671 research outputs found

    Einfluß unterschiedlicher Anbauarten – mineralisch, organisch, biologisch-dynamisch – auf Kartoffeln: Inhaltsstoffe, Sensorik, Festigkeitskennwerte und bildschaffende Methoden

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    Grundsätzlich sprachen die Kartoffeln der Sorte ´Granola´ sehr schwach auf die eingesetzten Versuchsfaktoren an, sodaß die Unterschiede selten statistisch abgesichert werden konnten. Bei denjenigen Inhaltsstoffen, die deutlicher auf den Anbaufaktor Düngermenge ansprachen, reagierten die Knollen der mineralisch gedüngten Varianten eindeutig stärker (Abnahme der Trockenmasse, der Saccharose-, Stärke- und Clorid-Gehalte, Zunahme der Glukose-, Fruktose-, Fluorid- und Asche-Gehalte) als die Vergleichsvarianten. Ein Grund hierfür könnte die schnellere Verfügbarkeit des mineralischen Düngers gewesen sein. Die biologisch-dynamisch gedüngten Knollen zeigten nur bei drei Parametern dieselbe Reaktion auf die Intensivierung der Düngung wie die organisch gedüngten auf (Zunahme der Chlorid- und Asche-Gehalte, gleichbleibende Fluorid-Gehalte). Bei vier Merkmalen reagierten die biologisch-dynamischen Knollen überhaupt nicht oder sehr gering, wogegen die organisch gedüngten Kartoffeln eine Abnahme im Trockenmasse- und Saccharosegehalt bzw. keine gerichteten Tendenzen in den Glukose- und Fruktosegehalten aufwiesen. Die Festigkeitskennwerte der mineralisch gedüngten Kartoffeln wurde, im Vergleich zu den beiden anderen Varianten, schwächer bewertet. Die sensorischen Untersuchungen ergaben keine Bevorzugung einzelner Varianten, jedoch, besonders bei der minera-lischen Variante, eine tendenzielle Abnahme der sensorischen Qualität mit zunehmender Düngung. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen zur „Vitalqualität“ mit Hilfe bildschaf-fender Methoden bestätigte die prinzipielle Eignung dieser Methode für ergänzende Qualitätsuntersuchungen. Eine abschließende Beurteilung der Qualität der unterschiedlichen Anbauvarianten wird erst in Verbindung der bisherigen Daten mit noch zur Analyse anstehenden Parametern (Nitrat, Aminosäuren, Ascorbinsäure, Kalium) möglich sein. Des weiteren wird in laufenden Sortenversuchen geprüft, ob andere Sorten stärker auf die verschiedenen Versuchsfaktoren reagieren

    A Copperhead

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    The Civil War-era carte de visite features a caricature depicting William B. Reed as a Copperhead. Reed, a politician and lawyer from Pennsylvania, held pro-Confederacy views which were in conflict with many of his political peers. In the cartoon, Reed\u27s head has been mounted to the body of a snake.https://scholarsjunction.msstate.edu/fvw-cdv/1574/thumbnail.jp

    Strongly lensed SNe Ia in the era of LSST: observing cadence for lens discoveries and time-delay measurements

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    The upcoming Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) will detect many strongly lensed Type Ia supernovae (LSNe Ia) for time-delay cosmography. This will provide an independent and direct way for measuring the Hubble constant H0H_0, which is necessary to address the current 4.4σ4.4 \sigma tension in H0H_0 between the local distance ladder and the early Universe measurements. We present a detailed analysis of different observing strategies for the LSST, and quantify their impact on time-delay measurement between multiple images of LSNe Ia. For this, we produced microlensed mock-LSST light curves for which we estimated the time delay between different images. We find that using only LSST data for time-delay cosmography is not ideal. Instead, we advocate using LSST as a discovery machine for LSNe Ia, enabling time delay measurements from follow-up observations from other instruments in order to increase the number of systems by a factor of 2 to 16 depending on the observing strategy. Furthermore, we find that LSST observing strategies, which provide a good sampling frequency (the mean inter-night gap is around two days) and high cumulative season length (ten seasons with a season length of around 170 days per season), are favored. Rolling cadences subdivide the survey and focus on different parts in different years; these observing strategies trade the number of seasons for better sampling frequency. In our investigation, this leads to half the number of systems in comparison to the best observing strategy. Therefore rolling cadences are disfavored because the gain from the increased sampling frequency cannot compensate for the shortened cumulative season length. We anticipate that the sample of lensed SNe Ia from our preferred LSST cadence strategies with rapid follow-up observations would yield an independent percent-level constraint on H0H_0.Comment: 25 pages, 22 figures; accepted for publication in A&

    Quality Comparison of Mineral, Organic and Biodynamic Cultivation of Potatoes: Contents, Strength Criteria, Sensory Investigations and Picture-Creating Methods

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    Nutritional quality of food can be characterized by the content of beneficial and harmful substances. For today’s consumers the most important criteria for buying potatoes are taste, quality and shelf-life. Biodynamic preparations are used by about 20% of all organic farms in Germany. These preparations do not primarily serve to increase the yield but are said to support the production of high quality food, having balanced nutrient contents and improved shelf-life characteristics. Since 1993 investigations have been carried out to evaluate the effect of mineral fertilization and organic manuring at varied intensities, combined with application of biodynamic preparations, on some of these parameters. The potatoes of the variety ´Granola´ responded rather slightly to the factors of the trial, hence statistical differences could be confirmed only in few cases. Tubers deriving from the mineral fertilized plots showed the strongest response to elevated fertilization (decrease in dry matter, sucrose, chloride content and density, and an increase in glucose, fructose, fluoride and ash content). Only in three parameters tubers from the biodynamic plots responded in the same way as the organic ones to elevated fertilization (increase in the chloride and ash contents, stagnating fluoride contents). In four parameters, no or only a weak response of the biodynamic tubers has been found, whereas organic potatoes showed decreasing dry matter and sucrose contents, but no distinctive tendency in the parameters glucose and fructose. The parameter strength criteria has been assessed as the weakest in mineral fertilized potatoes. The sensory investigations did not allow to differentiate between the three cropping systems but there was a tendency of worsening sensoric quality at increased fertilization, particularly in the tubers of the mineral plots. The results of the determination of vital quality following picture-creating methods confirmed the applicability of this assay for additional quality determinations. A final assessment of the quality according to the different cropping systems cannot be made at this point of time. Therefore, further parameters (nitrate, potassium, amino acids, ascorbic acid) will be analyzed which might allow a final assessment in combination with the present data. Furthermore, current trials might reveal if other varieties respond stronger to the relevant factors

    Prospect of Studying Hard X- and Gamma-Rays from Type Ia Supernovae

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    We perform multi-dimensional, time-dependent radiation transfer simulations for hard X-ray and gamma-ray emissions, following radioactive decays of 56Ni and 56Co, for two-dimensional delayed detonation models of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia). The synthetic spectra and light curves are compared with the sensitivities of current and future observatories for an exposure time of 10^6 seconds. The non-detection of the gamma-ray signal from SN 2011fe at 6.4 Mpc by SPI on board INTEGRAL places an upper limit for the mass of 56Ni of \lesssim 1.0 Msun, independently from observations in any other wavelengths. Signals from the newly formed radioactive species have not been convincingly measured yet from any SN Ia, but the future X-ray and gamma-ray missions are expected to deepen the observable horizon to provide the high energy emission data for a significant SN Ia sample. We predict that the hard X-ray detectors on board NuStar (launched in 2012) or ASTRO-H (scheduled for launch in 2014) will reach to SNe Ia at \sim15 Mpc, i.e., one SN every few years. Furthermore, according to the present results, the soft gamma-ray detector on board ASTRO-H will be able to detect the 158 keV line emission up to \sim25 Mpc, i.e., a few SNe Ia per year. Proposed next generation gamma-ray missions, e.g., GRIPS, could reach to SNe Ia at \sim20 - 35 Mpc by MeV observations. Those would provide new diagnostics and strong constraints on explosion models, detecting rather directly the main energy source of supernova light.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in Ap

    Sub-luminous type Ia supernovae from the mergers of equal-mass white dwarfs with M~0.9 M_sun

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    Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) are thought to result from thermonuclear explosions of carbon-oxygen white dwarf stars. Existing models generally explain the observed properties, with the exception of the sub-luminous 1991-bg-like supernovae. It has long been suspected that the merger of two white dwarfs could give rise to a type Ia event, but hitherto simulations have failed to produce an explosion. Here we report a simulation of the merger of two equal-mass white dwarfs that leads to an underluminous explosion, though at the expense of requiring a single common-envelope phase, and component masses of ~0.9 M_sun. The light curve is too broad, but the synthesized spectra, red colour and low expansion velocities are all close to what is observed for sub-luminous 1991bg-like events. While mass ratios can be slightly less than one and still produce an underluminous event, the masses have to be in the range 0.83-0.9 M_sun.Comment: Accepted to Natur

    Development of Improved Semi-Automated Processing Algorithms for the Creation of Rockfall Databases

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    While terrestrial laser scanning and photogrammetry provide high quality point cloud data that can be used for rock slope monitoring, their increased use has overwhelmed current data analysis methodologies. Accordingly, point cloud processing workflows have previously been developed to automate many processes, including point cloud alignment, generation of change maps and clustering. However, for more specialized rock slope analyses (e.g., generating a rockfall database), the creation of more specialized processing routines and algorithms is necessary. More specialized algorithms include the reconstruction of rockfall volumes from clusters and points and automatic classification of those volumes are both processing steps required to automate the generation of a rockfall database. We propose a workflow that can automate all steps of the point cloud processing workflow. In this study, we detail adaptions to commonly used algorithms for rockfall monitoring use cases, such as Multiscale Model to Model Cloud Comparison (M3C2). This workflow details the entire processing pipeline for rockfall database generation using terrestrial laser scanning

    The Earliest Near-infrared Time-series Spectroscopy of a Type Ia Supernova

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    We present ten medium-resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio near-infrared (NIR) spectra of SN 2011fe from SpeX on the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) and Gemini Near-Infrared Spectrograph (GNIRS) on Gemini North, obtained as part of the Carnegie Supernova Project. This data set constitutes the earliest time-series NIR spectroscopy of a Type Ia supernova (SN Ia), with the first spectrum obtained at 2.58 days past the explosion and covering -14.6 to +17.3 days relative to B-band maximum. C I {\lambda}1.0693 {\mu}m is detected in SN 2011fe with increasing strength up to maximum light. The delay in the onset of the NIR C I line demonstrates its potential to be an effective tracer of unprocessed material. For the first time in a SN Ia, the early rapid decline of the Mg II {\lambda}1.0927 {\mu}m velocity was observed, and the subsequent velocity is remarkably constant. The Mg II velocity during this constant phase locates the inner edge of carbon burning and probes the conditions under which the transition from deflagration to detonation occurs. We show that the Mg II velocity does not correlate with the optical light-curve decline rate {\Delta}m15. The prominent break at ~1.5 {\mu}m is the main source of concern for NIR k-correction calculations. We demonstrate here that the feature has a uniform time evolution among SNe Ia, with the flux ratio across the break strongly correlated with {\Delta}m15. The predictability of the strength and the onset of this feature suggests that the associated k-correction uncertainties can be minimized with improved spectral templates.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Theory of "ferrisuperconductivity" in U1−xThxBe13U_{1-x}Th_xBe_{13}

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    We construct a two component Ginzburg-Landau theory with coherent pair motion and incoherent quasiparticles for the phase diagram of U1−xThxBe13U_{1-x}Th_xBe_{13}. The two staggered superconducting states live at the Brillouin zone center and the zone boundary, and coexist for temperatures T≤Tc2T\le T_{c2} at concentrations xc1≈0.02≤x≤xc2≈0.04x_{c1}\approx 0.02\le x \le x_{c2}\approx 0.04. We predict below Tc2T_{c2} appearance of a charge density wave (CDW) and Be-sublattice distortion. The distortion explains the μ\muSR relaxation anomaly, and Th-impurity mediated scattering of ultrasound to CDW fluctuations explains the attenuation peak.Comment: 4 pages, 4 eps figures, REVTe
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