulative meta-analyses showed that positive effects for sympathetic stress reactivity as a risk factor for child maltreatment were found in a few early studies, whereas each subsequently aggregated study reduced the combined effect size to a null effect, an indication of the winner's curse. Most studies were underpowered. Future directions for research are suggested.The study was supported by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (LRAA: VIDI grant; MHvIJ: NWO SPINOZA prize; MJBK: VICI grant), and the Wellcome Trust (WT103343MA).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from SAGE Publications via http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1077559516659937

    A swollen phase observed between the liquid-crystalline phase and the interdigitated phase induced by pressure and/or adding ethanol in DPPC aqueous solution

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    A swollen phase, in which the mean repeat distance of lipid bilayers is larger than the other phases, is found between the liquid-crystalline phase and the interdigitated gel phase in DPPC aqueous solution. Temperature, pressure and ethanol concentration dependences of the structure were investigated by small-angle neutron scattering, and a bending rigidity of lipid bilayers was by neutron spin echo. The nature of the swollen phase is similar to the anomalous swelling reported previously. However, the temperature dependence of the mean repeat distance and the bending rigidity of lipid bilayers are different. This phase could be a precursor to the interdigitated gel phase induced by pressure and/or adding ethanol.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Should health care professionals encourage living kidney donation?

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    Living kidney donation provides a promising opportunity in situations where the scarcity of cadaveric kidneys is widely acknowledged. While many patients and their relatives are willing to accept its benefits, others are concerned about living kidney programs; they appear to feel pressured into accepting living kidney transplantations as the only proper option for them. As we studied the attitudes and views of patients and their relatives, we considered just how actively health care professionals should encourage living donation. We argue that active interference in peoples’ personal lives is justified - if not obligatory. First, we address the ambiguous ideals of non-directivity and value neutrality in counselling. We describe the main pitfalls implied in these concepts, and conclude that these concepts cannot account for the complex reality of living donation and transplantation. We depict what is required instead as truthful information and context-relative counselling. We then consider professional interference into personal belief systems. We argue that individual convictions are not necessarily strong, stable, or deep. They may be flawed in many ways. In order to justify interference in peoples’ personal lives, it is crucial to understand the structure of these convictions. Evidence suggests that both patients and their relatives have attitudes towards living kidney donation that are often open to change and, accordingly, can be influenced. We show how ethical theories can account for this reality and can help us to discern between justified and unjustified interference. We refer to Stephen Toulmin’s model of the structure of logical argument, the Rawlsian model of reflective equilibrium, and Thomas Nagel’s representation of the particularistic position

    Microstructure of coevaporated CoCr films with perpendicular anisotropy

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    Закономерности распределения аномальных концентраций гелия в палеозойских отложениях Донбасса

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    Підвищені концентрації гелію у вільних і розчинених газах у вугільно-породному масиві Донбасу приурочені до зон зчленування Донбасу з Приазовським і Воронезьким кристалічними масивами і Головної антикліналі. Диз'юнктивні тектонічні порушення глибокого закладення служили, ймовірно, шляхами транзиту гелію від кристалічних порід фундаменту в палеозойські відклади Донбасу, і підвищений вміст гелію може служити індикатором шляхів транзиту газів з глибоких горизонтів Донецького вугільного басейну.Elevated concentrations of helium in free and dissolved gases in coal-rock mass of the Donets Coal Basin are confined to the junction zones of the Donets Coal Basin with the Priazovie and Voronezh crystalline core-areas and Glavnaya (Principal) Anticline. Deep-laid disjunctive dislocations were probably the ways for transit of helium from crystalline basement rocks into Paleozoic deposits of the Basin. Elevated concentrations of helium can also serve as indicators of the ways for transit of gases from deep levels of the Donets Coal Basin